Chapter 112 The Woman Without Bottom Lines

"You don't promise me not to go."

Li Tao lazily leaned against the door frame and took a good look at Xiangxue. The soft flesh that her pajamas couldn't cover also had a special charm.

Xiangxue wrinkled her small nose, inserted her small hand into Li Tao's back against the door frame, and hooked him into her arms forcefully.

"Dirty, you lean on everything." Patting Li Tao's dusty back lightly, she grumbled.

Li Tao's eyes gradually softened.

"Just go have a meal with her and clear up the misunderstanding, okay, Teacher Xue'er?" Li Tao asked, rubbing Xiangxue's buttocks.

"Don't act like a baby to me, what Xianglian did to me, I can't forgive her in my life, if you really care about me, you shouldn't force me."

Xiangxue was still a little choked up while talking, she put her small head on Li Tao's chest in aggrieved way, "You are so afraid that she will trip you up, should I kneel down and beg her?"

"Oh~ I didn't mean it like that, please don't cry." Li Tao rubbed her sobbing little head, a little at a loss.

Xiang Lian is nothing more than the counselor of their college. As the dean, Chen Zhongzang, Li Tao is not just ordering around casually. His original intention is to help the two sisters repair their relationship.

A person like him who has only been accompanied by Aunt Liu for a long time feels the value of cherishing family affection, but he underestimated the conflict between the two sisters.

And the current situation is not suitable for him to delve into it.

"You don't care about me at all, woo~"

Xiangxue's small pink fists swung wildly, hitting the soft flesh on both sides of Li Tao's waist.

"Why don't you care?"


Xiangxue had also figured out Li Tao's temperament, once she had a reason to be wronged, all she had to do was cry, and she would be invincible.

"Go to my house to do laundry? I won't mention any conditions."

"Woo~" Xiangxue, who was concentrating on squeezing her tears, didn't give him much surprise reaction.

Li Tao had no choice but to grit his teeth and said, "Then it's okay for me to wait for you to take a bath."

"Woo—cough~ how do you serve me?" Xiangxue held Li Tao's wrist and wiped the water from the corners of her eyes.

Li Tao sighed: "How cool are you, how can I serve you."

Xiangxue suppressed the urge to raise the corners of her mouth, and pretended to say reluctantly, "My legs are so weak that I can't even walk."

She slept all morning, Li Tao shook his head helplessly and said, "I'll carry you."

"I want to ride!"


In the end, Li Tao compromised.

"Bend down and don't touch your head."


After entering the room, Li Tao rushed directly into the bathroom. Although he knew that Aunt Liu was not there, he still didn't have the guts to commit such rampant crimes in the room.

When Li Tao's neck slipped into the bathtub, Xiangxue's little face was flushed with excitement, she shook her little head and looked excitedly and curiously at Li Tao's bathroom.

This is where Yoo In Na takes a bath!

When Li Tao stood outside and was struggling with how to help her take a bath, Xiangxue suddenly grabbed his cuff, suppressed her excitement and said something in a very low voice that made Li Tao's face black.

"What should I do, I feel like I'm stealing|love~"

Li Tao: "..."

Li Tao: "You are really perverted."

Xiangxue leaned close to his ear and murmured angrily, "There are even more perverted ones... I'm taking on the identity of your teacher now."

Li Tao covered his face with his hands. To a certain extent, Xiangxue was the most perverted woman around him, bar none.

Aunt Liu had cultivated possessiveness, Li Manzi was a purely stupid emotional idiot, and the one with the most twisted mind was Xiangxue who claimed to have been naked since Li Tao saw her body.

"Take it easy, perverts have a bottom line."

"Okay, okay, I'm a pervert, I have no bottom line, I have a showdown, but don't you just like this kind of stuffy-sexy thing?"

Slapping Xiangxue's big white leg, Li Tao stared at her in shame and indignation without saying a word.

"Then how are you going to serve me in the shower?"

Seeing that Li Tao didn't speak, Xiangxue said to herself: "Don't say anything else, just apply the shower gel for me, is the bottom line?"

"Only paint the back!"

Xiangxue curled her lips, now he can pretend to be a gentleman.

"I'm undressed, you turn on the water in the bathtub."

Hearing this, Li Tao immediately closed his eyes and groped in the bathtub with both hands outstretched like a zombie.

He closed it tightly, for fear of disturbing his mind by seeing it.


About half an hour passed.


Li Tao struggled to get out of the bathtub, and he was lying on the tiled floor in a wet state, panting heavily.

On the water surface of the bathtub, there are two crumpled red fabrics with broken ties~
Li Tao simply knelt on the tiles and kowtowed, he had no face to think about the absurd things he did just now.

Xiangxue struggled to sit up, and accompanied by her "giggle" coquettish smile, the branches of the flowers slapped wave after wave, splashing all over Li Tao's face.

She pinched Li Tao's cheeks, the love in her beautiful eyes was stronger than ever before.

At least she was sure that Li Tao really loved her.

The eyes of the two met, and they fell into an unknown soul communication.

After a while, Li Tao's expression suddenly became serious, and he said in a heavy tone:

"It's almost time to take a bath. There is something I should tell you."

Xiangxueliu frowned, and stared at Li Tao curiously, wondering if there was something worth interrupting the moment of deep affection between the two of them.

"Why are you so serious all of a sudden? I haven't finished my class for you. It's okay. After the class is over, don't stare at me."

Xiangxue realized that Li Tao really had something important to say, so she didn't delay him.

Li Tao looked at the water, his eyes lost in thought: "Do you still remember the time you drove me to take the driver's license test? In fact, at that time, I noticed a very inconspicuous red spot on your collarbone."

After Li Tao finished speaking, she was silent for a while before saying in a complicated tone:

"If I was poisoned by the "Flower Valley" you mentioned, would you kill me for Mr. Li?"

Li Tao twitched his eyelashes and explained: "The poison of 'Huagu' is more like a Gu insect, and the poison is only controlled by the poisoner to modify the memory."

Before Li Tao finished speaking, Xiangxue interrupted: "I mean, if I was controlled by someone who poisoned me with the purpose of harming President Li, would you kill me?"

Li Tao pursed his lips, his humble eyes filled with helplessness, women are creatures who like to play tricks and make themselves uncomfortable.

"Of course not."

"Then why didn't you tell me earlier? Isn't your concern that I will be controlled? What would happen to you if I planted the second poison?"

"answer me!"

Maybe it's because in the bath just now, she completely dedicated her body to Li Tao's lips without reservation, and now this problem makes her unable to be insensitive.

The broken teardrops slid down from the corners of Xiangxue's eyes, and her heart broke when she saw Li Tao who said nothing.

However, the next moment, the man's hand suddenly plunged into the water.

Holding the soft flesh under Xiangxue's armpit, Li Tao lifted Xiangxue's upper body out of the water, and said in a cold voice with no expression on his face:

"Then I will do whatever it takes to kill the original you."

Xiangxue was in a trance for a moment, she probably didn't understand, but after a moment of emptiness, her pupils slowly focused.

He loves her now.

Ecstasy filled the woman's eyes like water.

"love you!!!"

Xiangxue jumped out of the bath like crazy, her slippery body pressed heavily on Li Tao's body, under Li Tao's bewildered eyes, Xiangxue kissed him violently with tears in her eyes.

"It's almost done after you finish dripping this bottle of antibiotics." Sitting by the bathtub, Li Tao said with a tired face.

"I feel a little pain. Kiss me~"

Li Tao's pupils shrank, and his breathing became heavier in an instant.

Xiangxue was a little worried, she pressed her little hand to Li Tao's chest: "It's nothing, I've always had this reaction from injections since I was a child."

Li Tao opened his mouth, but no words came out. At that moment, he returned to the rescue room.

The voices of Qiu Shuyu and Xiangxue overlapped in his mind, and he was in a mess unconsciously.

Xiangxue held Li Tao's wrist tightly, "Tell me what's on your mind?"

"I'll go get you some wine, use the wine to boost the effect of the medicine, and absorb it faster."

Li Tao avoided this question, and walked towards the kitchen with a forced gentle smile.

Xiangxue lay in the bath and stared blankly at his leaving back. Suddenly, she retched soundlessly, her swollen eyeballs seemed to be scratched by a cat's paws, and there were bulging capillaries vertically and horizontally in the grooves.

She was trembling all over, but her beautiful face couldn't help but her mouth was crooked and her eyes were squinting at this moment. She picked up the water in the bath, buried her face in it, and cried in a trembling voice: "How long can I stay with you?"

Liu Renna doesn't drink, but she has some wine in stock, which is strong medicinal wine for Li Tao.

The alcohol content of the red wine was too low, so Li Tao finally chose medicinal wine.

"Take a sip." Li Tao handed the wine to Xiangxue, and took a sip himself, the taste was not bad.

"I have wine in my room, and Liu Renna is about to leave work, so I'll go first."

Only then did Li Tao remember that last time Xiangxue had accurately calculated the time when Liu Renna would return home, and had killed Li Tao who was giving Li Manzi psychotherapy.

"Then hurry up and put on your clothes."

"What are you wearing? You tore up the underwear on your upper and lower body, and your pajamas are all stuck to the floor. It's so dirty."

Li Tao felt a little embarrassed looking at the two small items floating on the water surface of the bathtub.

"Give me the room card, I'll go to your house and get it for you."

"I want to wear Yoo In Na's."

Li Tao rubbed his ears to make sure he heard correctly, and begged a little: "Grandma, teacher, please be considerate of me, don't keep thinking about doing extreme sports when you have nothing to do? It will kill you!"

"Aren't you going to take it? Then I'll just walk back naked. The corridor is monitored. If you think it doesn't matter if I'm seen by those security guards, then don't take it."

"Scent - Snow -"

Li Tao gritted his teeth: "You are really perverted and shameless."

Li Tao took a deep breath: "I'll pick one for you."

"I pick it myself."

"Don't get too far!"

Xiangxue pursed her lips, lay sprawled in the bathtub and did not continue to challenge Li Tao's bottom line.

Looking at Li Tao's back, Xiangxue suddenly shouted: "Stinky boy, don't keep accommodating women, learn to be stubborn to grow up."

"Where do you have the face to say that?" Li Tao sneered without looking back, and walked up the stairs to Aunt Liu's bedroom on the second floor to pick out clothes for her.

 Sorry, I have to go back to my hometown next Monday, and I won’t be able to return until two weeks later. There is a high probability that the manuscript will only be enough for one chapter a day, three to four thousand words

(End of this chapter)

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