Chapter 113

After sending Xiangxue home, Li Tao originally wanted to take Aunt Liu's clothes back, but Xiangxue held up her mobile phone to record the video, as if she was about to be invaded by a beast.

When she touched the clothes, she screamed heart-piercingly. In desperation, Li Tao returned empty-handed. Although she couldn't get the clothes back, Aunt Liu might not be able to notice so many of them.

But the bathroom was different. There were water stains all over the floor, the bathtub and women's underwear. It took Li Tao a lot of effort to erase the traces of the absurdity of the two before.

Looking at the medicinal wine placed next to the shampoo, Li Tao's eyes flickered a few times, and with a sigh, he leaned against the bathtub and sat on the floor tiredly.

The more things he experiences, the more Li Tao can understand the insignificance and fragility of life, the humbleness and rarity of fairness.

For a woman like Qiu Shuyu, her parents died, and her younger brother forced her to be a mistress to pay off debts. Isn’t that miserable enough? She lived longer with so many sins.

The reality is cold and the results are brutal.

The high-strength medicinal wine Liu Renna prepared was drunk by Li Tao unknowingly like water.

"Jingle bell~"

The mobile phone on the coffee table in the living room rang, Li Tao stood up struggling, put the completely empty wine bottle into the trash can, stumbled to the coffee table and connected the phone.

"Hey, Bao'er, I'm off work~"

"Well, I just took a shower, and I'm still a little sleepy." Li Tao rubbed his alcohol-paralyzed cheeks, not wanting to open his eyes.

"Sleepy? Then go to sleep, I'm going to the supermarket soon, I want to ask you what you want to eat, I'll buy it for you."

"Uh..." Li Tao can only feel his head in a trance now, and he can't think of anything concrete when he mentions eating.

"Anything is fine. I like to eat whatever Aunt Liu cooks, but only if it's something serious."

"Then eat me, I don't need to take a shower and my body will be delicious~"

"I don't have a premise."

"You are not serious, I will beat you when I get back!"


"Okay, I'm at the supermarket. If you don't tell me, I'll just watch and buy Ang~ By the way, you put the quilt on when you sleep on our bed. I hear your voice is a bit cold."

"When I sleep, I just don't turn on the air conditioner."


Liu Renna hung up the phone, also a little surprised that there would be so many people in the supermarket today.

A few days ago, the freshmen didn't know much about the school, but as the intensity of military training weakened and they had free time to wander around, they quickly became familiar with the supermarket closest to the playground.

This has to mention an interesting thing. We all know that a single campus of Luma University can be called a city, and it is the size of a municipality directly under the Central Government.

Its curb layering is also very similar, and there are seven rings from the city center to the outside.

The strange thing is that the nine college buildings of Luma University, as well as the teaching buildings for classes, are all placed between the Seventh Ring Road and the Sixth Ring Road, and the edge can no longer be edged.

This is very "putting the cart before the horse". Of course, ordinary universities are normal between the third and fourth ring roads in a city, but the teaching buildings or college buildings inside other campuses are definitely in the C position. After all, the most central location of a school is not What can a teaching building be?
However, Luma University is not.

Only after actually entering this school, can one experience the unpredictable charm within the Fifth Ring Road and even from the city center.

There, there are risks, opportunities, corrupt luxury, and begging in casinos. Compared with the outside world, the desire that is [-] times inflated will become the most precious wealth of Luma students.

Among the bustling crowd in the supermarket, Liu Renna stopped in front of the fresh-keeping cabinet with a small bag to look at the ingredients from time to time, and when she encountered something Li Tao liked to eat, the corners of her mouth couldn't help but rise, like a little daughter-in-law returning home from get off work, with a breath of life She is more real, and her charm is more down-to-earth.

"It's almost there, now it's time for wine~" Liu Renna's ears couldn't help turning red as she thought about Qin Keqing's bad move.

However, this is the third time she has called Qin Keqing. After a long "beep~", she still failed because no one answered.

"What is this woman doing?" Liu Renna frowned and said.


Li Tao was facing the pillow, sniffing the mature body fragrance of Aunt Liu who was curled up in the pillow towel, but he couldn't fall asleep no matter what.

He was in a bit of pain, the pain was paradoxical, but he couldn't find the wound, but it seemed as if he had been hit by something heavy.


Li Tao straightened up from the pain and bowed into a "C" shape on the bed.

"What the hell?" Li Tao thumped the bed with a ferocious face, as if he had been hit by a sniper rifle bullet in his abdomen just now.

"I can not stand it any more!"

Li Tao climbed down from the bed in a frenzy, came to the kitchen in a very embarrassed state, and directly poured the medicinal wine that Liu Renna made into his mouth with "ton ton ton~".

What he didn't notice was that the strange flower tattoo covered under his shirt was already shaking like a living thing at this moment, but more precisely, it was twitching, and the color also changed from dark green to scarlet blood.

The sound of the doorknob being turned came from the living room, and Li Tao shook his head to regain his consciousness.

"Bao'er, are you in the kitchen?" Aunt Liu's doubtful voice came from the shoe cabinet.

Li Tao came out of the kitchen barefoot, his face also flushed red from the energy of alcohol.

At this moment, Aunt Liu bent down and turned one leg backwards. Then, she supported the shoe cabinet with one small hand and picked off the high heels with the other.

She suddenly felt a chill in her chest, and raised her head slightly, only to realize that Li Tao was standing in front of her at some point and staring straight at it.

Reflexively pressing down on the collar, Aunt Liu rolled her eyes at him: "Well~"

"Why didn't you wear it inside?"

Relieved, Liu Renna bent her waist even lower on purpose, and her little hands that were holding down the collar began to pull down, but what Li Tao said made her a little ashamed and angry.

"I've said that I've grown bigger and raised to a D cup. How can I wear the clothes of the C cup before? The big shopping malls are not open at school. I have no place to buy them. They make me look like a slut."

She never mentioned her behavior of bending over and swaying at the moment, and condemned Li Tao with righteous words.

"I was wrong."

Li Tao shook his head, and walked towards the sofa with erratic steps. When the visual distance was about the same, Li Tao fell directly towards the sofa cushion.

The alcohol is too strong, especially on the top, and now his mind is full of bullwhip flying again, and he is bored with a 2L barrel of strong yang wine, and it has added bullwhip juice that has been concentrated so many times .

"Bao'er, are you so sleepy?"

Liu Renna knelt in front of the sofa and stroked the back of Li Tao's head worriedly.

"Not very sleepy."

Li Tao is now sleepy, drunk, and paradoxically painful.

"Not sleepy, just wait~"

Liu Renna stood up from the ground, trotted to the shoe cabinet, and opened the small satchel she put on it.

She brought out a jar full of wine fragrance.

She hid the wine jar behind her, and ran to the sofa in small steps, but Li Tao still kept her face buried in the sofa cushion.

Liu Renna had no choice but to put the wine jar on the coffee table first, sat down on the corner of the sofa, and pushed Li Tao's head onto her lap before continuing:

"Do you remember what day is today?"

Li Tao opened his eyes with difficulty, and after thinking for a moment, shook his head.

Liu Renna pursed her mouth, and said with some complaints: "Today is a big day, it is the sixth anniversary of you peeping at me taking a shower."

Li Tao: "."

"Don't talk nonsense."

"That time you came home from school and the bathroom door was broken, you."

"Enough, this kind of day is not worth remembering!"

Li Tao's head is really in a trance now, and Liu Renna is dangling in his eyes like three people.

"It's worth it. That's the first time my body was seen by a man. I bought all the wine. You can drink with me."

Saying that, Liu Renna excitedly moved the wine jar on the tea table over.

According to Qin Keqing's plan, Liu Renna and Li Tao fought to get Li Tao drunk through tricks of winning streaks, and then there was an interrogation.

Speaking the truth after drinking, Liu Renna can ask Li Tao what kind of women he hates or likes, and what he hates or likes about women at this time.

With this kind of information, Liu Renna and Qin Keqing can work hard in the direction Li Tao likes, and then guide Li Manzi and Xiangxue to develop in the direction he hates.

In this way, Tianping fell to the Liu-Qin Alliance.

However, Li Tao's state at this time was a little strange, or unfamiliar.

He raised his head from Aunt Liu's lap pillow, pushed Aunt Liu's shoulders, and made her lie flat on the sofa.

He snatched the wine jar from Liu Renna's little hand: "What kind of wine is this?"

Aunt Liu swallowed, "My daughter is red."

Li Tao untied the red cloth that sealed the altar, and straddled Liu Renna's lower abdomen one step at a time. Under Liu Renna's bewildered little eyes, Li Tao slowly poured the choking wine on her body.

"Now this wine is called Woman Red."


Liu Renna, who was squatting in the bathroom washing sofa cushions, had a pale face and looked exhausted.

In order to force Li Tao to wash her underwear, she obstinately ruined the washing machine. No matter how tired she is now, she has to wash the mat out, or she has to buy a new one.

At Luma University, her salary is not considered high, so she has to live frugally.

Putting it on the small bench, the hands-free mobile phone finally heard the sound of being connected at this moment.

Liu Renna scolded directly: "Stinky motherfucker, I have called you ten times, and you just answer it? What are you doing immoral!"

Without giving Qin Keqing a chance to speak, Liu Renna continued, "Oh, our plan fell apart..."

Liu Renna's lifelike voice is also mixed with coquettish panting, which reproduced the scene for Qin Keqing.

"Today I was tortured to death three times, in the hospital twice, and again when I went home. Let me tell you, now I can't squeeze out any water, and I'm completely drained."

"Why do I think you're showing off?"

"What am I showing off? He didn't even take off his trousers, and I let him empty them out. It's really going to be the day the gates are opened. What do you have to do for me?"

"Stop beeping, you're just showing off. Ahem." Qin Keqing was halfway through speaking, and suddenly let out a painful dry cough.

Liu Renna froze for a moment and asked, "What's wrong with you?"

"The gutter capsized and someone stabbed him."

There was a "hissing" sound of tearing bandages from the other end of the phone, followed by the winding sound of "Xixisuosuo".

"Hehe, who has such long eyes and knows how to stab a scum like you?" Although Liu Renna's tone was yin and yang, her face was gloomy and frightening, and the slight murderous intent in her eyes passed by in waves.

Qin Keqing was silent for a long time before saying: "There are traitors in the Blood Slaughter Gang."

Liu Renna was not in a good mood, she pushed the sofa cushion away, and said in a irritated voice: "I asked who you are, any bird will have it when the forest grows up, didn't Fei Tianming keep saying that he regards Li Tao as his younger brother, what about now? That beast has joined the Yamaguchi-gumi, how many of our people have been killed."

"It's not the same. Fei Tianming is just born rebellious. The traitor I'm talking about is defecting to the reef organization."

(End of this chapter)

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