Chapter 115 Simulation Begins

Two weeks of military training, the first four days to establish the image of the students' fortitude, that is, the military posture and positive steps.

The last ten days are the unique "war simulation" of Luma University.

This tradition was formulated on the day when Marshal Ma founded Luma, and it has continued to this day.

His meaning is also very simple, Luma University is not only a university, but also a battlefield, not only a place to study, but also a place to survive.

Isn't the survivor who has survived for four years a fish jumping through the dragon's gate? At that time, he was the leader of whatever line he entered.

But for this group of freshmen who have just entered school, let’s not mention that they have never been in contact with firearms, just say that they have exhausted their bodies into an extremely sub-healthy state in order to prepare for the college entrance examination.

It would be a bit of a fantasy for them to directly engage in a duel with the blood-licking Blackwater mercenaries.

However, the above two disadvantages are not worth mentioning in front of their monstrous aptitude.

Their family background is not deep enough, either through abnormal efforts, or through their superior learning talent, they can reach the level of the top scorer in the regional college entrance examination.

And those who get admission notices based on their background are not nouveau riche, they are all well-established wealthy families who have received special training since childhood. Take Li Tao as an example. Liu Renna has found him many vicious gangsters since childhood As a teacher, how many precious medicinal materials have been piled up on him.

But this morning, it was indeed specially prepared by Luma University for the poor students.

From six o'clock in the morning to twelve o'clock, six hours, they will be able to learn the purpose and power of various munitions.

However, it is unrealistic to simply look at all the firearms in such a short period of time, so students need to choose the one that suits them selectively.

This war, to put it more plainly, is actually a red army composed of mercenaries as the blue army attacking students.

The condition for the victory of the Red Army is that within this period of nearly ten days, the commander of the Red Army is guaranteed not to be beheaded, and there are other survivors. If the entire army is not wiped out, or even the commander is left alone, the Red Army has won.

Obviously, the study in the morning is dispensable to Li Tao. In Luan Bao's view, Li Tao was born in the underground gangsters who regard fighting as a daily routine, and he definitely has a lot of contact with arms. Li Tao is too "independent".

He is independent, and whenever he encounters something, he will not consider cooperating with others at all, and it is his style to do it alone.

But the afternoon was a bit special. Starting at two o'clock in the afternoon, the preparations for the war began. The system would randomly select one of the freshmen as the commander of the Red Army.

Students from the other major colleges need to carry out a series of preparations around this commander.

There is also the need to install bullet sensing equipment on students. Although guns and cannons are real, they are for students to use. In addition to rubber bullets, the blue army composed of mercenaries is anesthesia guns. Poison can be used, but the blue army hasn't been forced to that level by the students.

At this time, it was the turn of the students in Class G of the Art Academy to install the equipment. As a fixed number of equipment was installed on the students one by one, it seemed that there would be one left unclaimed, which exposed the news of Li Tao's absence.

Luan Bao was also a little anxious. He let Li Tao go without following the prescribed leave application process, which gave his colleagues more leverage to persecute him.

"Mr. Li, why hasn't your brother come yet?"

Glancing at Luan Bao, Li Manzi said angrily: "I didn't know, he slipped away yesterday afternoon, how can you be an instructor, you have no principles at all!"

Luan Bao has a rich expression, and this has risen to a matter of principle. Is he doing the wrong thing for helping through the back door?

Of course Li Manzi was popular, she came to school just to follow Li Tao's ass, but Li Tao disappeared yesterday afternoon, and after returning home at night, she found that something was wrong with Xiangxue.

Not only did he speak good words for Li Tao, but he also began to think of him.

This morning Xiangxue obviously made an extra breakfast on purpose, the two older girls couldn't possibly have eaten so much, and then persuaded Li Manzi to bring the leftover breakfast to school for Li Tao to eat on the grounds of being thrifty.

Very wrong!

Li Tao didn't come to the military training all morning, which made Li Manzi a little annoyed, and Xiangxue's weirdness was naturally forgotten by her.

"Instructor Luan, who is next in your class? Quickly call over and install this equipment and take away the camouflage uniform, so I can go to the next academy."

Before Luan Bao could speak, another man in a beret came over:
"Instructor Luan, haven't you been drawn into the blue camp? I think Commander Duanmu has already started to deploy. You should hurry up."

Luan Bao felt dizzy for a while, going to the meeting late would offend people, but going now, without his interruption and procrastination, Li Tao's absence would be exposed.

It's not that he cares about Li Tao too much, but that this is really a mistake in principle. If the charges are proven, even if Li Manzi buys Heishui, he will not be able to convince the public.

"Taozi! The zipper on your crotch is not tight!"

Ah Cha suddenly let out a howl, and all the girls in the Academy of Arts stared at the man who came running over.

"What are you looking at! Aren't girls ashamed!!!"

Li Manzi opened her arms to block the curious gazes of these girls. When she said this, the female students really blushed and turned their eyes away.

Li Tao ran to Li Manzi and stopped, looked at Ah Cha and asked curiously: "What did you just say, I didn't hear clearly because the wind was too strong."

Before Ah Cha could speak, Li Manzi took the initiative to lean in front of him, looked down for a long time, and then said in a shy voice, "He didn't say anything, my sister will help you zip it up."

Only then did Li Tao realize that he was too hasty to go out just now, his old face instantly turned red, he turned around and pulled himself up, then looked at Li Manzi calmly and said:

"I'm kidding you, I overslept, and when I woke up, I hurried over and forgot."

"There's another level. Besides, when we get married, I won't see you every day. What's wrong with you seeing me? I'll let another woman see you next time. I won't obey you."

"Student Li, go and install the equipment quickly, I won't explain anything, see you on the 'battlefield'."

After Luan Bao finished speaking, he also hurried to the rostrum.

During the process of installing the equipment, Li Tao also learned the general idea of ​​this "simulated war" from Li Manzi, which was similar to his previous idea.

It's just that he didn't expect that the longer the person survived, the more points he would get.

Students who can survive to victory will even get 1000 million points directly.

"Testing human nature again!" Li Tao sighed, becoming more and more repulsed by the environment of Luma University.

Not far away, Li Meiniang and Tong Anqi stood leaning on the flagpole, because Li Manzi was standing beside Li Tao, and Li Meiniang could not disturb him.

"You see, those sisters and concubines are in love with each other, can you, a third party, get involved?" Tong Anqi sarcastically said.

Li Meiniang didn't have any special reaction because of her words, she just stared at Li Tao's profile quietly, put her hands on her heart, and murmured: "Is this 'Flower Valley'?"

Li Tao put a small iron plate on his heart, and then received a set of camouflage uniform with rubber bullet sensor function.

Ah Cha also came up. He knew Li Manzi's real identity, so he was a little cautious when he saw her.

"Mr. Li, thanks to you yesterday, you helped me explain a paragraph earlier, and it was so easy for me to prove my innocence with a video later."

Li Manzi glanced at him slightly, and said flatly: "Although I only helped you out of my brother's face, if you feel sorry, you can repay me."

Ah Cha glanced at Li Tao, rubbed his nose and asked curiously, "Do you still need my help?"

"I want to marry my son."

Ah Cha: "..."

Ah Cha asked slyly, "Whose species?"

Li Tao kicked him away and sat up from the chair: "Who are you talking about?"

When Ah Cha patted his buttocks and stood up, green light suddenly appeared from his eyes, which startled Li Tao, thinking that Ah Cha was about to pounce on him, and lifted his feet into the air.

But Ah Cha's target was not him, but ran past Li Tao and Li Manzi towards the woman behind them.

"I haven't seen you all morning, what happened?"

Ma Qian pursed her lips and shook her head, but smiled back at Ah Cha's concern.

"Ah Hua (sow) brought back a beautiful flower from the rockery in the morning. I thought about showing it to you, but I wandered around the military training place of your class several times and didn't see you. The flower finally wilted. I can only empty the trash can." Ah Cha said while shaking her head regretfully.

"I asked for leave in the morning, and I have something to do." Ma Xi said apologetically.

But Li Tao narrowed his eyes and looked at her turned up collar. In the scorching summer, even for sun protection, there is no need to wrap it all up, so he focused his eyes to see if Ma Qian was covering something.

But Li Tao did not fall into deep thought, because Li Manzi had already held his head in his arms.

"You are not allowed to look into other women's collars. If you want to, you can look at mine."


The army green off-road vehicle parked in front of the rostrum, Duan Murong and several high-ranking Heishui executives got into the off-road vehicle together, and Luan Bao's instructors jumped into the back of the green pickup truck behind.

Duanmu Rong and the instructors were driving towards the Blue Army base, which was also considered to be on Luma's Sixth Ring Road, but it happened to be on the opposite side.

If they want to attack the Red Army, they need to traverse the entire Luma University, which takes two hours one way and four hours round trip.

And this time is left for the Red Front to breathe and formulate strategies.

After they leave, it means that the Red Army will start to select the Red Commander for this "War Simulation".

An instruction sound came from the speaker: "Students, please turn on your mobile phone now and enter the main interface of the campus smart communication platform."

"The system will draw out the commander of the red team after a countdown of 30 seconds. At that time, the student's mobile phone will beep. If you don't want to be the commander, you only need to exit the platform interface before the end of the countdown."

"30, 29"

"If you exit this interface, I will also exit." Li Manzi poked Li Tao's head and instructed.

"what happened?"

"In case either of us is drawn, there will definitely be a group of people around us. For ten days, it would be nice for us to find a place where no one is around to hide and fall in love~" Li Manzi had already removed Li Tao from that interface. back out.

Li Tao shrugged, he didn't care, it was better to find a place to rest with Li Manzi if he was bothered by a group of people, the reward of 1000 million points was really illusory.

The difference in strength between the two sides is too great. If the first-level students among the freshmen also participate, Li Tao will be a little motivated. Now that those ruthless people like Xiao Ji who have the ability to create suspense do not participate, Li Tao can defeat Luan Bao alone. s level.

But how many Luan Baos are there in the blue army?

"5, 4, 3"


"Ring Ling Ling ~"

Li Tao's eyebrows trembled, why is the voice so close!
(End of this chapter)

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