Chapter 116 Leaving the Team
He followed the sound and cast his eyes on Ah Cha, and it was from him that the sound sounded.

The corner of Li Tao's mouth twitched, and he said in disbelief: "No way."

Not only Li Tao's eyes, but also the students of the Academy of Arts and Academy of Letters also set their eyes on Ah Cha.

Surprisingly, Ah Cha shook his head like a rattle, and even frantically pointed the phone screen at everyone and shook it around, proving that he was not the chosen one.

The whistle kept ringing, and the source of the sound was from him. If it wasn't Ah Cha, could it be Ma Qian next to him?

When everyone was puzzled, a small white hand suddenly rested on Ma Qian's shoulder, and then a face of pure desire like an elf appeared from behind Ma Qian.

Her clear blue long hair was pushed and pushed intermittently by the gentle breeze, making her look like a spiritual fairy coming out of the Wizard of Oz.

"My phone is ringing~"

With a pure smile on Fang Yueji's face, she shook her mobile phone to everyone, and then she wrapped around Ma Qian's neck from behind like a best friend, and pressed her chin on Ma Qian's shoulder affectionately, and said in a pretty voice:
"Xi'er, we are good sisters, you have to protect me every step of the way, what if you leave me like this morning and be beheaded?"

Ma Qian's face turned pale for a moment, but Fang Yueji rubbed her forehead against her chin and suddenly laughed "giggle~".

"I said what should I do if my Blue Army was beheaded~"

A man who looked like an officer wearing a beret came over, and the word "referee" was written on the armband on his arm.

As I said before, the Blue Army only transferred half of the instructors, and the remaining half of the instructors mainly acted as "human monitors" as "referees". They had to grasp the situation throughout the process to prevent students from being fatally injured.

Of course, they also have a more important responsibility, which is to maintain the order of the war.

This is divided into two aspects, one is "corpse collection".

If the sensor on the Red Army's body determines that he has been "dead in battle", the referee needs to take him off the field immediately, and he cannot be allowed to speak or give reminders to his comrades.

The second is what he is saying now.

"Now the commander of the red team has been confirmed. Before that, your instructors also selected the person in charge of each class. In the army, the military orders are like mountains, and the hierarchy is strict. The commander can give orders to the heads of each class. The heads of each class They are on equal footing, but they can give orders to the students in their class."

"All orders must be implemented, otherwise our referees will determine that they are "dead in action" and the students who violated the orders of their superiors will be taken away from the field."

That's right, the second important role of referees is this.

"Now all the class leaders can gather around the commander to make a strategic plan. The time is based on the big clock on the surface of the building. It is now four o'clock in the afternoon. After 224 hours, it will be twelve o'clock tonight. You still need to persist for nine days, the weather forecast has an orange high temperature warning, you should also pay attention to it.”

The referee suddenly smiled: "Of course if the commander is beheaded and the war is over, you can enjoy the shelter of the air conditioner."

As soon as he finished speaking, the heads of all classes and colleges surrounded Fang Yueji anxiously. In their opinion, time was really tight.

The referee shook his head. He also saw this scene last year. In fact, it was almost the same every year. At the beginning, the students were very motivated and thought of a perfect plan, but it couldn't even withstand a charge from the Blues, and they were thrown out from the defensive line and psychologically. The double plane is crushed.

"It's a pity, this year's class is called a monster lineup, but those freaks are not willing to participate in military training, so what's the suspense?" The referee shook his head and left.

Ah Cha and Tong Anqi were respectively the leaders of Class G of the Faculty of Letters and Class G of the Academy of Arts that Luan Bao reported to, so they both had to go to Fang Yueji to receive instructions.

Tong Anqi stared at Li Tao with a half-smile: "I'm your superior this time, and instructor Luan can't protect you, so I'll do all the dirty work for you."

After finishing speaking, Tong Anqi walked towards Fang Yueji arrogantly, and Ah Cha came to Li Tao's side immediately after, with a high-spirited look on her face.

"I didn't expect this commander to be Ma Qian's classmate, or a good girlfriend. Then I have to protect her, show my masculinity, and give Ma Qian a face!"

Li Tao raised his eyebrows, and asked strangely: "What are you Ma Qian's, and you still give her a long face?"

"I'm... her friend. Anyway, just wait and see. I didn't sleep last night. I wrote a fucking Trojan horse virus, which is guaranteed to paralyze all the blue army's equipment that needs the Internet!"

Li Tao shrugged his shoulders and refused to comment on his harsh words, but the next moment Li Tao's face became serious, he patted Ah Cha on the back, and said in a low voice:
"You really need to pay more attention to Ma Qian. I always feel that she has a strange relationship with Fang Yueji. Now help me stop Tong Anqi. I have to run away first. If you want to find me, you should use the old method."

After speaking, Li Tao turned around and grabbed Li Manzi's little hand, and ran towards the opposite direction without slowing down.

Li Manzi was led by him, and she could only stagger up in small steps: "Husband, you are finally connected, why don't you take me to date?"

"not saying"

Li Manzi's tender little finger touched his lips: "You can call me husband when there is no one else, but I won't call you when there are outsiders."

Li Tao shook his head helplessly, finally getting her used to calling himself a younger brother, and now it's all right, and he's back to before liberation.

"It's not about falling in love, it's about fleeing. We have to find a place where no one is hiding first."

Before Ah Cha came over to talk to him just now, Li Tao's attention had been on Fang Yueji, and the other party gave him a meaningful smile.

In the middle of talking with Ah Cha, Tong Anqi was called by Fang Yueji to whisper, and then she started walking towards Li Tao.

Li Tao didn't forget Fang Yueji's harsh words to him before - tell him to get out of Luma University before the war simulation is over.

Needless to say, Tong Anqi came here only under her instruction, and that's why Li Tao asked Ah Cha to stop him, and he dragged Li Manzi to run away.

Li Tao did not make a mistake in his judgment of the rules, and his departure did not cause the referee to stop him.

As he expected, as long as he didn't hear the order, he didn't violate the order. As for the deserter, it is estimated that he would be considered a deserter only if he avoided the battle when the blue army attacked.

Li Tao did not choose to run towards the hillside, but chose to run to more than a dozen buildings of varying heights half a kilometer away.

The more than ten buildings here are not only different in style, but even arranged in strange shapes, as if more than a dozen green onions were randomly inserted on a piece of soil, with three floors inside and three floors outside.

The tortuous gaps between buildings naturally become a labyrinth with complex terrain.

Li Tao originally wanted to run deeper and find a hidden building to hide in, but Li Manzi suddenly squatted on the ground with one hand covering his chest and the other holding Li Tao's hand.

She raised her small head, pouted and looked at Li Tao pitifully without saying a word.

Li Tao bent down and asked strangely: "What's the matter, are you feeling unwell?"

Li Manzi was crying, and said aggrievedly: "Honey, the bandage is broken~"


Li Tao put his head in her arms and saw that it had grown several times, turning from a fist into a watermelon.

Standing up and looking around, Li Tao reckoned that Fang Yueji would probably choose this place as a base to resist the blue army in the near future.

He confirmed a nearby seven-story building as a hiding place. This building is neither the tallest nor the lowest in this area of ​​buildings, but it has a wide view.

"I couldn't hold back my breath just now, and it broke."

"It's okay, you stand up first"

In the middle of Li Tao's words, he suddenly fell silent, and his expression was so cold that it made people tremble. He stared at the turning intersection not far away, and the murderous intent flashed in his eyes.

"You don't have to stand up, I'll hold you."

Li Manzi's guilt-blushing face instantly burst into a smile like a sea of ​​flowers. She squatted on the ground and opened her arms, and said crisply: "Well, I want to hug!"

Li Manzi hugged his neck tightly with his arms, and rubbed his thighs on his waist lightly. Li Tao glanced at the intersection with deep eyes, and held Li Manzi's little buttocks towards the building with one hand. Run upstairs.

When climbing up the stairs, Li Tao didn't put her down, and Li Manzi didn't ask for it either. After all, she thought that although Li Tao was young, his body was very strong. enjoying the moment.

"Sister, be careful not to lose everything, there are 'referees' watching us in the dark." Li Tao said in a deep voice.

"There are others? Then don't show it to others~ I knew I would not cut it." Li Manzi hurriedly covered her chest with two small hands, looking left and right cautiously, as if she was afraid that others would take her baby The way you see it.

Like a little miser.

Li Tao's face trembled: "Don't tell me, you broke it on purpose!"

Li Manzi didn't answer this, and said pretending to be tired: "Husband, run faster, it's too heavy for me to lift it up, my wrists are blue."

"Don't change the subject!"

"Husband~ Hurry up, or I will lose my strength and let others see."


Li Tao didn't run to the top floor, he stopped on the fourth floor, and walked towards the corridor of this floor with Li Manzi in his arms.

"Husband, shall we hide in this building until the end?"

Li Manzi found that as long as she hugged Li Tao tightly, she would not lose her body, and this could also make Li Tao's little face red.

"No, first find a place where we can hide overnight, and then we have to go out."

"But before that, I have to find a corner for you, and you wrap the bandages on me." Li Tao gasped heavily, he had to be grateful to Liu Renna for tempering him, otherwise he really couldn't stand this woman playing like this .

"How can I bother myself, Xiangxue is not here, husband, you have to help me."

The slyness in Li Manzi's beautiful eyes flashed past, but she remembered very clearly that last time Li Tao had a nosebleed like this in the bathroom.

I have to stay one more time to punish Li Tao for leaving her alone in the boring military training in the morning.

"There is no one else, you just wrap it around your chest as a wrap, you don't need to compress them."

"Ah~" Li Manzi didn't expect this, but seeing Li Tao's expression obviously didn't give her room to bargain.

Li Tao kicked open a door, and the faint fragrance of ink shook off. Tables and chairs were neatly arranged on the left side of the room, and blackboards and LCD screens were on the right side, but the whole room was still covered with a layer of dust.

It's a quiet place to study.

Li Tao murmured: "It seems that this building is the teaching building where students usually attend classes."

(End of this chapter)

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