Chapter 119 Another Mutation
Leaning close to Li Tao's ear, Zhang Chenxi whispered sickly: "Have you heard of the light of Jesus?"

At some point, a flashlight with a unique shape appeared in the palm of his hand on Li Tao's back.

As he pressed the button, the flashlight cast a substantial beam of light visible to the naked eye in the air, and the smoky powder swayed in the air in an enchanted dance.

Jesus light is the Tyndall effect. When the light passes through the colloid, or there are "impurities" in the path of the light, the light has a shape.

At this moment, these "impurities" in the air in the carriage made Li Tao's pupils shrunk into needles.

Li Tao struggled frantically to get up from Zhang Chenxi's body, but the other's hands on his back were like iron tongs.

"What do you think is the dust in the air in this car?"

Zhang Chenxi's voice sounded like a devil whispering: "It's aluminum powder, it will allow you to get close to Jesus, then it's time for science popularization, the condition for a dust explosion is"

As the voice gradually faded away, his expression was slowly taken over by distorted madness. Zhang Chenxi bent his neck and poked his head into the tight embrace between his body and Li Tao's body, but his other hand was stretched out. He moved towards Li Tao's back, touched the flashlight held in the other hand, and then twisted the back handle of the flashlight fiercely.

Accompanied by the ear-piercing twisting sound, a touch of warmth seeped into Li Tao's skin through his shirt.


In the cramped carriage, it was as if a nuclear bomb had detonated. The blood fog set off a scarlet mushroom cloud. The terrifying air waves smashed all the glass of the car like ripples, and the entire hood disappeared as if it had been sliced ​​off by an axe.

Li Tao's back was blown to pieces, his whole body bowed into the shape of a prawn, and his pupils were so dilated that they fell into darkness.

Zhang Chenxi let out a nervous and morbid laugh: "Look at you made this car red and sticky~"

The door of the car also flew several meters away due to the sound of the explosion just now. He pushed it with his knee, and Li Tao slid weakly out of the car.

Zhang Chenxi straightened his two arms and looked around. He was also bloody from being blown up at the moment, but he sneered and didn't care about his arms dripping with liquid, but jumped out of the car lightly, bent down and reached out to touch it. The bandage on Li Tao's face.

"Come on, let me see who you are."

Just when Zhang Chenxi took off a corner of the bandage, there was a sound of tearing wind, and a large iron block slammed into Zhang Chenxi's back, causing him to stagger and fall directly to the ground.

Wiping the dust from her hair, Zhang Chenxi looked at another strange man with a bandage on his face, and said with a smile:

"Oh, there is also a mummy partner? Hey~ But this -breast-big one is too outrageous, bigger than the headlights of this off-road vehicle."

"It's probably very soft, right? Haha~" Zhang Chenxi shook his head to shake off the dust and broken glass in his hair. After he stood up from the ground, he tilted his head and looked at the cafeteria not far away. The sound obviously attracted the attention of the rest of the people, and there were already chaotic footsteps inside.

Zhang Chenxi's voice gradually became cold: "I really don't want others to see me angry. Before they come out, I have to clean you up."

Speaking of which, Zhang Chenxi picked up the shards of glass on the ground, and walked slowly towards Li Manzi, but the next moment, something happened again.

Li Tao, who was lying in a pool of blood, suddenly stretched out his hand and grabbed the door frame of the car, digging the gap, he actually stood up, and broke the rearview mirror on the outside of the car body with his bare hands, and then turned around, as if holding It covered Zhang Chenxi's scalp like a brick.


Fragments of broken glass dripped down on Zhang Chenxi's body like rain.

Li Tao's beast-like gaze reflects the slowly disappearing figure. Is it an illusion caused by psychology and vision?
Zhang Chenxi had already appeared at the front of the car and was sitting, but his scalp was bleeding.

"You are getting more and more annoying~" After Zhang Chenxi finished speaking, he threw a piece of broken lens on the ground, like a butterfly effect, this piece reflected a ray of light to other pieces on the ground, and so on.

Due to the previous explosion, there were dense pieces of glass scattered on the ground. At this moment, they simultaneously reflected dazzling light and pierced Li Tao's body like a thousand arrows piercing through the heart.

"do not want!"

Li Manzi lost control of her emotions and ran towards Li Tao. She didn't dare to think what would happen to Li Tao who was already seriously injured.

Zhang Chenxi looked at Li Manzi with a mocking smile, but his smile was also fixed at this moment.

Zhang Chenxi's expression froze on his face. He found that the man who was about to be penetrated by the light unhurriedly raised his hand to touch the bandage on his face, and he was actually taking the initiative to untie the bandage.

But Zhang Chenxi could no longer see what the face under the bandage looked like. He only saw the "mummy" untie a circle of bandages, but the next moment, his eyes were directly smashed by the white cloth.

Everything happened in the blink of an eye, not even reaching a gap of a second. After this second, the light was focused and pierced towards Li Tao's body.

But the bandage danced wildly like a poisonous snake in his hand, smashing all the rays of light into pieces.

Li Manzi stayed where she was, like a silly little quail, poking her head a little at a loss.

With a wave of Li Tao's hand, the bandage wrapped around Li Manzi's willow waist like a whip, and pulled her into his arms.

"We hide."

As soon as Li Tao's words fell, he and Li Manzi disappeared in place, while Han Guguan, Lin Rui and others also appeared at the center of the tragedy.

Looking at Zhang Chenxi who was lying on the ground, not knowing whether he was alive or dead, Han Guguan frowned deeply, and murmured, "Has the Blue Army appeared?"

Lin Rui clicked his tongue and said, "This method is too cruel! This is not imitation, it is killing people."

Zhang Chenxi, who was in a pool of blood, suddenly raised a hand tremblingly, his lips parted as if he wanted to say something.

Han Guguan walked over quickly, squatting on the ground to listen to his whispers, but suddenly a hand was pressed on Zhang Chenxi's bloody mouth.

"Heart monitoring showed that he was dead, dead, unable to speak."

Han Guguan raised his head, staring at the "referee" with ferocious eyes.

The referee wrapped Zhang Chenxi in a white cloth and gestured to the air. Soon, several doctors in white coats appeared and carried Zhang Chenxi away.

After the referee took a deep look at a corner, he also disappeared in place.

Han Guguan clenched his trembling fists, gritted his teeth, and said, "The Blue Army should have an advance team, and they are trying to play us to death."

Zhang Chenxi's murmur just now caught Han Guguan off guard, and he said, "It's not the blue army, it's the students."

I have to say that Zhang Chenxi is really a monster, he actually judged Li Tao's identity as a student in the end, but he was covered when he said "learn", and when he said "no" at the beginning, Han Guguan After bending over, I only listened to "It's the Blue Army".

Now the misunderstanding is huge.

"Advanced troops?" Lin Rui was stunned for a moment, and all the other students showed expressions of shock and anger: "This year, the instructors dare to play such a poisonous game? Do they play such a ruthless hand?"

Many of the rest of the people also looked at Han Guguan suspiciously, apparently not believing that the Blues played at such a scale this year.

Han Guguan took a deep breath, looked into the distance with deep eyes, and said in a responsible voice: "You may not know a piece of news."

"Blackwater Security International is the organization where these military training instructors usually serve as special forces. Now there are countless big holes in the interior. The chairman of the company has disappeared, leaving countless court summons and huge debts. No one is willing to take over this hot potato, and maybe the chairman jumped off the building."

"In other words, this year may be the last year that Luma University will cooperate with them. Duanmu Rong has been the commander-in-chief for many years. In his career, he has had a 'carnival'."

Listening to Han Guguan's words, the faces of these students were all pale, and the cold air swept from their feet to their heads.

"What should we do now?" Lin Rui asked tremblingly.

On the other side, at a distance of about ten steps and eight meters from this position, a pickup truck got into a "mummy" with a hot body.

She turned her head to Li Tao, who was pale and about to faint, and said in a low voice, "Husband, hold on a little longer and hold your phone steady. This video must be recorded. The beast who hurt you is dead, but the woman who sent him The commander is also guilty, I can't just let her go!"

Li Tao shook his head to wake himself up. Regarding Li Manzi's idea, he was extremely helpless but could not stop him, so he could only say weakly: "Hurry up, don't be discovered."

Li Manzi gestured "OK" to him, turned around and walked towards the pile of watermelons, holding up a kitchen knife and chopping
Li Manzi trotted to the back of the carriage, and opened her small hands to allow Li Tao to carry her down.

"Have you recorded everything, my husband?"

"Next time, you're so rough!" I really can't say it, Li Tao still has two white petals in his mind, so he can only use onomatopoeia to vent his emotions.

"Ah? When exactly?" Li Manzi's eyes suddenly flashed little stars, did happiness come so suddenly?

"Stop messing around, we have to run." After Li Tao finished speaking, he held Li Manzi in his arms with one hand, and jumped directly into the pickup truck where the supplies were stored.


The ferocious roar of the engine drew the attention of Han Guguan and the others back, but these people were not stupid, after a few steps, they knew that even if they drove again, they would not be able to catch up, so they simply gave up rationally.

"It seems that the Blue Army has really sent a team to sneak in." Han Guguan murmured.

"They are so strong, they can completely overwhelm us in one wave and behead the Red Army base. Why did they send a small team first?" Lin Rui asked a little puzzled.

Han Guguan's eyes flickered, and he said in a deep voice, "For the stronger side, it's fun to play slowly."

Li Tao, who stepped on the gas pedal to death, seemed to be riding a crazy horse, and the building outside the window fled towards the back like a horrible plague.

"Honey, why did you use a bandage just now?" Li Manzi's small face was still full of disbelief.

Li Tao's gaze slowly shifted to the strange flower tattoo on his collar, and Aunt Qin who was wielding a whip could not help but appear in his mind.

(End of this chapter)

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