Chapter 118

Lin Rui waved his hand to signal the rest of the students in charge of the three cars to go into the cafeteria to look for things, while he trotted to Zhang Chenxi's side.

"Brother Xi, let's install some induction cooker, electric rice cooker and other small plug-in items in our pickup truck. Those few are too big for a gas stove for a gas tank. Let the green pickup truck team behind move it. "

Lin Rui looked at Zhang Chenxi with a tentative and humble tone, who told Zhang Chenxi to be from Class C, but he was only from Class E.

"Why do you tell me, you can tell whoever you want to move, as long as they want to move." Zhang Chenxi leaned on the car door and said nonchalantly.

Lin Rui nodded his head in embarrassment, but Zhang Chenxi muttered softly again: "I'm afraid Shen is really heavy, but he can be as big as he is. If he wants to be lazy, he doesn't even find an excuse."

Lin Rui was so close, so of course he heard it clearly. He clenched his hands behind his back and then loosened them. He still smiled and said humbly:

"Okay, brother Xi, I'll go to the truck and ask them. If they don't want to, I'll find a way."

Zhang Chenxi didn't even bother to say anything, but just waved at him impatiently.

Lin Rui turned and left, his face turned cloudy in an instant, he only stared at the ground, lowered his head and didn't want others to see his distorted expression at this moment.

"Isn't there an old physicist who is engaged in optical research? Standing up and talking doesn't hurt your back. You should go to the back kitchen to see the size of those stoves that cook big pots of vegetables. Heh, the spoiled calf probably hasn't eaten it before." Big pot dishes, I don’t have the same knowledge as him.” Lin Rui muttered and walked towards Hangu Pass.

A man slowly stepped out from the shadow of the corner, his head wrapped in layers of bandages is really terrifying to look at.

Li Tao looked at Lin Rui's back with flickering eyes, and this person let him know a special message - Zhang Chenxi's father is engaged in optical research.

He had read a report on the TV morning news before, about Zhang Lixiao, known as the No.1 of contemporary optics, he led the global optics to expand into new fields and was honored as the godfather of optics. He is in his 40s this year Years old, but has reached the top in this field.

"Zhang Poxiao and Zhang Chenxi."

Dawn came after dawn. Given that his father was a researcher in optics, regardless of his name or age, Zhang Chenxi had a high probability of being the son of the godfather of optics.

Both Zhang Chenxi and Han Guguan were assigned to the School of Mathematics and Physics, which also confirmed this conjecture. Obviously, in the judgment of talent training, the school believed that he had the talent suitable for the training of the School of Mathematics and Physics, and physics and statistics happened to be included in the School of Mathematics and Science. college.

Han Guguan's father is a well-known intelligence leader, and the statistical collection of traditional data and operational research skills must be the direction of his development. Naturally, the School of Mathematics and Physics with statistics fits well with it.

Zhang Chenxi was likely to be selected into the School of Mathematics and Physics because of his extraordinary talent in physics, especially because his aptitude is still at the second level.

As soon as Lin Rui left, the rest of Zhang Chenxi's group was arranged by him to look for things in the cafeteria just now.

As a result, Zhang Chenxi was the only one among the three cars, and he was leaning on the door of the pickup truck in the middle alone, looking down at his phone.

According to Li Tao and Li Manzi's plan, he first knocked out the people around the car, and then gave Li Manzi a signal. When Li Manzi did something bad, he hoarded all the things he needed in a car. Drive away.

With a physique like Zhang Chenxi, it can be seen with the naked eye that he is not a "martial arts practitioner" and has not even done physical training. Even Xiao Ji, a Taoist priest from Longhu Mountain, still has abundant muscles after taking off his clothes, but The symmetry of his figure made him appear harmless when dressed.

But Zhang Chenxi really didn't have much skill, and Li Tao wouldn't miss him. Before Zhang Chenxi could make a sound, it should be a very simple matter for Li Tao to knock him out, and he even had to hold back his strength.

As Li Tao leaned against the wall and approached Zhang Chenxi, his eyes gradually became serious, and the lion fought the rabbit with all his strength, not to mention that the opponent was a second-level student.

When Li Tao stuck to the door on the other side, Zhang Chenxi stretched suddenly, his unexpected reaction made Li Tao freeze in the distance, holding his breath.

However, Zhang Chenxi quickly lowered his head and continued to look at his mobile phone. He didn't seem to notice any abnormalities around him. The sunset was already very low, and the sunset glow on the skyline was like a woman's flaming red lips, giving people a domineering aggression.

Another accident happened before Li Tao was about to make a move. With a sound of "哗啦~", Zhang Chenxi's cell phone fell to the ground, making the sound of being smashed to pieces.

The debris on the ground reflected the afterglow of the setting sun, making Li Tao's vision blurred for a moment.

"Rough!" Zhang Chenxi's cursing voice pulled Li Tao out of his trance.

When Zhang Chenxi bent down to pick up the wreckage of the mobile phone, Li Tao didn't hesitate. Taking advantage of this opportunity, he suddenly exploded, and directly slashed the back of Zhang Chenxi's neck with a hand knife.

A strange thing happened. Li Tao's pupils trembled as he looked at the hand he slashed. His hand actually penetrated Zhang Chenxi's body and got stuck in his neck.

Before he could react from this surreal situation, Zhang Chenxi suddenly annihilated into countless pieces in front of Li Tao's eyes, and the next moment Zhang Chenxi appeared beside Li Tao, sizing him up with a half smile on his chest.

"This kind of dress. A mummy just crawled out of a coffin?"

Li Tao came back to his senses, his gaze was concentrated, and he perched close to Zhang Chenxi. His body even left a series of afterimages in the path. With the terrifying sound of air crackling, Li Tao's palm hit the air again. !
"You're pretty good. If you slap the iron plate this time, you might hit a hole." At some point, Zhang Chenxi was already sitting on the front of the car, swinging her feet and said lazily.

How is it possible, this speed has completely surpassed Li Tao's cognition, even the existence of Aunt Liu who is about to reach the human ceiling is just as fast as teleportation, but you can feel the flow of air.

But Zhang Chenxi's move is completely a space transfer, and he has no path.

"How do you have such a speed?" Li Tao lowered his voice, using a hoarse and deep tone.

"Pure speed? The me now is your god. I am invincible in any aspect." Zhang Chenxi suddenly jumped out of the car while speaking.

He walked towards Li Tao step by step, and just swung a punch lightly, in Li Tao's eyes, he just bent and straightened his arms, but when he swung the punch completely, Li Tao discovered the horror.

Li Tao couldn't move himself!He could only watch helplessly as the slow punch landed on his chest.


The crazy suffocation drowned him like a tsunami, Li Tao knelt on the ground and retched, his bloodshot eyeballs were about to pop out, his whole body couldn't stop shaking, this punch seemed to shake his internal organs festered.

"You surprised me. No one has ever been able to last 3 minutes in this state. In most cases, they would twitch their heads and pass out." Zhang Chenxi paced around Li Tao, interested joked.

Li Tao didn't have the energy to speak, because as Zhang Chenxi said, he was like a god at this moment. The heavy pressure made Li Tao struggle to breathe, but he still stared at Zhang Chenxi like a prey.

"I don't like your look very much, I have to give you some more~" Zhang Chenxi said, suddenly reached into his collar, and he picked out the pocket watch inside the shirt.

Reflexively, Li Tao stared at the rotating hands of the pocket watch. Zhang Chenxi's voice sounded like a magic voice: "Low your head down and stick it to the ground."

The terrifying force of the falling waterfall crushed Li Tao's body, he gritted his teeth and stared at Zhang Chenxi, his spine seemed to be broken at this moment.

Suddenly, the strange flower tattoo on Li Tao's body felt burning pain. Although it was only for a moment, Li Tao's vision changed drastically during that moment.

All the things that happened in such a short time in front of him were against common sense, until the real pain from the body just now twisted Li Tao's perception again.

His pupils were stained with a strange dark green color, and he stared at Zhang Chenxi with an unfathomable coldness, but the next moment, he suddenly straightened his waist, and slammed a head hammer in the opposite direction towards the air behind him.


Under the loud noise, a figure flew upside down and entered the carriage.

"Son of Zhang Poxiao. Optical light just now." Li Tao murmured, he suddenly remembered that just now when Zhang Chenxi's cell phone fell to the ground, the shards of glass projected the afterglow of the setting sun into his pupils from different angles.

"Clap clap~"

At this moment, Zhang Chenxi was very embarrassed. His head fell on the passenger side door and his legs got stuck on the steering wheel, but he still clapped his hands and applauded.

"Oh, you are not stupid, it seems that you still know my identity~"

He suddenly seemed like a chatterbox: "My father is known as the godfather of contemporary optics. He liked to force me to learn those stupid things since I was a child. I am really not interested, but I am very interested in psychology. Originally, I just used the study of optics as a cover to secretly study my favorite psychology, but I didn’t expect that after a long time, I would mix psychology and optics together.”

Li Tao's pupils shrank. His idea just now was completely unconstrained, and he didn't expect to be right.

Zhang Chenxi reflects light from different angles into people's eyes through mirrors, making people misjudge space and reality!

And this weird angle cannot be achieved by light alone. He superimposed psychology, from the surrounding environment and even breathing frequency to induce Li Tao to step into the scene where he is the "god".

This evildoer actually made reality into an illusion, relying on science, can this really only be rated as a second-level student?

That's right, at Luma University this is only at the level of second-tier students.

"Sure enough, I shouldn't have agreed to help those people get rid of that woman last time. Once the killing ring is broken, I want to commit murder when I get angry..."

Zhang Chenxi's words brought a woman's voice to Li Tao's mind - Qiu Shuyu!

Only at this moment did he realize that something was wrong with Qiu Shuyu's death! ! !

Zhang Chenxi's father is a master of optics, and his knowledge of physics has reached a perverted level, especially optics.

Why did Xu Zhenlong hit Qiu Shuyu with his car?

Because his vision was paralyzed by a beam of reflected light, but if Zhang Chenxi was in that car, let alone he could predict and warn Xu Zhenlong in advance, with the almost monstrous use of light he is showing now, he can even use other methods To annihilate the rays of light reflected into Xu Zhenlong's eyes.

Li Tao even imagined it boldly, what if the counting lights were written by Zhang Chenxi?
Anger surged through his arteries, Li Tao wanted to know the truth, so he walked towards the carriage step by step.

In the last step, he wanted to step to the door of the car and stop, but in Zhang Chenxi's strange laughter, his vision changed again, and he misjudged the reality again, or he didn't escape Zhang Chenxi's control at all. This kick actually stepped directly into the carriage, and he lost control of his body and fell on Zhang Chenxi's body.

Zhang Chenxi's forehead was covered with ferocious blood lines, but he grinned with horror. He grabbed Li Tao's shoulder with one hand, stretched out his foot to hook the car door, and he slammed the car door shut with a "bang-" .

 There are not many manuscripts left
(End of this chapter)

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