Chapter 121 Pretending to be a Scary Ghost
"Husband, what are you doing?"

"It's nothing." Li Tao stuffed the phone back into his pocket and looked around as if nothing had happened.

Li Manzi stared at him suspiciously, but Li Tao's expression was always very natural, and he didn't look at her, so she couldn't find any flaws. In the end, he could only poke Li Tao's waist with his small hand, and warned:

"Anyway, be honest with me these few days, and finally we can have a two-person world, just be obedient and obedient."

"This is a simulated battle." Seeing the big beautiful girl's cheeks puff up, Li Tao could only change his tone: "We are now facing a problem. If we can't find a place to restore the power supply, we can't do it tonight." It's running out of electricity."

At this moment, China Unicom's power supply cannot guarantee how many lights will be on at the same time, but although the sun is very low now, it is summer after all, and the outside is still very bright.

Before Li Tao turned off all the lights on this floor, it wouldn't be very conspicuous if it was turned on for a while, but once it was dark, turning on a row of lights was tantamount to directly telling Fang Yueji where he was hiding.

So if you want to supply power, it must be before it gets dark.

"The power supply is not available. It's not us who are in trouble, but you." Li Manzi shook his sore neck and said lazily.

"Me? I'm not afraid of the dark." Li Tao looked at her strangely and said.

Li Manzi sighed, pinched Li Tao's chin sympathetically and twisted:
"Have you forgotten about the cave? At night, my strange disease will attack me, especially in the hot summer. You let me hold the air conditioner and I can hardly fall asleep. Without the air conditioner, I can't even wear a single piece of clothing." What are you going to do when the time comes?

"Eat the ball!" Li Tao's index finger pressed Li Manzi's lips to prevent her from speaking more presumptuously.

Letting out a deep breath, Li Tao forcibly pulled himself together: "I will definitely supply electricity before dark!"

"I can't serve you - balls~"

Li Tao turned around and made a solemn and domineering oath: "Even when it's dark, the power supply will expose our position, I will definitely supply the electricity and arrange the air conditioner for you!"

"I'm so touched, but now I have nothing to repay you except my body. Husband, if you turn on the air conditioner for me, I will repay you with my body at night!"

"Why the fuck is it coming back again!!! Then I'm still thinking about the power supply of the ball!" Li Tao frantically scratched his hair like a chicken coop.


Seeing Li Tao's expression of questioning life, Li Manzi covered her stomach and laughed tremblingly.

"Hurry up and look for it. It doesn't matter if there is a light or not. I'm not afraid of the dark at first, but I can't bear it if I don't have an air conditioner. When I suffer, you have to suffer with me~"

"Why~" Li Tao looked at her pitifully.

"This is called "Woman Sings and Husband Sui~"


Li Tao has been made afraid of marriage by her, and this is just a marriage contract.
"It's still early, my strange disease won't attack until after ten o'clock in the evening, there's still time~"

Li Manzi jumped on Li Tao from behind like a kitten, her thighs clamped around Li Tao's waist, and she put her chin on Li Tao's head and gave orders like a captain: "Start work!"

It really went through the inside and outside of the third floor. Li Tao didn't miss any corner. In addition, Li Manzi, who was riding on him, was also carefully watching the surroundings. Even so, the two of them still failed to find the power supply. Where.

Li Manzi suddenly leaned into Li Tao's ear and said, "Husband, have you ever thought about whether this building is equipped with a general power supply room?"

"The general power supply room." Li Tao pondered for a while, and suddenly realized: "There is either the top floor or the bottom floor, and there will be a room dedicated to controlling the power supply."

"It should be like this." Li Manzi poked his shoulder with his chin in agreement.

Looking at the red setting sun outside the window, Li Tao rubbed Li Manzi's small buttocks and said as if discussing:

"Why don't you come down first and go to the seventh floor to look for it. If you find it, turn on the electricity. I'll know you've found it when the light turns on. Otherwise, I'm the same way. Let's meet on this floor in the end. Okay." Well?"


Li Tao tilted his head and rubbed his forehead pitifully against her pretty face.

"Be obedient~"

"Then you have to promise me one condition."

"What conditions?"

"After the electricity is turned on at night, I will cook for you, and you have to eat it all."

"Oh that's it, wait a minute, aren't you a plate?"

Li Tao suddenly remembered that some people would eat on a platter of women's bodies in a wicked way, which is called a female-body-feast.

No wonder Li Tao is cautious, there are many two-dimensional roads, but Li Manzi chose the narrowest, most evil, and dirtiest one - idiot!
Li Manzi's beautiful eyes brightened: "This is a good idea!"

Li Tao: "."


Li Manzi covered her mouth and smiled, and finally jumped off Li Tao's body.

"It will definitely not be like this tonight, I just learned home cooking for you, and I haven't taken a shower, so I have the nerve to give you my body~"

"Okay, you go, the seventh floor is quite high, you should be careful." Li Tao pushed her and urged.

"Hurry up too, we will gather on this floor as soon as the lights come on, and then we will turn off the lights together."

"Go, go, go."

Finally, after Li Manzi, who turned his head three times a step, was sent up, Li Tao turned and walked towards the stairs.

However, when he walked between the second and third floors, where the pickup truck lay across, his expression was a little unnatural. He raised his head and glanced at the upper floor of the stairs. After confirming that Li Manzi was not there, his expression gradually became grim. .

Panting heavily, Li Tao took off his camouflage T-shirt tremblingly, and the moment his scabbed back was exposed to the air, his skin was ripped apart again.

In a sense, the dust explosion affected more deeply. Li Tao just didn't want Li Manzi to be worried, so he forcibly tightened his back muscles to give the false impression that the bleeding had stopped.

"This time it's a real mummy." Li Tao smiled wryly, took out all the bandages from his pockets, and wrapped his entire upper body around his torso.

It's also thanks to Li Manzi's large scale. Usually, in order to wrap from a big G to a C cup, she has to wrap it in more than a dozen layers. Only then can there be a bandage of sufficient length for Li Tao to wrap her entire upper body.

If you wrap your face with a bandage as before, it will look exactly like a mummy.

Li Tao slowly took out his mobile phone from his pocket, he insisted on persuading Li Manzi to go to the seventh floor and leave him for a while, just to make a phone call.


"You stinky child! It's already 06:30 in the afternoon, and you still haven't come home! How dare you not answer my phone just now! Huh, I raised a white-eyed wolf..."

"No, Aunt Liu, my phone ran out of battery just now."

Li Tao foolishly said without blushing, in fact, Li Manzi followed up just now, so he didn't dare to answer, let Liu Renna know that he and Li Manzi were alone, and it was another big trouble, caught in the arms of two women The taste of being ravaged here is not good.

"What time can I go home?"

Li Tao looked deeply at the food piled up on the car, and said in a complicated way: "Maybe it will take six or seven days..."

This is still a conservative estimate. If Fang Yueji carries it to the end, there are still nine days left.

"Six or seven days...White-eyed wolf! Woohoo, I've been hurting you for so many years, and I don't even want to go home..."

"Military training, simulated war..."

Li Tao patiently explained all the rules to her.

"Then just stab the Red Commander to death, wouldn't that be the end? I think you just don't want to go home!"

"It's not that easy..."

"How about you go home? Aunt Liu, who is fragrant, soft and white, is in my arms. Auntie bought a bunch of uniforms online. You can wear whatever you want Auntie to wear. You can tear it up and eat whatever you want. What to do for you, if you don’t think I’m dirty, I’ll give you my body, you can’t stay home for six or seven days…”

Liu Renna sobbed softly, Li Tao never lived on campus, in the past ten years she was separated from him for at most one or two nights because of gang affairs, and most of the time the two of them depended on each other and saw each other before going to bed and after waking up. It's the other side.

Li Tao hadn't spoken yet, Liu Renna lost control of her emotions, and then suddenly changed her tone: "Smelly child, I'll tell you, my aunt is lying in the bathtub right now, and just took a piece of chun- medicine, if you don't come back and hurt my aunt... "

"Liu Renna, how dare you!" Li Tao was a little annoyed, but the sound of water from the opposite side suddenly stopped.

He looked down and saw that the phone was out of battery!

rough!This crazy woman can't really take medicine, can she?
Li Tao frowned, he glanced at the phone and now he has a reason to restore the power.

Stepping on the car, Li Tao jumped down to the second floor with some difficulty, and then walked to the first floor along the bumpy steps that were crushed by the car.

Just as he was about to look for the power supply room, abrupt footsteps sounded from the gate of the building.

Li Tao frowned and opened the door and walked into the first room around the corner, the sound of footsteps gradually became clear from far to near.

The woman was tall and slender, holding a black island samurai sword in her hand, her face was stern, her long purple hair was coiled up gently, and she had the dignity of a mature woman.

It seems that her skin is very tight because of her martial arts practice all day long, but her ascetic face is covered with a charming figure, and she walks solemnly, but because of her twisted waist, people misunderstand that she is flirting.

The footsteps stopped abruptly in front of the door, and the woman stopped in place and frowned and looked towards the bumpy steps of the stairs.

"This is."

From the outside, there is nothing special about this building, but after entering, the traces of Li Tao driving down the steps are too obvious.

Li Tao, who was separated by a wall, lowered his eyebrows in thought. He still couldn't see the car on the first floor, but if the other party went up one floor, he could see the pickup truck lying across the steps leading to the third floor on the second floor.

There were food and tools inside, but Li Tao hadn't had time to take them down yet. Although he wasn't sure who the woman outside was, it was definitely the Red Army.

What's more, he was also very worried about what was going on with Liu Renna.

But the back injury made Li Tao a bit wary now. It happened that there was a mirror in front of him. Looking at the bandages wrapped around his body, Li Tao's eyes lit up.

He also wrapped his head with a bandage, and after some adjustments, he really looked like a mummy.

"It's a woman, it shouldn't be difficult to scare her away, right?"

Even a strong woman like Aunt Liu is afraid of ghosts. When Li Tao watched ghost movies with her since childhood, whenever a ghost appeared, Aunt Liu was so "frightened" that he would lift his clothes off and put his head in. Big gasping.

So Li Tao was fooled by her acting skills and came to an ignorant conclusion that "no matter how strong a woman is, she is afraid of ghosts".


Li Tao deliberately pressed the door and pushed it, and walked out slowly with the stiff steps of walking dead.

 Restore two chapters, work hard to get rich!

(End of this chapter)

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