Chapter 122
The moment the door was pushed open, the woman's abyss-like eyes cast there.

No one came out, but as the sky darkened, the strength of the wind gradually tightened. Could it be that the wind pushed the door open?
However, the woman's gaze and expression were as cold as a cold lake, making it impossible to figure out what was going on in her heart.

Stepping on black Martin boots, the woman walked step by step to the room where the door was pushed open.

This was still a classroom, but all the windows were opened, and the howling cold wind pierced in like a dagger, rolling the white paper left by the students on the desks into the sky.

The woman walked towards the window, and then cast her eyes out of the window, as if thinking about whether someone escaped from here.


The door behind him closed at this moment.


Almost at the same moment, the moment the door opened, two butterfly darts shot from her cuffs towards the door.

After turning around, seeing that the dart embedded in the door was still trembling slightly, but no one was pinned down, the woman slightly frowned.

It seemed that she was very confident in the accuracy of her darts. If there was someone in that position just now, these two darts would definitely be able to nail the opponent's hand to the door.

After stopping for a while, the woman finally stepped forward to leave the room, but when she twisted the doorknob with her hand, she found that the door couldn't be opened, as if it was sucked by a suction cup.

The weather in July is very weird. As soon as the sun sets, the night falls almost immediately.

The entire building without electricity was plunged into darkness, and the classroom she was staying in was no exception. In the dark room, the wind was still making piercing screams when it passed through the crack of the door. It was indeed terrifying. It's like a movie.

Suddenly, a black shadow floated past the door, and when the woman turned her head to look over, she disappeared again.

But the next moment, a roll of soft stuff wrapped in a white cloth suddenly fell from the ceiling, and stopped right next to the tip of her nose.

Squatting under the desk next to the wall closest to the door, Li Tao couldn't help showing a smug smile on his face with a bandage in his hand.

He tied a roll of curtains with bandages and hung them up. In his opinion, he looked like a person who hanged himself. Moreover, he deliberately opened and closed the door twice because he considered people's hearts. It is estimated that the "corpse" is already dead. The woman was so frightened that she wanted to run away in a panic.

Li Tao moved out from the bottom of the table with a very thoughtful little step, and removed the glass block he had placed between the door, so that the woman could escape better.

Do you want to open the door directly for her?After all, the room is very dark now, and Li Tao can only touch the doorknob by following his memory.


The "corpse" was strangled to powder by the black samurai sword, and the woman turned to look at the door with a blank expression.

Li Tao, who had already touched the doorknob, was a little dazed by the powder blown by the wind, and Li Tao immediately held his breath when he regained his senses. He believed that in such a dark room, the other party's vision would not be able to catch him.

But in fact it was true, Li Tao was squatting very low, and the light from Xi Wei outside the window was blocked by the woman's body, so she really couldn't tell that the black mass on the ground was a person.

Holding a samurai sword, she slowly walked towards the door.

"Zi Liu--"

A series of electric currents sounded abruptly, and the next moment the whole classroom was lit up instantly, and the six rows of lamp sticks on the ceiling were all glowing.

The two people stared at each other, it was obvious that this moment was an accident for both of them.

This woman turned out to be Masako Busushima!
His family's old enemy was squatting on the ground!
Li Tao looked at the bandage in his hand that had no pulling force, and after letting go, he grinned at her in embarrassment, expressing his kindness on his own initiative, he really didn't expect Li Manzi to find the power supply from the seventh floor at this time.

However, Masako Bushima's response was not kind. Her black martin boots popped out the blade and slashed towards Li Tao's throat.

"You crazy woman from the island country is sick!"

Li Tao sat down on the ground with his ass on the ground, leaning his head backwards towards the door, barely avoiding the throat-cutting knife.

But then Masako Bushima stepped forward with a lunge, and the samurai sword in his hand slashed at his head. Li Tao had to roll in embarrassment, and rolled over from the woman's crotch.

He climbed to the podium and stood up quickly, staring at Masako Busujima warily, but now the woman didn't take advantage of the victory to pursue her. Instead, she showed a smile on her paralyzed iceberg face that hadn't changed for thousands of years.

This action actually gave her a bit of the charm of an island country woman.

"The prince of the Xuetu gang slipped under my crotch just now." Masako Busushima said with a smile in her voice.

"Which dog's eye of yours saw it?" Leaning on the podium, Li Tao raised his eyebrows and retorted.

The smile slowly froze on her charming face, first a flash of astonishment flashed in her beautiful eyes, and then shame and anger!

Masako Bushima never expected that Li Tao, as the successor of the Blood Slaughter Gang, would be so shameless!

"Just like the rumored Yu Inna~" Masako Busushima gritted her silver teeth.

Li Tao didn't speak, Du Dao mentioned Liu Renna, and he remembered that just before the call with Aunt Liu was cut off, that woman threatened him to take some kind of medicine while lying in the bathtub!

It can't be that he really ate it, and no one can solve it if he doesn't eat it by his side.

But thinking of Liu Renna's temper, she just thought it would be completely reckless, maybe at first Liu Renna really wanted to scare him, but his phone suddenly ran out of battery, Liu Renna would most likely think it was Li Tao who hung up the phone, Maybe you can just pour yourself a bottle of chun- medicine.

The more he thought about it, the more frightened Li Tao became. In a trance, Aunt Liu's coquettish panting sound could be heard in his ears. He had no time to spend with this island woman.

Although he can't go back now, at least he has to remind Liu Renna to close the door tightly!
"Since you've seen me, don't think about going back until the mock battle is over." Li Tao's aura gradually rose, and an unknown hostility made Masako Bujima on the opposite side look a little sideways.

Putting Poison Island Masako back means that the hiding place Li Tao chose will be discarded again, and there are only more than ten buildings here. It is hard to say whether he can choose the right one next time, and he will move with Li Manzi. The probability of being discovered this far is even greater.

"I'll give you two options, either 'die', or kill your thoughts and stay by my side."

What Li Tao meant was that during the simulated battle, Masako Busujima would either die now and be taken away by the referee, or stay by his side and wait for the end of the war.

But the island woman from the Yamaguchi group has a strange brain circuit. Li Tao's words reached her ears, and she said, either she will be killed by him, or she will be his obedient bitch.


Masako Busushima pointed the black samurai sword at Li Tao, said with cold eyes: "I will retaliate to you, and I will give you two choices, either you will be cut down by this 'Abyss' engraved with the glory of the Busushima family. kill……"

Then her tone became a little mocking, and the little white hand that didn't hold the knife touched the base of her thigh and rubbed it: "Either you will be my surname-slave and serve me for the rest of your life."

The Blood Slaughter Gang and the Yamaguchi-gumi are feuds, and Masako Bushima's identity is still unclear, but she is definitely the heir of the high-level speaker of the Yamaguchi-gumi, and making Li Tao a slave is the supreme honor she has brought to the family.


The blackboard eraser rubbed against Masako Busushima's scalp with great force and embedded it into the door.

Li Tao stared at Du Dao with an ugly expression, and said every word: "If she (Liu Renna) heard your words, she must have skinned you."

Holding the samurai sword and drawing a crescent arc in the air, Busushima said flatly: "It seems that you chose the first one."

As soon as the words fell, Masako Busushima blasted towards Li Tao's location like a bow and crossbow, and the black samurai sword cut through the air and slashed down fiercely.

Li Tao took a wrong step backwards, raised his hand, and Bawang Tie pressed against the back of the saber.

The samurai sword sank deep into the surface of the lectern, but Masako Busushima immediately slammed her knee into Li Tao's lower abdomen, and the tip of her toe also popped out the blade to cut Li Tao's knee.

Li Tao immediately pressed his backhand to her knee. Under normal circumstances, his strength is still stronger than that of Masako Busushima, but just as he pushed out this palm, the pain in his back suddenly strangled like a cramp.

In plain English, it's like a throbbing nerve.

(End of this chapter)

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