Chapter 123 Are You Coming?
The damage from the dust explosion appeared at this time, which was particularly fatal. This caused Li Tao's palm to press down on Masako Busujima's knee was not strong enough, and instead his wrist was dislocated by her knee.

Masako Busushima didn't give him a chance to breathe, she grabbed the samurai sword stuck on the desk with both hands, pulled it out, held it high and stabbed Li Tao's chest.

Li Tao gritted his teeth and lowered his waist, pressed his hands back to the ground, his limbs avoided another killing move like a bridge.

Although he escaped this blow, Li Tao was already like a lamb waiting to be slaughtered. His bulging stomach was right by Masako Bushima, and she could "cut open" him with a butterfly dart.

Compared to killing his old enemy, of course torturing him would bring more satisfaction to Masako Busushima, and he slammed Li Tao to the ground with the back of the knife.

Masako Bushima squatted down, clamped Li Tao's neck with her elbows, and strangled him hard: "Come on, if you want to catch your breath, just say sister Masako is better and more attractive than Liu Renna."

"Uh%&%&uh~" Li Tao's face was already flushed due to lack of oxygen, his veins were throbbing, and his voice was even more slurred.

"Are you subdued so quickly?" Masako Busushima smiled mockingly, and gradually loosened his elbow.

"You're not as good as my Aunt Liu's stupid hair. Keke~vomit~"

In the middle of Li Tao's speech, Masako Busushima strangled his neck with his distorted hands, and the strong sense of suffocation shrouded him like a poisonous miasma at the bottom of a cliff.

He coughed dryly and almost vomited blood.

Li Tao could even feel his pupils start to slacken, and the bones in his neck were crackling and twisting back and forth as they were squeezed.

Is it just dead?

The current situation is that Masako Bushima is squatting behind him, and he is lying on the ground with nothing to pick up and hit her in his hands. It is even said that Li Tao is struggling to struggle by waving his hands back, but he swung The power is already very weak.

In this case, does he really have to wait for death?
"When I take the Yamaguchi-gumi to annex your Xuetu Gang one day, I will definitely send Liu Renna to death in the same way, just strangle her, let her suffocate a little bit, and wave her hands weakly~" Masako Busushima smiled gradually become sick.

At the moment when he was really close to death, Li Tao's mind was filled with a woman.

She lay naked in the bathtub, fiddling with the water boredly, and glanced at the bathroom door from time to time, and she showed disappointment again when her sweetheart showed up.

The screen gradually plunged into darkness, and Li Tao could no longer see her, but the unrighteous remarks that she kept brainwashing Li Tao when she was a child rang in her ears.

"Study hard in biology class, don't worry if you don't know the body structure, just go home and study it carefully with your aunt~"

"No one in school dares to bully you, don't put more textbooks in your schoolbag, pretend to be a dagger whoever provokes you and stab you to death, and then ask Lao Tang to lead people to bury everyone in the whole school, who told them to let you be bullied, By the way, pack a few more small books, that's serious books to read more."

"Don't be distorted by the aesthetics of the classmates around you. What kind of school girl, loli, are all bullshit. The older the wife is, the better. If she has a charm, she will love others. Students-students-sisters are still young~hug I feel so tight in my arms, how soft you are to hug my aunt~"


No, this woman doesn't know what unconscionable things she will do if she leaves him, and Li Tao is not willing to leave her alone to suffer.

The field of vision that had been plunged into darkness was condensed in the mottled red blood again, and Masako Bushima was a little surprised by the sudden throbbing of Li Tao's blood vessels.

"Let me look at your watch for you. You haven't died after 3 minutes. When I strangle Liu Renna to death, I will also tell her the time when you died. In seconds, I will also describe your expression to her." ferocious~"

Li Tao's eyeballs were about to pop out, but he was still staring at the ground, how should he get out now?

Li Tao suddenly discovered that there was actually a layer of carpet on the podium, but he didn't see it at first because it was wood-colored. His two fingers moved to the edge of the carpet little by little as if walking, picking up the corners. Li Tao opened his hand and grasped the edge as soon as he got up.

I don't know where the strength came from, but Li Tao's dislocated hand, which was hit by the knee, broke out with a terrifying pulling force. When he pulled like this, Masako Busushima lost her balance and fell forward.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Li Tao directly hit her chest with a head hammer, Masako Bushima was directly blasted into the air by him, Li Tao didn't stop, he appeared in midair like a ghost, and kicked towards Bushima Masako's back stomped her hard to the ground.

"If you have the guts, kill me!"

Everything changed too fast, and Masako Busushima regained her senses and was already defeated.

Li Tao, holding a samurai sword in one hand, pressed the blade against her cheek: "Just say one more word, and I'll cut off your entire face."

Li Tao's voice was emotionless, as if a machine was reading a code, but Masako Bushima believed it, and there was no reason not to believe it. Her pretty face was already pale, and her lips were dry and dry.


Li Tao swung his samurai sword and chopped off the blade on her toe. It has to be said that this "abyss" can be called cutting iron like mud. He chopped the blade into many pieces in two or three strokes.

Embed all these fragments into a bandage strip, and then wrapped the whole bandage in a loose circle under the eyes of Masako Busushima who was about to collapse, and tied it around her neck.

Now, as long as Li Tao yanks and tightens the bandage, Masako Bushima's fair neck will be "rich".

"Delusion to strangle her? No one can let her die"

Li Tao's dislocated finger pointed to the ceiling: "Oh my God, it won't work either."

Kicking Bushima Masako who was kneeling on the ground, Li Tao said coldly: "Now, you don't have two choices, only the second one is left, to be an obedient bitch, learn to be an obedient bitch before I let you go. You are as law-abiding as a dog, so don't cause trouble for me."

After speaking, Li Tao walked directly towards the door holding the bandage, feeling a chill on her neck, and Masako Bushima scrambled to follow like a dog, if she walked a step slower, the bandage would be closed because of the distance tight.

Of course she was not so humble and kept kneeling on the ground. Li Tao didn't pay attention to her the whole time, and walked towards the stairs with a serious expression. Masako Busushima watched for a while, then stood up quietly, seeing that Li Tao didn't respond She, Masako Busushima quietly breathed a sigh of relief.

The bandage was tied around her neck like a dog chain. The indescribable sense of shame and the fear caused by the coolness of the blade on her neck made Masako Busushima on the verge of a mental breakdown.

On the fourth floor, Li Manzi was already waiting there.

"Husband, why are you coming up so slowly? Didn't you say that we will gather on this floor as soon as the lights come on? What are you holding in your hand?"

Li Manzi found that Li Tao was holding a bandage in his hand, and looked down along the bandage, and then she noticed a shame-faced but beautiful woman standing on the steps and looking at her with some sadness.

"I told you before, Fang Yueji's follower."

"I'm not her follower!" Masako Bushima retorted a little excitedly when she heard the words.

"One of those two island women?"


Li Manzi's eyes flickered for a while and walked towards Masako Busushima, pacing around her.

"Are you here to hunt us down?"

"Not quite."

Li Manzi's beautiful eyes also gradually turned cold, she looked back at Li Tao and found that his back was soaked in blood, and immediately blamed this injury on Masako Bushima's head.

"Sister, my mobile phone is out of battery. I saw the charger in that classroom just now. I'll go to charge it. You hold the rope. If she moves a little, you don't have to hesitate to tighten it and just hang her up."

Li Manzi doesn't know much kung fu, and Masako Bushima is not a fuel-efficient lamp, so it's safer.

After receiving the bandage, Li Manzi looked at the blood oozing from Li Tao's camouflage vest, and said aggrievedly: "I want to hang her right now."

Li Tao was about to enter the classroom. Hearing this, he paused for a moment, turned his head and said seriously: "Remember to close your eyes, it won't be worth having a nightmare after seeing it."

Masako Busushima: "..."

Is her life so cheap?

Li Manzi wrinkled Xiao Qiong's nose, said with a puckered mouth, "Forget it, it's too cheap to kill her directly."

Masako Busushima: "..."

After Li Tao entered the classroom, he immediately turned on his cell phone. After turning it on, he found that Aunt Liu had already called him more than a dozen times.

Li Tao briefly glanced at her message and quickly dialed it back.


"Aunt Liu, my phone really ran out of battery just now!"

As soon as the call was connected, Li Tao couldn't wait to explain.

"How can there be such a coincidence"

Yoo In Na's voice was intermittent and weak.

"I swear the battery is really dead, I didn't hang it up on purpose."

"It's too late, I've already taken the medicine, so I'll ask you if you can come."

(End of this chapter)

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