Chapter 131
After Masako Bushima left, Li Tao didn't leave the short building immediately, because he always felt that Lin Rui had set him up, and he was not at ease if he didn't figure it out.

Looking at the sky outside, Li Tao estimated that it should be around seven or eight o'clock in the evening. He picked up the small hole made by the samurai sword in the wall before and came to the second floor again.

According to the direction Lin Rui walked out just now, Li Tao found the place where he was hiding before.

Li Tao also discovered the small hole on the ground used to spy on the first floor. Not far from the small hole was a pile of charred ashes. He seemed to have lit something.

It's a pity that Li Tao couldn't analyze the composition of the ashes, and he didn't even see what kind of trick Lin Rui was playing until the end.

Considering that Li Manzi might be very worried about him and cause any trouble, Li Tao twisted a handful of ashes, wrapped them in a bandage, stuffed them into his pocket, and jumped back to the first floor.

Before leaving the short building, Li Tao also cleaned up the scene comprehensively to prevent the seven people from leaving any clues that would reveal the truth.

After everything was properly handled, he returned the same way, and returned to the original building within a few minutes.

At this time, the whole building was already pitch black, and it seemed that Masako Bushima had come here to clean up the aftermath before returning to the opposite Red Army base.

Li Tao quickly stepped into the building, and when he stepped on the bumpy steps, his back was suddenly pressed tightly against his soft body.

"I came back so late, what should I do if the food is cold?"

Li Manzi buried her face on his back, wrapped her white and jade arms around his waist, and complained like an angry little daughter-in-law.

"Have you eaten?" Li Tao asked, patting the back of her hand.

"I didn't eat. I think I have to lose weight. I'm struggling to breathe because I'm squeezed by clothes." Li Manzi said angrily.

Hearing this, Li Tao gently opened her hand around his abdomen, turned to look at her, and just wanted to comfort her that she was fat where she should be, but this woman's dress made him "beautiful" and messed up.

"What are you wearing?"

Li Manzi pinched the front of the front and pulled it forward, finally able to take a big breath, and the greedy expression on her blushing pretty face was even more unstoppable.

"I just took the curtains and cut an apron, which is what plump women in comic books wear when they cook..."

The flesh-colored curtains were tightly wrapped around her mature body, so seamless that Li Tao thought that this woman was not wearing anything.

Li Tao's face trembled and he said straightaway: "That's not a serious comic book, read it less in the future."

Li Manzi hugged her chest and said confidently: "I don't like to watch serious ones, and I can't learn the tricks of flirting with men~"

Li Tao: "..."

Immediately afterwards, she gave Li Tao a charming white look: "You don't want to be considerate of me, what else can I care about at my age besides thinking about that?"

With a successful career, and just at the age of jackals and tigers, Li Manzi really lacks everything, except for a man who torments her.

Li Tao shivered for no reason, choosing a university with chaste school rules was really a correct decision for him.

Coughing a few times, Li Tao pretended to look up and down Li Manzi's body seriously, and said after pondering: "It's not that you are fat, it's just that the size you cut was not reasonable."

"Which is unreasonable? When I invested in a clothing company before, I read a questionnaire survey. The standard body size of a 1.7-meter woman is what I cut. The size of the standard body size I wear is so cramped. What is it not fat?"

"As for your height, you are more than 1.7 meters. Last time I saw you standing with Aunt Liu, you were a little taller than her."

Li Manzi herself has the tall figure of a Western woman, although she is still petite and charming in front of Li Tao, who is nearly 1.8 meters five.

Li Manzi raised her head and recalled, and explained: "I'm also a professional woman, I often have to dress up to attend, Xiangxue and I usually wear high heels, Liu Renna walks around you all day, and the clothes are more homely. .”

Female bosses in the workplace VS young women at home, each has its own charm, and it would be a bit hooligan not to choose any one.

"And it's almost the same. Anyway, they are much shorter than you. What did Liu Renna feed you when you were young? If you grow so tall, could it be that she squeezed yourself?" Li Manzi asked, standing on tiptoe and biting his ear.

"What can she squeeze out from a big girl with yellow flowers? I just take more traditional Chinese medicine and secrete more adrenaline."

It's normal for Li Tao to be taller. Liu Renna has used all kinds of nourishing herbs to pile him on his body since he was a child. Liu Renna was afraid that he would get angry, so she led him to step into the educational video of the island country selected by her to purify his mind. On the road of fire, the adrenaline hormone is slightly higher when you are educated.

The summary is that the tonic is absorbed quite thoroughly, and the stature naturally rises.

Li Tao suddenly extended a hand to her: "Where are the scissors?"

Li Manzi was a little puzzled, but she still ran to the second floor in small steps, and Li Tao naturally followed.

"What about this~" Li Manzi shouted, waving at Li Tao, running out of a classroom.

Li Tao walked over to take the pair of scissors, and gestured on Li Manzi's body in the air, which made her feel overwhelmed and began to eat his hands.

With an idea in mind, Li Tao stabbed Li Manzi's chest with this cut.

"Shua Shua——" As soon as the blades merged, the cloth spread out to the left and right,
Then the scissors in his hand swam to the outside of Li Manzi's thigh like a small snake.

There were a few more "swish, swish".

"Do you like this exposed style? The collar is so low, and the thighs are too high."

Now she seems to be wearing a deep V cheongsam, coupled with her plump figure, and the look of being at a loss, she is really pure and lustful!

"I'm doing it for your comfort." Li Tao explained.

"Looking at it this way, does it mean that my figure is much better? You don't need to lose weight. Let's go to dinner with me." Li Tao took her hand and walked up the bumpy stairs.

Li Manzi found a classroom on the fourth floor as a kitchen, and by the way, used desks to assemble a simple dining table.

"Steamed meat with vegetables in an electric cooker is a bit fat, you can eat it by yourself." Li Manzi walked to the table and took away the bowl covered with vegetables, revealing the rich flavor and deliciousness inside.

"I thought I just persuaded you to agree that I'm not fat anymore, and cooperating with me to cut a lonely?"

Li Tao randomly moved a chair and sat in front of the dining table, looking helplessly at Li Manzi, he moved his butt, patted half of the chair to signal her to sit over.

Li Manzi walked over shyly, bowed her head in shame and said, "My buttocks are a bit big."

"It shouldn't be a problem, right? Then you sit here, and I'll move it later"

Li Tao didn't finish his sentence, but Li Manzi sat down on him: "No, it's fine if you don't sit like this~"

Once a woman's figure is plump, her body will appear soft. Leaning on Li Manzi in his arms, Li Tao feels as if he is hugging a balloon full of water.

"I can sit, you have to eat." Li Tao walked through her arms and picked up the chopsticks on the table with his hands.

After flicking off a layer of black lettuce on the surface, Li Tao picked up the sliced ​​meat and brought it to Li Manzi's mouth.

"Don't be so fat." Li Manzi seemed to be wearing a pain mask, and she withdrew her little head a lot, almost falling out of Li Tao's arms.

"It's okay, you are different from others. After eating, the meat grows where it should grow. Weight is not a factor to measure beauty."

"I don't eat, I can't eat."

Li Manzi insisted again and again, but considering that the two of them will be busy in the future, Li Tao must let her cherish every opportunity to eat.

"Then you can only eat lean meat?" Li Tao flipped the chopsticks over and aimed the lean meat side at her small cherry mouth.

"Well, that's fine too."

"Okay, you can eat." Li Tao pressed the meat further to her lips.

The woman Liu Mei opened her lips with a slight frown, and lightly bit the piece of meat, because Li Tao's face was blocked by her entire back, so Li Manzi's movements could not be seen.

After Li Manzi realized this, her beautiful eyes suddenly sparkled with excitement.

I saw her pink tongue licking back and forth on the fat part, and she moved her mouth away in satisfaction after it was stretched: "I've finished eating lean meat."

"Well, then change to another one." Li Tao was about to throw the fat on the chopsticks into another bowl, which made Li Manzi anxious.

"What are you doing, don't throw it away, you haven't finished eating, how can you throw it away?"

Li Tao was taken aback for a moment, his head came under Li Manzi's armpit, looked at the chopsticks and asked with some doubts: "Isn't this clean?"

Li Manzi lowered his head and poked Li Tao's forehead with his chin: "I said fat."

At this moment, Li Tao was also thinking about it, and he said with some amusement, "I don't like to eat fatty meat either."

Who is not spoiled, when Li Tao opened his mouth and waited, Aunt Liu would bite off the fat and spit it out, and then put the lean meat into his mouth.

"How can you be so picky about eating? Many people in the war-torn areas are displaced and can't even drink their saliva. How can you stop eating fat because you don't like it?"

Li Tao blinked and looked at the big girl innocently, this is too double standard.

"Hurry up and eat it." Pushing Li Tao's arm, Li Manzi urged.

Under Li Manzi's condemnation, she ate all the lean meat in a bowl of preserved vegetables, and threw all the sticky fat to Li Tao.

In this life, Li Tao doesn't want to eat fatty meat anymore. Although he doesn't know why it's a bit sweet, it's so greasy, and finally made it to the last slice. Li Tao thought he was going to be liberated.

Just as Li Manzi bit off the lean meat, he suddenly coughed, and the sticky fat left over had completed the "jumping off a cliff to commit suicide".

Li Manzi looked down at the private parts aggrievedly, then grabbed Li Tao's shoulders, turned around on him, looked at Li Tao shyly face to face, and said in an even lower voice, "Ditch..."

(End of this chapter)

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