Chapter 132 The First Night

Touching a small pimple on his chin, Li Tao murmured: "I have to find a way not to get angry."

"But with these few shameless women, it's unrealistic not to get angry. If you have this skill, you might as well figure out how to vent your anger."

The sound of water in the bathroom suddenly stopped, and then a plump, white and tender woman ran out in a panic, screaming coquettishly, "Husband, do you need to relieve your fire now?"

Can you hear this?
Li Tao's face was black as coal, he poked Li Manzi from the air, and said sullenly: "Don't force me to poke my eyes blind, go in and cover yourself before you come out!"

Li Manzi curled her lips: "Have you learned to threaten your wife with self-harm?"

As she said that, she turned her back to Li Tao and patted her own buttocks provocatively before twisting the waist of the water snake and entering.


The Red Army Base is the tallest building in this group of buildings with twelve floors. At this time, the top floor of this building is filled with a complex and treacherous atmosphere.

Holding a jet-black samurai sword in one hand, Masako Busushima walked onto the black carpet expressionlessly under the watchful eyes of the Red Army in camouflage uniforms. people.

And on the final high platform where the black carpet extends, Fang Yueji is lying on a bed in a very indecent posture, her azure blue hair half-hides the blush on her cheeks, making her even more like Su Daji, a vixen who has ruined the country and the people.

"The entire team of Lin Rui was wiped out by the entire Blue Army?" Fang Yueji asked nonchalantly, biting a cherry.

Masako Busushima stopped in front of the steps under the high platform, looked up at Fang Yueji, and said in a cold voice, "It was a person. I don't know if it was the Blue Army."

"Oh, alone?" Fang Yueji also slowed down as she chewed the cherry in her mouth.

The next moment, Fang Yueji stared at Masako Bushima: "If it's alone, it's probably Li Tao who did it~"

Without waiting for Masako Bushima to speak, Fang Yueji said to herself: "Since the prince of the Blood Slaughter Gang entered the school, which one of the things that has been in the limelight has not caused blood? My brother was made into a vegetable by him~"

Hearing Fang Yueji's words, the rest of the people also turned their attention to Masako Busushima.

Masako Bushima's face remained unchanged, and the black samurai sword in her hand made a terrifying clang: "If it was Li Tao, I would drag him to this position with a bloody hole in his body."

By this time, the identities of Masako Busushima and Akina Nakamori are no longer a secret, and the sworn feud between the Yamaguchi-gumi and the Xuetu Gang is well known to everyone. People naturally choose to believe.

Han Guguan stood up and said in a serious tone: "Lin Rui and the others were sent by Commander Fang to investigate because the building opposite suddenly turned on the lights. Did they say that the person who "killed" them is still in that building? In the building?"

"No, the people who "killed" them were in the short building, that's where they died."

Masako Busushima knew that she was usually taciturn, and it was not suitable for her to explain a lot suddenly, so she could only wait for further inquiries from others.

But Fang Yueji didn't ask why Lin Rui, who was going to the opposite building, went to the lower building instead. She only asked, "Have you fought the murderer?"


"Then trouble classmate Han to go to the scene to see if that person hasn't left yet, and there is a danger of sending a signal flare." Fang Yueji motioned to the second person beside him, Nakamori Akina, to go over and hand him a signal flare.

"Okay, now we can only wait and see. The enemy is dark and we are clear. A single person can destroy seven of our mid-level forces. Everyone knows the strength of the instructors. Let's communicate with each other on the spot. , to collide with each other on how to strengthen defensive construction."

"Masako, come up, something is wrong~" Fang Yueji hooked her hand at Masako Bushima and said.

Masako Busushima nodded, stuck her samurai sword into the carpet, and walked steadily to Fang Yueji's side.

"Maxi is dying in the room directly opposite the stairs on the second floor. That man... has been looking for her. Go outside that room and keep watch, and don't let that man in."

Masako Bushima looked at the position where Fang Yueji glanced out of the corner of her eye. At this moment, Ah Cha kept looking at the crowd with her head tilted, as if she was looking for someone.

"What did you do to her?" Masako Busushima asked in a low voice with anger streaming from her eyes.

Fang Yueji raised her eyebrows, and said with some displeasure: "Don't talk to me in this tone, and you abuse-she abuses less? If it wasn't for Nakamori to stop you, you would have stripped Ma Qian and thrown her on the rostrum as a confession." The whole school watched."


"Giggle~" Fang Yueji covered her mouth and trembled with joy, she patted Masako Busushima's buttocks: "Go, go, keep an eye on her first, once the mock battle is over, I guarantee that the three of us and her will not matter Others will know."

"You said her father."

Fang Yueji's expression became flat, she looked at Masako Busujima a little boringly: "I didn't lie to you, her father is an Internet giant, your mother was indeed sent to his bed, if you don't believe me, I will show you."

"Enough!" Masako Busushima shouted angrily. After she finished speaking, she walked down the high platform without looking back, pulled out her samurai sword and disappeared on the stairs.

After Masako Busushima left, Fang Yueji whispered a few words to Akina Nakamori, and she brought a boy in camouflage uniform over.

"You and Lin Rui usually walk very close?"

"Yes, we are fellow villagers."

"What do you mean by throwing aluminum powder at people?"

"Splashing aluminum powder, we have a special pronunciation over there. Aluminum is pronounced green, and aluminum powder is splashing green. It is usually thrown at unruly women or cheating men."

"Does that mean betrayal?" Fang Yueji clapped her little hands with interest, but her eyes fell on Ah Cha deeply...

Li Tao already has a plan, how to make the Red Army and the Blue Army completely form a life-and-death confrontation situation.

He could guess that Fang Yueji would definitely suspect him, and the way to clear his suspicion was to clear his first suspicion through the number of people, further proving the real existence of the Blue Army Task Force.

Fang Yueji also knew that there were only two people on Li Tao's side. If Li Tao could show that more than two people were committing the crime, it must be the blue army involved.

It is not enough to provoke the Red Army, what is more important is to let the Blue Army really develop the mentality of playing tricks on the Red Army. Of course, this also depends on Li Tao's obstruction.

But tonight, he couldn't do this anymore, because Li Manzi's fever broke out.

She hugged the air conditioner, her delicate body would twitch every once in a while, and her bare little feet had never stretched with their toes hooked.

Li Tao hugged his knees and squatted next to the air conditioner. As soon as he left, Li Manzi looked terminally ill and sighed as if dying.

"You sleep alone with the air conditioner every night, so why do you have to drag me by your side today?" Li Tao asked in distress.

The main reason is that every time the heat and poison wash away from her body, this woman would shiver and make a soft trembling sound.

"Don't talk, I'm going to die, I'm dead~ Dabaa~"

The finishing touch was Li Manzi's last long breath of relief, so shameless, Li Tao felt as if he had returned to the educational film that Aunt Liu had chosen for him.

"Damn!" Li Tao scratched his hair frantically, the heat came in wave after wave, and as soon as it came, the woman yelled that she was going to die

Li Manzi moved her little feet to the back of Li Tao's neck, then raised her toes to pinch Li Tao's skin, and said coquettishly, "It's still hot, can't you keep taking it off?"

"Of course not. Please spare me. If you insist on taking it off, I will definitely leave." Li Tao smiled wryly.

"Hmph! Unconscionable man, tell me you haven't seen it, I can even say you've touched it, I'm so angry~"

Li Tao: "..."

Li Manzi raised her small fist: "I really want to beat you up."

"Your disease, have you not found a solution for all these years?"

As Li Manzi's little toe touched his skin, Li Tao gradually felt the woman's hot body temperature like a stove.

"I must have looked for it. I have searched all over the world, and I have searched for all the doctors of the underworld. It is useless, so I can only be stabbed by you. The Taoist priest who saved me said that when I become a woman, the heat and poison will flow out together with the blood." Li Manzi's voice There is powerlessness and resignation.

A top capital oligarch like her can't get other detoxification methods, so it can basically be concluded.

Li Tao sighed: "Why did you suffer from this disease?"

Li Manzi struggled to get up on the air conditioner. She climbed to the top of Li Tao, whose chin was facing the squatting ground, and asked tentatively: "Maybe it's because you have accumulated virtue in your previous life, and God gave you a big beautiful girl for nothing?"

The corners of Li Tao's mouth couldn't help but rise: "Why are you still so smug?"

Li Manzi also showed a smile, but the smile paused on her face for a moment and then gradually turned bitter: "Just kidding, maybe I have done too many wicked things, and my illness is like retribution. Sigh..."

"You don't look like a bad person." Li Tao turned his head and looked at her face and said seriously.

"That's all for you. Good people and bad people are relative. Then let me ask you, what do you think of Liu Renna?"

"Aunt Liu? She is very nice. Apart from her bad temper, she doesn't want others to disobey her. But in fact, she is often soft-hearted. Even when she gets angry, she will quickly forgive her..."

"You are wrong. When Liu Renna was young, not only was she famous in the Tao, but few people in the blood slaughter gang dared to stare at her. She didn't want others to disobey her, so everyone who disobeyed her died, including gang members. Why don't you say that you didn't forgive me?"

"She is a heinous murderer. You don't need to deny this. Soft-heartedness is only given to you. That's the truth."

After a pause, Li Manzi said in a complicated tone: "I am the same. When I was young, I invested very aggressively. I used all means to win. I didn't care about market rules at all.
"Actually, if you think about it, I can have the wealth I have today, but how many gamblers jumped off buildings in exchange for it..."

It seemed that she was suffering psychologically. She was a little afraid of losing this little man, and she couldn't help wrapping her hot arms around his neck.

But soon Li Manzi came back to her senses, and wanted to move her hand away for fear of burning Li Tao.

But Li Tao suddenly grabbed her retracted hand, and said softly:

"Take it off when it's hot. From now on, you can take off your clothes when I'm around and embrace the air conditioner. When I'm not around, dress tighter."

Love was shining in the moist eyes, and she was moved and cried, "Well, Xiangxue won't show it either!"


(End of this chapter)

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