Chapter 140

In the process of going up the stairs, Li Tao also saw many familiar figures from the Academy of Art, and many girls in military uniforms rushed to his place to wait for orders.

Li Tao himself was wearing a red army uniform. Although his head was wrapped in a bandage and his eyes, nose and mouth were exposed, his shape was rather weird, but at this critical juncture, everyone's thoughts were worried about the blue army downstairs.

In the staggered flow of people, he was just an ordinary member, so naturally he seemed inconspicuous.

On the tenth floor, Masako Bushima was already waiting for him with her arm on the railing of the stairs. I don't know if it was Li Tao's illusion, but he felt the bitterness and panic in Masako Bushima's eyes.

The sword slave contract between Li Tao and Masako Bushima did allow the two to read each other's minds, but that would only be known to Li Tao when Masako Bushima had that thought in his mind.

To put it simply, he can hear what Masako Busushima is saying and what he is thinking, but if Masako Busushima deliberately thinks of something else to cover up some things, he will naturally be unable to discern.

"What's the situation now, what about Fang Yueji and the others?" Li Tao looked outside through the window, the tongue of flames on the first and second floors had already protruded out of the window, greedily licking the air outside, growing stronger and stronger like a monster made of fire Devilish.

Masako Bushima couldn't help holding Li Tao's arm, as if she was covering up or avoiding something, she didn't want Li Tao to stay in this noisy environment, and pushed him to the upper floor.

"Let's go up and talk about it."

Masako Busujima didn't stop until she reached the No.12 floor, caressing the curled and wrinkled area of ​​Li Tao's facial bandage, she said in a slightly complicated tone:
"Fang Yueji and all the students whose aptitude reached Grade B suddenly disappeared overnight."

The twelfth floor is much cleaner than the one below, and the damage caused by the Blue Army will not affect it at all. Not only does the air not smell of sparks, but there is also a faint fragrance of flowers, and the sound is deep and quiet because it is more than ten floors away from the ground.

Li Tao frowned and looked around the hall. The long dark carpet was directly spread to a stack of stairs, and a bed placed on the steps had a strong atmosphere of worldly mortals.

It's easy to make people imagine that a woman like Su Daji, who has ruined the country and the people, is lying on it and is coveted and unavailable.

"Did she find that something is wrong with you?" Li Tao's mind came up with Fang Yueji's pure and delicate elf face.

"No way, I don't think there is any loophole that will make her think that I will be tamed by you, and she didn't take me away just because she arranged other things for me"

Masako Bushima's eyes wandered to the ground, and just when Li Tao was about to ask what was going on, she suddenly said, "Also, Acha is missing."

"Ah Cha is missing?" Li Tao repeated with some doubts.

"Just today, the blue army suddenly launched a humiliating attack on this building. When the windows first broke down, I was on the second floor, uh... patrolling, and then I immediately ran to the twelfth floor, looking for Fang Yueji. "

Normally, this top floor is where decision-making is made, and Fang Yueji would not leave theoretically, but after Masako Busushima arrived, she found that this floor was empty, and I don't know how long it had been empty.

Fang Yueji threatened her to guard Ma Qian and never took the initiative to find her again. Masako Busushima was worried that seeing Fang Yueji indirectly reminded her of Ma Qian's incident, and then ran down to torture her.

Simply these few days, Masako Busujima has been quietly guarding the utility room alone, occasionally chatting with this former arrogant Miss Ma.

But today the Blue Army's attack on the first and second floors is likely to affect the utility room where Marcy is held. Masako Busujima wants to come to this layer of usual decision-making to see what measures they decide to take against the Blue Army, but the whole floor all empty.

She went back to the second floor right away, but the explosive arrows projected by the blue army towards this floor had already turned the entire floor into a sea of ​​flames. She slashed into the sea of ​​flames with a knife, only to find that the utility room where Marcie was held had long since lost her trail.

Of course, Masako Busujima omitted all the news about Ma Qian, and just told Li Tao that she was guarding something on the second floor.

"They should be here during the day, and they haven't been free for a long time." Li Tao stepped on the steps and came to the bed where Fang Yueji usually slept.

Li Tao picked up a small object and showed it to Masako Bushima: "Is she still smoking?"

"That's right, that's the cigarette she used to smoke, and the ashes of the cigarette butt are indeed from today." Masako Bushima agreed with Li Tao's point of view.

"If Fang Yueji took him away, it could only be used to threaten me, and she probably wouldn't do anything to him before she found me." Li Tao speculated.

Masako Busushima hesitated to speak, seemed to want to express her own speculation, but finally opened her mouth and sighed silently.

"Now you are the person with the highest right to speak in this building. When I came up, did you arrange the students who were fully armed?" Li Tao asked curiously.

"Yes, I called everyone together, and when I counted the number of people, I confirmed that all the second-level students were gone, and so was Acha." Masako Bushima explained.

Li Tao paced around for a while, and finally made a decision.

"You can directly order the Red Army to open fire, and see the reaction of the Blue Army. If the stalemate can be maintained, then the two of us can leave this building with peace of mind."

Li Tao went to find Rong Duanmu, it was difficult to fight him alone, and he needed the help of Masako Bushima.

Of course, Masako Busushima would not refuse Li Tao's request, she picked up the walkie-talkie and called all the Red Army directly.

"Fire tentatively at the blue army within 100 meters of the base." Masako Busushima ordered.

Li Tao and Masako Bushima walked down the stairs, and just as they reached the No.11 floor, gunshots rang out.

Immediately afterwards, the woman's voice appeared on the intercom: "Shoot directly, no matter the distance, shoot all you can hit."

This lazy tone was exactly Fang Yueji's voice. As the supreme commander of the Red Army, her orders were unquestionable, otherwise she would be judged dead in battle.

Li Tao quickly ran to the window sill. He and Masako Busushima watched this scene in shock. The instructors of the blue army, who had been humiliatingly playing with the red square, were now surrounded.

At some point, a group of people wearing red military uniforms appeared on the outer circle, led by Han Guguan and others.

The Blue Army, who was under attack from the front and back, did not panic. Their people with explosion-proof shields quickly lined up to block the firepower in the building, facing the circle of Red Army surrounding them, they also piled up a row of explosion-proof shields.

The anti-explosion shield is the one-meter-high large shield held by the special police commonly seen on TV. The anti-explosion shield of the Blackwater Security Company has further improved the anti-bullet capability, which is also to make up for the fact that the Blue Army can only use rubber bullets in the simulated battle. short board.

Luan Bao naturally has the highest reputation in this team by virtue of his qualifications, and he will not waste this opportunity to show his leadership ability.

"Take up the Explosive Bow, no matter how many are left, and shoot at the Red Army that is rushing out." Luan Bao ordered.

Because a lot of shots were fired into the building before, and there were not many arrows left, it was obviously impossible to use the remaining arrows to cause much damage to the Red Army.

But these mercenaries in the blue army were veterans on the battlefield, and they soon understood what Luan Bao meant.

More than a dozen explosive arrows landed in the bushes, and the ignited flames rose into a wall in the air, directly blocking Han Guguan and others.

"Let you make trouble just now, but now your brains are hurting?" Luan Bao turned his head and said.

The "buzzing" sound of the bullets collapsing on the shield really made the blue army's scalp tingle, not because of fear, but because of pure hearing.

"Team Luan, this year's students are really interesting. If our entire army is wiped out, wouldn't they really have the guts to behead Commander Duanmu?" An instructor joked.

It turned out that the reason why the Blue Army took action tonight was not a whim. In fact, after dinner, around [-]:[-], the temporary command post built by the Blue Army in the cafeteria was sprayed with the words "Red war zone, blue army go away, Otherwise, it will be beheaded at dawn!" The red paint.

This naturally annoyed all the instructors. After taking the initiative to ask Duan Murong, more than [-]% of the blue army came to the base of the red army to block them, but of course they did not expect the embarrassment of being surrounded.

"We don't care about the commander-in-chief, but we can't be cold, or we won't be able to raise our heads anywhere in the future." After speaking, Luan Bao fell into deep thought, and after a moment's sight rotation, he had a countermeasure.

"Isn't it poisoned? Let's grab the building. It seems that the level of the students in the building is much lower than the group outside."

The blue army put on gas masks as a whole, and then shot all the arrows with paralyzing toxin towards the windows on the first and second floors of broken glass. According to the rules, all those who were paralyzed were also sentenced to death in battle.

However, Li Tao and Masako Bushima came to the ground from the third floor with the help of iron chains with ugly faces.

There were only three people sitting in an unburned bush, and Fang Yueji and Nakamori Akina sat on both sides of Li Manzi, one on the left and the other on the right.

Li Tao stared coldly at Fang Yueji without saying a word.

When Fang Yueji saw him, a calm smile appeared on her face: "Sure enough, that mummy is you. You have been avoiding me since the start of the mock battle, and this time you finally delivered it to your door obediently~"

"What do you want?" Li Tao frowned and looked at Li Manzi, afraid that she might get hurt.

"What else can I think about? As the commander of the Red Army, of course I want to win." Fang Yueji glanced at Li Manzi, and had to say that even though she was as beautiful as an elf, she was also a little jealous of Li Manzi's appearance and figure.

It doesn't mean that she is so beautiful, but she is a very virtuous, mature woman blessed with a maternal halo.

Every man has a child in his heart, and a woman like Li Manzi really has such advantages that men want to be taken care of by her.

"Go and help me behead the commander of the blue army."

"I'll be there."

With Fang Yueji as the commander, Li Tao couldn't refuse her order, otherwise he would be killed in battle and dragged off by the referee.

But it's one thing for him to promise, but it's another thing for him to make a concrete effort, and whether he's serious or not. This is Fang Yueji's goal of arresting Li Manzi.

"Before dawn, if you can't do it, then she has to go into this building to smell it. Although the smoke is only paralyzing, but your little girlfriend is so plump, do you think the referee will squeeze her flesh while she is confused?" Where is the meat?"

This is the result of Li Manzi stretching on several layers. If the big G was released completely, Fang Yueji would have recognized the rumored Millennium Four.

"Wash your stinky, dirty mouth before talking to me." Li Tao pursed his lips, and looked at Fang Yueji with his dark pupils as if he was looking at someone dead.

"Don't expect her to die by herself~" Fang Yueji stood up, revealing Li Manzi's bound hands.

Li Tao glanced at Li Manzi indiscriminately, confusion flashed in his eyes, she wanted to commit suicide, now she can just lick her back teeth, why did she choose to be restrained by Fang Yueji?

Li Manzi cast a reassuring look at him, as if she had already figured out a plan, and Li Tao heaved a sigh of relief.

Fang Yueji passed Li Tao to look at the anxious part of the battlefield, and said slowly, "The stubble is coming~"

Li Tao followed her gaze, and saw a familiar figure casually walking alone in the chaos.

"Hulk" unexpectedly, Fang Yueji was able to call out his name.

Li Tao turned his head and glanced at Li Manzi, and then Fang Yueji said: "I'm going to the command post of the Blue Army now, and try to defeat Duanmurong as much as I can, and you must ensure her safety until I come back."

Fang Yueji opened her mouth and was about to speak, but at some point, Li Tao got an extra dagger in his hand, and stabbed it sideways into her small mouth, just right so that the knife was flat against her tongue without cutting her mouth:

"Speak cleanly to her, or this knife will spoil your dirty mouth."

(End of this chapter)

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