Chapter 141 Untitled Chapters

Li Tao pulled the dagger out of her mouth, the saliva sticking to the blade was like pulling surgical sutures between the flesh.

"Dang bang~"

Li Tao threw the dagger on the ground expressionlessly, but he did not hide the disgust in his eyes.

Fang Yueji spit lightly, and did not lose her composure because of Li Tao's behavior, but said with great interest:

"I like stabbing women so much. I don't know if you conquered this femme fatale by poking her mouth, but you can make the mortal enemy forces willingly give you a bitch. You really deserve to be trained by my idol." what~"

Li Tao's pupils shrank, he didn't expect that Masako Bushima was really exposed, he was like this, Masako Bushima was naturally even worse.

"Fang-yue-ji." Masako Busushima's hand holding the samurai sword was trembling, she gritted her teeth and wanted to kill Fang Yueji directly.

Fang Yueji shrugged, completely ignoring Masako Bushima's murderous gaze, and said in a playful tone, "The women in your Bushima family are too servile."

She paused, and the corners of her mouth raised slightly: "Especially, your mother and you, this is the inheritance of a fine tradition, hehe~"

"you wanna die!"

Mother is the most difficult taboo in Masako Bushima's heart, Fang Yueji's words completely angered her.

Masako Busushima was about to burst into tears, the black samurai sword was held upside down in her hand to the side of her waist, only the sound of the air being cut by the sharp weapon was heard, and she had already appeared in front of Fang Yueji with a knife.

With the knife drawing technique, the meniscus arc drawn from bottom to top went straight to Fang Yueji's face with the dazzling afterimage of the cold blade.


The butterfly dart was pushed towards the blade in the shape of "品" in the air, but under the knife that Masako Busushima pulled out in anger, the dark purple butterfly dart was crushed directly, without even stopping the knife.

Nakamori Akina rarely frowned, and she couldn't make a second remedy in such a short period of time.

To everyone's surprise, just when the blade of the samurai sword was about to stick to the tip of Shang Yueji's nose, she suddenly smiled very seductively.

Masako Busushima realized that something was wrong, but she couldn't hold back the knife, let alone feel where the potential danger came from.


Two clusters of silver light descended from the sky, their speed could not be caught by the naked eye, but the wailing sound of the wind being cut could tell how terrifying the speed was.

Masako Busushima could only watch as a silver thread was about to be attached to her wrist. At that speed, her entire hand might be severed at the wrist.

Masako Busushima, whose heart was already in her throat, suddenly felt the warm body temperature of a man coming from her back.


Li Tao's two hands were like heavy trucks and directly hit the two silver light clusters.

It's a drone!

Like Fang Tianhua, both siblings are the children of the boss of Wanda Company, and their resources are not much different.

On the day before entering the school, Li Tao was dragged by the silver thread controlled by Fang Tianhua's drone, cutting his body to pieces, so he was already very sensitive to the sound of the drone's engine.

The blow that attempted to cut off Masako Bushima's hands was disintegrated by him, and Li Tao did not question Fang Yueji angrily, he put one arm around Masako Bushima's waist, and took the samurai sword in her hand with the other.

"After the mock battle is over, I will accompany you to settle accounts with her." Li Tao said softly against her earlobe.

Masako Bushima was silent for a while, turned her head away from looking at Fang Yueji, and put her face on Li Tao's collarbone, trying to endure the depression in her heart.

Li Tao took Bushima Masako and turned to face the direction of the blue army command post. Before he could take a step, Fang Yueji said again: "You two can't go together, this Hulk has to be held back by Bushima Masako, there is no second person in the Red Army elected."

Li Tao looked at Akina Nakamori, this woman who is also a member of the Yamaguchi-gumi is definitely not inferior to Masako Busushima in strength, Masako Busushima should be able to stop her, the strange thing is that she is actually on Fang Yueji's side.

"Mingcai's overall strength is very strong, but close combat is less interesting than him. Hulk has become famous in recent years. His body is within three steps, and it is called a cemetery. Anyone who enters will die."

Fang Yueji's explanation made Li Tao frown. Let's take her as the truth, but in this way, Li Tao has no chance of winning against Shang Duanmu Rong, and he is not at ease that Masako Bushima is facing such a terrifying Hulk. an opponent.

Of course, Masako Busushima could hear what he was thinking, and suddenly held him backhanded, and said seriously: "You go first, I will solve him soon and go to you."

The firmness in Masako Busushima's eyes made Li Tao feel very complicated, and Hulk was already at the center of the battlefield.

The wall of fire built by the blue army raised his figure high, but he always had a casual expression on his face, and the graceful figure of the flames unexpectedly showed a touch of arrogance on his face.

Han Guguan was the first to notice the only strange blue army outside the building, because the rest of the blue army had already rushed into the red army base.

"Press the heart detector off yourself, or we will shoot directly!"

"Are you talking to me?" Hulk pointed at his chin exaggeratedly. This kind of behavior made the other students who had reached the second grade feel too arrogant.

"No, you're Hulk at the neck!" Han Guguan, the son of the intelligence chief, of course knew some ruthless people.

Hulk does have a tattoo on his Adam's apple, and a coffin, but he is the kind of coffin in a Western church. In movies, there will always be a scene where a vampire wakes up in this kind of coffin.

Hulk swept the group of students with a sneer like a devil from hell. No one noticed what he did, and a large number of people were already lying on the ground in a state of embarrassment.

"It's the Bashi battle dance." Li Tao heard about it from an old man from the Xuetu Gang.

It itself is an ornamental dance similar to the ancient sword dance, but in a certain era, Baxi was divided by gangsters. name.

To sum up, this is a gorgeous killing technique.

Anyone who dared to practice Baxi war dance in this era would at least die hundreds of lives in Baxi territory. Naturally, his strength is self-evident.

Li Tao turned his head to talk to Masako Bushima, but found that the woman's figure had disappeared in place, and the next moment the black samurai sword struck the ground like a dragon in the night sky.

The ground shattered and splashed countless stones, Masako Bushima seemed to release all the anger that Fang Yueji brought to her.

Hulk, who was still abusing vegetables, narrowly escaped the ground-shaking slash, and his gaze also noticed Li Tao in this direction.

"You're here, I've been looking for you for a while." Hulk smiled meaningfully.

Masako Busushima didn't give him a chance to delay Li Tao, she drew her sword and slashed towards Hulk in an instant, and the piercing sonic boom completely opened up the battle situation.

"Bujima family's sword-drawing technique, is your sword slave there?" Hulk kicked the back of the sword and asked with interest after it fell out of the range of the samurai sword.

Masako Bushima's face tightened, and she couldn't help but glance at Li Tao.

"Oh~ maybe you are his." Hulk grinned.

Masako Busujima's fierce swordsmanship has vividly displayed the anger in human emotions, at least in the case of Hulk with bare hands, Masako Busushima was completely suppressed and beaten.

Li Tao glanced at Han Guguan and the others who had already surrounded Hulk, and thought that Masako Bushima would not be in great danger, and since there were referees around, there would not be much danger.

He glanced at Fang Yueji, and walked towards the temporary command post of the blue army without saying a word.

"Before dawn, I want to hear the news of victory." Fang Yueji shouted at Li Tao's back.

The Blue Army chose the location of the cafeteria as the temporary command post precisely because of its special empty environment, which led to a person walking past, no matter what method he took, his whereabouts would be conspicuously exposed.

There was no need for Li Tao to try any more. He directly found a camouflage off-road vehicle with the key inserted, not knowing whether it was the blue army or the red army.

Driving this car, Li Tao drove straight to the cafeteria with an iron gate.

Li Tao and Zhang Chenxi once had a bloody battle at this location, but at this moment it is surrounded by a steel door. Li Tao was about to get out of the car, but the camera protruding from the door eaves rotated a few times and stared at his car. Li Tao gave up the idea of ​​getting off the car.

Slam on the accelerator, and the off-road vehicle slams into the door like a mad buffalo.

The original cafeteria should have many dining tables and chairs spread over most of the space, but now it is empty, and the tables and chairs have all been flattened.

There will be a camera every five or six cooking windows. As soon as Li Tao's line of sight comes into contact with them, these cameras emit a "sizzling" electric sound at the same time.

Immediately afterwards, the infrared rays in the camera also disappeared, and they all lowered their heads as if they were paralyzed.

"I guessed that you would take the initiative to come to me."

Steady footsteps accompanied by a slightly aged voice suddenly sounded from behind Li Tao.

Li Tao's breathing was stagnant, cold sweat broke out on his forehead, he turned to stare at the old man approaching, and murmured his name in a cold voice.

"Duanmu Rong."

"Hehe, I haven't heard anyone call my full name in front of me for a long time. It's interesting. I think I might be younger." Duan Murong stopped about five steps in front of Li Tao.

"You're waiting for me?" Li Tao asked blankly, he didn't intend to let this old and cunning person see his mental activities.

Duan Murong nodded: "I think you are very similar to me, you belong to the kind of villain who will take revenge and hold grudges."

He paused and continued: "The last time I punched you, I thought it would shatter your spine and make you a vegetable for the rest of your life, but your body is better than I thought, and I saw you reappear on the military training ground Now, I will investigate your identity."

Duan Murong took out a paper handkerchief from his pocket to wipe his nose, and looked at Li Tao with an unpredictable taste: "I didn't expect that you are a member of the Blood Slaughter Gang, and you have such a deep relationship with that woman." relation."

Li Tao's right eyelid started to twitch, which is an omen whenever he encounters danger.

"I admit, Liu Renna is very strong, so strong that I dare not offend her at all, but I offended the child she raised by such a coincidence, and this child is so vengeful, and it is impossible for Liu Renna to be in Luma University"

On the other hand, his tone was obviously becoming more and more serious, and there was a violent and fierce light in his cloudy eyes.

"So?" Li Tao licked his gums and said hoarsely.

"So I made a promise with that little girl. I can be beheaded in the mock battle. These false names are no longer important at my age. Besides, Blackwater is also bankrupt. This is also the last time I will come to Luma University."

Duan Murong's words made Li Tao startled, the memories of the past few days were frantically switching in his brain, and then a chilling feeling of fear filled his body.

Fang Yueji actually left him such a trick! ! !
"What I want is not just that you die in the mock battle, I want you to get out of Luma University completely and disappear from my sight"

Fang Yueji's threat at that time echoed clearly in Li Tao's mind, and these two people actually formed an alliance!

"In order to prevent you from suing your parents when you go home, I don't want to be hunted down by that murderer all over the world. It's hard to die then, so I can't give you a chance to get out of Luma University"


As soon as Duanmurong's words fell, the air in the whole room shook violently. His seemingly aged body glowed like a beast. The air wave of this punch directly scarred the place where Li Tao was originally standing. One meter deep pit.

Li Tao backed up and stuck on the steps of a kitchen window. Duan Murong was obviously going to kill him, and now Li Tao was going to try his best to survive.

Li Tao jumped high, and kicked Duan Murong's forehead with terrifying power. Duan Murong threw his head back, and lunged towards Li Tao instead.

His muscles stretched his sleeves, and his arms crossed to hold Li Tao's calf like maces.


"Get out!" The severe pain in the leg bone made Li Tao yell angrily with red eyes. In fact, Li Tao's calf was twisted and deformed, but his other foot also kicked Duanmu Rong's head.

Duan Murong held Li Tao's calf like chopping firewood, and slammed it to the ground. He thought that Li Tao's kick would lose his balance in this situation.

But Li Tao really hit the kick, and this kick directly slashed Duan Murong's side face, grinding his ear until it became a puddle of sticky flesh.

"you wanna die!"

Angrily, Duanmu Rong picked up Li Tao and smashed it into the ground, the cracked ground burst out gravel, and the flesh and blood on Li Tao's back was blurred.


Li Tao coughed dryly for a few times, staring at him and almost lost consciousness.

"Aren't you getting old, is that enough energy?" Li Tao sneered, showing his white teeth, although the corners of Li Tao's mouth were bleeding.

Touching his ears, the tingling feeling of tearing caused the ferocity in Duanmurong's eyes to lose control. He gritted his teeth and said, "Today I will tear you apart with my bare hands, breaking off your ribs one by one with my bare hands."

As he said that, Duan Murong smashed Li Tao into the ground severely, and after raising his hands high, he inserted them into Li Tao's chest like a guillotine.


The gun rang, and Li Tao had an extra pistol in his hand. As the Red Army, they were equipped with live ammunition. How could he not keep his hand when he came to find Duan Murong?
 There are still chapters, this is the end of this article, I will change it and post it at night
(End of this chapter)

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