Chapter 142

The bullet pierced through a thumb-sized blood hole in Duanmurong's abdomen. He froze for a moment, looking down at the muzzle of the gun, his expression gradually becoming weird.

"Do you know what being shot can remind me?" Duan Murong's voice was vaguely nervous and morbidly excited.

Frowning, Li Tao kicked him on the knee, and by pushing back, his back slipped against the ground for more than five meters.

After drawing a certain distance from Duan Murong, Li Tao stood up with some difficulty, the gun was a real hit, and the evil result was not as good as he kicked Duan Murong's ear before.

On the other hand, his calf, which was squeezed by Duan Murong's bare hands before, was trembling and distorted visible to the naked eye. Others could see that it was very difficult for that leg to support him to stand.

Without talking nonsense like an idiot, Li Tao continued to pull the trigger in the face of the suddenly paradoxical Duan Murong.



Li Tao didn't hit Duan Murong with this shot, because a playing card tore through the air and directly embedded in his twisted calf knee.

Li Tao lost his balance and knelt on the ground with one knee. The shot just hit the open space in front of Duanmu Rong's toes.

"The pain of being shot brought me back to that day in an instant, and I had to remember who I was after all." Duan Murong walked straight towards Li Tao as soon as he finished speaking.

There was a sense of release on his old face, and his whole complexion became sickly and ruddy.

Looking at the poker card on his knee, Li Tao's pupils trembled. This seemingly familiar technique is really the same as the Queen of Hearts.

When Duan Murong was one meter ahead of Li Tao, a dangerous sense of crisis crazily occupied Li Tao's body. He raised the gun to Duan Murong's heart and pulled the trigger again.


It was a very dull sound, but the smile on Duan Murong's face became wider, and Li Tao screamed and knelt on the ground trembling uncontrollably.

The hand he pulled the trigger was all bloody and bloody cut by black shards. The moment before the gunshot, the playing cards were firmly embedded in the muzzle of the gun. Needless to say, the hardness of this kind of gold poker is so strong that Li Tao shot. The result is a bomb.

"I think you can kill yourself, so I don't need to do it." Duan Murong stepped on Li Tao's deformed calf to play.

"The hidden reef." Li Tao's hoarse voice was not clear.

"What?" Duan Murong seemed to have heard some words that made him lose control of his emotions, and he quickly leaned over to Li Tao's face and asked.

"What did you just say?" Duanmu Rong glared angrily, holding up the poker in his hand like a blade.

At this moment, Li Tao was completely sure of his relationship with Heart Q. At that time in the women's bathroom, Heart Q was just holding a poker card and dismembering the prostitute.

"I will take the initiative to interrogate you in a moment. Now you'd better try to keep your breath, because I won't stop."


The iron chain that was originally wrapped around Li Tao's left arm was thrown out by him, and the air was sucked into a short vacuum by this whip. Naturally, Duanmu Rong retreated five or six meters violently after realizing the danger.

"Hoo~" As Li Tao breathed out deeply, it seemed that his sense of pain was temporarily removed, his calf was still deformed, but it no longer trembled, and the hand that exploded was bleeding but could already be held open.

"I have a lot of things I want to ask you, but it seems that only if I kill half of your life can I guarantee that you will speak to me honestly."

As soon as the words fell, Li Tao raised the hand holding the iron chain like drawing a knife, and the iron chain blasted the air and slammed it on Duanmu Rong's position.

Duan Murong finally started to dodge, although his speed was astonishingly fast, leaving only afterimages in place, this scene was not enough to hurt him, but this was the first time Li Tao forced him to dodge after encountering him.

"This whip is not bad~" Duanmurong praised in an elder tone, but his tone changed and he jokingly said:
"I heard that Qin Keqing from the Blood Slaughter Gang is a slut. She wears revealing clothes regardless of the occasion, which is completely opposite to Liu Renna's conservative, but she is good at dancing whips and loves blood feasts. You can learn from her, but that's a woman's trick. , not on the stage."

Li Tao didn't even look at him, his eyes fell on the iron chain and he said casually: "Do you really regard yourself as a high-class person? No matter what Aunt Qin wears, a mere mercenary leader is not qualified to judge."

"Heh, I've just started to take care of the elderly. A yellow-headed boy of your age will kill me before you." Duan Murong sneered to show some of his own deeds, but his smile darkened because of Li Tao's ignorance.

Li Tao acted as if he hadn't heard him at all, and said together against his words: "And the difference between you and me, you shouldn't use the word countertop, after all, Aunt Liu won't let you come to my family to be a dog at your level." Close to the manor Baizhang."

Not taking the initiative to create backgrounds doesn't mean Li Tao doesn't have one, Liu Renna is better than everything else.

"Okay, very good, let's see who will kneel on the ground and beg for mercy next." Duan Murong's momentum rose wildly after speaking, and the exposed veins on his skin swelled into black purple.

The bloody battle was about to break out, and the speed of Duanmu Rong's explosion could no longer be caught by the naked eye. Li Tao felt the air tightening on his back, and without thinking about it, he tightened his grip on the iron chain, and his body spun on the spot.

The iron chain piled up circle after circle of ripples around his body like silk, and Duanmu Rong's fist shook the mountain just to smash the iron chain to make a violent noise, without hurting Li Tao.

But Duan Murong is like a gangrene, wherever Li Tao goes, his iron fist sticks there.

Li Tao, who was passively defending, began to shake his hand holding the iron chain, and he might not be able to hold it if he tried a few more times.

Li Tao stomped his feet fiercely, and stepped back again to distance himself from Duanmurong. Duanmurong smiled strangely and prepared to give him the final blow.

I saw Duanmu Rong standing on the spot like an orangutan, with his arms slightly bent and then lifted above his head, and then continued to lift back, as if he was about to lower his waist. His whole body was folded back until his two fists were close to the ground.

Li Tao could foresee the lethality of this blow, but for some reason he didn't panic, but just looked at the other party calmly.

The moment Duan Murong touched the ground, it was like a mountain came up and rushed towards Li Tao, the air was twisted by his impact.

Li Tao suddenly slammed the iron chain directly into the cooking window, rolled the window glass and the lower half of the wall together, and was completely shaken by Duanmu Rong.

The glass was directly annihilated under this fist and turned into continuous rain, and Duanmurong's momentum was only slowed down by one tenth. Li Tao turned his wrist to make the iron chain appear in a state of lapping waves, gradually binding Duanmurong's arm.

But he let out a loud shout, and the muscles in his arms became thicker again, breaking the iron chain outrageously.

This fist was aimed at Li Tao's chest, once the sternum collapsed, it would be no problem, but Duan Murong and Li Tao laughed at the same time.

Li Tao's smile made Duan Murong's heart tremble, he couldn't imagine how Li Tao would have such a reaction.


Li Tao touched his cheek, and the bandage was pulled out by him like a soft sword, and it completely cut into Duan Murong's eye socket. His speed was unparalleled, and Duan Murong could only watch helplessly as it fell on him.

He was a desperado after all, Duan Murong didn't panic at all, the last trace of madness flashed in his eyes, he was going blind for the rest of his life, he wanted this punch to beat Li Tao to death.

Li Tao's head was also empty, he had tried his best to play all his cards, and he couldn't retreat if Duan Murong didn't retreat, he wanted to bet, maybe this time he would directly cut off Duan Murong's head.

Li Tao flew upside down and embedded himself in the wall, while Duan Murong stood there and his eyes were bleeding, but it was just bleeding.

"Is the hole card gone?"

Duan Murong also lost his strength. His muscles disappeared instantly, and his skin returned to the loose state of a five or sixty-year-old man. He took out a silk scarf from his pocket and wiped the corners of his eyes. This eunuch's father-in-law's vicious hostility is even worse than nothing.

"You said the Reef earlier, didn't you?"

Duanmurong coughed a few times, although he lost his eyesight, he was still able to walk towards Li Tao correctly.

"What I want to ask you is, how do you know that I am a member of it?"

With his index finger poking at Li Tao's sunken chest, Duanmu Rong asked sullenly.

"What's the relationship between the reef and Luma University? Cough~" Li Tao opened his mouth, and thick blood flowed down the corner of his mouth.

"You lost, but you still dare to ask me questions?"

Duan Murong shook his hands, and each hand clamped a metal poker card between the fingers of each hand, and then he punched Li Tao crazily.

The sound was like chopping watermelon, the juice was messy, it was more cruel than military knuckles, Li Tao's flesh and blood body was already hard to see.

But he still forced his eyelids open, and said hoarsely, "What's your relationship with Heart Q?"

Duanmu Rong paused for a moment, with a sudden understanding expression on his face: "So that's how you recognized me. Do you think that the Reef Organization uses poker cards to distinguish them, and everyone uses poker cards?"

Li Tao's pupils shrank, the news forced him to persevere.

"You just happened to meet Q who likes to play cards. As for the relationship between Luma University and the Reef Organization, who knows. Anyway, if you let me tell you, I think the relationship is very important, haha~"

"You are the Q of Hearts from the previous generation." After Li Tao said this, he finally passed out due to excessive blood loss.

"That lunatic base camp in the Reef is good at brainwashing. It took me half my life to crawl out, so that you scared me just now."

"I was indeed a red Q before. Since you answered correctly, then I will reward you for reincarnating in your next life and don't get involved with those lunatics again." Duan Murong squeezed Li Tao's neck with one hand, and pulled him out of the wall. With one hand holding a blade-like poker card, he stabbed it fiercely towards Li Tao's heart.

"Da Da~"

The cold sound of high heels stepping on the ground is not suitable for this occasion, and the sound of footsteps that seems to be far away from the door is close at hand in the blink of an eye.

The woman picked up a piece of broken glass the size of a palm under the dining window, and the moment she let go, it was sucked away and stuck to Duanmurong.

The cold fragments cut off Duanmurong's two arms in a silky way, like two white radishes falling into the red oil and hot sauce. I don't know when this beautiful woman appeared on the side of the two with an aggrieved face. .

She promptly supported Li Tao, who had passed out and was covered in blood, and the tears in her beautiful eyes flowed for a moment, most of which were grievances and distress.

Looking at the bloody cross-section of his arm, Duan Murong convulsed his breathing. Words cannot describe this feeling. Looking at his two arms falling into the pool of blood on the ground, he had no other emotions except fear of losing control.

"I don't answer your phone calls. If you are pulling you up so big, you will abuse your body and take risks. You don't know how to think about me."

Liu Renna sucked a bit with a sore nose, turned her eyes to the ceiling and let her tears calm down in her eyes.

Taking a deep breath, Liu Renna slowly flattened the back of Li Tao's head on her instep, and at the same time pulled out the poker from Duan Murong's palm in the pool of blood on the ground, and slowly stood up.

"You are the butcher, Liu."

Liu Renna opened her small mouth slightly, and stared at Duan Murong's face very seriously. The poker card in her hand was finally pasted on Duan Murong's eyebrows, and then cut down a little bit, along the bridge of the nose, then the lips, and then the chin.

A straight red line appeared on his face, the skin was spread out left and right, the pain from the air pouring into it was not strong yet, but the fear in Duanmurong's pupils was like an earthquake.

He lost his arms, so he could only watch helplessly as this beautiful woman stretched out her white arms, inserted her nails into the flesh slit she had cut herself, and pulled fiercely to both sides.

"Today, I will peel off your skin."


"Who is she, who is that woman?"

Fang Yueji questioned Li Manzi in a bit of embarrassment, not only her, but also Nakamori Akina's beautiful eyes were still shocked, the scene just now was really bizarre.

Only the back of a woman passed by, she didn't bring any weapons, she walked into the place where the Red Army and the Blue Army were fighting out of place, maybe because these people blocked her way, and then everyone who didn't know why followed directly into a mess Go out more than ten meters.

Both Masako Busushima and Hulk fought to a fever pitch. She wanted to find Li Tao, so Hulk had many opportunities to take advantage of during the battle, but Hulk's style of play was more like trying to hold Masako Busushima back. , and did not take advantage of her loopholes to chase after her.

But the appearance of this woman turned these two into the background, making the whole battle situation absurd.

Dust was everywhere, and she didn't stop a step and disappeared from everyone's sight amidst the commotion.

Everyone will have a famous skill, such as the poisonous island family's knife slave contract, Qin Keqing's blood-drawing whip, Hulk's Baxi war dance, etc., they can use these characteristics to make people who have never seen them, and soon identify them.

However, under Liu Renna's vicious name, there are only two characteristics that have been passed down, that is, she kills a lot and kills ruthlessly.

No one can tell what she is good at and what special hobbies she has, so people like Fang Yueji can't recognize her just by looking at her back.

But Li Manzi, who is a rival in love, would not fail to recognize her. She could ask about the scent of that woman's perfume from a long distance away, because every time she met Liu Renna she would be embarrassed, so she had already formed a reflex arc towards Liu Renna's smell.

But Liu Renna's appearance made her also heave a sigh of relief, at least Li Tao would not be in danger anymore.

She leaned her lazily back to the lawn, and said weakly: "Didn't you call her your idol all day long, and you don't even take a few pictures when you chase stars?"

Fang Yueji opened her small mouth and looked at Li Manzi in disbelief. She shook her head: "Impossible, how could it be her, she can't appear in Luma University!"

Of course, Fang Yueji had seen photos of Liu Renna, but they were all frontal photos, and the dust was everywhere, which blurred her vision a lot.

Li Manzi shrugged, she wanted to reveal her identity to see Fang Yueji's reaction, so as to compare herself with Liu Renna, but the scene that followed was a bit shocking, which made her give up her current mentality of comparing herself with Liu Renna.

The people who flew upside down before, now there are countless black shadows pounced on them, and all the referees appeared from the shadows. It turned out that these people were not only just being knocked into the air, but their heartbeats stopped.

After passing a short distance, a large number of people were killed directly, turning the open space in front of the Red Army base into a cemetery.

Fang Yueji rubbed her face, hiding her panic in the deepest part of her heart. Although she only had superficial understanding of Liu Renna's deeds, compared to other people, she was more than a hundred times better.

There are too many things to do today. Fang Yueji has been busy all day and has no time to eat. She is also a little dizzy at the moment. She took out the lunch box from her bag, tore off the plastic wrap, and neatly arranged fruits and vegetables inside. It is a homemade salad. .

"Mingcai, would you like something to eat?"

Akina Nakamori shook her head, focusing on the mess, Fang Yueji took out ketchup from her bag: "If you don't eat it, I'll add ketchup."

Li Manzi's small face on the side suddenly became tangled like a steamed bun, and she glanced at Fang Yueji without saying a word.

"Liu Renna is really at school, what should I do now, can Duanmurong shut up Li Tao forever before she arrives. Cough cough~" Fang Yueji suddenly coughed painfully while clutching her stomach, all the vegetables were covered by her Sprayed all over the place.


"Little sister from the island country, cut off the rope that binds your hands, I want to cover my nose~" Li Manzi tilted her head and looked at Akina Nakamori in a milky voice.

"Are you poisoned?" Fang Yueji had a painful expression on her face, she knelt down on the ground holding her stomach, her tears were choking back.

"Bullshit, dare you say it's poison? You can enjoy me if your ancestors have accumulated virtue. I haven't been able to eat fresh fruit these days, but you can enjoy watermelon and salad. Do you feel sour when eating watermelon?"

"Watermelon." Fang Yueji frowned and fell into a moment of thought. She said suspiciously: "The watermelon is not sour, it's quite juicy. The quality of the 5A I bought abroad is not as good. No, it seems a bit harsh."

The smile on Li Manzi's face couldn't be held back anymore, she continued to persuade: "Think about it, what is the same color as watermelon juice, and it's thicker?"

Li Manzi couldn't bear it any longer, she laughed so loudly: "Let me remind you, my stomach hurts more than yours before my menstrual period, giggling~"

"Physical period." Fang Yueji murmured, and after thinking about it, her expression was distorted: "You fart, you are talking nonsense, there can't be a big aunt on the watermelon!!!"

Fang Yueji was already hysterical. Although she gradually began to agree with this matter in her heart, she couldn't admit it no matter what.

Akina Nakamori's expression on the side also became a little weird, just as Li Manzi looked at her: "Help me take out the phone in my pocket."

Li Manzi turned her head and continued to look at Fang Yueji. She had long since lost the ethereal spirit of an elf, and her azure blue hair was disheveled in the cold wind.

"Why do you think I stay here specially? Do you really think that I can't die by myself if I tie my hands? My man is very thoughtful, but I know you are a woman who has a hard mouth. You know it but don't Admit it, right?"

Li Manzi's face gradually became gloomy: "If you dare to let that Zhang Xi blow up my man, I will blow up your belief in living. Let's reopen on another planet."

"You click on that video and show it to her!"

Li Manzi suddenly seemed to be a different person, with that kind of superior and unquestionable tone, Akina Nakamori couldn't help obeying her order, and clicked on the video on the phone.

"Husband, don't shake your phone. If the woman refuses to admit that there is a big aunt on it after eating the watermelon, I will slap her in the face with the video~"


The video has clearly shown how the aunt-flavored watermelon and tomato juice are made.

In the lunch box in his hand, the ketchup inside has never been so dazzling.


Fang Yueji broke her defenses. Not long ago, she ate several mouthfuls of salad in front of these two people, and she was really desperate, cutting off her remaining sanity.

"You have to die, you have to die!!!" Fang Yueji collapsed on the ground, yelling at Li Manzi with a ferocious face, she ordered Nakamori Akina: "Pinch all the leftover ketchup in her mouth, this is an order! "

Akina Nakamori frowned. She saw a referee running towards here, thinking that it was the condition that violating the order of the superior would be sentenced to death in the rules to lure him here.

So Akina Nakamori could only pick up the bottle of ketchup and turn to Li Manzi, but unexpectedly, she had already closed her eyes and fell asleep.

"She has been killed in battle and must not be touched again." The referee blocked Nakamori Akina with his hand and took Li Manzi away in the blink of an eye.

Li Manzi didn't lie, she licked the poison on Li Tao's back teeth after Fang Yueji was disgusted, and her heartbeat was regarded as dead by the detector.

Seeing Li Manzi who had disappeared, Fang Yueji turned black. She smashed the lunch box frantically, whimpering like a wild animal in a hoarse voice.

After all, Fang Yueji is a very deep-rooted person, Fang Yueji also regained her senses after venting, she coldly looked at Akina Mori, her eyes were naturally threatening her to forget the previous things.

"You can't underestimate Liu Renna. We should think of the worst. Not only did Liu Renna arrive in time, but Li Tao was also unharmed."

Everyone's plans are fine, but the only loophole in this drama is Liu Renna. From any point of view, it is impossible for her to be allowed to stay in Luma University. People with grievances are preconceived.

But Liu Renna is here, and she is accompanying Li Tao at this university, so how could it be possible for his life to be in danger.

Fang Yueji paused: "In this case, we are still the last resort."

After speaking, Fang Yueji clutched her stomach and walked towards the Red Army base first, and Akina Nakamori followed after her eyes flickered.

The first floor had been burned dry, whether it was the walls, the floor or the ceiling, everything was scorched black, but there was an iron door in the corner of this floor.

The iron gate was already red hot, Fang Yueji turned her body sideways to make room for Akina Nakamori.


One by one, the butterfly darts were inserted into the cracks of the door like nails, and soon the iron door was opened with a big crack, and thick black smoke came out from the door. It seems that when the fire was at its peak, the scorched smoke crawled along the gap went in.

"Are you still alive?" Fang Yueji asked coldly. At the same time, she waved her hand, and a drone flew out from nowhere, and pushed it open against the iron gate.

The woman tied up on the cross was completely naked, but no man would think wrongly about her, because her body was already rotten, eroded by knives and whips, but from the wounds, you couldn't tell what kind of torture this woman had suffered.

"Speak!" Fang Yueji's tone was impatient, and the shuttle-like drone directly came to Ma Qian's chin, smashed it several times, and finally made Ma Qian open her eyes full of burst capillaries.

"I stayed here, and when I was half dead, I finally thought through a problem." Marcy licked her dry lips and continued:

"You Wandu company should have heard the news. My father's company accidentally produced a chip in a certain experiment failure. You designed me from the beginning, not because you didn't like me and bullied me, but just to get the chip. "

There are good chips and bad chips, but chips in a certain field can make a qualitative change in the drone industry that has already entered a bottleneck. Fang Yueji's expression has already indirectly admitted this matter.

"It was before, but it's not now." Fang Yueji patted Ma Qian's side face and said.

"Now, I have to use you to save my life. A female devil has come out. If I fall into her hands, it will definitely be worse than you are now. I have to use you to negotiate with Li Tao."

"So you don't want chips at all?"

Fang Yueji squinted her eyes, and her intuition told her that there was deceit here, but the lack of human heart is suitable for even the best people.

Ma Xi continued: "Just stick it on the uvula (the medical name, that is, the small tongue in the throat) in my mouth, take it yourself."

Fang Yueji glanced at Akina Mori, her face was expressionless and she did not express any emotion. Fang Yueji knew how important that chip was to the Fang family who focused on drones. Just to be on the safe side, she remotely controlled a flat short spear-shaped drone. The man-machine approached Ma Xi's mouth.

Marcy opened her mouth obediently, and the sharp spear-shaped drone easily entered it.

"Where is the chip?" Fang Yueji frowned.

"How do you think that I'm going to be a shield for you, a bastard?"

Ma Xi smiled miserably, and He bent her neck forward with all her strength. The drone pierced her throat, and her pupils were completely dark.

"Do not--"

This is not Fang Yueji's voice, nor Nakamori Akina's voice, this is a man's voice.

As if he couldn't feel the pain, Ah Cha kept pushing one hand on the red-hot iron door. He watched the dead Ma Qian's pupils shrunk into needles.

"Why? Why are you like this?" Ah Cha murmured, tears falling from his eyes like a dike.

This is why he was asking the dead Marcie, and then he said sharply and deafeningly: "Why! You want to torture her like this!"

Why, he was questioning Fang Yueji.

"Oh, aren't you that idiot riding a pig? You thought I was her best friend before~" Fang Yueji, who was used to seeing life and death, was not disturbed by Ma Qian's suicide. It can replace Ma Xi as a bargaining chip in her negotiations with Li Tao.

"I want. I want, I want you to go to hell!"

The hand that Ah Cha pulled out from the door was already scalded with blisters, but he felt no pain at all, so he reached into his pocket with that hand.

What he pulled out was a tiny screen, like a shrunken tablet.

At the same time, Liu Renna managed to let Duanmu Rong experience the pain of being raped alive but not dying by virtue of her accumulated experience in so many years of killing.

Now Duan Murong is like a blood-stained skeleton, and the beating of his bare heart makes people tremble. Liu Renna wiped her hands with a handkerchief, hugged Li Tao in her arms and walked out of the cafeteria step by step.

When she stepped on the door frame of the cafeteria and came into contact with the outside air, Duan Murong's heartbeat stopped, and the heart detector finally worked and determined that he was killed in battle.

At the same time, Fang Yueji stared dumbfounded at the traitorous drone. Ah Cha's talent in controlling the local area network had reached a point where the short spear-shaped drone ruthlessly pierced into Fang Yueji's heart.

The Red Army Commander, the Blue Army Commander, and the heart detectors all stopped at the same second.

 end of volume
(End of this chapter)

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