Chapter 143
The closed curtains make the room full of disinfectant smell a little depressing. The time is completely unknown at this moment, but at least it shouldn't be night.

The light that is not strong is attached to the thick blue cloth curtains, making the whole room buried in a cool gray-blue tone.

The man on the hospital bed had a very low breathing rate, his sharp-edged face was covered with scratches, and his brows and eyes were still in a coma with fatigue that couldn't be rubbed apart.

A woman with long brown hair sat on the side of the hospital bed and clasped her fingers tightly with him, the pleading in her beautiful eyes made people feel distressed.

"It's almost time for Mr. Li today, and Liu Renna should be back soon. If she sees us, it will be wishful thinking to hang out with him every day for a little while."

There was actually another woman in the ward. She was tall, with short chestnut hair, and she was wearing a loose black sportswear with her hands in her pockets. between.

It is worth mentioning that even if the legs are not exposed, the proportion of the body from the feet to the thighs can also be deduced what kind of long legs are hidden in the trousers. This standard nine-headed and cold beauty makes men very attractive. .

"He really moved his hand just now." Li Manzi twitched her little nose and said aggrievedly.

"It's been a week, you say this every time, and Liu Renna is basically guarding every inch of it, there will be no problem."

Xiangxue glanced at Li Tao, finally couldn't hide the unbearable in her beautiful eyes, and soon she turned her head to look at the ground, Xiangxue couldn't see the man who usually molested her lying on the bed like this.

"We really have to go. Liu Renna went over there to clock in to get off work, and it will only take 15 minutes to come back. We can still come tomorrow." Xiangxue walked over and rubbed Li Manzi's hair, comforting her.

It has been seven days since the end of the simulated battle, and Li Tao has been lying on the hospital bed for seven days without opening his eyes. The doctor can't give the exact time to wake up, but his condition is not optimistic.

When Liu Renna arrived at the cafeteria, Li Tao had already been beaten to death. At that time, Duan Murong beat him violently with poker cards that looked like razor blades between his fingers.

After a little brainstorming, we can know that Li Tao's body suffered a catastrophic trauma, and his life was saved thanks to the school hospital of Luma University. Excellent gifted students with cutting-edge equipment.

Now he is lying on the bed with tubes all over his body, and various instruments are connected to the screen to record his body changes. Even after seven days, it is obvious that Li Tao is still in an extremely unstable state through the screen. state.

The ups and downs of the heart rate on the electrocardiogram were mottled and disordered, and no one knew what he was suffering from.

Of course, after Li Tao was admitted to the school hospital, Liu Renna completely occupied him. It was impossible for her to let Li Manzi get in touch with Li Tao. She even knocked on Li Manzi's house on the first day to pack her things before leaving, threatening Abandoned her and Xiangxue.

If the two of them dared to go to the hospital to harass Li Tao while he was in such a dying state, then Liu Renna would suspend Li Tao from school and bring him back to the Blood Slaughter Gang, so that he would not be able to leave the Liu Family Manor for the rest of his life.

In the days that followed, Liu Renna skipped shifts and stayed in front of Li Tao's hospital day and night. The director was worried that the atmosphere of the hospital would be spoiled by her, so he persuaded Liu Renna to agree to a bottom line through Chen Zhongzang, otherwise the news would leak to the hospital. Council, things are going to be difficult.

The bottom line is to let her go to the first floor to clock in at [-]:[-] every morning, and then go to the first floor to clock out at [-]:[-] pm, and clock in and go to work on time like normal hospital staff.

If Liu Renna can't even abide by this point, Li Shizhen's prestige as the president in this hospital will be completely lost, and those medical school geniuses who pretend to be lofty will not be able to control them.

At any rate, Liu Renna agreed, and Li Shizhen was basically grateful to Dade for providing Li Tao with the best hospital environment and the best doctor resources in the end, and raised his priority to the point of desperation.

According to what he said, once Li Tao needs a certain device, there is only one device. Even if a patient is using it, unplugging it will be life-threatening. Sorry, I just unplug it. As long as Li Tao can wake up one day earlier, there will be more medical accidents. He recognized it as the dean.

When Chen Zhongzang also spread the word, he also complained to Liu Renna that the words were mostly watery, most of them were Li Shizhen's beautiful words, but when Li Tao woke up, everyone was happy and happy to see it come true.

Every day when Liu Renna goes to clock in after get off work is the opportunity for Li Manzi and Xiangxue to sneak in to see Li Tao, but once Liu Renna finds out, she probably won't go down to clock in in the future, completely cutting off the two of them from contacting Li Tao.

"Okay, then I will come to see you tomorrow, and you will definitely wake up tomorrow." Li Manzi reluctantly put down Li Tao's hand, and this was the last sentence she said these days when she left.

Li Manzi stood up with her waist supported, and walked straight to the door. When she sat up and left the sheet, a two-petal peach depression as big as a washbasin appeared on it.

Xiangxue rolled her eyes and reminded her several times, but Li Manzi always forgot, she could only go to the hospital bed and stroke the folds to prevent Liu Renna from seeing the clue.

When her eyes touched Li Tao's slightly opened mouth, Xiangxue suddenly felt a little uncomfortable. To be honest, she was Li Tao's girlfriend, but these few days she only came to see him a few times at most, without even making physical contact. .

After all, Li Manzi was here, and Xiangxue didn't want to expose her relationship with Li Tao, so she kept watching indifferently to pretend to have real thoughts, and she couldn't intervene.

Glancing at Li Manzi who was walking towards the door with her back turned, Xiangxue suddenly became courageous, she held Li Tao's face, bent down and kissed it lightly.

"I don't want to kiss, I just want to test whether you have died~" After explaining to herself, Xiangxue rubbed Li Tao's face, just about to get up and leave with Li Manzi.


In the end, she seemed to have lost her footing, and she let out a panic and fell on Li Tao.

But Li Manzi couldn't care about Xiangxue's strange noise behind her, because she pressed the doorknob and hadn't turned it yet, but the door opened by itself, and a man and a woman stood outside the door, meeting her eyes just in time.

"Who are you?" Kong Can's dark eyes locked on Li Manzi coldly, and the cute bun-faced girl who was pushing the cart beside him also frowned, staring at Li Manzi warily.

Liu Renna suddenly encountered some troublesome business, and it would take a while to return to the ward. She was worried that no one would take care of Li Tao, so she called Zheng Lili, who had just come to the psychology department as an intern, and her boyfriend Kong Can to watch Li Tao for a while. Tao.

However, Liu Renna was afraid that these two young people would not care, so she deliberately exaggerated Li Tao's situation, saying that he was facing an assassination, and if there was something strange in the ward, he must be alert to the killer, and also said that Li Tao had no relatives in Luma University except her, so Except for the doctor, the one looking for him in the ward must be a killer.

"I" Li Manzi was a little flustered, she thought it was Liu Renna, but when she saw two strange faces, at least she could make up some stories, she tilted her head and just prepared a set of explanations.

As a result, when she tilted her head, she accidentally leaked Xiangxue, and Kong Can saw a man in black so close to the patient on the bed, and from his angle, it looked like Xiangxue was pinching Li Tao's neck angrily and questioning Li Tao. what.

His eyes sank, he swung his backhand, and a cold, pale blade cut through the air and stabbed Xiangxue's neck.

At the same time, he lifted his white coat back with his left hand, revealing the densely packed silver needles and surgical threads on the inside of the clothes. He just patted Li Manzi's face with his right hand from the air. Those silver needles pulled the surgical thread like a dense rainstorm Pressing against Li Manzi's body, she was bound to the wall like a silkworm chrysalis in the blink of an eye.


I don't know which thread was torn off on the instrument, and the arc was still clinging to it, like a boa constrictor at the time of hunting, it smashed the blade, and then continued to twist its body and sprinted towards Kong Can.

Kong Can glanced at the little girlfriend next to her, her face turned pale with fright when she saw the electric arc visible to the naked eye, and she also worried that some electric sparks would splash and hit her if she blocked it, so Kong Can could only pull the small cart and hook it Zheng Lili left the ward.

"I don't want to test whether you are breathless, but I just want to kiss."

After opening his eyelids, a paradoxical dark green color circulated in his pupils. The man looked at the woman on top of him with a half-smile.

 How could this chapter be blocked? The new volume is unfavorable.
(End of this chapter)

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