Chapter 144 Pretending to Amnesia

"When did you wake up?" Xiangxue pushed him away in embarrassment, and then she turned her head to look at the curtains, her little white hands randomly arranging her short hair, leaving only the back of Li Tao's head
"Fart, when will I?"

Xiangxue was so angry that she was trembling all over, she turned her head and wanted to tell him who was so shameless, but the man lying on the bed had already disappeared.

Li Tao, who was wearing a hospital gown, had already appeared beside Li Manzi. Seeing this, Xiangxue gritted her teeth, stomped on the cabinet, and stared at him with murderous eyes with a small face.

Xiangxue also couldn't tell what kind of mentality she was in. Anyway, now she didn't want Li Manzi to know about her and Li Tao's affairs, at least she would not make any further decisions until Li Tao accepted Li Manzi.

He said he was wearing a hospital gown, but in fact Li Tao only wore loose blue trousers, and his upper body was always naked because of the catheters for various instruments.


"Old classmate! Yes, I'm awake!" Li Tao's voice was octave higher, and he winked to remind Li Manzi not to call out names that shouldn't appear.

Li Manzi pursed her lips, and gave him a dissatisfied look. Although she also thought that she was Li Tao's classmate now, she felt very uncomfortable seeing Li Tao so afraid of being called her husband.

"Students are classmates, old classmates, yin and yang are weird and say that I am always chant?"

"Not old. Not old, younger than me."

Li Tao was embarrassed by Li Manzi's dismantling. He habitually reached out to rub Li Manzi's smooth arms to comfort her, but Li Manzi slapped him off.

"What about your mouth, learn to speak first."

Li Tao was stunned for a moment, then withdrew his hand embarrassingly, he had already remembered the new rule that Li Manzi set for him not long ago - he had to open his mouth to ask for a skin-to-skin date, if he didn't take the initiative to ask for it, he couldn't take advantage of her.

But that's definitely overkill, and it's not boobs, ass, or private parts, but it's not the time to fuck a woman just yet.

Li Tao squinted his eyes and looked at the men and women outside the ward. This gentle-looking man in a white coat gave him a very familiar feeling, and he was very dead.
"Who are you?" Li Tao didn't get angry because of Kong Can's attack on Xiangxue and Li Manzi before, because he had woken up a long time ago and knew that this man's intention was to protect him.

"Aren't they assassins?" Kong Can asked back with a frown.

Li Tao glanced at Li Manzi, who rolled his eyes bulging with anger, and at Xiangxue, who was sullen and sullen behind him, and asked with a wry smile, "Do you think they look alike?"

"Uh, there's a lot of resentment, but it doesn't look like an assassin, it looks like she's jealous." Kong Can tilted her head and glanced at Zheng Lili and continued: "It's the same as when she was jealous."

"Talking nonsense." Zheng Lili slammed Kong Can's arm a few times with her small fist, and said angrily with a blushing face.

This is a very introverted girl, Li Tao rubbed his nose, why are all the women around him so tough, wolves and tigers?

It should still be a matter of age. There is still some distance between female students and women's physical needs.

"My girlfriend's department director, Dr. Liu said that you are in a dangerous situation, and if you are in danger of being assassinated, let her come with me to take care of you."

Speaking of which, Kong Can sized Li Tao up and down strangely. Because Li Tao's upper body was naked, another man looked him up and down, and he thought he was gay.

"Don't get me wrong, I'm just curious how you woke up so quickly after being so seriously injured." Kong Can opened her mouth a little speechlessly, while Zheng Lili covered her mouth and smiled softly.

"Do you know what I was injured?" Li Tao asked curiously.

Kong Can pursed her lips and nodded: "I sewed up your wounds."

Li Tao lowered his head to look at his body after hearing the words. With his physique, the thick blood scabs had fallen off long ago, and what leaked out was the pink flesh that hadn't accumulated enough on the skin.

Among them, many narrow and long openings were sewn with surgical thread. Li Tao often saw injured people from the Blood Slaughter Gang in Liujia Manor, most of them were traumatic, and he had a certain understanding of this stitching over time.

But Kong Can's suture level made him amazed, that is, you can only see that the two pieces of flesh that are tightly seamed are wounds and are stitched together only when you bring the wound close to your eyes.

The most astonishing thing is that the suture density of his surgical thread is still very low, and he cleverly used mutual traction to achieve this step.

"By the way, what happened to my Aunt Liu?"

Even Li Manzi and Xiangxue listened to Li Tao's question. According to the practice of the past week, Liu Renna must return to the ward within 15 minutes. This is the first time that another person has been specially found to accompany Li Tao.

"Isn't school starting now? Especially today, all graduate students have returned to school, and the flow of people in the hospital has returned to the previous, er, crowds."

Good guy, a school hospital, crowded with people, Li Tao can't understand why such a dangerous school with frequent accidents can still exist.

"Doctor Liu seemed to be bending over to pick something up in the elevator. A male intern peeked at her, and then she kicked it up and smashed it. She broke the elevator. Now we are discussing the issue of compensation."

"That male doctor peeked at her, and she smashed it?" Li Tao asked with his head in front of Kong Can and Zheng Lili, his whole face distorted into a chrysanthemum.

There are all kinds of birds in the forest, and Liu Renna is the "Oiran" of an era.

Especially Zheng Lili also encountered similar things, she mistakenly thought that Li Tao blamed Liu Renna for making a fuss, and explained:
"It's quite uncomfortable to meet that kind of wretched man, especially if you have a man you care about, you will really get angry."

"She just smashed it?" What Li Tao said again made the two of them overwhelmed.

"Hiss—" Li Tao made an irritable voice, lowered his head and muttered, "What's wrong with her, she's going to be blinded by that bastard, and I have to educate her when she comes back."

"Uh, what about us now?" Zheng Lili looked at the man and the woman in the ward strangely. She really couldn't figure out what kind of abnormal relationship it was.

"Oh, it's good that you go first, and nothing will happen when I wake up." Li Tao clasped his hands together to express his gratitude to them.

"Lily has to go back to the outpatient building. I happen to have an intern office on the fourth floor of the inpatient building. If you have anything to do, you can come to me." Kong Can offered to shake Li Tao's hand.

"My name is Kong Can."

Li Tao nodded and said, "My name is Li Tao."

Then he suddenly remembered something, his pupils narrowed and he looked at Kong Can full of surprise: "You are Kong Can, that 'tailor' from the medical school?"

Kong Can lifted the frame of the mirror with her index finger, and smiled politely without explaining.

In this way, it is only natural that his suturing skills are so outrageous. The three monsters of the medical school, "Evil Qiu Lan", "Tailor Kong Can", and "Corpse Mother Xu Mochou", he has already come into contact with two monsters. up.

Looking at the young couple who left one after the other, Li Tao touched his lips and fell into deep thought. It was rumored that Kong Can stayed in the morgue all day with the corpse, so theoretically he should be a person with a withdrawn and rather dark temperament.

However, based on the brief contact and appearance analysis, he is a somewhat calm and introverted gentle man, not compatible with the famous "tailor".

But after thinking about it, a rumored lunatic and a girlfriend who is a psychiatrist are inexplicably similar to the clown in Gotham.

The death aura accumulated by Kong Can's long-term contact with the corpse was very similar to the thick and heavy death aura that Liu Renna had when she was young, which made Li Tao couldn't help feeling familiar with Kong Can.

Maybe get more leads from med school by getting on good terms with him.

"What are you doing?" Li Manzi shook Li Tao's face and asked.

"You like milfs, don't stare at the little girls." Li Manzi knelt on Li Tao's buttocks and taught.

"Hmph, you don't even want to touch your arm, why don't you let me look at other people~" Li Tao rubbed his buttocks and walked towards the hospital bed.

"I don't want to, I've said it all, you can at least ask me, even if it's an order, just say come over and touch me, I'm sure I won't say anything." Li Manzi pouted and followed .

"Do you think we women are so cheap, you can touch it if you want, you don't have any psychological burden, whoring for nothing? Is it not low enough to give you the bottom line?" Xiangxue asked Li Manzi to stick to the bottom line eyes.

"I think you instigated her." Li Tao said unhappily. This similar scene started when Xiangxue asked him to ask for a kiss.

Xiangxue didn't answer his words, fearing that he might catch a cold when he just woke up, she picked up the hospital gown from the chair, folded the sleeves for Li Tao, and then handed it over.

"You didn't make an agreement with those two doctors just now, Liu Renna will definitely know about the two of us appearing in the ward today." Xiangxue frowned.

Li Tao was a little confused: "Don't my Aunt Liu know?"

Li Manzi and Xiangxue looked at each other, "Did you really just wake up?"

Then the two women spoke to you, and I explained how I hated Liu Renna's bullying behavior, including that they could only take advantage of this humble time to visit him.

"Then what should I do? Aunt Liu usually does what she says, and she has spoken harsh words to you two. Now that you two show up, you will slap her in the face. She will definitely not accept it. No matter what method you use, you have to take me away." what."

Li Tao also panicked, he really didn't expect that there would be such a story.

Xiangxue raised her hand suddenly, and slowly said after thinking, "There is a way, you pretend to have amnesia."

"I'm pretending to have amnesia?" Li Tao was a little confused.

"That's even worse, he lost his memory, Liu Renna has even more reason to take him away from school." Li Manzi frowned.

Li Tao also looked at Xiangxue strangely, she usually handled things calmly, so she couldn't fail to consider this aspect.

"It's not all amnesia, but only the memory of the two of us is lost. This is in line with Liu Renna's expectations. She hopes that Li Tao will not remember us. With this hint in her heart, as long as we give her a reason to believe, she will be happy." will believe it."

"And once Li Tao loses his memory and only faces the two of us, then Liu Renna will float up, and she will feel that she is irreplaceable in his heart. As long as the two of us behave miserably, maybe Liu Renna will often take him to show off in front of us. And let your guard down!"

 Thank you for your rewards and recommendations. Originally, I mentioned that the [-] collection of the third update has been saved for a long time, but it has not been able to increase, and the bottleneck has occurred. Let’s start the third update on Monday.

(End of this chapter)

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