Chapter 155 A Strange Death
Li Tao did not expect that Xiang Lian not only did not make things difficult for him, but also cared about his body.

He shook his head gratefully: "It's just a small injury, please worry about it."

Generally speaking, Xianglian's office is very similar to the company's white-collar office cubicle. Each person has a workstation, and there is a baffle where the two desks touch to maintain a certain degree of personal privacy.

Because it was earlier, there was no one else in the room except her and Li Tao.

It must be that the Academy of Art has not been completely completed, so this room is used by many teachers collectively. Otherwise, a building that costs far more than the "Louvre" can be allocated to a faculty member with a lot of space.

Feeling the "kindness" of his sister-in-law, Li Tao was not too restrained, and found a chair at random and sat down.

Xiang Lian froze for a moment, then started to turn the pen with her fingertips involuntarily, and said in a strange tone: "It's not really a concern. The mock battle just ended. After you were sent to the hospital, the Academic Affairs Office of the school contacted the school hospital. It told us that you are right. It’s lucky to be a vegetable with that injury.”

At that time, the school hospital thought that there was a high probability that Li Tao would not survive. He was disembowelled by Duan Murong, and it was just in line with common sense to have such a diagnosis.

The pen was twirling at her slender fingertips, and her voice became a little erratic: "At first, I thought that after you died, I could take this opportunity to comfort Xiangxue and mend the relationship with her, but you"

Xiang Lian looked up and down Li Tao, who was dumbfounded, and continued:

"I came to the door alive and kicking again. It really made me a little stingy. My sister is very emotional. I was afraid that she would not be able to sleep at night, and my eyes would be swollen from crying. I also bought sleeping pills and anti-inflammatory drugs for her. If you don’t, you’ll be ready for nothing.”

The corners of Li Tao's mouth twitched, this woman was counted to the point where he died, it really must be said that people should not be judged by appearances.

Xiang Lian looks like a slightly rustic and serious woman, but she is not a femme fatale.

"Isn't that better than her being a widow?" Li Tao licked his lower lip and said.

"Oh, you look down on the women of our Xiang family, don't you think that with my sister's beauty, she won't be able to find another man after you die?" Xiang Lian retorted.

"I didn't mean that, but, counselor, Xue'er is already in her third year, do you still think she will fall to your level in a few years?" Li Tao looked at her strangely, always showing some pity .

"What do you mean!"

Xiang Lian stood up from the chair suddenly in anger, her chest heaved, and her coiled hair fell down several times and collapsed on her pretty face, looking a little embarrassed.

"Counselor, please calm down. Women in their [-]s and [-]s should not be angry. They are prone to wrinkles and promote early menopause."

"Who's in menopause, I'm only 32!" Xiang Lian was trembling with anger, and slapped the desk, causing the pen in her hand to shatter.

Li Tao tilted his head to avoid the pen splashing towards him, but after hitting the baffle, the pen just bounced to the ground, and finally stopped directly on his left and right feet.

Li Tao shook his head helplessly, he was a bit out of his mind today, if he had to react a little slower, the pen would have fucked the inside of his temple.

Of course, it's not Xianglian's fault. When she slapped the table sullenly, she certainly never thought that the pen would jump out so coincidentally.

Li Tao bent down and was about to help Xiang Lian pick up the pen, but she had already trotted over and picked up the pen in a panic.

Xiang Lian knelt on the ground, holding the pen with tears in her beautiful eyes, she could see that this pen meant a lot to her.

Li Tao's gaze was fixed on her chest unconsciously, and Xiang Lian focused on the dropped pen, completely oblivious to the extent to which he would disappear while kneeling and bending over.

Rustic and serious woman, really unexpected.

"Pen cap. Where did you lose the pen cap? I found the pen cap!"

The pen cap just falls into the compartment where the main computer is placed in this workstation.

From the panic of losing it to the surprise of finding it, Xianglian didn't even notice that Li Tao also lowered his head just now to help her pick up the pen.

Then Li Tao kept that posture without straightening his waist.

Xiang Lian only had eyes for the cap of the pen, she knelt and leaned over to touch the cap urgently.

Li Tao didn't know why, but his brain lost the ability to think.


Xiang Lian's face, which had already grabbed the pen cap, was like boiling water, gradually turning red from her fragrant neck to her pretty face, and a circle of white steam rose from her head like an angel's circle.

Faintly, there seems to be the sound of the whistle of the train starting~

"Shameless beast!!!"



The class bell rang, and Li Tao covered his face and walked in the corridor with few people.

"Should I go to the bathroom and rinse with cold water for a while, half of my face is numb." Li Tao said to himself.


Pressing it a little harder, he couldn't help but make a sound of pain.

According to Xiang Lian's words, he should be able to escape at that time, but if he didn't hide, he was really like a demon. She was so angry that she swore to tell Xiang Xue about this matter, so as to recognize his dirty face.

He was really a little innocent. He was just dumbfounded at the time, and it was a bit too ignorant to avoid it.

"Occasionally looking at the plainest little clothes of the local girls is really a bit unbearable~"

Liu Renna and the others are really rushing to the forefront of the trend. They wear all kinds of styles in order to seduce Li Tao, so they have to be more seductive and more seductive, but Xiang Lian, an older young woman, wears a bit rustic even if she is close-fitting. She is too conservative and serious. , but it feels a little different.

"620, even on the sixth floor, it's really high~"

Li Tao covered his face and complained, although Xiang Lian was so angry that he cursed him for a while, but finally gave him the schedule.

But the class group Li Tao hadn't joined yet, so he had to find the organization alone.

Freshman classes are still dominated by large classes like public classes, where several majors are crowded into one large classroom.

Having said that, art colleges are still somewhat special. They have more professional courses, and the professional courses are taught in the college building.

However, this Wednesday's classes are still held in the teaching building. Coincidentally, this building happened to be the seven-story building where Li Tao and Li Manzi stayed in the mock war.

During the week when Li Tao was in a coma, the entire teaching building was almost renovated, much brand new compared to when he first came.

Following the stairs and finally reaching the sixth floor, Li Tao could already hear the voice of a teacher teaching from a classroom.

He couldn't help yawning. Since the college entrance examination, whenever he heard the lecture, it was like listening to a lullaby.

"The row to the right of 601 and 603 are all odd numbers, that is, the row to the left."

Li Tao wiped away the tears from his eyes, finally came to classroom 620, glanced through the crack of the door, the huge classroom was already full of people.

It's not too late for Li Tao to come, and it's only 10:10 in the morning. Classes start at [-]:[-], and each class lasts [-] to [-] minutes, and the two classes have a [-]-minute break between each class.

He paced around the door for quite a while, and said in a rare cowardly way: "Forget it, I'm sorry to go in, wait until get out of class is over~"

Li Tao wasn't cowardly either, he just didn't want to make a fool of himself, he rubbed his face, leaned his back against the wall and started to be dazed.

If he wanted to talk about what was the most important thing for him today, his intuition told him that it was meeting Ah Cha.

Since Ah Cha sent him that inexplicable text message, Li Tao sent him a few joking jokes, but Ah Cha didn't reply. Invisibly, Li Tao had a premonition that there was a gap between the two of them.

"I hope it doesn't drift away."

After clenching his fist, Li Tao murmured in a complicated mood, and suddenly there was the sound of heavy running in the corridor.

Li Tao grinned, looked at the visitor with some amusement, and couldn't help laughing: "You can still be late, are you the first day of class like me?"

"You know shit, I'm... for a reason."

Tong Anqi stopped in front of Li Tao, panting heavily, her muscular body might make even boys who often hang out in the gym feel ashamed.

"I don't think this is your first time." Li Tao yawned.

He has been in a coma for more than a week, that is, it has been at least a week since school started. Tong Anqi is still in such a mess, obviously she is a repeat offender.

Hearing Li Tao's words, Tong Anqi blushed a little, and her appearance of being strong but incompetent had exposed her true situation.

Tong Anqi poked her head in small steps to look at the crack of the door, and she was a little embarrassed to go in because of the staring posture inside.

She looked at Li Tao and asked, "Did the teacher ask you to stand as a punishment, or were you late and embarrassed to go in?"

Li Tao pouted at Tong Anqi, indicating that he was the same as her.

"Hmph~ It's really useless, a big man is too embarrassed to go in."

Tong Anqi suddenly found a point to ridicule Li Tao, and taunted her mercilessly.

Li Tao didn't care, and even felt that her nagging would help him sleep, and before he knew it, it was almost the end of the get out of class.

No matter how hard she tried, she couldn't think of any more words to complain about. Once Tong Anqi stopped, the corridor became much quieter.

Li Tao didn't feel embarrassed, but Tong Anqi probably felt embarrassed. She poked Li Tao's stomach and asked, "Why didn't you ask me why I was late?"

Li Tao lazily raised his eyelids and glanced at her: "I'm sleepy~"

"I'm going to open the door, you're sleepy, get out!" Tong Anqi swung her fist at Li Tao, and after Li Tao dodged that punch, that punch directly hit the wall behind him.

As if there was an earthquake, the wall trembled with a sense of oppression, and Li Tao even felt that sand and the like from the ceiling had slipped into his collar.

"You said you have such a temper, how can a man dare."

Li Tao only spoke half of what he had said, when suddenly screams came from the classroom.


Li Tao and Tong Anqi looked at each other, and immediately opened the door and rushed into the classroom.

This is a middle-aged bloated man, he is lying on the ground now, his lower body legs are still on the steps of the podium, while his upper body fell off the stage, his face is buried on the ground and he does not know whether he is alive or dead.

The strange boy sitting in the first row ran to the teacher first, and many students behind him also stood up, looking at the scene in panic.

The boy turned the fat teacher over, put his index finger across his nostrils and tremblingly said: "I'm out of breath."

When Li Tao saw this face, his pupils shrank into needles. He knew this teacher. His name was Chu Dahao!

Qiu Shuyu, Bai Shuzhen, Zhao Lin, that bloody night, that bloody murder that turned the Academy of Arts into ruins!
At this moment, the memory that he didn't want to recall had been torn apart again, and Chu Dahao's every move at that time had been replayed in Li Tao's mind.

Chu Dahao teaches aesthetics at the Academy of Art, and he is a colleague of Zhao Lin, and he is also one of the survivors of that night.

"Call the school hospital quickly. I don't know if I can be saved. It seems that my heart is still beating."

The male student holding Chu Dahao's head shouted to the students behind him.

Hearing this, Li Tao immediately walked towards Chu Dahao. His medical skills may be poor, but his first aid skills are quite good. This is also a natural talent.

"You two stop, you can't come over!" Deng Lei frowned and scolded Tong Anqi.

"Is there any reason for the shock of the wall just now and you?" Deng Lei stared at Li Tao and Tong Anqi with burning eyes and asked.

Tong Anqi froze in place, at a loss. She was frightened and stuttered a little: "Teacher, teacher, did it shake because of the wall?"

"The two of you are not normal, and he is still very unfamiliar. The situation is not clear now, so you can't get close to Teacher Chu."

Deng Lei shouted to the students behind him: "I am the class representative selected by Teacher Chu. Now I will maintain order. After contacting your school hospital, please contact the counselor!"

The students who came around in the first row had already described what happened just now in their broken thoughts.

Chu Dahao, who was normally lecturing, fell to the ground clutching his chest after the loud noise. The impact of the wall vibration at that time made the appearance of him fall even more shocking.

"Is it me? It's because of me."

Tong Anqi was already dumbfounded in place, Deng Lei's reprimand just now made her think that she was a murderer, so how dare she continue to approach Chu Dahao.

On the contrary, Li Tao, who was reprimanded by Deng Lei to stand still, seemed to have never heard of it, and walked straight towards Chu Dahao without stopping from the door.

Because his face was swollen by Xiang Lian's fan, few people recognized Li Tao's identity as the ruthless devil king.

"Stop it, what do you want!" Deng Lei scolded Li Tao while holding Chu Dahao's crowd.

"Brother Kuan, stop him, I don't think he's right, he doesn't look like a good person, let alone a student!" Deng Lei supported Chu Dahao and leaned back.

A burly man frowned and looked at Li Tao. He also felt that Li Tao was too bloody and vicious, and he didn't look like a good person.

Taking a step across to stand in front of Li Tao, Tian Zhikuan said in a deep voice, "Who are you, what does Teacher Chu have to do with you?"


Li Tao placed his hand on Tian Zhikuan's scalp and pulled it down hard, like the boss of a gangster bowing to his younger brother.

However, Li Tao also raised his knee and slammed it directly in his face.

Tian Zhikuan, who was bleeding from his nose, was thrown away by Li Tao, and he came to Chu Dahao's side without stopping.

Putting his hands in the position of Chu Dahao's Adam's apple and pausing for three seconds, Li Tao's face sank completely: "What the hell, I'm dead."


After speaking, Li Tao kicked Deng Lei's head into the gap between the legs of the desk...

(End of this chapter)

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