Chapter 156 A Big Game

Li Tao in the corner watched as Chu Dahao was carried out on the stretcher, his frown was superimposed on the rude and cruel methods just now, so that the students in the class only dared to spy on him from the corner of their eyes.

However, there was a girl whose physical maturity was far beyond her age, standing beside him silently.

She was wearing a slightly sporty white and blue midriff-baring vest, and the brown plaid JK short skirt did not cover her upturned body, and the hollows and protrusions were like peach petals.

Coupled with the two round and big white legs without stockings, they are completely comparable to the football babies who are photographed on the field in magazines.

It's just that this outfit is really out of place with her, and it even gives people a suspicion of pretending to be tender.

Because her temperament is too mature, she is like a newlywed girl who has gotten her first moisturiser, her style is clingy.

This class was originally Chu Dahao's aesthetics class, in layman's terms it is "aesthetics".

Therefore, the students sitting in the classroom are all students from the Academy of Art, and there is really no need for the other eight colleges to attend this class.

There are seven classes from A to G in the freshman year of the Academy of Art.

The three classes A, B, and C will have the opportunity to have a big class together, while the four classes D, E, F, and G will have a big class together.

The students staying in this classroom now include these four classes, so Li Tao has a lot of new faces.

"So you smashed the wall?" A tall and thin girl frowned and asked Tong Anqi.

"I didn't know it would happen. I couldn't remember why. I was just a little embarrassed by Li Tao, so I hit him as a joke, and then he dodged and I hit the wall. I didn't know it would happen. of."

The tall and thin girl is Fei Sini from Class D of the Art Academy. Her family conditions are not bad. Although she is far from Li Tao's status, she is still the daughter of a government official.

"So the vibrating environment was caused by you."

"I didn't know it was going to happen"

Tong Anqi had never been so flustered before, she had a feeling that she couldn't explain it, and everyone's suspicious and hostile eyes made her almost collapse.

She could only repeat that she didn't know, and her gradually hollow pupils made her look more and more helpless. Because of Tong Anqi's tall figure, it was as if a group of ants surrounded an elephant and gnawed at the center of the classroom.

Li Meiniang stood beside Li Tao like an obedient daughter-in-law. She looked at Tong Anqi from a distance but didn't go over to rescue her.

Li Tao, on the other hand, kept frowning and thinking, and the noise around him didn't affect him.

"What's wrong." Li Tao murmured softly, causing Li Meiniang's beautiful eyes to flash a curious look.

Both Tian Zhikuan and Deng Lei looked rather embarrassed. Although they didn't curse hysterically, they were both sitting on their desks, staring at Li Tao gloomily.

The school hospital arrived in time, and when Li Tao was sure that Chu Dahao was dead, they rushed into the classroom to inject adrenaline hormone for Chu Dahao and take some first aid measures.

"Tsk, although she is responsible for a lot, but according to what the classmate described, this male classmate is also responsible for Teacher Chu's death. How can you stand here and watch the show with nothing to do with yourself?"

Fei Si Ni didn't know when she walked to Li Tao and Li Meiniang's side, and her meaningful words were a bit weird.

In fact, Li Manzi has been absent from class for more than a week. Since Li Tao fell into a coma, she has been staying at home as a housewife. Without her, Li Meiniang is the most attractive woman in this classroom from any point of view.

Because of her mature body, there is a kind of sexy carnal desire, which makes every fresh-blooded and abstinent freshman male student want to drown in it.

But she is only a D-grade student in Class G, Fei Si Ni couldn't help being jealous of her, and she was also extremely unbalanced psychologically.

Facing the blackboard, there are two doors on the left and right.

Li Tao and Tong Anqi came in from the left door facing the blackboard, but now Li Tao is standing by the right door, looking at the podium and thinking.

Li Meiniang stood behind him on the left. As for Fei Sini, she also stopped on Li Tao's left, but she kept talking sideways to the two of them.

Neither Li Tao nor Li Meiniang paid attention to her, and they only showed her the left side half of her face during the whole process, not even looking at her from the corner of their eyes.

After Fei Si Ni spoke, Li Meiniang stood a little forward, standing between Li Tao and Fei Si Ni, like a little daughter-in-law protecting her husband.

Fei Si Ni was a little dissatisfied with their attitude of ignoring her, so she said threateningly: "This is a school, and it is a classroom of the Art Academy. It's not whoever is ruthless, whoever can"

Fei Si Ni froze suddenly in the middle of speaking, and soon her whole face turned pale.

Li Meiniang didn't turn her head, she was still facing her sideways, but when she was halfway through the threat, Li Meiniang's dark eyes suddenly turned to the corners of her eyes strangely, and the round chestnut-shaped pupils directly turned into the vertical eyes of a civet cat at this moment. Hitomi.

The side of her face facing Fei Si Ni, the corners of her mouth exaggeratedly grinned to the base of her ears, her pink tongue licked her white and neat teeth little by little, and there were only three words between her mouth opening and closing - "Don't-argue-him"

Fei Si Ni seemed to meet a female demon in a horror movie, she was covered in cold sweat, her mouth was slightly opened, and she just stood there dumbfounded.

The next moment, the feeling of suffocation disappeared, and Li Meiniang still looked at Li Tao's profile gently, as if everything Fei Sini saw just now was like a fantasy.

Swallowing her saliva, Fei Si Ni was just about to organize her words in her heart when the door on the left was suddenly pushed open, scaring her into a trance, her mouth grinned and she wanted to cry.

It was Xianglian who came in. She was wearing a blue-collar attire of a faculty member, panting slightly and ran into the classroom.

The moment she came in, she felt Li Tao, and their eyes met, Li Tao was still pensive, while Xiang Lian's eyes flashed shame and anger.

It would take her a long time to forget about bending over and hitting his face directly with her chest.

"No, something is wrong here."

Seeing Xiang Lian running in, Li Tao's originally confused eyes suddenly became serious.

From Chu Dahao being taken away to this moment, Li Tao really returned to look at the classroom, and Li Meiniang with a gentle face like a big sister at the side made him feel more secure.

This is difficult to perceive among peers, and Li Tao also noticed Tong Anqi who was lost in the crowd and was at a loss.

However, he believed in Xianglian, a serious and upright older young woman with a strong sense of justice, and would not wrong her students.

In fact, because of Li Tao's brutal methods just now, he has been stared at him all the time, and when the security guards came in, Deng Lei and the others whispered to them, slandering Li Tao.

Li Tao suddenly tugged on Li Meiniang's skirt, and she didn't expect it, so she staggered and fell into his arms, her gentle face like a big sister suddenly flushed with embarrassment.

She regained her senses and quickly stood up straight, hiding her throbbing with the movement of curling her hair.

Li Tao didn't pay attention to her, instead he looked at Li Meiniang earnestly and asked, "Can you stop them for me?"

Li Meiniang was stunned for a moment, she turned her head to look at those rubbing people, she didn't expect Li Tao to ask her for help.

She didn't know what was going on in her mind, she couldn't help holding Li Tao's side face with one hand suddenly, and said softly: "Of course."

Li Tao didn't talk nonsense, he really felt that Li Meiniang was more like a reliable sister, so he nodded gratefully to her, then turned and left the classroom.

As soon as he left, as expected, Deng Lei and the security guards ran over in an instant. Amid the noise, they seemed to be saying "fleeing in fear of crime" or something. Obviously Deng Lei and others slandered him.

Li Meiniang walked to the door expressionlessly, and closed the door completely.

Looking at her back, Fei Sini suddenly mourned for the security guards. This carnal woman has a demon in her heart.

After walking out, Li Tao came directly to the classroom directly opposite——619
Pausing in front of the door for only a second, Li Tao raised his hand and pushed the door open.

The voices of the students who were still discussing stopped abruptly, and everyone's eyes fell on Li Tao at the door.

Wearing glasses, some gentle teachers also looked at him with pursed lips.

Li Tao's gaze fell on the blackboard in the classroom, on which was written: Discuss the best first aid plan for wrist cutting and overdose of sleeping pills.

There is no doubt that this is a medical school class, and this teacher is also affiliated with the medical school.

Playing deaf by using mandatory seminars?
Li Tao stared at him fiercely, the other party maintained the calmness of an elder, but something strange flashed in his eyes.

"Student, are you late?" Lu Geng asked.

Li Tao didn't speak, turned around and started running in the corridor.

As soon as he came to the stairs, he happened to pass through the turning point of the side railing in the stairs, and saw the figures of the white coats carrying the stretcher.

"Wait a minute!" Li Tao shouted at the turning point while running.

But the next moment, the bell for the end of get out of class rang.

The bell sounded very harsh at this moment, Li Tao's eyes were red, and the speed of going downstairs also increased.

But as soon as the bell rang, some students came out of the classroom, and the stairs were blocked in the blink of an eye.


Li Tao ran down while picking up the crowd, the other students looked at him in surprise, not knowing what happened early in the morning.

When he finally came to the first floor, Li Tao had already seen the group of white coats carrying Chu Dahao into an ambulance with a red cross painted on the outside.

"Wait a moment!"

These white coats were all wearing masks, they turned a deaf ear to Li Tao's voice, and even sped up their speed.

Li Tao managed to get to the place where the ambulance was parked, but was sprayed with car exhaust.

He bent over and panted heavily, looking around calmly.

There happened to be a car in the parking space not far away, and the door was half-closed. He licked his lower lip, pulled the door open and jumped on it.

The owner didn't even pull out the key. After Li Tao started the car, he hit the accelerator and chased after the ambulance.

There is a pen on the co-pilot's seat, Li Tao looks very familiar, because this pen made him prostitute a decent woman for nothing this morning.
This car obviously belonged to Xiang Lian. She got the news of the dead man, drove the car from the art building, and rushed to the scene of the crime, so she didn't even bother to close the car and ran up.

Looking at the green plants retreating rapidly on both sides of the road, Li Tao became more and more nervous.

He knew this road very well, and it was Su Xuefu who was driving at that time, and the destination was - medical school!

Li Tao, who had been in deep thought, finally found out what was wrong when Xianglian rushed into the classroom.

The strange death of Chu Dahao caused a commotion and panic in the entire classroom, but this may not have affected 622 and 618, because these two classrooms had no classes on Wednesday morning.

Li Tao discovered when he was waiting outside the classrooms that there were only students studying or resting in these two classrooms.

But classroom 620 is directly opposite, and classroom 619 has a teacher in class. This is what he saw while waiting.

Just imagine, if a teacher in a classroom suddenly faints due to a sudden myocardial infarction or other sudden illness, the first to hear the news should not be the emergency personnel, but the teachers who are teaching around this classroom.

He should appear as the backbone to take care of everything, but there is no need to say more about the situation just now.

Li Tao opened the door just to verify one thing, which college the teacher in room 619 came from.

If it was a medical school, then Chu Dahao's death must not have been the result of Tong Anqi's punch on the surface, and even Li Tao was not sure whether Chu Dahao was dead or not.

That night, Bai Shuzhen committed so many murders, but the medical school forcefully took her away, and Li Tao didn't see Zhao Lin's body the whole time, which was an unreasonable thing.

Li Tao also thought that after the military training was over, he would look for a few people who survived that night and review the game again to see if there were any clues.

After all, Zhao Lin was one of the three people who came into contact with that corpse.

The road Li Tao pursued with the ambulance was not to the school hospital, but to the medical school.

In other words, Chu Dahao should have been calculated by the medical school teacher in the next classroom, and because of the level of Luma University's medical school, Li Tao's judgment of himself also lost accuracy, maybe Chu Dahao is not dead.

This is a game of chess played by some people in the medical school, and Chu Dahao is suddenly useful to them.

Li Tao couldn't let Chu Dahao be sent to the medical school, because there were too many freaks there, and without Su Xuefu, he wouldn't be able to explore Zhao Lin's line in a short time.

Chu Dahao is his only possibility.

The car is like a wild horse running wild on the road, but the performance of a small car driven by a woman like Xianglian is really worrying.

Li Tao could only watch helplessly as the ambulance gradually disappeared from his sight.

"No, there's no need to follow it like that."

Li Tao's eyes flickered, he suddenly killed the steering wheel and rushed into a small alley.

Now that he knew the destination of the ambulance, why not take a shortcut to block it?
Qin Yueru told him about this path, and it was this path that he walked when he ran out of the morgue.

Sure enough, when he was rushing out of the last alley, Li Tao had already seen the ambulance painted with the red cross sign, and now it has gone hand in hand with Li Tao.

Both are only 500 meters away from the gate of the medical school. Before it drives in, Li Tao has to force him to stop and take Chu Dahao away.

In the ambulance, the driver was wearing a mask and couldn't see his face clearly, and he couldn't even distinguish between men and women when he spoke.

"The man is catching up, do you want to go down and stop him personally?"

The co-pilot said in a dull voice: "You just need to drive faster, who wants to show his face when he is doing such a dirty thing."

The driver didn't speak, he had stepped on the gas pedal to the bottom.

Li Tao took a deep breath, his eyes were full of fierceness, and he directly slammed into the front of the ambulance.

"No, go down and stop it personally. It's not necessary." The driver's voice was a little impatient one moment, but suddenly calmed down the next moment, and even stepped on the brakes to slow down.


The scalpel shone palely in the sunlight, piercing through the tires coldly.

With the sound of a flat tire, Li Tao lost the balance of the car and directly mounted it on a tree.

The car rolled over with the accelerator pedal fully pressed, and Li Tao was also dizzy from the fall, and his vision was blurred by the blood streaks crawling down from his forehead.

After pushing open the car door with great effort, Li Tao suddenly found a white hand stretched out there.

He grabbed it reflexively, and the other party pulled him out of the car with a slight force.

"It's you again, the matter of burning my flower shop is not over yet."

The villain Qiu Lan...

(End of this chapter)

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