Chapter 157 Elective Flower Shop
The sun at noon is too dazzling to affect people's vision.

Li Tao wiped off the blood on his eyelids with the back of his hand, but his eyes were still squinted by the sun.

The impact on the head obviously also affected him quite a bit, and under his constant psychological hints, his vision gradually returned to normal in a trance.

What caught the eye was the white coat that showed a sense of distance, but Qiu Lan, who was under the burning sun, reversed the common sense and made the surroundings look cool.

Li Tao's gaze was from bottom to top, the high heels were very elegant, they had extremely thin heels, and they were only fixed by two nail-width black shiny leather on the ankles and insteps.

The whole bare white foot is slightly bruised, but that is also because it is too white.

I'm afraid it's too hot, Qiu Lan's two straight and big white legs are not even a thread, and the black hip-covering skirt and the white shirt above make her quite similar to the general female scientific researcher in the laboratory.

But this resemblance is limited to below the neck.

When Li Tao looked over her full breasts and came to her neck, everything changed.

In the middle of the neck was a wound that looked like a cut throat, but it was stitched up with red thread as fine as scaly teeth.

Intuitively speaking, Li Tao thought she had a red zipper around her neck at first glance.

The most frightening thing above must be her eyes. The almond eyes that should be charming and ecstatic are stitched loosely with red threads, just like the undulating lines of an electrocardiogram.

But the place where the eyes are placed is really creepy.

"Do you have to stop me?"

Li Tao's vicious eyes pressed on Qiu Lan's neck, as if he was going to rush over to break it for her in the next moment.

"Did you do it on purpose?" Qiu Lan frowned slightly, her gaze fell on the ground and she seemed to be in a daze.

Li Tao, who thought it was another deadly battle, was overwhelmed by her words.

He looked at Qiu Lan's side face in confusion and asked, "Aren't you stopping me?"

"I thought your car was out of control~"

Wiping her red lips with her slender index finger, Qiu Lan looked at the ambulance that had disappeared in the medical school from the corner of her eye and said in a daze.

Li Tao frowned and looked at Qiu Lan again, and then he noticed a detail, Qiu Lan didn't carry the silver suitcase.

When medical students are fighting or saving lives, silver suitcases are essential, but if Qiu Lan wanted to intercept Li Tao from the beginning, she obviously shouldn't be dressed like this.


Taking a deep breath, Li Tao is not important to think about these things now, Chu Dahao has already entered the medical school.

With Li Tao on his own, it is completely idiotic to want to enter the medical school alone.

The head of the nine courtyards, Li Tao looked at this white building that seemed to be surrounded by black air from a distance, and his intuition told him that even if Aunt Liu came, he would have to pay a high price to force his way in.

"So did you hit our college's ambulance on purpose just now?" Qiu Lan took two steps forward lightly with her chest in her arms, and stopped half a meter away from Li Tao.

"Yes." Li Tao replied coldly.

The overturned car was crushed on the thick tree trunk, and now there were fire snakes crawling on the surface, and the smell of gasoline gradually permeated the air.


"A teacher was kidnapped in the car."

"Kidnapped a teacher?" Qiu Lan seemed a little surprised by the answer.

Her reaction sparked an immature hope in Li Tao, he licked his lower lip and asked, "Yes, can you come with me to rescue him?"

Qiu Lan withdrew her gaze and turned to Li Tao.

The two looked at each other, looking at her eyes sewn with red thread, Li Tao didn't look away, and didn't even show any fear.

After a while, she took the initiative to look away, Qiu Lan is not used to others looking into her eyes.

"Of course not, but I will go to the student union in the afternoon to find out what you said."

Li Tao lowered his head helplessly, now his head is dizzy, and his hairline was actually cut by glass, bleeding all the time.

Li Tao wasn't afraid of pain, but he was afraid that if he didn't deal with it well, he would make Aunt Liu angry when he came home at night. Since he couldn't pin his hopes on Qiulan, he turned around and wanted to leave.

But after he turned his head, a jade hand exuding the fragrance of flowers suddenly put his shoulder on his shoulder from behind.

"Did I let you go?"

Li Tao frowned, turned to look at Qiu Lan and said, "Didn't you say that you passed by by chance, do you still have something to do with them?"

Qiu Lan shook her head, and said flatly, "If I knew it was you who was driving, I'd let you run into it."

Li Tao: "..."

Thinking about it this way, it is indeed the case. It is estimated that Qiu Lan found out his identity when she helped him out of the overturned car.

"The thing about the flower shop made me very angry." After Qiu Lan finished speaking, she had no further words.

Li Tao felt that the atmosphere was too cold to be embarrassing, and he covered the bleeding on his forehead and asked, "So how do you want me to help you calm down?"


Li Tao: "..."

I still have to fight, Li Tao adjusted his breathing, and pushed his bangs covered with blood to the top of his head. Just as the momentum gathered, Qiu Lan followed up with the second half of the sentence:
"Or help me restore the flower shop."

Li Tao's aura swelled in an instant, and he had to cut off a sentence, saying that he couldn't beat this crazy woman.

Qiu Lan, one of the three giants of the undergraduate department of the medical school, code-named "villain", is the head of the interrogation department of the undergraduate student union. Of course, what makes her more famous is her horrible background.

At the age of ten, she was accused by the prosecution of being involved in serial murders. The methods were so cruel that she was thrown into prison at her age. After spending several years in prison, she was sent to a lunatic asylum.

Growing up in such a morbid environment, it was difficult for Qiu Lan to fathom how distorted her mind had become.

The more sluggish she appears on the surface, the more terrifying the demon inside is.

"I choose the latter." Li Tao said with a sense of current affairs.

"Okay." Qiu Lan's expression was flat, and Li Tao didn't let Li Tao see what she was thinking.

Li Tao pulled out a cloth strip from his sleeve, tied his forehead, and asked, "Why are you not as angry as you were when you saw me last time?"

In the morgue before, Qiu Lan saw him with murderous intent, but this time she always felt a lot more docile.



"Because of Su Xuefu."

Qiu Lan pursed her lips, obviously she had no intention of further explaining to him.

Su Xuefu's identity was far beyond Li Tao's imagination, because of Su Xuefu's attitude towards Li Tao, Qiu Lan became curious about him and wanted to know more about him.

Of course Li Tao couldn't guess what this woman was thinking, because his mind was full of frustration now.

Take a closer look at his original purpose.

Li Tao got a student card suspected of his identity from Heart Q, and this student card was finally found to belong to a student who died during the summer vacation.

The student's body was recorded in the morgue of the medical school. Among the three people who had come into contact with the body, the second one, Mr. Zhao Lin, was the one with the most suspicion, or the most mysterious one.

According to what Qiu Shuyu said, his wife Bai Shuzhen killed her husband Zhao Lin, but the medical school took Bai Shuzhen away, and a few weeks later, Chu Dahao was taken away.

Chu Dahao is also a consultant and one of the important participants in a project that Zhao Lin is cooperating with.

But this line was completely broken at this point, and it became a mystery whether Chu Dahao was dead or not.


Li Tao stamped his foot on the roof of the car irritably, and his foot wrapped in anger caused the overturned car to directly crush the tree trunk, and the four wheels touched the ground again.

Qiu Lan frowned, and a chill flashed in her eyes: "What do you mean?"

"I'll just take a mobile phone!" Li Tao said angrily, he immediately opened the car door and took out the mobile phone from the driver's seat.

After speaking, Li Tao made a phone call, turned his back to Qiu Lan and walked towards the shadows in the distance.

Qiu Lan pressed her lower lip with her fingers, looked at Li Tao's back and murmured, "I let him pretend."

"Sister Xue'er, then you can call me your sister."

Xiangxue's voice was languid and she looked like she was still lying on the bed: "Well~ what did you say, say it again."

"It's already 09:30 in the morning, and I still don't get up." Li Tao complained and continued: "I said, you give your sister Xianglian's mobile phone number"


There was a busy tone coming from the mobile phone, Li Tao stared at the hung up phone dumbfounded, and couldn't even close his mouth.

Throwing the phone directly into the closet, Xiangxue also turned on the air conditioner very low, so wrapped in a thick quilt, she covered her head with a cup after throwing the phone, and said angrily:
"Bastard, how many times have I told you that I'm bothering that woman, and you still dare to ask me for her mobile phone number, hum, don't talk to him anymore."

Xiangxue is not deaf, how could she not hear what Li Tao said, she just gave him a chance, but Li Tao completely thought of this.


After calling several times, no one answered, and Li Tao was dumbfounded. He made Xianglian's car look like this, so he wanted to tell her about it.

Qiu Lan appeared behind him at some point, and asked curiously, "Who are you calling?"


Li Tao put the phone back in his pocket, Xiangxue didn't answer it all the time, and he didn't know what to do, but he didn't worry anymore, because Xiangxue finally sent him the word "Get out" in a text message.

"How could Su Xuefu get through on the phone?"

Li Tao's pupils shrank, he took a deep breath, and rushed into the car again, only to come out with a disheveled face.

He was holding a pen in his hand this time, looking at Xiang Lian's appearance, this pen meant a lot to her, of course Li Tao had to take it out for her.

Just when he wanted to answer Qiu Lan's question just now, he didn't find a chance.

"Get in my car. I'll call a car repairer on the way and ask them to tow the car away." Qiu Lan hooked Li Tao and walked towards the shade first.

Li Tao checked the time, and there were three hours left before the 12:30 agreed with Ah Cha, which should be enough to fool this woman.

He trotted and followed, but he didn't expect that behind the corner of the wall was the parking lot of the medical school.

It is worthy of being the first of the nine courtyards, with abundant funds. Looking at the cars parked in this parking lot, the most expensive ones start at a million dollars.

A sea-blue sports car stopped beside Li Tao, and the window gradually lowered, revealing Qiu Lan's side face.


Li Tao opened the car door and sat in, the biting air-conditioning instantly threw his teeth and claws into his arms.

Li Tao found that the women he met, all the good-looking ones, preferred low temperature.

After he sat firmly, Qiu Lan started the car before he buckled up his seat belt.

Li Tao pondered for a while, and decided to buckle the seat belt, but when he touched the gap of the right seat, he couldn't find the seat belt.

Is there no one sitting in this seat?
Stopping in front of a red light, Qiu Lan glanced at him and said, "Don't look for it, the co-pilot didn't wear a seat belt."

"No one usually sits?"


"Then why are there no seat belts?"

"You talk a lot, and I would like it very much in normal times." Qiu Lan said such words inexplicably.


"If you need it so much, I'll make an exception and let you experience it." After Qiu Lan finished speaking, she pressed some button, and the co-pilot's backrest instantly protruded the iron chain and shackles, directly binding Li Tao like a piece of armor.

As soon as Qiu Lan stepped on the accelerator, she rushed out the moment the red light turned green.

Li Tao finally figured out why this seat is usually occupied by people, but there is no seat belt.

This is where the prisoners are escorted. As a member of the interrogation department, Qiu Lan naturally likes the people being interrogated to talk more so as not to be punished.

Li Tao was also embarrassed to ask her to remove the lock for him, sitting upright like an honest elementary school student, glancing at Qiu Lan from time to time.

If there were no red lines, Qiu Lan would be the only woman Li Tao had ever seen with a face second only to Liu Renna.

It's a pity that she is now like a rag doll that has been sewn randomly, and her natural delicacy can only be supplemented by people's imagination.

Stopping in front of a bungalow, Qiu Lan released the shackles on Li Tao.

She got out of the car without saying a word, and walked towards the house full of ashes and black spots.

Sitting in the car, Li Tao felt a lot of guilt in his heart, even though he didn't smash the flower shop, let alone burn it down.

But Su Xuefu did this for him to lure Qiu Lan out.

Unexpectedly, Qiu Lan didn't deal with it all the time. The house that had been burned by the fire was still stagnant in devastation.

Taking a deep breath, Li Tao came out with complicated emotions.

Qiu Lan, who had gone in earlier, turned her back to the door, and squatted on the ground fiddling with something. Because she was wearing a white coat, after squatting, most of the coat was stuck to the ashes-filled ground.

People who are not obsessed with cleanliness will feel uncomfortable watching the white cloth fall on the dust, so Li Tao just reflexively went to help her lift the clothes.

But when he bent down to touch the fabric, Qiu Lan's flat voice sounded: "Tell me first, did Su Xuefu ask you to drill it, or did you just like it?"

Li Tao was in a daze, not understanding what this woman wanted to express.

Qiu Lan stood up slowly, she turned to face Li Tao, and Li Tao looked at her stupidly while keeping the posture of bending over and raising his head.

"If it's the former, I'll allow you to get in, but I'm wearing tight clothes today, or if you stick your face in, I'll just experience her feeling."

Obviously Qiu Lan misunderstood Li Tao, because when she first met Li Tao, she hid from Su Xuefu, which made her preconceived, and when Li Tao bent down to touch her skirt, she thought she had that idea.

But what she said was true, the dolphin skirt was gathered very tightly at the base of the thighs, making the plump and white thighs tightly clamped, although this aroused the man's desire to explore more and more.

"She often does things that I can't understand. Now I really need to understand, or have her mentality." Qiu Lan explained to Li Tao rarely.

Li Tao stood up slowly, and said helplessly, "The former is neither of the latter. She pushed me into it purely to protect me from being killed by you and that old man in the morgue."

"So it's her choice."


Li Tao suddenly felt that something was wrong with her understanding, but in the next moment his scalp was covered by a soft palm, and immediately after that he was pressed down half his body.


But it was indeed too tight, Li Tao's cheeks were ravaged by the soft flesh of his thighs, and he was still a finger away from the mystery.

"Forget it, I'll try another skirt next time." Qiu Lan felt that her skirt was about to split, so she let go of it in good time.

After Li Tao was released, his hair turned into a bird's nest. He said with a little shame and anger, "You don't ask if I agree or not."

"Why do I care how you feel?"

"Scumbag, are you done with your own pleasure?" Li Tao said angrily.

Qiu Lan was stunned for a moment, and asked in a daze: "What's so cool about me, Su Xuefu felt so good at that time?"

Rubbing her chin, she said in a daze, "Why do I feel disgusted in my heart?"

(End of this chapter)

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