Chapter 161 racking their brains
"Boss, what should we do now?" Xiangxue put the phone on the bed and cried out sadly.

As a top-tier capital crocodile, don't look at Li Manzi who hasn't shown his brain since he met Li Tao.

But as long as she doesn't face Li Tao, she is the most thoughtful ceiling in this world after all.

Li Manzi tapped Li Tao's palm lightly with her fingers, and after a while her red lips parted slightly: "Since she doesn't want to go home and wait for Li Tao obediently, then force her to come back..."

Only by maintaining the lie that Li Tao was forced to stay in school for evening self-study at any cost can things not develop into a situation out of control.

Xiangxue knelt on the ground, pressed her little chin against the bed sheet, and asked curiously, "Can you force her back?"

Li Manzi smiled slightly, straightened her thighs, stretched a few times, and jumped off the bed.

The dim afterglow of the setting sun passed through the glass and stacked on Li Manzi's pretty face, making that smile look a little indifferent.

At this moment, Xiangxue realized again that the female capital oligarch who played with the speculators and only cared about the return of profits was back.


With her hands on the steering wheel and waiting for the green light, Yoo In Na's expression was not very good, and she even said it was very bad.

When she was off work, the financial department of the hospital asked her to compensate for the loss of the chairs in the lobby of the outpatient building.

Because the compensation for the elevator has already exceeded her one-year salary, she needs to pay points immediately for the compensation for the chair, otherwise the high-end apartment allocated to her by the school hospital will be taken back.

Liu Renna never thought that she could be so aggrieved. She received more than 500 points for a few broken chairs, and now there are only three or four hundred points left from Chen Zhongzang.

Thinking of having no income for the next year and having a child, Liu Renna's bad mood intensified.

These points are not even enough for her and Li Tao to eat and drink for the next week, so what about the next year?

Liu Renna, who was full of bad emotions, had gloomy eyes, she was thinking about something.

Li Tao's evening self-study does not seem to be a bad thing for the current situation.

She can take advantage of Li Tao's evening self-study time to find ways to earn some more money. The hospital closes at six o'clock, so it may be really early to take Li Tao home directly.

After all, no matter how big the apartment is, it is far worse than the Liu Family Manor. There is no field path, and no servant butler.

She is so shy in her pocket now, she can't take Li Tao to go shopping in a big shopping mall at night.

It's okay to veto Li Tao's evening self-study after she regains her financial freedom.

It's just... how do you earn this money?
Just when Liu Renna was in a daze, the car on her left suddenly blared its horn seven or eight times intensively, which almost knocked her chin on the steering wheel in shock.

Angrily lowering the car window, Liu Renna cursed: "What the hell are you pressing, your car has a horn!"

"beep beep~"

"I'll press it, you can control it!" A boy with a bandage on his head and a plaster cast on his neck also lowered the car window, and pressed it a few more times provocatively.

"Stinky bastard, how did your parents educate you!"


Liu Renna pressed the button in retaliation, and the piercing sound of cars instantly swept away the line waiting for the green light.

"I didn't press it for you again, the car in front didn't move, I urged it what's wrong!" Deng Lei choked.

"You can't wait for it, you are in a hurry to reincarnate, according to your grandfather!"

What made Liu Renna almost lose her temper was that when she turned around, she found that the street lights ahead were still red, and the red lights at the intersection were longer.

The car in front of Deng Lei didn't leave because the green light hadn't been turned on yet. It would be a violation of traffic rules for someone to move. This kid was just looking for faults.

Liu Renna was so angry that she wanted to hit someone, but she looked around and found that there was nothing to smash, so she could only squeeze the horn and let the car scream continuously.

"You're not finished, press what!" This time it was Deng Lei's turn to cover his ears.

Turning her head and glaring at Deng Lei, Liu Renna said angrily: "I just pressed it on you, what the hell... This is outside the school, I can have someone tie you to the track and watch the train run over!"

As soon as he came out of the hospital, Deng Lei was also full of anger.

At that time in the classroom, he was the first one to come out and rush towards Chu Dahao who was unconscious. He thought he had shown his charisma in the face of danger, but only if he didn't have Li Tao's kick.

He wanted to monopolize this reputation that was praised by others afterwards, and there might be many freshman girls falling in love with him.

Although Chu Dahao chose him as a class representative, he still doesn't care whether Chu Dahao can live or not, as long as the person is established, he will be a class representative regardless of the teacher.

So he reprimanded Li Tao, he didn't want him to get close to Chu Dahao to share his highlight moment, and even made a random analysis to enhance his stalwart image.

What was supposed to be his bright moment turned out to be the darkest moment since he started school.

At that time, Li Tao didn't even look at him, walked over like kicking away dirty garbage, and stomped him under the desk.

With his head stuck in the seam of the table legs, he watched many female classmates look away, revealing an embarrassing look of shamelessness.

Deng Lei felt that he had lost the right to choose a spouse in college.

Deng Lei was just about to continue cursing with Liu Renna, when a big black hand from the car behind him patted him on the shoulder, and comforted him: "Don't be as knowledgeable as a female driver, if she can't think about it and then drives over, the loss outweighs the gain."

"Brother Kuan, you are right. Women are such disgusting creatures that they have no right to make me angry." Deng Lei sniffled and said aggrievedly.


Deng Lei's rear car glass was directly smashed by Liu Renna holding the aromatherapy glass bottle in the car.

"The female driver is your mother! The women are all your mothers! Rough!"

Liu Renna was completely annoyed by these two guys, and even forgot about going to the teaching building to pick up Li Tao.

The glass of the car was shattered, and a tall and strong man with a bandaged head was exposed inside.

Another man whose head was blown by Li Tao.

Li Tao grabbed Tian Zhikuan's scalp and gave him a face-knee hammer. Now that he can still come out of the hospital, he is indeed very strong.

"Brother Kuan, what should we do?" Deng Lei didn't expect the girls in this school to be so violent.

"The green light is green, don't be as knowledgeable as this crazy woman, drive quickly!" Tian Zhikuan urged.

When ordinary men see Liu Renna's face, they are absolutely reluctant to talk about her, let alone scold her.

Moreover, Tian Zhikuan and Deng Lei are both first-year students. Although they are top students in Class C, if they want to buy a second-hand car so quickly, they need two people to pool their points together.

That's right, these are two gay brothers who are full of love.

Seeing the two gays who disappeared without a trace, Liu Renna wanted to drive after her, but her cell phone rang again.


"Mr. Li, you are the boss after all, little secretary, I admire you so much." Xiangxue, wearing Winnie the Pooh slippers, praised the soft pillow.

Li Manzi gave her an angry look: "It's only a temporary delay now. He can go up to ten o'clock in the evening for his evening self-study at most. We have to wake him up within these three hours."

Xiangxue slapped Qiong's nose with her small hand, coughed a few times and said, "That's just resignation, he hasn't woken up and is still tired, why don't we let him rest?"

Li Manzi glanced at Li Tao who was lying quietly in the bedroom, and a faint mist rose from her beautiful eyes.

"Then it can be delayed for a while."

Xiangxue ran to the door in small steps, put her eyes to the peephole and looked out: "Boss, do you think Liu Renna will really come back, and will you just find someone to deal with it?"

"Do you think that I usually only watch Heyman? I bought a doctor in the hospital. She is very short of points. I know Liu Renna's situation clearly."

"That's right, boss, why do you have so many points all of a sudden?" Xiangxue also graduated from Luma University, and she knows how difficult it is to obtain school points.

"I donated a 'Louvre' to the Academy of Art, and Chen Zhongzang applied for 1000 million points with me."

"Which doctor you bribed, don't you tell me~" Xiangxue complained a little while holding Li Manzi's arm.

Thinking about it this way, during the time when Li Tao was in a coma and was hospitalized, Li Manzi could know that there was Liu Renna's work and rest time in the ward, so it was no longer the "heart bond between husband and wife" she said.

Xiangxue felt it was funny that she believed Li Manzi's nonsense at that time.

Li Manzi shook his head, slyness flashed in his eyes and he didn't say anything, just fooling around: "I was killed in the mock battle and was sent to the school hospital for recuperation. It happened that a doctor was short of money, so I..."

"Still hiding it from me." Xiangxue just complained, but didn't get to the bottom of it.

"Liu Renna is even more short of money now, not to mention my husband, she can't even support herself, so just now we entered the opposite door and lit a fire, we will definitely be able to force her back."

Liu Renna really can't sustain any financial losses now, the high-end apartment has a networked smoke detection system.

There is a corresponding app on Liu Renna's phone, but she found that although the fire protection system sensed a fire, she didn't know why it couldn't spray water.

Li Manzi and Xiangxue found the opposite key from Li Tao just now, and then went to the kitchen to fake a fire scene.

It's hot in summer and the house is stuffy, so it's understandable that there is a fire in the kitchen.

The sprinkler system was paralyzed, in fact Liu Renna could also call the property management, this was Xiangxue's concern.

But she didn't know the current situation between Liu Renna and the school hospital. If Liu Renna called the management, the school hospital would know about it.

Then you can find out such as, she damaged the apartment and took back the staff dormitory for her, so she can only come back by herself.


Hearing the sound of the elevator opening from the crack of the door, Xiangxue lowered her voice and waved to Li Manzi:
"Mr. Li, Liu Renna is back~"

Li Manzi also ran out of the bedroom, and together with Xiangxue, they took a peek at Liu Renna outside.

Liu Renna's face was gloomy. It's past seven o'clock in the evening, and the sun has set, but she still feels depressed.

The absolute bad luck is coming today.

After entering the door, Yoo In Na threw off her high heels and went to the kitchen barefoot.

Li Manzi and Xiangxue showed complacent smiles at the same time. Although this mischievous behavior was disgraceful, it was indeed a win-win situation for Li Tao, Liu Renna and both of them.

"You told her that get out of class ends at ten o'clock, right?" Li Manzi rubbed Xiangxue's head and asked.

"Yes, she probably won't go to school to pick up Li Tao right away. She probably will cook and wait until 09:30 before going to school. That's two hours."

Xiangxue glanced at the bedroom, where Li Tao was still lying quietly, and Li Tao, who showed no signs of waking up, murmured in a complicated mood, "I hope he can wake up soon."

Li Manzi sighed, the situation is very good now, if Li Tao still doesn't wake up at ten o'clock in the evening, then he can only let the situation develop.

"Let's have dinner first." Li Manzi hooked Xiangxue's shoulders. Although the two were in an employment relationship, they had been together for almost ten years, and they were already closer than ordinary girlfriends.

"Well, if I cook some noodles and scrambled eggs with tomatoes, should I peel the tomatoes first?" Xiangxue yawned.

"Of course, it's easy to tear off the tomato skin after you cook it, and it's not troublesome." Li Manzi pursed her mouth.

"Okay, okay~" Xiangxue was about to walk towards the kitchen, but they both froze in place at the same time.

There was a sound of closing the door outside the house, it wasn't Liu Renna who stood inside and closed the door, but stood outside and pulled the door shut - she was going out!
After finishing the kitchen, Liu Renna was still going to pick up Li Tao. She felt that after all, she had agreed with Li Tao to rescue him from evening self-study in advance, so she couldn't break her promise.

Seeing that Liu Renna was about to walk towards the elevator, Li Manzi gritted her teeth and pushed the door open.

"Huh?" Liu Renna frowned and stared at the two daughters coldly, full of hostility without concealing it.

"Are you looking at us with such unlucky eyes?" Li Manzi rarely stiffened in front of Liu Renna.

Pulling the key out of the door, Liu Renna scrutinized Li Manzi with her chest folded, and said with a half-smile: "It's not bad luck, it's just coquettish. I don't know which woman with incontinence directly..."

"You..." Li Manzi blushed instantly.

"Not only is it easy to get angry physically, but also physically. It's really shameless to drag my child to the women's bathroom, and even strip herself naked to moles him."

"You..." Li Manzi's eyes were already misty.

Xiangxue saw that Li Manzi was defeated so quickly, so she had no choice but to bite the bullet: "Mrs. Liu, don't forget that Li Tao and Li always have a marriage contract. It's not surprising that the husband and wife meet directly and honestly."

Liu Renna was annoyed. After flashing her eyes a few times, she was about to mock the two, but her phone rang twice in succession.

Liu Renna thought that if it was Li Tao's news, she couldn't reply late and make him worry, so she first read the text messages on her mobile phone and didn't reply to them.

Li Manzi has sharp eyes, she has already seen the contents of two text messages, the first one is the monthly salary issued by NO.15 today, and the second day is the deduction of monthly salary.

This point stayed in her employee card for a second before being debited.

Of course, Liu Renna's expression quickly became ugly, because the shameless finance department not only took away the salary just paid, but also took away the remaining four or five hundred yuan from her.

Now I'm completely out of money.

The corner of Li Manzi's mouth curled into a wicked smile: "Liu Renna, let me tell you a fact, whether it's off-campus or on-campus, I'm very, very, very rich."

Liu Renna narrowed her eyes and stared at her coldly, waiting for Li Manzi's next words.

"If you want a way to earn points, I don't mind finding one for you."

"You help me?" Liu Renna asked suspiciously.

"What, you need my help. Let the two of us stand at the door?" Li Manzi felt refreshed instantly after she finished speaking.

Liu Renna squinted her eyes and was silent for a while, then she really had to reopen the door and walked in.

Li Manzi gave Xiangxue a look, indicating that she would go in with him. From the bottom of her heart, Li Manzi was still afraid of Liu Renna.

As the door closed, the conversation of the three women began.

At the moment the door closed, Li Tao, who was lying on the bedroom, suddenly opened his eyes.

His pupils were covered in dark dark green, and his expression was indescribably painful.


Taking a deep breath, Li Tao looked around and murmured, "Why am I here?"

Of course he knew that this was Li Manzi's room, with such distinctive features, but Li Tao covered his head and wandered around the room, including Xiangxue's room, but found no one.

"No, let Ah Cha turn around."


Despite having a splitting headache, Li Tao covered his head and changed into wet clothes.

 Segmentation has become a fascination, and I feel uncomfortable reading it myself. Which novel is best in segmentation, go and learn it

(End of this chapter)

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