Chapter 162
Li Tao didn't know where the jacket was put, and he was so dizzy that he couldn't find where the jacket was put.

The trousers can be worn as long as they are wet, but it is not suitable to be naked|naked.

Li Tao leaned on the wall and staggered to the wardrobe in the bedroom. Just as he stopped his feet, his vision seemed to be out of control. It seemed to be far away and near, blurred and overlapped with countless strokes.

With one hand propped on the closet door frame, he lowered his head for a moment before he could feel his body.


The door of the closet was opened by him, and the gentle body fragrance of a woman rushed into the nostrils, and the pajamas stored by Li Manzi gave people a sense of grace.

When he raised his eyelids, Li Tao accidentally pulled the wound on his scalp to twitch, and then his vision darkened, and he staggered half a step into it.

At this moment, it was as if there were four or five well-maintained ladies wearing pajamas and melting him into their fragrant and soft bodies.

Li Manzi's separate wardrobe for storing pajamas, at least there are no outrageous cosplay outfits, but it really looks like the wardrobe of a successful female president.

In Li Manzi's closet, he picked out a blue loose silk pajamas. Although it was Li Manzi's usual wear, her measurements could fit into pajamas, so Li Tao was naturally very comfortable in it.

The trousers were still wet by herself, after all, she wasn't wearing them... It's not suitable to put her pajamas on.


Li Tao went to the bathroom and slapped his face with cold water from the tap, trying to cheer himself up.

Looking at himself in the mirror, Li Tao couldn't help showing a bitter expression.

What Ah Cha said earlier really caught him off guard, he didn't dare to think about it, and hoped that it was all a dream.

But the most important thing Liu Renna taught him was not to deceive himself or others.

Turning on the faucet, Li Tao wiped his face with a pink towel, finally looked at his sickly self in the glasses, turned and walked out of the bathroom.

What Ah Cha meant at the time was obviously that he hated Masako Bushima deeply, and he didn't want Ah Cha to completely fall into the bitter sea of ​​revenge.

I also don't want Masako Busujima, who is already suffering, to suffer these hardships again.

Li Tao's right eyelid twitched, his heart twitched, he didn't know what bad things would happen again.

Ah Cha also expressed hatred towards Li Manzi at the time. He obviously meant that Li Tao did not participate in the mock battle and lived up to Ma Qian's plea in order to flirt with Li Manzi.

If A'cha took advantage of the dead end and included Li Manzi in the scope of revenge, her danger would be self-evident.

He left a note for Li Manzi on the coffee table, telling her to stay in the apartment first and not go out and walk around, waiting for him to come back.

After everything was done, Li Tao walked out of the house.

Seeing the red numbers on the screen constantly approaching this floor, Li Tao propped himself against the wall and held his chest for a little panting.

The elevator finally arrived, and inside was a woman wearing a mask.

Li Tao walked in with a tired body. The elevator only pressed the third floor, so he pressed the next floor.

The elevator door closed slowly, and the feeling of weightlessness overwhelmed Li Tao's consciousness.

In the cramped elevator, there seemed to be a woman's voice of confession.

He didn't know why his chest was beating so fast, the indescribable suffocation made Li Tao lean on the wall of the elevator, and a strange sob came out of his throat.

When the elevator reached the third floor and opened the door, Li Tao didn't feel any sign of the woman moving behind, so he took the initiative to step aside to make way for her.

But as the elevator door closed again, the woman in the mask didn't move.

The elevator went down step by step, Li Tao turned his head slightly, trying to use his peripheral vision to see what the woman behind him was doing.

A horrible thing happened, there was no one behind him, not even a ghost.

But the voice of the woman whispering in the dark was tightened like a sponge.

His pupils narrowed into needles, and his eyes became focused.

With a stiff body, Li Tao turned his head completely and looked behind him——the empty elevator, no one was there.

When the elevator reached the first floor, it opened again, and Li Tao, who was a little short of breath, stepped out.

How could this be?
Before he entered the elevator, he must have seen a woman standing in it, and if the woman was a hallucination, why did the elevator stop on the third floor?
Li Tao was thinking while walking towards the unit door.

His mind was rewound and reshaped like a projector, and he experienced the blurred images in just three to four minutes backwards.

Looking at it again, this woman wearing a mask actually feels familiar.

Apart from the mask, she didn't have anything worth noting. Could it be that she really had hallucinations?
The moment he walked out of the unit door, Li Tao was drenched in soft rain on his forehead.

At this moment, his mind suddenly focused on the position of the woman's hand. She was wearing a glove...the kind of black glove with a frosted palm.

It should be a special glove worn when playing baseball.

Li Tao woke up completely from the drowsy state, and the feeling of chills all over his body made his dopamine and adrenaline soar.

"It can't be her."

Li Tao retreated into the building, and the rain dripped down the bottom of his trousers.

"Clap clap~"

Stepping on the wet floor, Li Tao ran back to the elevator door, entered, and pressed the button for the third floor.

With a "ding~", Li Tao walked out of the elevator quickly.

He tilted his head to the left and froze in place for an instant.


"No, you think it's so difficult for me, will I agree?"

Liu Renna leaned back on the sofa, squinted at Li Manzi and asked.

"Is this embarrassing you? Ms. Liu, you may not have entered the workplace very much. If the boss really wants to embarrass the employees..."

As Li Manzi said, she reached for the water cup on the coffee table, which was the tea she had lured Liu Renna to pour for her just now with her work.

Just when she was about to pick up the water glass and enjoy the feeling of commanding Liu Renna, a tender little foot suddenly snatched the water glass away from her eyes.

"It's not right. If you are really big and brainless, you won't be able to climb to this position. You must know that I will not agree. You make it difficult for me on purpose. What is the purpose?"

After removing her feet, Liu Renna slowly sat up straight, staring at Li Manzi and Xiangxue with examining eyes.

As soon as she entered the room, Li Manzi put on airs and ordered her to serve her, which Liu Renna could bear for Li Tao.

But now Li Manzi insists that she is only willing to provide her with a job opportunity, which is to pay for her to run a bar to make money.

The most difficult request is that she is not allowed to invite others, and must be run by her alone.

Liu Renna has to work in the hospital during the day, and is busy at the bar at night, so Li Tao will be dominated by Li Manzi all day long?
"From the moment you came in, there was something wrong with the two of you, and you acted like a guilty conscience. What is the purpose?"

Li Manzi was startled, she glanced at Xiangxue with some guilt, and found that the other party was also avoiding Liu Renna's gaze without confidence.

When the master and servant met Liu Renna, they were intimidated.

"What purpose can it have? If it provides you with a job opportunity, don't be ungrateful." After Li Manzi finished speaking, she wanted to grab the water glass and take a sip to calm the shock.

Liu Renna licked her lower lip, and said contemptuously: "You are really coquettish in your bones, you habitually bend over and show your flesh, don't you? You usually stay with my Bao'er, and if you have nothing to do, just leave and show him, isn't it? There's no cover, heck~"

Li Manzi was taken aback for a moment, she looked down at the posture of bending over to hold the water, she really...

After covering it with her hands, her pretty face flushed and said, "I usually don't just wear a bath towel when I go out, so I'm in a hurry to come out."

Xiangxue quickly pinched Li Manzi's thigh, but it was too late.

Liu Renna frowned and murmured, "Come out in a hurry?"

"As soon as I went out just now, you two came out wrapped in bath towels, so the purpose of you embarrassing me just now has something to do with not wanting to go out."

"And I went out to pick Li Tao home, and you used job opportunities to keep me, and then made things difficult for me... delay-delay-time-time——"

Li Manzi and Xiangxue looked at each other in blank dismay, did they reveal their secrets so soon, it was only eight o'clock in the evening.

"Looking at the expressions of the two of you, I am right in my analysis." Liu Renna stood up expressionlessly with her chest folded.

"Where... no, I just want to make things difficult for you because I see you are poor." Li Manzi said helplessly.

"Where were the two coquettish foxes taking a mandarin duck bath with my child just now?"

"The cub I raised, I haven't been served by him in the bathtub yet!"

Both Li Manzi and Xiangxue were wrapped in bath towels, and their hair was still wet. Coupled with their guilty appearance, she could only guess this way.

The more she thought about it, Liu Renna felt pain in her heart. One can imagine how angry she would be if someone picked her peaches halfway.

She is like an air conditioner, and the coldness visible to the naked eye seeps out from her fair skin.

Li Manzi shuddered, she felt that Liu Renna's eyes were filled with corpses and blood, and her killing intent could hardly be contained.

"No, no, that's not the case. It was just the two of us who washed it, and he didn't wake up at all..."

"Mr. Li!" Xiangxue slapped Li Manzi's plump buttocks vigorously.
"Sure enough, it's in your house, no wonder I dared to pick him up, I'm afraid he didn't reveal his secrets in the self-study last night when I arrived, right?"

"It's not like that." Li Manzi rubbed her little hands and continued to speak firmly.

Liu Renna took a cold look at her from the corner of her eye, was too lazy to talk nonsense, and turned around and walked towards the door.

Li Manzi remembered very clearly that Li Tao's trousers lying on the bed were taken off by her, and now that Liu Renna saw that in the past, she might blame her for squeezing Li Tao dry on the bed, and he fell into a coma due to exhaustion.

"Xue'er, I'll stop her, you go and deal with the scene!" Li Manzi gritted her teeth and rushed over to hug Liu Renna by the waist, and fell to the ground like a koala, trying to hold Liu Renna back.

However, there is no need to repeat how strong Yoo In Na is.


This loud noise was exactly the same as the popcorn explosion. Li Manzi was not thrown into the air, but her feather white bath towel was blown flying all over the sky.


Li Manzi was already dumbfounded, she looked down at her white self, she was so ashamed that she almost died suddenly.

She just wore a bath towel, and now it exploded all over the floor, Li Manzi covered her face and went to the corner of the wall sobbing.

Xiangxue, who had just stepped over the threshold and shouldered a big responsibility, looked back at her boss' fate, raised her small head and whistled to the ceiling resentfully, like a theatergoer.

Liu Renna didn't bother to bother with her, so she directly opened the door and walked into Li Manzi's house.

Xiangxue sighed, looking at Li Manzi's white flowers, she was also a little speechless.

"Boss Li, she has entered that room, you should get up first." Xiangxue patted Li Manzi's fragrant shoulder and said.

"Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo actually this to me!

"Oh, don't get cold, let's wrap a bath towel between us." Xiangxue untied the bath towel, and took the initiative to get close to Li Manzi.

"Mr. Li, you are definitely growing up again, neither of our stomachs can touch~"

"Woo, I was humiliated by Liu Renna again~" Now Li Manzi can't stand the old driver Xiangxue's teasing, she just feels that her life has turned gloomy again.

Seeing Li Manzi with her face buried on her neck, Xiangxue teased, "Is there another wave of comfort from Li Tao?"

Just as the two master and servant were having fun, Liu Renna walked out with a gloomy face.

"Where did you hide him?"

Li Manzi and Xiangxue were stunned at the same time, because Li Manzi was already useless, and when she heard Liu Renna's voice, she buried her eyes in Xiangxue's hook.

So Xiangxue could only answer, "Isn't he in the bedroom?"

Liu Renna looked at her carefully, as if she was judging whether Xiangxue was acting or not. After a while, she slowly shook her head: "There is no need to look for him at all. If he is there, I can feel it as soon as I enter the room."

"Impossible, he's still in a coma, it can't be such a coincidence, he woke up right after we left." Xiangxue was also a little uncertain, looking down at Li Manzi in her arms, trying to make her decide.

"Go and have a look." Li Manzi's vague voice sounded.

Xiangxue smiled wryly, and walked towards the bedroom with Li Manzi in her arms.

The fluffy quilt on the bed was still there, but the man underneath had indeed disappeared.

"When we went out, Li Tao was indeed still unconscious, he..."


Xiangxue was interrupted by Liu Renna in the middle of her speech. She looked out the door with a stern expression, didn't explain anything, and ran out with a solemn expression.

Xiangxue's eyes flickered, looking at Liu Renna's appearance, she seemed to have found Li Tao, but the situation should not be good.

"Boss, I won't be able to marry after you are like this. My husband will ask me in the future if he is the only one who has eaten. How should I answer?"

Li Manzi slowly moved out of the bath towel, and after confirming repeatedly that Liu Renna was gone, she was relieved.

But after recovering, she became anxious again: "Where is Tao'er, isn't he lying on the bed?"

Xiangxue pursed her lips and said, "Put on your clothes first, let's go after Liu Renna..."


Instead of taking the elevator, Yoo In Na went straight to the stairwell wearing high heels.

She jumped lightly, the heels of her shoes slanted against the handrail of the stairs, and then she slid down rapidly. After a while, she came to the third floor.


Li Tao, who was kneeling on the ground, clutched his head and yelled in pain. Seeing this, Liu Renna ran over in a panic.

Holding Li Tao in her arms, Liu Renna pressed Li Tao's hand in distress, because he kept beating his head.

"Bao'er, don't scare me, what happened?"

"It hurts~it hurts~uh~"

Li Tao buried his face on Aunt Liu's lower abdomen, tears were streaming from his eyes, the pain had made him lose his physical self-control.

Liu Renna pressed her index finger on the pulse of Li Tao's neck, and her pupils shrank for a moment: "How could this be?"

(End of this chapter)

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