Chapter 164
From Qiu Lan's words, it was obvious that she was really busy with things.

Although she can't go to the flower shop for the time being, one day she will settle the score with Li Tao.

If this villain known for his methods of torture really listed Li Tao's crimes in her little notebook, what awaits him will be called hell.

Li Tao glanced at the phone screen. The time was 08:30 in the morning. Instead of lying in bed so frightened, it would be better to go to a flower shop and do some superficial work.

That's right, even after waking up, Li Tao would rather go to the dusty decoration field than go to class.

Pushing off the quilt, Li Tao sat up and stretched his stiff body.

Yesterday Li Tao fell asleep early after taking anti-inflammatory drugs, but was suddenly woken up by Aunt Liu in the middle of the night.

She guessed that when she was doing something shady about his body, she keenly noticed that Li Tao's blue pajamas were very unfamiliar.

Because Li Tao never buys clothes by himself, whether it is a coat or pajamas, Liu Renna buys them all.

Under her persecution, it was revealed that the pajamas came from Li Manzi's wardrobe.

Aunt Liu, who was trembling with anger, stripped herself completely under the blanket and forced Li Tao to change into her pajamas.

After several struggles, Li Tao finally succumbed to Aunt Liu's coercion, and changed into the silk pajamas that Liu Renna had just taken off and was still warm.

Besides, Li Manzi's pajamas were torn to shreds by the furious Liu Renna with her bare hands. It was a big deal for a man and a woman to stay naked in the same bed. Li Tao changed it out of fear that he would make a mistake.

However, there is still a big gap between Liu Renna and Li Manzi's figure.

Even though Li Manzi's wasp waist is so slender that she can wrap it around with one arm, she has a G cup, which means that the pajamas must be very large, so Li Tao has no problem wearing it.

As for Aunt Liu, she was really far behind in this aspect, so even if Li Tao changed into it, she could only keep her arms open all night, buckled up and strangled.

It was the arms that suffered the most. Liu Renna's two small arms combined could be as thick as Li Tao's single arm, so his arms were squeezed so that blood circulation was not smooth.

After taking off his pajamas, Li Tao sat on the sheets and exercised for a while, then put on his slippers and walked towards the bathroom.

While brushing his teeth, Li Tao looked at himself in the mirror.

"Why do you look like a little boy who eats soft food? Alas, he has really become more and more handsome recently. It's easy to be judged by his appearance."

Although there are elements of narcissism, Li Tao's pure appearance and charm can be described as "surge" recently.

In fact, it's easy to understand. Before college, Li Tao was raised by Aunt Liu with a gloomy appearance. Women didn't dare to approach him, so he avoided the crowd more and more, became more and more withdrawn, and fell into an endless loop.

However, after entering Luma University, Li Tao's complicated life has been out of Liu Renna's control, and he has come into contact with more and more women, and his self-confidence has also increased in the process.

After washing up, Li Tao kneaded a warm sandwich in the bread machine, stuffed it into his mouth and started eating.

While eating, he flipped through the design drawings on his phone.

Qiu Lan's style is the simple and cold style of Northern Europe.

She likes the sky blue window cloth, the turquoise chandelier, the off-white carpet, and the overall cool tone is very prominent.

In fact, as a flower shop, her layout makes it difficult for passers-by to come in and patronize. The room full of flowers gives people a sense of alienation, which is really unqualified.

Li Tao intends to make this flower shop more interesting, more specifically, to make money.

According to her previous plan, [-] points a month is not low, but he still lives with Aunt Liu, and he wants to help Aunt Liu pay back the money owed.

"But changing the style randomly is really rude and annoying~" Li Tao muttered after licking the salad dressing from the corner of his mouth.

After all, this is Qiu Lan's flower shop. If he just likes cool colors, Li Tao has no right and should not make the flower shop more vibrant to attract customers just to earn money.

"Then do it to the extreme."

Li Tao already had a plan in mind, he washed his hands, put on beach pants and a big T-shirt and walked out of the house.

When he walked to the elevator, Li Tao suddenly thought that Xiangxue might be at home at this time, so he walked back and knocked on the door opposite.

After waiting for a long time and no one responded, Li Tao called her directly.

"Sister Xueer, aren't you home?"

"I have class today, ha~"

Xiangxue yawned lazily as she spoke, she seemed to be in a bad mood.

"Oh, I said why no one knocked on the door."

"What are you looking for me for, do you want to talk about it?"

Li Tao: "..."

"Acquiescence, I told you to lie on the bed and rest for a day, don't think about those harsh things, every time you start kissing, your hands are dishonest, pinching up and down, making me angry, still can't Take off your pants, you say I..."

Li Tao already regretted making this phone call very much. He was afraid that this woman would not be ashamed to go any further, so he interrupted directly:

"Okay, okay, I was wrong, Teacher Xue'er, please prepare your lessons, I'll go back to bed and sleep."

"Look at your impatient tone."

"I didn't, I just made Dou E into a cocoon..."

"Hmph, I won't tell you. The bell rang for class. You can drink more water yourself. If you can't fall asleep, you can go to Mr. Li's bedroom and find a small game to play. The key is a spare under the blanket at the door, just use it to open it. "

"Then you have a good time in class."

"Bye, mua~ I'll go back early at night, so I can talk to you before Yoo In Na gets off work~"

Li Tao hung up the phone speechlessly, he glanced at the blanket under his feet, but he did not take the key to enter the house.

Since Xiangxue couldn't accompany him to the flower shop to provide aesthetic advice, it would be better if he went by himself earlier.

There was still some money borrowed from Han Guguan, but Li Tao finally chose to walk two miles and wait for the bus by the side of the road.

Today is Friday, and there are not many people taking the bus at this time.

After getting in the car, Li Tao sat down by the window, staring at the receding street scene outside the window in a daze.

If he hadn't taken Li Manzi out of the team and let Fang Yueji focus on punishing him, would it be like Ah Cha said, Ma Qian would not have died?

While thinking about it, Li Tao suddenly felt someone poking his shoulder behind him.

Li Tao turned around to look, and a shy girl smiled softly at him.

"What a coincidence, I was discharged from the hospital yesterday and Aunt Liu took me home to eat, so there was no suitable opportunity, sorry."

"No, I'm not in a hurry, you can contact me whenever it's appropriate."

Yi Xuan waved her hands in a panic, this is the first time Li Tao met such an introverted girl.

"Then you don't have class today?"

"There is no class in the morning, and today happens to be Friday. I want to go to the student union to pack up my things. I will stay at home on Saturdays and Sundays."

Yi Xuan's voice became smaller and smaller, until finally Li Tao couldn't hear clearly.

She felt that she had said the wrong thing, so she secretly glanced at Li Tao, blushed and said weakly, "I'm a little bit of a geek. Not particularly nerdy."

Li Tao was taken aback for a moment, and then smiled when he came back to his senses.

"It's a good place to stay, clean and practical."

Yi Xuan's face was flushed, she was a little overwhelmed by Li Tao's praise.

"By the way, you said you were going to the student union?"


"Are you a student council member?"


"The school student union or the college student union?"

Yi Xuan blushed and glanced at him: "Yes, my student union in our college and the school student union are both officers of the Propaganda Department"

The Propaganda Department manages the official public account on the Smart Campus platform, writes announcements every day, conveys the school's policies and strategies as soon as possible, and publicizes various activities.

It is equivalent to the news mouthpiece department, but the overall work is still a text editor, which is quite suitable for an introverted girl like Yixuan.

"What college are you from?" Li Tao asked curiously.

"School of Life Sciences."

"Oh, those who study biology~"


"My boudoir, cough, I know a senior from your academy, Qin Yueru, do you know her?"

The way Yi Xuan tilted her head thinking was quite cute, especially her red silk headband, which was blown by the cold air from the air conditioner like a trembling noodle.

"Qin Yueru, I've heard of her, but I don't know her. When I don't have classes, I stay at home. I don't have any friends."

"Ah, it's okay. I didn't want to ask her about it. Since you belong to the student union, can you tell me how to join?"

"Do you want to join the school student union?"

"Yes, when will you start recruiting new students?"

Yi Xuan looked at Li Tao with her chin on her cheeks and blinked, seeing her dazed look as if she was obsessed with something.

Li Tao shook his hands in front of her eyes, and the little girl's pretty face flushed again after she woke up.

"What are you thinking?" Li Tao asked curiously.

"I was wondering what department you could join."

"Yes, I just want to know more about the student union. Can you tell me more about it?"

Yi Xuan bit her lower lip and nodded, she thought for a moment, then said slowly:
"The student union of Luma University is completely different from other universities. Although it is a student authority, the ministerial level students even have a higher status than many teachers."

"The Luma University system is cruel, students are under too much pressure to survive, and the importance of points leads to many high-IQ crimes."

"In response, there are the Supervision Department that accepts reports and discovers cases, the Interrogation Department that investigates cases further, the Judgment Department similar to courts, and the Intelligence Department that stores massive amounts of information on students."

"Because it is a university after all, the student union also has a study department to supervise learning, a publicity department to disseminate information and news, an activity department to plan various activities, and a club department to manage the clubs of the whole school."

"Combined with the technology department, the finance department is a total of ten departments."

"Ten ministers, plus three vice-chairmen of the student union and one chairman of the student union, he/them are [-] people who hold the highest voice of the students."

"As for recruiting new students in the school's student union, it usually takes place at the end of September and the beginning of October, which is about half a month."

Yi Xuan spoke a lot in one breath, as if realizing that she had suddenly spoken so much, and she was still facing a boy, her little face blushed shyly again.

Li Tao lowered his brows and looked at the chair in thought. He really should go in to the student council. If he wants to investigate his parents' whereabouts and the relationship with the reef organization, he needs to have the right to speak in this authority.

But which department is more suitable for him?

After careful consideration, Li Tao circled the Supervision Department, the Intelligence Department, and the Propaganda Department.

The Ministry of Supervision, which handles so many cases, is itself a kind of "disguised intelligence", and its intelligence is not the same as that stored by the Intelligence Department.

For example, a male student defrauded a female student of 100 million points. This is a matter, but the matter itself belongs to intelligence, which affects the analysis direction in many cases.

But the Ministry of Intelligence only records the qualifications, talents, grades, and various indexes of each student.

And the Adjudication Department and the Interrogation Department don't get as much information as the Supervision Department, such as the fraud above.

If in the process of the Supervision Department-Interrogation Department-Adjudication Department, it is determined in advance that the fraud is not true, then this matter will not be passed on to the Judgment Department, and the Interrogation Department is also the same.

As for the Propaganda Department, Li Tao thinks that the Propaganda Department is the department that recently received school policy makers. Although it is only a messenger, it is often the baseless rumors among students that are leaked from here.

"Li Tao, what are you thinking?"

This time it was Yi Xuan's turn to wave her little hand in front of Li Tao's face.

"Uh, if a student union starts to get new news, please let me know in advance."

"Well, if those departments recruit new people, they will come to our department to help them promote, and I will let you know as soon as possible."

"Thank you. In a few days, I may still want to ask you to find out how to succeed in the election. Do you think you are free?"

"Ah, when you're free, the competition in the school's student union is really fierce. It's really hard not to know in advance and prepare well. I'm not saying I'm very good." Yi Xuan blushed, afraid that Li Tao might misunderstand that she was showing off.

Anyone with a brain knows how difficult it is for the student union, especially the luma university students who are full of monsters, to compete for employment.

"Of course you are amazing. Being able to stand out from so many people and enter the student union has already proved this."

"I don't. I just prefer writing. My parents are civil servants. I have been influenced by them. I am nothing special."

Yi Xuan was about to cry, it seemed that she was really not used to being praised by others.

"Okay, I won't talk about it, but I haven't decided which department to choose yet. I will contact you after I want to take the exam after a while, and I will ask you to go through the back door." Li Tao joked.

Yi Xuan licked her lower lip, and said softly: "You can go through my back door. But only you can leave from the Propaganda Department. I don't know anyone from other departments."

Li Tao likes Yixuan's character very much. She is introverted but not pedantic. She does not reject the favor business. I wonder if it is the influence of her parents who are civil servants.

"Well, the next stop, I'll get off first, I have something to do, let's talk on the phone."

Li Tao supported the backrest and stood up. When getting out of the car, Yi Xuan reminded him to remember to let her have a meal with Liu Renna.

Half a month is not too urgent, so Li Tao can not think about it right now.

The first thing he should do is to make this flower shop well, and by the way, figure out how he can untie Ah Cha's knot in his heart.

While thinking, Li Tao quickened his pace, he needed to make some modifications to the decoration of the flower shop.

(End of this chapter)

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