Chapter 165 Intelligence Base?

Although he had expected it in advance, when Li Tao saw the childishness of the decoration workers, he was still a little awkward.

The man standing at the door of the flower shop was holding a small notebook, he seemed to be the leader of the team.

After Li Tao met his eyes, he took the initiative to go up to chat.

"Brother, that... I am an employee of this flower shop. If you have anything to confirm during the decoration process, just tell me directly."

"Oh, are you Mr. Li?"

"Yes, Li Tao."

"My name is Duan Yu, and I'm a designer at Jiasu Design Studio."

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Jiasu, I've heard about it a long time ago, it's a famous interior design company on campus."

After touting, Li Tao took the initiative to shake hands with him, and his attitude was indeed very good.

Duan Yu's expression was extremely strange, and he held back for a long time before lowering his voice and said, "Uh, Jiasu was just established this semester, and this flower shop is our third business."

Li Tao was not embarrassed either, he nodded his head, with a look of course, and said slowly: "Yes, I like the style of your second order design very much, it perfectly expresses the most original and authentic flavor of architecture. "

Duan Yu's eyelids trembled, his face turned red, and he said bravely, "The first two orders have not been completed yet."

After all, this semester has just started for more than half a month, and they are just a start-up studio.

Li Tao still didn't blush, his heart was not beating, anyway, he was expressing kindness, and Duan Yu could see that he was flattering, which is also very good, isn't flattery a kind of kindness.

The reason why he expressed his kindness in this way was mainly because he had to establish a good relationship with Duan Yu during this period of time.

Because now, the construction team is Qiu Lan's eyes.

As long as they have a close relationship with them and skip work occasionally, Qiu Lan has no way of knowing.

What's more, Li Tao wants to make some changes to his style. If he wants to surpass Qiu Lan, he must have enough friendship with these people.

Thinking about it this way, Li Tao continued: "And it doesn't need to be completed, you can predict the result by watching the construction process."

After he finished speaking, he paused, then turned his head to look at the coffee shop opposite the flower shop, and there was a magnanimous aura surrounding him in a trance.

"For example, yesterday, I sat in the coffee shop opposite the whole afternoon and watched you all the time."

"Although you were a little unfamiliar with the process during the period, at least your attitude is conscientious in my opinion."

This is all nonsense for Li Tao, based on common sense.

For most industries, a newly established small company is in a hurry to do the first few business orders, but the energy invested is much higher than those companies that have already developed.

Li Tao patted Duan Yu's shoulder, and said earnestly, "Although I'm just a clerk, this flower shop is just me and the store manager, so you must think that I'm equivalent to the deputy store manager."

"I'm afraid that coming out by myself will distract you and interrupt the working state you have finally entered."

"Ah? That's it. I said why I didn't see you. Hey, brother, you are so caring." Duan Yu was so moved that he almost burst into tears.

"This is the first time we have come into contact with the interior structure of this house, so after we arrived yesterday afternoon, we were in a hurry and didn't do anything. You, as the deputy store manager, could have come and reprimanded us, and you could have reported to the store manager. Complain to us but."

Duan Yu beat his stomach, as if he wanted to commit seppuku.

The corners of Li Tao's mouth raised slightly, and he was promoted to the deputy store manager without a trace.

"By the way, brother, the store manager didn't make things difficult for you. She called me in the morning. I didn't know about it. So tell her that you didn't come yesterday. She can't deduct your salary or anything."

Li Tao waved his hand, with that "are you kidding me" expression on his face.

"Of course not. The way the two of us get along has never been superior or subordinate, just like brother and sister. She often asks for my opinion. We each hold 50.00% of the shares in this flower shop."

"Oh! That's the case, that's true~"

Li Tao raised a hand and pressed his palm on his lips, forcing his smile back.

Why does it feel like he is a big fool, Duan Yu is going to be limp by him.

Patting Duan Yu with a remorseful face, Li Tao said in relief: "Let's go in first. Although everything is generally good, there are some minor aspects that I noticed yesterday when I was observing the other side."

"That's that, Mr. Li, please correct it quickly."

After Duan Yu finished speaking, he turned to face the buddies at work, and clapped his hands to attract their attention.

"Everyone stop for a second. This is the person in charge of the flower shop. He was coughing in secret yesterday. He is afraid of affecting our state. It's not that he doesn't trust us. Don't think about it."

Duan Yu explained, cleared his throat and continued: "I know exactly what you guys did yesterday, I know it in my heart, listen to Mr. Li's suggestion."

After Duan Yu took the lead in applauding, Li Tao couldn't laugh or cry, his EQ is a little tricky.

"Then why don't you guys go to the opposite coffee shop to rest for a while, it's too hot right now, and there's no air conditioner in this room."

"I mainly want to talk about the design style. Some parts don't feel too good. I can just talk to the designer in the room. When we finish talking, there is no rush for construction."

As soon as Li Tao's words came out, he completely stabilized his image as a good old man.

Because of Li Tao's insistence, those people also went to the air-conditioned room to rest for a while, leaving only Li Tao and Duan Yu.

"Our Jiasu provides one-stop service, not only undertaking interior design, but also undertaking construction."

"Well, I've seen the design drawing, some parts, it's not very reasonable" Li Tao said with some embarrassment.

Duan Yu froze for a moment, then blinked and said, "This business was placed by Ms. Qiu. According to her request, we provided six different designs, and she finally chose this set."

After speaking, Duan Yu looked at Li Tao curiously and asked: "By the way, Mr. Li, our boss said that Ms. Qiu can't be offended. Is it because of his temper?"

"Uh, this." Li Tao tilted his head and pondered for a while, then replied after a while: "She may not be very kind to others, but in the process of getting along with me, she is like a kitten. Very docile."

"Oh~" Duan Yu drew a long voice and showed a meaningful smile.

Li Tao raised his eyebrows. Anyway, he is bragging and not paying taxes. Now he has to imperceptibly raise his right to speak.

And it seems that, except for the boss of this studio who knows Qiu Lan's identity, these people think that Ms. Qiu is an ordinary college student who started a business.

After all, they didn't dare to think that Qiu Lan, a villain with a great reputation, would actually open a flower shop, which was quite a contrast.

"Look at this design drawing, the style is dull, and the overall use of cool colors gives people a feeling of alienation."

Li Tao dug out the photos on his phone and showed them to Duan Yu.

"It's like this. At first, I also thought that the flower shop, this style is not suitable, but Party A asked for it, so I don't think it's easy to change."

This time it was Duan Yu's turn to be in a dilemma. The person who signed the contract and paid the deposit was Qiu Lan, and he still had to be responsible to Qiu Lan.

Duan Yu glanced at Li Tao's expression, and said in a low voice, "Maybe Ms. Qiu just likes this withdrawn style, which is also a characteristic."

"Yes, she just likes the cold wind, I didn't say to make it full of vitality."

Duan Yu was a little confused, he asked in confusion: "What does Mr. Li mean?"

"I mean, not cold enough."

"Not cold enough?"

"Yes, we are a flower shop after all, we need customers, but what we need are customers with the same aesthetics and mentality."

"Let's put it this way, the intuitive impression of a flower shop is a kind of threshold to screen out those who don't like this style, but we also want to attract customers who like cold wind."

Duan Yu nodded his head half-understanding: "So, the current design does not have enough screening, nor does it have any special points to attract indifferent customers."


"Then what should we do?"

This is what Li Tao wants to ask, he intends to use this flower shop as one of his bases.

The flower shop clerk can serve as a cover for him to investigate things about the Reef Organization.

What's more, the flower shop is such a pleasant place, usually there are no classes, and it's so far to go home, why don't you come here and stay.

With a general direction, Duan Yu is actually very professional. During the conversation, Li Tao found out that he is a senior in the third year of the Art Academy, and his interior design level must be good.

Duan Yu pondered for a moment and said: "I have an idea, I can grasp a point and talk about it."

"Look, there is a coffee shop opposite the flower shop. The coffee shop is for thinking in a daze, so there is no need to have a functional conflict with it. The positions of these small tables and chairs can be removed, so that there is space between each flower and plant. There is enough separation to create a sense of privacy."

"Some secrets may not be told to anyone, but plants can."

Duan Yu's words made Li Tao's eyes gradually light up. This direction was completely beyond his expectation, but it was so dreamy.

Intelligence! ! !
Even if the flower shop can't make a profit, it would be nice if it could provide information to Li Tao.

Li Tao continued what Duan Yu said: "We can also let customers claim an exclusive plant, so that she will have a sense of security and belonging. Our flower shop only needs to help them prepare the flowers. When they are very worried, they come here to share with them. Talk to your own plants."

Duan Yu and Li Tao looked at each other and nodded at the same time.

"This is indeed a very good place, but if you want guests to open their hearts in a strange place, you need to have enough design for the environment." Duan Yuhuan looked around and said.

If the flower shop doesn't have a special sense of atmosphere, the customer must buy flowers and talk to it at home, why should they stay in the flower shop, and if this is the case, there is no need for people to come to Li Tao to buy them.

Therefore, the environmental design of the flower shop must have characteristics.

Duan Yu patted his chest and said: "Mr. Li, this is my major. Although it is very tricky, I am willing to challenge it. Just give me a day or two."

"No problem, my intuition tells me that you Jiasu will give me an unexpected surprise." Li Tao complimented.

"But now the flower shop is just a rough room. I'd better call those workers over to deal with it first. I'll think about it while I'm working."

Li Tao waved his hand: "I'll call them, you just wait in this room."

"Okay, please."

When he reached the door, Li Tao turned his head and shouted at Duan Yu: "Don't forget that the second floor can also be used, and the top is quite big."

"of course."

Li Tao crossed this small street and walked towards the opposite coffee shop. Halfway through the walk, the midday sun flashed into his eyes.

Li Tao was stunned for a moment, he suddenly thought of a person - Zhang Chenxi!

The man who made him suffer a lot in simulated battles by using light reflection.

At that time, he superimposed optics with psychology, which gave Li Tao an illusion. This inspired Li Tao that he should not rely entirely on Duan Yu to design the environment.

He can find someone who understands psychology and design some incentives in the flower shop to make people stay in this environment, feel at ease and have the desire to talk.

Of course, Li Tao is not a pervert who just wants to spy on other people's privacy. He will definitely not sell other people's secrets to make money. He only got those information to find out the cancer in the campus.

"Old buddies, Duan Yu told you to go there first, sorry for the trouble, it's such a hot day, and there's no air conditioner in that room."

As soon as Li Tao entered the room, he comforted the resting workers.

"It's okay, it's not a matter of course to work with money, and we have to pay more in summer."


A few of them jokingly walked out of the coffee shop and walked towards the opposite flower shop. As soon as they left, the coffee shop became quite empty in an instant.

Li Tao rubbed his hands, found a corner sofa and sat down.

"Hi sir, do you need something to drink?" A waitress came over and asked.

"Uh, iced latte thanks."

"Okay, wait a minute."

Li Tao leaned on the sofa and adjusted the gauze on his forehead. The wound will definitely not heal so quickly, but it has started to itch now, indicating that the wound is already healing.

Li Tao took out his mobile phone and was about to report to Qiu Lan about his dedication to duty when a woman's whispering voice suddenly came from behind him.

That was another table of guests, but Li Tao's sofa and hers were leaning against each other.

So even if the other side lowered their voices, Li Tao could still hear what they were discussing.

"Do you think Bai Muzhen was possessed by a ghost and then committed suicide?"


"Isn't there a female ghost named Sadako?"

"Tch, this cold joke is really old-fashioned."

At this time, the third woman interrupted. She lowered her voice, hit the table with the porcelain coffee cup and said, "Don't say it, this is really in my heart."

"Don't talk nonsense, Gao Yuying, it's broad daylight, what the hell is going on here?"

Gao Yuying babbled: "You forgot, Mu Zhen and I have been living in the same apartment, and we share the rent equally."

"Yes, you are roommates."

Gao Yuying nodded: "Before Bai Muzhen died, there were indeed many strange things."

"Don't be scary, haven't you finished the investigation, she just slipped and fell into the water."

(End of this chapter)

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