Chapter 166 Brother Tao Feels Painful

He Shanshan waved her hand, interrupted Gao Yuying and said, "You can't say that, Bai Muzhen has been weird since the beginning of school."

She took a sip of her iced coffee and added, "She's abnormal when she's normal."

Gao Yuying was rendered speechless by her words, and threw the porcelain cup on the table unhappily, making a crisp sound.

Wang Chunman was obviously aroused, she raised her head towards Gao Yuying, motioning for her to continue talking.

Gao Yuying snorted coldly, and said nothing.

"What are you doing, half-talking is so annoying, why is she acting weird recently?" Wang Chunman complained.

"Oh, can you blame me? I just said a word, and you see He Shanshan came up with a few words."

Wang Chunman raised his hand and patted He Shanshan's butt a few times, and said a little funnyly: "Okay, okay, I beat her, you continue to talk."

Gao Yuying glared at He Shanshan, seeing that she turned her head away and didn't say anything in return, so Gao Yuying continued talking.

"Didn't I tell you before that Bai Muzhen has a relative who is a teacher at Luma University?"

"Yes, a female teacher, what's wrong?"

The three of them, Gao Yuying, plus Bai Muzhen, are all freshman class B students of the law school.

But Gao Yuying and He Shanshan are old acquaintances with Wang Chunman, and the points of students in Class B allow them to share a mid-range apartment.

In the end, Wang Chunman lived with He Shanshan, and Gao Yuying came out more, so she had to find Bai Muzhen, who didn't talk much in the class, as a partner.

The four of them live in the same community, but Gao Yuying and the three are usually inseparable.

In the few days after the military training, the three girls were still very curious about the new school, so for three or four days in a row, Gao Yuying didn't return to the apartment until after ten o'clock in the evening.

But it just so happened that one day the classes were very full, and after school ended at six o'clock, Gao Yuying and the three gave up their original plan to go shopping within the third ring road, and returned to the apartment early.

At home, she discovered that Bai Muzhen was talking with a mature-looking woman. The atmosphere was weird, so Gao Yuying went back to her bedroom first.

After waking up, she suddenly found that Bai Muzhen was sitting on the head of her bed looking at her, which shocked her.

Bai Muzhen told her at the time that she heard her calling for help in the living room, and when she came in, she realized that she was talking in sleep, but seeing that Gao Yuying was helpless in her dream, she stayed with her.

By the way, he also explained to Gao Yuying that the guest in the living room was her relative who was a teacher at school.

But from now on, Gao Yuying became wary of Bai Muzhen. After all, her aptitude is Class B, so she would not believe Bai Muzhen's one-sided words.

"Isn't today Friday? It was four days ago, Monday. It was so hot that I liquefied."

Gao Yuying took a sip of her coffee and began to talk seriously.

There was no class on Monday afternoon, so she and Bai Muzhen went back to the apartment together after class at noon, preparing to enjoy the air-conditioned room.

But after entering the house, she still started to take a bath first.

Halfway through the wash, the water suddenly became cold and couldn't be turned off.

She yelled outside for a while, thinking of asking Bai Muzhen to help her check the switch of the water heater in the kitchen.

After shouting for a long time, there was no response. The sound of the water was probably too loud, so she walked out naked and found that the water heater had tripped.

After resetting, Gao Yuying was about to go back to the bathroom to continue washing, but when she passed by the door of Bai Muzhen's bedroom, she happened to overhear her conversation on her cell phone.

The voice on the other end of the phone was exactly the relative of the teacher that Bai Muzhen claimed before.

That teacher was still trying to persuade her not to be impulsive at first, but as the differences between the two became bigger and bigger, that teacher had already started to warn Bai Muzhen not to act without authorization.

After hanging up the phone, Bai Muzhen cried in a low voice in the bedroom, and Gao Yuying went back to the bathroom to continue washing in silence.

Wang Chunman frowned and said, "This is not quite right, it doesn't look like a relative, but more like a partner, or a subordinate?"

"What on earth is this Bai Muzhen coming to school for?" He Shanshan also echoed.

Li Tao next door silently put down the porcelain cup in his hand, and stirred it gently with a small silver spoon, feeling equally puzzled.

"Mu Zhen came to school probably because of me, so that teacher is a member of the mafia?"

The black-hand-party's method is really low, using Bai Muzhen's hatred to stage a scene of cannibalism.

But his intuition told Li Tao that this person, this teacher may not be from Antonio, because what Antonio said in the hospital at that time did not seem like a lie.

He appeared outside the rescue room, which just showed that he didn't know the truth about Bai Muzhen's death, and he also wanted to investigate.

"Let me tell you two, ever since that day, something has gone wrong with Bai Muzhen, she's been chattering a bit."

"Why did I say she was possessed by a ghost? She went to the river in the middle of the night for several days. I thought she was sleepwalking, but I didn't dare to ask."

Wang Chunman and He Shanshan shuddered, feeling a little sinister.

"Then do you know why she went to the river?"

"Although I followed her, I knew she was going to the artificial lake, because I didn't dare to approach it." Gao Yuying complained.

"You bastard." He Shanshan said contemptuously.

"Okay, I'm so cheap, I shouldn't have said these things to you two, I'm really looking for scolding, and there's an even weirder one, I won't say it either."

Gao Yuying swallowed an ice cube and held it in her mouth, suppressing her anger.

"Hey, don't, finish." Wang Chunman pushed Gao Yuying.

Gao Yuying snorted coldly: "Don't even think about it, I will definitely not say it, the woman surnamed He disgusts me to the core."


"Okay, she's dead, it's creepy to say it, we're still high-achieving students, we're going to talk about weird powers with this."

Wang Chunman took the initiative to end the topic, and then she seemed to remember something, and said a little depressed:

"But Yuying, you can't sleep on the sofa every day, you don't want to go on like this for a long time, do you?"

"That's right, our family doesn't pay any money."

Wang Chunman gave He Shanshan a blank look, then turned to look at Gao Yuying and said, "That's not what I meant."

After Bai Muzhen's death, even if she didn't die in the apartment, Gao Yuying didn't dare to live in that house by herself, and now she sleeps on the sofa in Wang Chunman's apartment every day.

"I don't want to either. When will the house be transferred so that I can have points to change places to live in?"

He Shanshan knocked on the table: "Okay, there will be classes in the first and second quarters in the afternoon, so go back to the classroom and stay in advance."

The three girls stood up and called the waiter to check out.

When he was about to leave the cafe, a boy with a cup of coffee suddenly stood up from his seat.

This happened to bump into Gao Yuying, and the half cup of dark latte was poured on the sunglasses in Gao Yuying's hand impartially.

Don't think about it, this boy is Li Tao.

"Sorry, sorry, it's too hot, I was thinking about asking the waiter to add another ice cube, I suddenly stood up and didn't pay attention to my surroundings, I'm really embarrassed."

Li Tao hurriedly grabbed a tissue from the table and wiped Gao Yuying's hands and sunglasses.

Being poured over by the coffee, the sunglasses are of course spent.

Li Tao glanced at Gao Yuying indiscriminately, and found that the girl's face was a little red, and when she wiped it just now, she accidentally touched her hand.

The girl trembled for a moment, and Li Tao thought she was going to hit someone.

But now it seems that at least the three of them have not spoken, and Li Tao just needs to continue to unfold according to his own design.

"I'm really sorry for the sunglasses. Let me take them away. If the optical shop can repair them, I'll send them to you after repairing them. If not, I will definitely accompany you with a new one."

"Of course, no matter what, I will give you extra points to compensate for the loss of mood."

Wang Chunman also waited for Gao Yuying to speak, but turned her head to see that the girl was blushing, her eyes were covered with a layer of myopia blur.

Hitting Gao Yuying with her elbow, Wang Chunman couldn't laugh or cry and said, "Speak, is that okay?"

"Oh, yes, it's because I walked too close to the sides." Gao Yuying actually started a self-criticism.

"Let's leave the sunglasses here first. My name is Li Tao. Let's add friends so we can contact you later."

After scanning the QR code and adding Gao Yuying, Li Tao took the initiative to leave the cafe.

The three women who stayed inside immediately started talking about it.

"Wow, that male classmate just now is so handsome, his skin is very white, and his muscles are very tight." Wang Chunman clenched his small fists and said excitedly.

"Yeah, the combination of the little milk dog and the little wolf dog, although the words are very gentle, but the eyes are wicked, lustful."

He Shanshan also looked like a nympho, and when she came back to her senses, she stared at Gao Yuying and said, "Damn it, no wonder Gao Yuying, a stinky woman, puts on makeup today, she's a scheming whore!"

"I don't know, he bumped into it himself." Gao Yuying obviously lacked confidence when she spoke.

"Did you become a nympho just now? When someone talked to you, you were as short-sighted as [-] degrees, and your eyes were shaking around the ground."

"I do not have"

"I just asked, do you think he is handsome?"

"Ugh handsome"

"Then do you want him to be your roommate, with a strong boy like him, you won't be afraid of Bai Muzhen when you live in it?"

"Short oil, what are you talking about~"


Li Tao saw that the flower shop was busy, so he didn't go in to disturb them.

It was Li Tao's intention to strike up a conversation with Gao Yuying.

Bai Zhi worked for Aunt Liu for so many years, but died because of him, and now his daughter died at Luma University indirectly because of him, how could Li Tao not investigate clearly.

"What did Mu Zhen do at the artificial lake at night, and what was the weirder thing she said?"

"Jingle bell~"

The rapid ringtone of the mobile phone interrupted Li Tao's meditation.

He glanced at the strange number on the Xiaonei network, and after connecting, there was a crying voice from the opposite side.

"You bastard, you bastard, woo woo~"

Li Tao was dumbfounded. He took the phone to his eyes and glanced at it, wondering if the other party made a wrong call.

"That. My name is Li Tao. May I ask if you made a mistake?"

"I beat you like a scum who is not as good as a beast, woo~"


Li Tao took a breath, he seemed to hear clearly who the voice was.

"Come to my office early in the morning, look at me, and hit my face on the face."

"Only an hour later, I was murdered, and my car was stolen by the way. I just got the surveillance video and found out that it was you, a villain!"

"No, counselor, don't"

"Shut up! I haven't finished yet, woo woo woo~"

At that time, Xiang Lian was only focused on picking up the pen, and she bent down and walked away, let alone Li Tao bumped into it with her face, and the murder case was not caused by Li Tao.

"Okay, you are a teacher, and you are a woman, I will let you cry if you cry."

Li Tao shrugged, found a cool place on the corner of the street and squatted down.

"You really regarded me as a woman, fucked my own sister, and wanted to fly with sisters, right? If we two sisters sit on your face and the other on your waist, you will be happy, right, beast, scum !"

"Aren't you a woman?"

"And don't be so graphic, can you be an educator, too?"

Li Tao was so angry that even the cat lying on the brick red fire hydrant despised him.

"It's a woman, but you should treat me as a counselor."

"Is this a conflict?"

"Hey, you ruined my car, I can bear it."

No reason, of course she wanted to change the subject, Xiang Lian was crying so hard, she didn't have the serious attitude she had as a counselor yesterday morning at all.

"Then tell me, why can't you bear it?"

Xiang Lian cried: "I haven't closed my eyes since I left the auto repair shop yesterday. I really want to kill you, but now I want to kill myself, woo~"

"What's going on, please tell me clearly. If it's a car, I will pay you no matter what."

"It's not a car~"

Xiang Lian actually uttered the cry of a little girl coquettishly complaining, which made Li Tao's bones go limp.

"Yesterday, the auto repair shop called me and said that a woman called a tow truck and only paid for the tow truck, and I have to pay for the repair of the car."

"At least I found my car. I skipped work and went to the auto repair shop immediately. I didn't expect the car to be so rotten. It was deformed and I couldn't get in."

"I told them, no matter how much it costs, help me find a pen in the car, it means a lot to me."

"Just because I skipped work, I was recorded by the office director, woo woo~"

Because the murder happened yesterday, and so many students saw it, Xianglian had too many things to deal with as a counselor, so she ran to repair the car, and naturally gave her a heavy punishment.

"It doesn't matter, but I received a call from the auto repair shop in the morning. They have completely repaired the car to its normal outline. I searched in every corner, but I didn't find my pen."

Li Tao's gaze gradually became complicated, he never expected that he would bring such a big trouble to this cold-hearted and warm-hearted native girl.

He didn't immediately say that the pen was in his pocket, because Li Tao wanted to know how much he owed this woman.

"I asked about the scene of the car accident from the auto repair shop, and then took a taxi to the gate of the medical school. I searched for more than two hours, crying while searching. Others looked at me lying on the ground like a fool."

"Xianglian." Li Tao's voice was a little sour, he really didn't expect to bring this kind of experience to this woman.

"I finally gave up. I can't find the pen. The car is rotten like that. Even if I find the pen, it will definitely be rotten."

"So I went back to the teaching building to adjust the monitoring. I wanted to find that beast, kill him, and then commit suicide. I finally found out that it was the scum who messed with my sister. I woo~"

Xiang Lian's crying broke Li Tao's heart, and this kind of self-blame already made him struggle to breathe.

Standing up, Li Tao pursed his lips and asked, "Where are you now?"

"I want to ask where you are now, I'm going to kill you, woo woo~"

Li Tao said softly: "Don't cry, your voice is hoarse, tell me where you are now, I will kill you"

(End of this chapter)

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