Chapter 172 Memory Connection

Contrary to Bai Shuzhen, who was full of morbid excitement, Li Tao's eyes were like a frozen lake in winter, sealing off a man and a woman in front of him, more precisely, Zhao Lin.

It wasn't the first time he saw Zhao Lin, Li Tao had seen this gentle scum last time in the underground parking lot.

He is tall and thin, with a briefcase, wearing small glasses, and looks like an intellectual.

Although Zhao Lin at that time gave people a hypocrite and sanctimonious feeling, he was far from the rotten corpse now.

"you are dead?"

Li Tao's indifferent tone made the atmosphere weird, Bai Shuzhen restrained the madness on her face a little, and said with a half-smile:

"Whether he dies or not, it doesn't affect my return of the cuckold to him."

Li Tao's eyes flickered and he didn't speak. He felt that Bai Shuzhen was subconsciously hinting to him that Zhao Lin was dead.


Bai Shuzhen turned around and opened the closet, squatted down and took out a roll of black belt from the closet, then got up and threw it on Zhao Lin's neck.

"I used this to play sm with the dead whore, didn't I?"

Bai Shuzhen gouged deeply at Zhao Lin who was bowing his head with vicious eyes, and said through gritted teeth: "Use this to tie him to the bed, I will squeeze him dry, and let you, as well as Qiu Shuyu's wandering soul, witness the whole process with your own eyes."

Zhao Lin really obeyed her, he raised his hand stiffly like a robot and took off the belt around his neck.

"Kaba~" The dislocation sound made by the twisting of the neck was creepy.

Previously, his hair was covered with red liquid and glued to his eyes, so Li Tao couldn't see his eyes at all.

At this time, Zhao Lin shook his head dully, exposing his eyes, then held the two ends of the belt with both hands, facing Li Tao from the air, and raised it to the same height as his shoulders.

Li Tao felt a cold in his throat, and conditioned to lean back. When his palm touched the ground, a red line appeared on his neck.

The smell of blood was not strong, but even though there was only a trace, it also aroused Zhao Lin's will.

Zhao Lin seemed to be waving his claws randomly in the air, but Li Tao didn't dare to be dug by his pitch-black nails rashly.


Another overlord post, which symbolizes the most purely masculine palm of the Taoist priest of Longhu Mountain, and it will even send Zhao Lin flying at the very beginning.

But he crawled on the ground and squirmed a few times, then got up again and rushed towards Li Tao.

After such a back and forth, he seemed to have begun to adapt to the mountain-shaking strength of the Overlord Post, and finally at this moment, he took Li Tao's palm forcibly, and did not fly backwards.


Zhao Lin let out a zombie-like howl, bent his fingernails, scratched through the air, and slammed into Li Tao's face with a sonic boom.

But the moment before he touched, Li Tao's knee had already hit his lower abdomen.

This knee hammer with Li Tao's full strength could definitely make Zhao Lin fly ten meters, but the moment Zhao Lin flew upside down, Li Tao pulled one of his fingers.


His fingers snapped off under inertia, and he was like a flag fluttering horizontally, being welded to the flagpole by Li Tao.

At the same time, at this moment, Zhao Lin's eyes were always empty, and he shrank fiercely.

"The temptation is over, he is still alive."

As soon as Li Tao finished speaking, he finally let go of Zhao Lin's fingers, making him fly backwards towards the wall.

Ten fingers connected to a heart, the pain of severed fingers can make a living person feel overwhelmed with pain, and make a corresponding physiological reaction. Obviously, Zhao Lin's reaction shows that he is not dead.

"The old man in the gang told me about the bee chaser, but I've never heard of the corpse chaser. If he's dead, he can still fight me like this, it's out of the question."

"So he's not dead!"

Li Tao appeared next to Zhao Lin in the blink of an eye, and walked in front of Bai Shuzhen, holding his neck.

He approached and pushed Bai Shuzhen into the narrow corner step by step.

"He was the only one who was wrong, and he really should be punished."

Li Tao pressed Zhao Lin's head against the white wall, then punched his head mechanically with one arm.

"Bang bang bang-"

Li Tao smashed Zhao Lin's head into the wall like a nail.

"It's still reasonable for you to take revenge on Qiu Shuyu."

"But you killed the innocent teachers of the entire Art Academy, this crime is enough to offset all your grievances!" Angry words squeezed out bit by bit from Li Tao's teeth.

Originally seeing Zhao Lin so vulnerable, Bai Shuzhen was still terrified and had a flustered look.

But after hearing Li Tao's words, the palpitations on her face disappeared, replaced by a hysterical roar: "Innocent? You say they are innocent?!!!"

Bai Shuzhen tightly grabbed Li Tao's collar, gritted her teeth and said, "I killed them to accrue evil for myself. How do you think people who usually stay with a beast like Zhao Lin can be any better?"

"Take that fat man surnamed Chu as an example, he..."


The glass of the balcony facing the big bed was scattered all over the floor like a shower, and a girl holding a bear doll suddenly appeared there.

"Why did you smash my toy into the wall?"

The girl jumped in from the window frame with the bear doll in her arms. Her immature voice was in stark contrast to her terrifying sense of oppression.

The little bear was terribly sewn, it was covered in patches, and there were still several silver needles stuck in its eye sockets.

"Xu Mochou! You can't kill him. I haven't taken revenge on those two bastards. He can't die!"

Bai Shuzhen pushed Li Tao away fiercely, her eyes showed fear, but she still insisted on shouting at the little girl holding the doll.


Li Tao leaned against the closet, murmured, and gradually remembered the name.

Corpse girl, Xu Mochou.

The last of the Big Three medical undergraduates, the girl who was praised by the old man in the morgue.

"I've never killed anyone." Xu Mochou rubbed the little bear's belly and said softly.

Bai Shuzhen swallowed her saliva, and said tremblingly: "He can't become something like Zhao Lin..."

Xu Mochou glanced at Bai Shuzhen with innocence and childlike eyes. She didn't speak, but began to twist the silver needles in the bear's eyeballs to make them sink deeper.

Bai Shuzhen shuddered, and hurriedly said: "Well, you... you help me lock him on the bed, I will have sex with him once, record the video, and then I will show it to Zhao Lin every day, and then go to Qiu Shuyu's grave I don't care if he dies or not, just once, is it okay, please!"

Li Tao frowned and looked at this psychologically twisted Bai Shuzhen, he felt that this woman was miserable from the bottom of his heart.

Trash her own body, take revenge on two dead and half-dead, and beg another person to give her a chance to be trashed.

After staying in Luma for a long time, I can see all kinds of lunatics.

"Seeing that you burned to death a teacher I hate, I will help you."

After Xu Mochou finished speaking, she let out an innocent "giggle" laugh like a child, and she twisted out a silver needle and threw it at Zhao Lin's Adam's apple.


The wall began to loosen. Zhao Lin, who had been smashed into the wall by Li Tao's fist, now began to push the wall with both hands, pulling his head out.

Li Tao licked his lower lip, and began to think about how to solve this deadlock.

Xu Mochou is a woman comparable to Qiu Lan, and Qiu Lan's burst of strength after opening the suitcase is at least ten Duan Mu Rong.

Xu Mochou, who is already a senior, can imagine that there is no difference between Li Tao who abused freshman and abused vegetables.


Zhao Lin finally pulled himself out of the wall, and the gravel fell to the ground like rain.

"Bai Shuzhen, I just want to send you a word. The greatest revenge for your enemies is to live well."

As soon as Li Tao finished speaking, he directly yanked off the door of the entire wardrobe with his bare hands, and smashed it hard at Zhao Lin.


The wooden door was torn apart by Zhao Lin in mid-air, and Mu Chen was swept away in the air for a while before Li Tao reappeared in their field of vision.

Li Tao ran towards the bathroom, and Zhao Lin came out of it at the beginning, so Li Tao thought that the way to get out must also come from this.

But the moment he entered the bathroom, he saw the red and black soup-like liquid in the bathtub, and suddenly his brain shook violently.


Li Tao was in a daze for a moment, and then was slammed into the bathtub by Zhao Lin from behind.

The viscous liquid instantly crawled like ants on his skin, and the itching all over Li Tao's body, this feeling was exactly the same as that time.

The tattoos on his skin began to squirm, soaking up the slime through his pores.

The doctor of the underworld is the doctor of the underworld who claims to be able to bring the dead back from the gate of hell.

At that time, Tang Bo sent Li Tao to Jiang Yu, and he wanted to revive Li Tao with a strange medicinal bath.

In the bedroom, Bai Shuzhen huddled in a corner, and Li Tao's words just now made her feel empty.

Living well for oneself is the greatest revenge for the enemy.

Does she really have to take revenge on Zhao Lin and Qiu Shuyu by trampling her own body?
Xu Mochou, who was holding the doll, jumped up and came to her. Xu Mochou tilted his head and approached her with a childish voice: "Just now, if you say one more word, I will make you become It's become my toy."

Bai Shuzhen was silent for a moment, then said in a hoarse voice, "Why don't you let him go?"

Just as Xu Mochou was about to speak, a strange aura suddenly came from the bathroom, causing her face to become serious.

There was a roar like a beast in the bathroom, and then Zhao Lin, who was blessed with silver needles, flew out, and a man with a bare upper body came out and stepped on his chest.

Xu Mochou looked at the strange flower tattoo on Li Tao's body, her child-like eyes revealed an obsessive expression.

"Tattoos look good, be my toy, I will accompany you seriously~"

Li Tao guessed that Zhao Lin was trapped in the floor tiles, and Li Tao with green pupils reappeared after a long absence.

"It's so beautiful, and so are the eyes."

Xu Mochou looked at Li Tao with her chin resting on her small hand as if seeing a dream toy in the window.

"Xu Mochou, don't be a nympho, Li Tao has deposed Zhao Lin, you should find a way!"

Bai Shuzhen probably didn't know the strength of Li Tao and Xu Mochou. She thought that Li Tao, who was full of weirdness, had the absolute upper hand.

"Li Tao, your name is Li Tao?"

Xu Mochou bent down and picked up the bear doll, and said with a smile on her face, "You can be my sister's toy, my sister will love you, little Li Tao~"

"Leave the documents, people. Get out." Li Tao said expressionlessly.

"My sister will love you well, make you beautiful clothes, and give you a bath~"

Xu Mochou talked to herself, and even began to imagine her daily life after turning Li Tao into a walking corpse.

But the next moment, her aura suddenly became oppressive, and black air visible to the naked eye emerged from her body.


The little bear doll was torn in half by her, and there was a silver suitcase hidden in the body of the big doll.

Sure enough, all medical students are equipped with this operation box as standard, and after opening it, the strength doubles to an unbelievable level.

Li Tao picked up the belt that Bai Shuzhen threw on Zhao Lin before, and he looked at Xu Mochou walking indifferently, he only had one chance, and Xu Mochou would lose the ability to fight back if he whipped.


The silver suitcase opened and closed slightly in mid-air, but there was nothing inside.

No. There seems to be one, a pocket watch?
Li Tao lost his mind because of this, causing Xu Mochou to approach him without him noticing.

"You'd like to be my toy, right?"

Li Tao felt that this sound went straight to the depths of his heart, like a hypnotic sound.

Just when Li Tao's pupils were gradually dilated, Bai Shuzhen suddenly picked up a stone and threw it at the wound on his forehead.

"What's there for you to run, come to bed and sleep with me. I'll let you go!"

Her tone was obviously lacking in confidence, and she felt like she was holding on to speak out.

Xu Mochou looked back at Bai Shuzhen gloomyly, this gaze made Bai Shuzhen's scalp tingle, and she didn't know why she wanted to help Li Tao.

The pain woke Li Tao up. He already knew the difference between himself and Xu Mochou, so he no longer wanted to retrieve the documents.

Immediately, like drawing a knife, he pulled out the belt and slashed at Xu Mochou.


Xu Mochou's suitcase blocked it, but Li Tao had already run from the living room to the door at this moment, he opened the door and ran towards the corridor.

"You can't run, my beloved toy~"

Xu Mochou's ghostly speed was like teleporting. Accompanied by her "giggling" laughter, Li Tao felt that his walking legs were as heavy as lead.

Li Tao was about to enter the elevator, but Xu Mochou grabbed his collar from behind.

Don't look at her harmless appearance as a little princess, the strength she showed now crushed the green-eyed Li Tao, making him feel like he was imprisoned in place.

"Aunt Liu. Aunt Liu is back!"

Li Tao's heart skipped a beat, and he could feel Liu Renna's aura appearing in the corridors several floors above.

At this moment, Liu Renna sensed that something was wrong with Li Manzi and Xiangxue, both of whom were wearing bathrobes, so she ran into the bathroom of Li Manzi's house to catch Li Tao.

"So strong."

Xu Mochou just followed Li Tao's gaze and sensed the upper floors, and was shocked by the oppressive feeling of contempt.

And at this moment, Liu Renna also locked onto Li Tao's position and ran towards him.

Xu Mochou has never felt such a terrifying evil spirit in her life. It is like a huge peak reaching to the sky made of corpses. Everyone can only submit to her or be buried in the abyss...

"It seems that the time has not come yet, you will become my most cherished toy after all, but for now, just forget about it..."

A thick needle tube appeared in Xu Mochou's palm at some point, she directly injected the unknown liquid into the center of Li Tao's eyebrows, then took out her pocket watch and waved it in front of Li Tao's eyes.

"In endless pain, forget this memory~"


"Director Liu, I really can't do the MRI tonight. You said he's still in a coma. There's no need to be in such a hurry, right?"

"Why don't you rush, tomorrow is Saturday, am I free to waste time in the hospital on Saturday? I have to take him to the beach tomorrow, and all the examinations have to be done today!"

Li Tao vaguely heard the woman muttering beside him: "I have specially designed a swimsuit that is easy to be swept away by the waves. My wife's fragrant weekends, how could I have the time to smell the disinfectant water in the hospital~"

(End of this chapter)

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