Chapter 173

In the dark room, Li Tao woke up leisurely.

The blue curtains looked a little hazy under the erosion of the moonlight, and the only thing that was quiet in the room was his own breathing.

"Where is this..."

Li Tao clutched his forehead, recalling the scene when he passed out at the intersection at the entrance of the hospital, his head was almost rolled under the wheel of the car.

In fact, he could do it if he carried it for a while longer, but when Aunt Liu appeared in his line of sight, he broke his defense.

The sense of trust accumulated since he was a child made him feel relieved to let go of his guard and fainted.

"Aunt Liu, Aunt Liu~"

Li Tao called a few times, but no one answered him, and the silence in the room disturbed him.

This place should not be a ward, but a [-]-square-meter hut, with the faint scent of roses from Aunt Liu's body remaining in the air.

Li Tao closed his eyes and leaned against the head of the bed, the fragment of memory recovered in his mind made him feel complicated.

He himself didn't expect that the woman he met in the elevator was Bai Shuzhen, and so many things happened afterwards.

The more he learned the truth, the more he felt bored and panicked.

The stories that happened among Zhao Lin, Bai Shuzhen, and Qiu Shuyu have already been settled emotionally.

Only Qiu Shuyu died, but Bai Shuzhen's heart also died.

Zhao Lin was already reduced to a walking dead.

Could it be that when the relationship comes to an end, it must be betrayal, revenge, and then hurt each other, and finally both sides will suffer?

Li Tao was so panicked that he couldn't imagine his future self.

He only had one thought, that Aunt Liu couldn't leave him, but he was also confused because he had never responded to Liu Renna's feelings.


Li Tao exhaled to calm his dizziness.

If there is no accident, Xu Mochou should take the lead in medical school and specialize in psychology. From the fact that she only put a pocket watch in her suitcase and hypnotized Li Tao's flood of pain, it can be deduced by blocking that memory .

As for Li Tao's inexplicable recall now...

It should be because Liu Renna reacted too quickly at that time, she sensed that Li Tao was in danger, and arrived at the scene like a demon king descending.

The feeling of oppression basically made Xu Mochou unable to get lucky, so she hastily hypnotized Li Tao and ran away with Bai Shuzhen and Zhao Lin.

At that time, Aunt Liu was in a state of trance, probably thinking of old things. If Li Tao guessed correctly, Aunt Liu must have thought of the memory he lost when he was ten years old.

But what Li Tao didn't know was that the reason why Liu Renna showed such a rare surprised expression was because the hypnosis methods used to make Li Tao lose his memory were exactly the same as back then.

"Aunt Liu~"

Li Tao called again, but no one responded in the cramped room.

He climbed down from the bed with his weak body, because he was very unfamiliar with this room, so he was going to open the curtains first, and then use the moonlight to find the light switch.


Coming to the window, Li Tao slowly opened the blue curtains.

The bright moonlight poured in like a stream, adding a little brightness to the slightly messy room.

On the wooden floor, women's obscene-clothes-obscene-pants were loosely slumped, and there were several sets of autumn clothes hanging on the hangers, which Li Tao was familiar with, plus the sound insulation effect in the room.

Li Tao is basically sure that this is the side room where Aunt Liu's office rests.

What surprised him was that this room was really sloppy, with underwear and stockings thrown everywhere, and there were strands of curly permed hair of a woman on the floor.

It seemed that Yoo In Na only went home and only took care of the housework when she was taking care of him. Usually, when she was alone, she was messing around, and she didn't have a virtuous image.

Although Aunt Liu is old, she has never had a boyfriend, nor has any relationship experience. She started raising children at the age when she first fell in love, and she still has a baby in her heart.

For some reason, Li Tao wanted to see Aunt Liu very much now, but he felt that since Liu Renna was always cleaning the house, he should help Aunt Liu clean up now.

Leaning over to pinch Aunt Liu's purple lace|silk trousers, there was a "squeak" door opening sound from the direction his head was facing.

Liu Renna went to get those test sheets for Li Tao, because she felt that the air conditioner in the corridor was too high, and she was afraid that Li Tao would catch a cold, so she took him back to her side room where she was resting.

The moment she entered, Liu Renna was startled by this scene.

When Liu Renna met his eyes, her eyes immediately turned red. She sobbed and ate her hands, and said emotionally, "Bao'er, do you love Aunt Liu so much?"

Li Tao glanced at the physical evidence in his hand, then looked at Aunt Liu who was flushed with emotion, and instantly knelt on the ground wanting to cry without tears.

"not like this……"

Liu Renna chewed her hands, trotted to Li Tao's ear and whispered, "Do you want to try how it feels to take it off?"

After hitting Liu Renna's knee, Li Tao's face turned green
Li Tao rolled his eyes, placed his hands under Aunt Liu's armpits, and lifted her up.

"When did you have a positive form?"

Liu Renna, who was forced to stand up, didn't exert any strength in her legs and feet, just fell on Li Tao's palm, and said indifferently: "I'm not married, let alone have children, why are you so serious?"

Wrapping her hands around her neck for two days, Liu Renna's eyes were covered with a layer of charm: "Bao'er, you come to let my aunt conceive, and when I become a mother, I will be serious, okay?"

Li Tao swallowed his saliva and looked at one side of the wall, then changed the subject and said, "What did you do just now?"

"You fainted at every turn recently. I'm a little worried. I did a full physical examination for you, and I just went to get the result for you."

"I'm definitely in good health, just a little tired recently." Li Tao said firmly.


Aunt Liu stretched out a finger and waved it in front of Li Tao.

"The conclusion of the physical examination is that your lungs, liver, and kidneys are not working well. I'm thinking about giving you supplements."

"It's impossible, I wouldn't be like this..."

Li Tao took it seriously at first, but he saw the cunning in Aunt Liu's beautiful eyes. If he guessed correctly, Aunt Liu wanted to use this as an excuse to force him to drink strong wine.

"It's true, I'll soak it for you... ummm"

Halfway through Liu Renna's words, her pupils shrank into needles in shock.

Li Tao actually took the initiative to kiss her!

Temporarily parting his lips, Li Tao looked at Aunt Liu who was still in a trance and said: "The conclusion must be wrong, the lungs, liver and kidneys are not very good, I can prove that one is very good, and it will be fine."

After speaking, Li Tao kissed Liu Renna's fragrant lips again, he held Aunt Liu's armpit, and while kissing, he led her to the bedside.

He kissed Aunt Liu and pressed her on the bed, Liu Renna rolled her eyes, she forgot to breathe through her nose, her mouth was occupied and her pretty face flushed from suffocation.

Because Liu Renna will definitely not die, so Li Tao kissed him until he couldn't breathe before breaking up.

Liu Renna panted slightly, looked at the man riding her, and was about to say a few teasing words, but she saw Li Tao's eyes.

Li Tao's eyes were full of fear for the future, a panicked possessiveness.

Although Liu Renna didn't know what he dreamed about, but she knew that Li Tao was insecure now.

She sat up and held Li Tao's face lightly, and said softly: "I will never leave you even if I die, right?"


"Really, give birth to your baby."

Liu Renna, who had just sat up, was roughly pushed down on the bed again. She felt Li Tao's high-swelling emotions, and exclaimed: "Turn on the air conditioner, Auntie is covered in sweat~"

"No, it's fragrant."


Li Manzi stirred the porcelain cup with a small spoon, came to the living room in cute pink pig slippers, and turned on the TV sleepily.

Xiangxue from the kitchen brought a bowl of pork rib noodles and walked to the dining table. She looked back at Li Manzi and said, "Boss, can you just make a cup of oatmeal? It won't make you hungry at all~"

"I'm losing weight." After Li Manzi finished speaking, she began to look for the remote control on the sofa.

"Come on, your waist and legs are slender enough, and you've lost weight only in places other than your hips and buttocks. It's time... your body will become more seductive."

"Eat yours, I asked you to watch a drama with me yesterday, you ran to the bedroom uselessly, now you can tell me how to point fingers."

Xiangxue's expression froze for a moment, she turned her head and started to eat noodles, and said in a vague way: "Your film is too unserious, I get itchy just looking at it, go back to the bedroom and fix it."

"That's the difference between having a fiancé or not. I don't want to do such lowly things~" Li Manzi said happily.

When it comes to marriage contract, Li Manzi always feels that she is superior to Xiangxue, and this is the thing she is most proud of after retirement.

But since she retired, she doesn't like watching the news at all now. When the TV is on, she just wants to find the remote control to change the channel.

"Morning News, viewers, good Saturday morning everyone."

"The following is the school news. According to the notice issued by the meteorological department, the island will encounter a tropical cyclone from noon to evening today, and there will be strong winds and heavy rainfall."

"Although Saturday is a leisure time for students to relax, we still want to remind you not to go to the beach to avoid wind and waves..."

Xiangxue who was eating suddenly raised her mouth: "Boss, I have something to tell you."


"Yesterday evening, when I came home, I happened to see Liu Renna driving out in the parking lot, and then went downstairs to throw out the trash at night. I took a look at her parking space. It was empty, which means she never came back."

Li Manzi jumped up from the sofa in a jerk, and lowered her voice excitedly: "She doesn't come home at night?"

Xiangxue's back was facing Li Manzi, so she could roll her eyes without any scruples and not get hit.

"Boss, it's just the two of us, you don't have to keep your voice down, and... Li Tao is not here."

"Li Tao isn't home either? Does that mean that these two people don't come home together?"

The smile on Li Manzi's face disappeared. At first, she thought she was going to follow Liu Renna's trick to find Lao Wang.

"That's what it means."

"Then did they go out to open a room!!!"

"Suck it~"

Xiangxue ate the sparerib noodles beautifully. She had a sense of ritual when eating. Simply put, she ate very seriously. She felt that she cherished every opportunity to eat.

Li Manzi ran over in small steps. Seeing Xiangxue concentrating on cooking without paying attention, she burst into anger: "Look, you almost licked the plate. Those who didn't know thought you were a prisoner on death row."

Xiangxue's eyes darkened, she smirked a few times and said nothing.

"What should I do now, I have to find the two of them!"

"If it weren't for the typhoon today, the sun would be shining at this point in time. It would have been over long ago."

Li Manzi paced back and forth in the room with her brow furrowed, and Xiangxue tore off the tissue to wipe her mouth after eating.

"However, I suddenly thought of something. Yesterday in the underground parking lot, Liu Renna happened to pass me when she drove out. If I read correctly, there are a bunch of swimsuits on her back seat, which is very revealing."

"She and my husband went to the beach to flirt?"

"Uh...fiance." Xiangxue reminded, but in exchange for Li Manzi's embarrassing punch.


The strong wind caused Father Sun to lazily hide behind the clouds, and the sky was gray as a whole.

Although the curtains are drawn, this kind of weather is very conducive to sleeping.

A man and a woman were entangled on the small bed. The man closed his eyes, his brows were stretched, and he seemed to be sleeping soundly.

The woman had already woken up, she looked sideways at the man's face without blinking, her eyes narrowed into crescent moons, a strong sense of accomplishment lingered in her beautiful eyes.

Where does the sense of accomplishment come from?

Liu Renna found that she no longer needed to guide her, as long as Li Tao fell asleep, and then she lay beside her.

Li Tao's big hand will be quiet...

Liu Renna had been awake for quite a while, but she didn't see him take it away.


Originally, she wanted to keep it like this forever, but Liu Renna herself suddenly let out a coquettish call.

Although she immediately silenced her, she still woke up Li Tao.

It turned out that Li Tao didn't know what he was dreaming about just now, and he gripped it hard, so she cried out unexpectedly.

"Aunt Liu..."

Li Tao's eyes were sleepy, but he didn't think he was surprised at all, after all every morning when he woke up, Liu Renna must be the first to catch his eyes.

"Last night, were you afraid that I would leave you, so you kissed me so hard?"

Liu Renna pouted, and said in a vague way: "Look, I'm all overwhelmed."

Li Tao has gradually come to his senses, he turned his back to Aunt Liu, and said firmly, "No, I'm proving that my lung capacity is very good, and my lungs are very healthy."

Liu Renna pursed her lips, and slowly embraced Li Tao from behind and said, "Little rascal, you will be stubborn. Whenever you take off your pants, I'm pregnant, and you can't rely on it."

Li Tao's lips trembled a few times, but he didn't respond to these words.

"Why don't you wear some..."

Liu Renna rolled her eyes and complained: "It's worn out, you got it in the middle of the night."

Li Tao: "..."

Aunt Liu's salty hands began to draw circles on his belly, and he couldn't stand it anymore, and he was lying down, Li Tao was probably about to rouse.

Liu Renna is the best strong y wine, which was voted by the majority of male compatriots a few years ago.

"I'm going to wash up. I won't ask for leave today. I have to go to class."

Liu Renna turned over and asked Li Tao to get up from the bed. She said lazily, "Today is Saturday, you don't have class, and you've been dizzy."

After Li Tao put on his slippers, he realized that this was indeed the case. He didn't schedule classes on Saturday.

"But you go wash up first, I will take you to the beach later, you have to teach me how to swim~"

Li Tao turned his face helplessly, facing Liu Renna and said, "Forgot how to swim again?"

(End of this chapter)

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