Chapter 174 Think My Toothbrush Is Dirty?
"Aunt Liu, where is the toothbrush?"

Lying on the bed, Liu Renna yawned, and said lazily, "It's in the bathroom~"

"Is there any spare in the bathroom? I didn't see it when I went there just now." Li Tao asked suspiciously.

Earlier, he was urged by Liu Renna to wash up and went straight to the bathroom, but there is no mezzanine for storing things at all, even the mirror is directly attached to the tiles, and there is not a single drawer.

He even went to the bottom of the water dispenser to find a paper cup to replace the mouthwash cup, but since Aunt Liu was sure, he had no choice but to go in again.

Li Tao looked around for a long time before shouting helplessly to the small bedroom: "No, there is only your toothbrush and tooth cup here, and there is no place to put other things. Aunt Liu, come and help me find them."

Liu Renna buried her little head in the quilt, and said vaguely: "Yes, you hurry up and wash up, come to the bed and carry me over to wash me up."

"You want me to hug you, we went to bed early yesterday, so we shouldn't be so weak..."

Li Tao blinked, wondering if Liu Renna had caught a cold and had a fever.

"You went to bed early, and the pain is so painful that I haven't recovered yet."

Li Tao: "..."

"Ahem, it's not important, it's not right, why did you lead me off the topic again!"

Li Tao scratched his hair frantically, walked out of the bathroom, stood in her office, and shouted towards the bedroom: "Aunt Liu, where is the toothbrush?"

"Didn't you see it all, Bao'er, don't make trouble, Auntie is lying in bed for a while~"

Li Tao walked into the bathroom and brought out the pink tooth cup and blue toothbrush.

"Aunt Liu, is the toothbrush in the pink tooth cup the one you use?"

"It's mine, you wash up quickly, you have to go to the beach."

"No, what I mean is...that's yours. I want to ask if there is a spare toothbrush. If there is one, I will open one. If not, I will just rinse my mouth this morning and stop brushing my teeth."

"Don't brush your teeth, what do you mean?"

Liu Renna's voice has become a little low, obviously suppressing something.

However, Li Tao didn't realize the changes in Aunt Liu, so he responded naturally: "Just one day, and just go back to brush at night."

But Li Tao soon regretted it. He could feel a terrifying evil spirit swelling in the bedroom, and the air flowing out of that room was visibly distorted and fuzzy.

"You still think I'm dirty?"

"Would rather not brush your teeth than use my toothbrush?"


The fluffy little quilt was lifted up by a terrifying air wave, and stuck to the ceiling tremblingly, unable to get off at all.

Liu Renna, whose long hair was dancing wildly, was shrouded in black air, her eyes were red and she sat up abruptly.


It was as if the devil had descended into the world, and the invisible ripples directly overturned all the surrounding decorations.

Liu Renna twisted her neck, made a dislocation sound of "click click", then jumped off the bed and walked towards the bathroom with bare feet.

"No, no, no...Aunt Liu, maybe I didn't say it carefully just now, uh, don't get me wrong, I didn't mean to dislike you, how could I..."

Li Tao was so frightened that he started to stutter. Facing Liu Renna's world-shattering oppression, he couldn't breathe smoothly, especially when Liu Renna took a step forward, the black air radiating from her body swelled up.

When she came to Li Tao, Li Tao felt that the suffocation he had brought to Liu Renna last night was returned intact or even doubled by her.

"I brushed it a few times before when I was with you in the hospital, but it didn't work. How dare you despise me, okay, okay, okay!"

Liu Renna repeatedly said that the three "good" momentums had superimposed to an incomparable level, and she suddenly hid the tooth cup from Li Tao's hand.

Staring fixedly at Li Tao, he grinned and used the toothbrush to poke it into his own mouth and start rubbing it.

Li Tao's scalp was numb from being stared at, and he involuntarily looked away.

"Turn your head back! I want you to watch me use it, and then you have to use it!"

After speaking, Yoo In Na took the toothbrush out of her mouth.

"Open your mouth!"

"Not so much that Aunt Liu...uh~"

Liu Renna had already thrust the toothbrush into Li Tao's mouth, seeing his blushing, she was still angry,

She walked into the bathroom with bare feet, filled the tooth cup with water, came out and held it in Li Tao's hand: "Just use it to rinse your mouth, no paper cups!"

"Zi La~"

Liu Renna didn't give him any room, and tore up the paper cup.

"Hurry up and wash, go to the bed and hug me after washing, hum!"

After finishing tossing, Liu Renna pouted and walked back to the bedroom.

Li Tao looked hopeless, looking at the pink tooth cup in his hand, he really hated himself for being so cheap, he couldn't find it and just finished brushing, he had to ask her, didn't he deserve it...

After washing up, Li Tao happened to pass by Aunt Liu's desk when he was walking towards the bedroom, and there was a ticket on it.

A scene of sitting in a hot spring is drawn on it, and the slogan is: After playing in the sea, the whole family can take a mixed bath to wash off the sea salt. High-quality hot springs, one ticket, one soup, are private enough to bring you the comfort of swimming in the clouds.

"No, where did Aunt Liu get the money to buy this?"

Puzzled, Li Tao flipped the face of the ticket, and now he got the answer. On the back of the ticket was written "Employee Benefits", which seemed to be a group purchase by the hospital, and it was for the doctor to take leave, and the family enjoyed it.

"This is a mixed bath, alas, do I have to take some protective measures in advance... It's not a condom, it's to protect myself from being violated!"

Li Tao predicts that tonight will be very dangerous. The matter of the reef has not been clarified yet. If he is really broken by Aunt Liu, he will be in trouble when he is fired.

"what can we do about it……"

Just when Li Tao was feeling melancholy, he vibrated his pocket and took out his cell phone. It turned out that it was Xiangxue's message.

Xiangxue: "Scumbag man, where did your aunt abduct you?"

Li Tao: "I'm not a good man, but I'm definitely not a scumbag."

Xiangxue: "The scumbags are all praising you. After you got my wife, I took the initiative to choose a mistress. It's good, but you want to fuck Liu Renna or Mr. Li. I didn't say anything, but I didn't allow you to hook up. My dear sister, you are a beast that is not as good as a pig or a dog!"

Li Tao: "..."

Li Tao: "Since when did I hook up with your own sister?"

After Li Tao clicked to send, he felt a guilty toothache. He didn't hook up with Xianglian, but just used her as a wine barrel to quench his thirst...

But after drinking, it doesn't count...

Xiangxue: "You know it in your heart, anyway, I'm warning you, you can't mess with my sister!"

Li Tao stared at the window in a daze, but soon the last message disappeared.

The other party retracted a message.

Xiangxue: "You know it in your heart, anyway, I'm warning you, you can't mess with my sister, otherwise I'd rather die than cut you off!"

Li Tao nodded while pinching his chin. Xiangxue was so angry that she was about to revise his typing. Could it be that she found out about his sleeping with Xianglian on Master's Day?
Li Tao quickly shook his head and denied this possibility. The two sisters have not resumed normal communication so far, and Xiang Lian will definitely not sue her.

Li Tao: "Didn't you say that you are at odds with her? Why are you defending her so much now? Have you always been stubborn and actually care about her?"

Xiangxue: "Hehe."

Xiangxue: "Little beast, don't disgust me. The reason I object to you messing with her so much is because I disgust her. The men she has touched are dirty to me."

Li Tao: "I don't know if it's dirty or not. She's much bigger than you."

Xiangxue: "!!!"

Xiangxue: "Dead beast!"

Li Tao: "..."

Li Tao: "That's not enough, ahem, then why don't you tell me the business, Aunt Liu is going to wake up."

Xiangxue: "Forget it, Boss Li is also moaning and urging me. Let me ask you, are you going to the beach?"

Li Tao held up the hot spring ticket and looked at it. The address below was the seaside.

Li Tao: "Yeah, I still want to soak in the hot spring... Hey, I don't want to be fired..."

Xiangxue: "Tell me the specific sea, and I will go rescue you with Mr. Li, and it will be over."

"help me?"

Li Tao groped his chin, glanced towards the bedroom, and nodded involuntarily.

These two are the only ones who can compete with the big devil Liu Renna.

Li Tao: "West Coast."

Luma University is located on an island surrounded by the sea, but the south coast does not belong to the school. Li Tao stayed there a few days before the start of school. If he remembers well, there is a small island called Peach Blossom Island.

As for the remaining three-quarters, they all belong to Luma University, so its scale is comparable to that of a first-tier city, not an exaggeration at all.

Xiangxue: "When we get there, I'll take care of you. If you dare to hurt me with that woman Xianglian, stab your ass!"

Li Tao: "Are you sure? Don't stab someone, you'll get stabbed instead."

Xiangxue: "Hmph!"

"Boa, I want to brush my teeth!"

Aunt Liu was getting impatient, and Li Tao didn't dare to make her angry anymore, so he put his phone back in his pocket and hurried towards the bedroom.

"Aunt Liu, why don't I bring your laundry to this room?" Li Tao rubbed his hands, thinking he was a caring and warm man.

Liu Renna sat up from the bed, and said with a strange expression: "Bao'er, don't be like this, I think you look like a slave eunuch."

Li Tao: "..."

Li Tao's face turned red for a while, and he really didn't want to talk to him this time.

With a peaceful smile on Liu Renna's face, she stretched out her hand and waved towards Li Tao: "Hug~"


Li Tao sighed, and pressed Aunt Liu's back from behind as if he was holding a child, and then passed his hands around Qiaotun from the outside, and rubbed his fingertips on her inner thighs hard. After hugging her, Li Tao yawned Go to the bathroom.

Liu Rennaqiong wrinkled her nose and said softly, "I'm going to wash up..."

Li Tao: "..."

He thought about it, and fell asleep at all.

With her back against Li Tao's chest, Liu Renna could feel Li Tao's sudden heartbeat, and she asked strangely, "You don't really want to see it, do you?"

"Crazy! I... If you don't speak properly, I will... cry for you."

"Good baby, cry~ Aunt Liu can wipe your tears, oh~"





Everything is ready, Li Tao and Liu Renna put on loose clothes and prepare to set off to the west coast.

Just as he walked out of the office, a woman in a white coat walked over.

Seeing Li Tao and Liu Renna, she showed a restrained smile on her face, and said hello: "Director Liu, Li Xuedi, good morning."

"Oh, Lily, you are on duty on Saturday~" Liu Renna straightened her skirt and said politely.

"Uh, the psychology department seems to be just the two of us. Director, you are on vacation, so I naturally..."

Zheng Lili showed a helpless expression on her face. It seemed that she also wanted to take a vacation on weekends. After all, she also had a boyfriend.


Li Tao suddenly got excited, he made a sudden noise, not only startled Zheng Lili, but also startled Aunt Liu who was arranging the clothes.

Angrily, Liu Renna patted Li Tao's back a few times: "You son of a bitch, what kind of opinion did you suddenly express, do you know him?"

"I know her, she called me junior just now, and isn't her boyfriend Kong Can?" Li Tao said disapprovingly.

Turning to look at Zheng Lili, Li Tao said with a considerate look: "Senior Lili, you said that it's a big weekend, and you don't go to the scenic spot with Brother Can to get in touch, isn't that a pity?"

"Aunt Liu and I have been together for more than ten years, which is different from you and Brother Can, so why not... ouch~"

Li Tao's feet were stepped on by high heels, he looked at Aunt Liu resentfully, she rolled her eyes back.

"Xiao Litao, don't think that I don't know what you have in mind. On Saturdays and Sundays, you have to stick to me, and you are not allowed to go anywhere!"

"I didn't say leave, I just stay with you in the hospital." Li Tao said pretending to be innocent.

He still doesn't know how many flirting routines Liu Renna has set up. Anyway, compared to going to the beach with her, it must be safer in the hospital.

"No need, junior, you can go play with the director. Anyway, we will get off work at 05:30 in the afternoon. Brother Can and I will go to the beach then... Maybe we will spend the night in a hot spring hotel..."

Zheng Lili's voice became smaller and smaller, and her little face flushed.

It's not easy, the hot spring mixed bath is definitely not easy! ! !
Li Tao is even more uncertain now, Zheng Lili said that the hot spring hotel should be Li Tao who found it in Aunt Liu's office, and all the doctors in the hospital should have a copy.

"Bao'er, hurry up, it's almost noon."

Li Tao nodded resignedly, and said goodbye to Zheng Lili: "Senior sister, you can come and find us with Brother Can after get off work in the evening."

"Well, the west coast is also called Lover's Beach. There are a lot of couples on Saturdays, and there are also many sports events suitable for couples. The juniors and the director should have fun."

Li Tao was dragged away by Aunt Liu, he always felt that Zheng Lili looked at him strangely.

Lover's Beach, sports?

Aunt Liu took the initiative to sit in the driver's seat, and Li Tao naturally went to the co-pilot and sat obediently.

After thinking about it, Li Tao still couldn't help asking: "Aunt Liu, did you say something to Zheng Lili?"

Liu Renna turned on the air conditioner in the car, and said casually: "I didn't say anything, I just said that she can become the only person in the psychological outpatient clinic as soon as possible, because I will be pregnant after my baby's freshman year, and it will definitely be difficult to go to work then." Three days of fishing and two days of drying the net~”

(End of this chapter)

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