Chapter 175
It has been a long time since Li Tao went on vacation with Liu Renna like this.

If you don't count the time when he went to Peach Blossom Island at the beginning of school, if you look forward again, Li Tao's impression should be his 16th birthday, which means he is probably still in the first year of high school.

That time Liu Renna drove him and took him on a self-driving trip to a deep mountain and old forest in the south of the country. The scenery there was really primitive, and he was not surprised that there were savages.

But it really doesn't look like going to enjoy life, it's humid, hot, and full of bugs, but it's like going to the wilderness to survive.

Leaving aside so many beautiful places in the south, she decided to choose that place for a self-driving tour. Li Tao still hasn't figured it out.

As far as recalling now, what impresses him the most is the snake cave. He has been afraid of snakes since he was a child, but after that experience, his fear of snakes has reached the peak of his spirit.

Taking a sneak peek at Liu Renna who was driving the car full of energy from the corner of her eye, Li Tao organized his words and asked as if nothing had happened:

"Aunt Liu~"


Liu Renna turned her head to look at Li Tao curiously, she was still humming, she seemed to be in a really good mood.

But the more she behaved like this, the more uncertain Li Tao felt.

"Look at the road, don't look at me." Li Tao touched the tip of his nose and said.

Liu Renna gave him a dissatisfied look, turned around and made a cute nasal voice: "Humph!"

"Is it important to be safe~" Li Tao said shyly.

Aunt Liu said angrily, "You called me."

Li Tao smiled wryly: "Uh, that's true, that's right, Aunt Liu, do you still remember our last road trip?"

Liu Renna's eyes were full of confusion, and she said inexplicably, "I don't remember, what's wrong?"

"It's... the snake cave."

"Oh~ Snake Cave, I remember it a little bit~"

Although Aunt Liu deliberately used the little girl's whining voice to attract Li Tao's attention, he still noticed a flash of remorse on Aunt Liu's face.

Is Aunt Liu feeling guilty?
In fact, ever since that time, Li Tao has been so afraid of snakes that he fainted when he saw them. Instant downtime.

With one black eye, he is at the mercy of others.

Liu Renna showed a look of self-blame and guilt, Li Tao was still very moved, he comforted: "It's all over, Aunt Liu, don't blame yourself, it's because I didn't live up to it, the elders are still afraid of snakes."

But this is a brain circuit reaction, Li Tao is also ashamed, but there is nothing he can do.

Liu Renna blinked her eyes, and looked at Li Tao with a complicated peripheral vision, it seemed that her little boy still didn't see through her true intention back then.

"However, considering that the last time Aunt Liu took me to the tropical virgin forest to experience the twist..."

"I just want to have a mental preparation in advance. If you go to the beach today, you won't find that kind of stone crack full of bugs..."

Li Tao's strange gaze made Liu Renna stunned for a moment, and after a while she figured out what it meant, and shouted frantically: "I don't have the eccentricity of liking bugs, you think I'm Qin Keqing!"

"Then what were you doing..."

Speaking of that time, Liu Renna's momentum was obviously a bit shorter, as if she had done something wrong, she said with a lack of confidence:
"No, it was all accidental coincidences at that time, Bao'er, don't think about it, let's free your brain and imagine our happy weekend lover time~"

Li Tao pursed his lips and said, "Anyway, it's fine if you miss me, don't mess with those bugs, snakes and the like."

"I missed you that time too..."

"What was that time?"

Li Tao turned his head and looked at Aunt Liu's side face, the other party blushed and said weakly: "It's nothing, nothing."

Regarding that self-driving tour, it was actually Liu Renna's plot of a beautiful woman saving a hero. She knew that Li Tao was afraid of snakes, so she planned to scare him, and then appeared to save him.

Li Tao was indeed frightened out of his wits, clinging to her like a little quail, allowing her to slaughter him.

She had prepared all the blankets on the floor, but a phone call from Tang Bo shattered her dream. According to the new regulations issued by Wanguo City that day, 16 years old is not considered a mature person. The stigma of being slept in as a |year.

In this world, shame is very serious, and it induces people to look down on those who are shamed, and even become street rats.

In fact, from the freshman school rules of Luma University, we know that the thinking in this world is still conservative.

It's a pity that Liu Renna didn't wear it that day. In case, she must be unwilling to destroy the crystallization of love between herself and Li Tao.

She was definitely unwilling to find another shield. After thinking about it, she had no choice but to give up this excellent opportunity.

Seeing that Aunt Liu really didn't intend to tell him what happened back then, Li Tao had no choice but to look at the shrubs and green plants receding from the car window, and his thoughts gradually drifted far away.

Bai Shuzhen, Chu Dahao, Bai Muzhen or Ah Cha, no one knows what he is thinking...

From the third ring road where the hospital is located to the west coast beyond the sixth ring road, it takes about two hours to drive including red lights and traffic jams. Aunt Liu drives very smoothly, and she is a very safe person. Jue Litao felt a little drowsy.

He tilted his head slightly to the right and pressed it against the car window, his left hand felt a little sore, so he straightened it to the left, and fiddled with Liu Renna's earlobe for a while, causing her to roll her eyes.

But sleepiness struck, Li Tao finally put his hand directly on her small head.

The warmth in the palm revealed his nostalgia for Aunt Liu, which made the corners of Liu Renna's mouth rise slightly, and she glanced at the salty pig's hand on her head and said softly, "What are you doing?"

Li Tao took a nap with his eyes closed, and said lazily, "I don't know where to put my hands."

The smile on Liu Renna's face became stronger, and she said coquettishly: "That can't be on my head, it doesn't matter whether it's big or small."


Li Tao was a little at a loss and even speechless when she said, "It's not big or small".

When molesting him, I didn't see Liu Renna have the stability of an older person, but now he touched his little head and started to put age on people again.

Li Tao simply pressed his hands on her scalp and ravaged her hard, turning Liu Renna's hair, which had been combed for a long time in the morning, into a bird's nest.

"Stinky boy, do you want to be beaten?" Liu Renna gave him a coquettish look, as if she was going to raise her hand to take revenge.

Li Tao begged for mercy, frightened by the rubbing sound of the shifting wheels: "Don't, I was wrong, Aunt Liu, safety is important, hold the steering wheel and take inventory."


Liu Renna's arrogant nasal voice made Li Tao couldn't help wanting to touch her little head, but seeing Liu Renna's speed, he really didn't dare to take the risk.

"There's no place to put your hands on me, but don't put your hands on my head, I always feel like you want to do something wrong." Liu Renna warned.

Li Tao yawned, as long as his arms were stretched straight, he would feel comfortable when his tendons were stretched, it didn't matter where he put them.

I put it on her lap as she said, and Li Tao naturally had a reason to urge her: "Well, I will let you go wherever you say, and I won't bother you anymore. Don't leave your foot so far away from the brake, safety is important. .”

"Don't worry, I'm an old driver now." Aunt Liu said confidently.

"Okay, you have good skills, so don't drive too fast, safety is important." Li Tao advised.

This is Li Tao repeating those four words again. For some reason, he always feels excited in Aunt Liu's bones. He is afraid that she has arranged some shameful and nasty activities at the beach. Anyway, she is driving now so that Li Tao does not feel safe.
Liu Renna agreed nonchalantly, but she only agreed superficially, but the speed of the car was really fast.

"Aunt Liu, slow down, there is a red light ahead, don't you want to run the red light?" Li Tao was so frightened that he almost pressed the brake with his hands.

"Of course not. I'm a good doctor who abides by the law. I'll just wait for the brakes..."

Unpredictable, caught off guard.

His face turned pale, and it took a long time for Li Tao to say sadly: "Aunt Liu, you have completely shattered your dignified and noble image in my heart."


Liu Renna let out a long sigh of relief, and her whole body became refreshed.

She pinched Li Tao's chin and turned it around, and said coquettishly: "What's wrong with me, I wash and cook for you every day, and warm the quilt, what's not virtuous?"

"Didn't I wash you?"

"It's just a few pieces of underwear. Is it still counting for me to play with you?"

Liu Renna immediately added: "At least you haven't cooked for me, and you haven't even been in the kitchen a few times."

Li Tao was a little bit wronged, he tilted his head, not knowing whether to laugh or cry: "You didn't let me in, okay? When I was a child, you beat me whenever I entered the kitchen. I wanted to make you something for your birthday, and I was angry when you found out. Woolen cloth."

Liu Renna raised her eyebrows and said, "Well, what kind of kitchen does a man go to, and it seems that I am not virtuous when you go."

Li Tao: "..."

"It's a red light, Aunt Liu, let's drive."

"Ouke, the navigation says there are still 15 minutes to go, and I'll be there in 3 minutes!"

"No, safety is important..."

"Sit tight."


The car sped out like a wild horse, and the violent sound of the motor was extremely strong.

Behind Liu Renna's car was a very dilapidated second-hand car, and Liu Renna must be familiar with it.

It was the duo of friends, Deng Lei and his brother Tian Zhikuan.

"I'm rough, that car in front of me is too pretentious!"

Tian Zhikuan was sitting in the co-pilot, so angry that he almost knocked off the glass of the car.

Deng Lei was holding the steering wheel with an ugly expression on his face. He said in a sharp voice, "If it wasn't for his sharp eyesight and quick hands, he stepped on the brakes just in time, and he would have crashed directly."

Tian Zhikuan gritted his teeth and said, "That's okay just now, but now she starts so fast, spraying this black exhaust is already insulting, and she keeps driving so fast, isn't that just telling others that her car is better than our second-hand car? It’s just discriminating against us poor!!!”

For Tian Zhikuan, the attacker, face is the most important thing.

Deng Lei licked his lips, a little unsure: "Brother Kuan, but today we are going to Lover's Beach, are we going to compete with them..."

"No, catch up with them. After passing them, I rolled down the window and scolded them. If I don't, I won't let it go. I won't have a good weekend!"

Now that Tian Zhikuan had expressed his attitude, Deng Lei could only grit his teeth and hit the gas pedal to the end: "Then overtake them. My old driver of Qiu Mingshan, Mini Lei, has never been afraid of anyone!"

"Come on, Mini Lei, Brother Kuan believes in you! Pop one!"

, Deng Lei descended into the world like a god.


Although the duo of friends and family are driving a broken car, the speed is even a formula car has to be sidelined.

Liu Renna, who had a good time at first, was driving vigorously, when suddenly she heard such a crazy voice behind her.

Li Tao glanced through the rearview mirror, and it was obvious that the other party was competing with their car.

"Aunt Liu, you are driving too aggressively, which may make people unhappy."

"Why does the little broken car in the back look so familiar to me?" Liu Renna looked at the car reflected in the mirror, with a suspicious expression on her face.

"Ah, familiar? I think they don't seem to be deliberate, they just want to be fast for a while, and they're just racing."

"Forget it, whoever owns the car, I, Liu Renna, have had a driver's license for so many years, and it's the first time I experience the ecstasy of a car today. How can I allow that kind of broken car to disturb my state of mind?"

"When did you get in the car? Don't say such misleading words!" Li Tao said madly.

It was almost time to turn ahead, but Aunt Liu still had no intention of slowing down, and even stepped on the accelerator all the way to the end.

The forehead of Deng Lei, who was chasing after him, was already covered with sweat. Seeing the bend, he also panicked.

Tian Zhikuan obviously sensed this too, he stared at Deng Lei's side face with piercing 'charismatic big eyes': "my love, I believe in you!"

A big, muscular man like Tian Zhikuan is so pissed off, that any normal person would be disgusted to death by his saliva.

But Deng Lei is true love, it's like taking hormones, he roared:
"Who doesn't speed up in a straight line, fast corners are fast, I, Qiu Mingshan Riding God Mini Lei, will prove the truth in this corner!!!"

"Beyond them, I'm ready to worship my family, Leilei~" Tian Zhikuan responded in a timely manner.

On the other side, Li Tao said earnestly: "There is a turning ahead, even if you want to drift, you can't push the accelerator to the bottom!"

"Being overtaken by such a small car, where should I put my face!" Liu Renna had no intention of letting go of the gas pedal at all.

"Quickly let go of your feet, or I won't have to help you in the future. You will be on your own until my sophomore year!"

Soft is not enough, Li Tao can only come hard
"So, would you like it?"

Li Tao's face froze, and he suddenly regretted it, so he kept silent and acted like a fool.

But Liu Renna must have let go of the accelerator at this time. After receiving the power of love, Deng Lei, who stepped on the accelerator all the way around the corner, ushered in his glorious moment.

His little broken car was on a par with Liu Renna! ! !
"Good job, my love!" Tian Zhikuan waved his arms excitedly.

"It's thanks to Brother Kuan. Without Brother Kuan's support, I wouldn't be as strong!"

"Open the window, I've prepared a gulp of trash talk to scold them!" Tian Zhikuan was eager to try.

At the same time, Liu Renna also saw the small broken car next to her, but Deng Lei's car was close to Li Tao's side, and the provocative appearance of the other party made her prepare to talk trash.

So she suppressed her anger, and said to Li Tao gently with the reason she survived: "Bao'er, press down the window on your side, Aunt Liu might lose her composure later and say something demeaning, where is Bao'er?" Just cover your ears."

"In fact, peace is the most important thing, so it's not so..."

"Hurry up!"


Li Tao shivered, and quickly rolled down the car window. At this extreme speed, the outside wind pierced in like a dagger.

The glass on the side of the driver's seat of the small broken car was also rolled down, revealing Deng Lei who was driving inside, and a big man poking his head.

"Dead tortoise, driving so slowly, it's rubbish, can the funeral be in time!"

When Tian Zhikuan's voice reached Li Tao's ears, he already had a premonition that Liu Renna was going to explode, but what surprised him even more was why he met his classmate at this time.

"One more beep, my mother will destroy your ancestral grave!"

(End of this chapter)

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