Chapter 176

Aunt Liu was so angry that she rummaged through things in the carriage, looking like she wanted to smash them.

Li Tao finally took the opportunity to pull out the hand pinched by her legs.

Fortunately, the wet under the brakes has dried up...


Deng Lei was going to curse back with his male duck voice, but was interrupted by Tian Zhikuan.

"Wait, why does this woman's voice sound familiar?"

Tian Zhikuan frowned, for some reason, the moment he heard that voice, his soul seemed to tremble.

But as a typical representative of simple-minded and well-developed limbs, he really doesn't know anything about the state where he is inexplicably starting to fear, and expressing has never been his strong point.

"Brother Kuan, how come you are familiar with a woman's voice?"

Deng Lei twisted his neck and glared at Tian Zhikuan, his green eyes almost popping out.

"It's very familiar. I feel very impressed. It is engraved deep in my soul. She should be very important. Why can't I remember it all of a sudden?"

Tian Zhikuan closed his eyes and meditated, completely oblivious to the fact that Deng Lei's expression had gradually lost control at the moment.

He gritted his teeth and said: "Familiar, impressive, deep in the soul, very important, very good, to me are some green adjectives~"

"Why is it so green again, and Lei Lei, why do I feel that your teeth are creaking?" Tian Zhikuan asked with some doubts.

Deng Lei shook his head tremblingly, took a deep breath, turned his head to the car window and began to curse: "Damn vixen! You shameless bastard, seduce my man, you-he-mother was struck by lightning !"

"biu~biu~biu, I'll kill you!"

Deng Lei lifted both hands from the steering wheel and made provocative gestures towards Liu Renna driving the car on the left.

Liu Renna, who was also driving, was insulted by this type of dancing, her hair stood on end in anger, and horrible black air flowed out of her body like a volcanic eruption.

The terrifying oppressive feeling made Li Tao so small that he couldn't breathe. He was still in a daze to criticize how to drive a car when the smell of gunpowder suddenly became so strong.

"Damn girl, ten of your lives are not enough for me to kill today..."

Liu Renna's raving sound seemed very plain, but Li Tao, who was the closest, was so frightened that his little face turned pale.

To put it simply, the temperature in the entire carriage dropped by more than ten degrees, and his ass was numb from the ice in the chair.

"Aunt Liu, calm down a little bit. These two guys are looking for death. Let's get out of the car and beat them up. But driving now, safety is the most important thing. Don't let go of the steering wheel like he did."

Li Tao wiped the cold sweat off his brow and persuaded, after all, this car does not have an automatic driving function.

"Hey, look at you, you're a vixen, you're very good at seducing men, and your tone is not small, and you still want to kill me?"

Deng Lei made an extremely exaggerated expression, as if to say "what kind of international joke are you playing?"

"biu~biu~ I'm going to kill you, you brat, as bold as you are, and you still kill me? You don't even dare to lift your hands from the steering wheel like me, biu~"

Deng Lei raised his middle finger, shot guns, and hooked his fingers to provoke Liu Renna, and Li Tao's little face, who was sitting in the co-pilot, turned pale.

"I'm afraid of death?"

Yoo In Na nodded her head nonchalantly, as if she cared a lot about this sentence.

"No, don't be as knowledgeable as the two of them, safety is important, Aunt Liu, hold the steering wheel tightly."

Li Tao can't remember how many times he reminded her that safety is important today.

"Admit that you are afraid of death, you little girl, don't play tricks with us old men, today I will teach you how to behave."

Deng Lei was already cursing, tilting his head and sticking out his tongue "slightly".

"You idiot, the ancestral grave has been poked up by people, can't wait to go down, can't you just change the time if you want to die, wait for me to get out of the car later, and I will stamp my head on your neck!"

Li Tao couldn't take it anymore, the duo of the gangsters had lost their eyes, they made Liu Renna angry and wanted to die, so don't implicate him, can't they wait until the car stops and scold.

"Don't be angry, Aunt Liu. Safety is the most important thing now. If I get out of the car, I will kill half of his life. Can you drive well now?"

"Hey, you're not the one who... stole my limelight last time... What is the name of the D-level inferior who kicked my head in the gap between the legs of the table?"

Deng Lei finally recognized Li Tao, but he obviously didn't have a long memory when he was beaten last time.

"Oh, it looks like you guys went to Lover's Beach too, so you've been taken care of by this coquettish woman!" Deng Lei said eccentrically.

"I'll take care of your second uncle and grandpa, I beat you up last time, didn't you?"

Deng Lei stuck out his tongue "slightly" and said provocatively: "If you have the guts, come and hit me, you are violent, not a gentleman at all~ only this elderly woman is willing to take care of you."

getting old...old woman...

Li Tao felt a shiver in his soul, this is Aunt Liu's taboo.

"Street lights!"

Tian Zhikuan, who had been silent for a long time, finally spoke, and he seemed to have thought of it.

"What's wrong with the street lamp, Brother Kuan, don't you feel sorry for that **** man?" Deng Lei was so angry that he got his hands on his hips. He didn't know where this guy had the guts. He didn't even hold the steering wheel, and he stepped on the accelerator.

But compared to dangerous driving, his behavior of provoking Yoo In Na can be called a national hero.

"'s her. It's that woman." Tian Zhikuan's voice had already started to tremble.

"Which woman?"

"The plaster cast on my neck is because of the street lamp she kicked crookedly...she is not human...she is a devil"

"Yes..." Deng Lei's face was also pale, but he swallowed his saliva, and said strong and calm: "No wonder, it's not that no one goes into the house all the way. It's not surprising that Li Tao's violent woman is that devil."

"But it's fine if we don't get out of the car, Brother Kuan, don't worry, I'm here this time, Qiu Mingshan Riding God, and I won't let that old woman..."

"old woman"

A woman's voice suddenly came from the carriage, which made Deng Lei stuck in the middle of speaking, not because he didn't want to speak, but because he was suffocated, and his throat was blocked by an unknown force.



This shocking scene has dislocated the jaws of the drivers following in shock.

The stunningly beautiful woman covered in black gas was standing outside the car, her foot stepped on the window frame, and then the entire hood was lifted up by her bare hands!
The duo who were sitting in the driver's seat and the co-pilot were already dumbfounded. The speed of the car was more than 90 mph. After the hood was gone, the "whirring" cold wind rushed towards them like a thousand cuts.

The previous arrogant appearance was gone, but in its place were two trembling little quails.

"Call me old, call me an old woman?"

After Liu Renna squeezed out these words between her teeth, the black air on her body swelled up, forming a phantom directly behind her.

"The devil. She. It's too scary..." Deng Lei shrank from the driver's seat into Tian Zhikuan's arms in fright.

"I congratulate you, let me be angry after a long absence."


The bloody sound filled the entire carriage.

In the car on the other side, the eyeballs of Li Tao, who was sitting in the co-pilot, all popped out.

He tilted his head and was about to scold Deng Lei, but suddenly his sight was blocked by a round buttocks.

Only Aunt Liu has such a fat but not greasy perfect hip, but why did she suddenly appear in that car?
The cold air from his back stabbed Li Tao like a dagger, and he made a bold guess that life would be worse than death.

Swallowing his saliva, Li Tao turned around slowly, only to see that the door of the car driving on the left had opened at some point.

The majestic and cold wind blasted directly on his forehead like a bull, Li Tao was dumbfounded.

people are stupid...

This is so fast at a speed of [-] mph, in the blink of an eye, the driver is gone! ! !
The driver ran to another car to fight. Before leaving, he forgot to close the door for him.



Li Tao yelled frantically, and his whole body was about to be sucked out by the wind.

Fortunately, at the last moment, he grabbed the steering wheel firmly, and after a lot of effort, he finally hooked his foot on the car door and closed it.

Without even taking a breath, Li Tao started to step on the brakes to slow down while sitting in the driver's seat.

"Can you be more unreliable?"

Although he was saved, Li Tao's mood was like a roller coaster, with ups and downs, and he finally parked the car on the side of the road.

50 meters behind, the car of the Jiyou duo also stopped.

These two guys knelt on the curb with bruised noses and swollen faces, but it seemed that they hadn't given up yet.

"Oh, I didn't see it, you are a bitch, and you are a fleshy man, your bones are still quite hard?"

Liu Renna stood in front of them with her chest folded, the remaining anger on her face still lingered.

The Jiyou duo didn't kneel down by themselves, it was kicked by Liu Renna on the ground, and they didn't feel below the knees for a while, so they knelt down.

"If you kill us, we won't bow to violence!" Tian Zhikuan roared.

"Yes, Brother Kuan, I support you!"

Since it was confirmed that Tian Zhikuan was not having an affair just now, Deng Lei was full of love again.

"My love, it is an honor for us to die together."

"No, Brother Kuan, it's happiness."


Liu Renna couldn't take it anymore, and stomped on the disgusting faces of these two people.

But... She also lacks love, and Liu Renna needs her man to comfort her immediately after being given dog food by two gay men.

Looking around and seeing a car parked 50 meters away, Liu Renna ran towards Li Tao with long legs.

Opening the car door, Aunt Liu jumped directly into Li Tao's arms.

"Woo~ Bao'er, Auntie is hurt~"

Li Tao was directly pressed by her and lay down from the driver's seat to the co-pilot, his whole body was lying sideways to fill the front compartment, while Liu Renna lay on top of him.

"I think I was hurt even more. Can you imagine how I felt when I turned around at a speed of [-] mph and found that the driver had disappeared and the door was still open?"

Liu Renna's face blushed, and she poked Li Tao's abdomen with her small head, but she didn't say anything.

"Bao'er, I've been scolded as an old woman, how hurt~"

Li Tao sighed helplessly, he stroked Liu Renna's small head and said, "I don't think you can just grow old, since when did you start caring about other men's opinions?"

"No, that's not my appearance. Your aunt and I have the most beautiful face in the world, but the uncrowned king, but those two gays talk about my age, woo~"

"Uh, it's not that big, just bigger than me..."


Liu Renna covered Li Tao's lips with her small hand, and said angrily, "Shut up, don't say anything!"

"Okay, okay, don't say anything, Aunt Liu will always be the little girl in my heart."

"Hmm~ It was eighteen~"

"But Bao'er's mouth is still quite sweet now, come on, talk about it~"

Aunt Liu leaned over with a proud pout.

"He ran away..."

"Fire it? Bo'er, are you serious?" Liu Renna's beautiful eyes were full of spring water, and the mature-woman's idiot was vividly displayed.

"Those two guys ran away, and I don't want the car anymore!"

"Ah!!! How dare he!"

Not talking anymore, Liu Renna heard that the gay duo had run away, and disappeared in place.

Li Tao lazily sat up and straightened his hair, looked at himself in the mirror and murmured: "Obviously I chatted with her for so long last night, my mouth is numb and I'm still not satisfied~"

No matter how far Deng Lei and Tian Zhikuan can run, let alone to the ends of the earth, Liu Renna has to catch them before the revenge is over.

"Still running, you two run for me again!"

The gay duo, with bruised noses and swollen faces again, lay on the ground tragically like dead dogs, but they were obviously still unconvinced, moaning.

This really messed with Yoo In Na's mentality.

"I've taught you a lesson twice, and you're still not convinced?" Liu Renna said in disbelief.

"We don't accept it, you are an old...cough, you are a big woman, bullying us two little men, what kind of ability!"

Liu Renna's chin was about to kneel down to these two guys, and she said angrily, "Where did you have the face to say that?"

"Anyway, it's not fair, if you have the ability to compete with the two of us in an upright manner!" Tian Zhikuan lay on the ground, but shouted loudly.

Seeing that Deng Lei was about to stare at the stars again and started to feel nauseous and disgusting, Liu Renna interrupted quickly: "Yes, you think it's fair, okay, I'll let you call someone, and I'll be alone."

"I, Liu Renna, just leave it at that. It is you who call out everyone in this school, including teachers, students, council members, living people, and dead people. I am alone, and I will tear them apart with my bare hands. Tear ghosts, Buddhas block and tear Buddhas"

A sense of terror and oppression that looked down on all living beings swept across a radius of ten miles, and the evil spirit overflowing from Liu Renna's body rose from the ground and went straight to the sky.

On the beach, a man in sunglasses wearing big underpants was lazily slumping on a deck chair with his arms around a beautiful woman. Just when Liu Renna let out a trace of disdain, he frowned and sat up.

The beauty licked her finger, stroked Xiao Ji's back charmingly, and said in a coquettish voice: "Student, what's wrong with you?"

A first-class top student in the freshman year of the law school, a celestial master in Longhushan, Xiao Ji!

Xiao Ji stared blankly at the magnificent sea in front of him, and his voice was so small that only he could hear it clearly.

"The temple has collapsed. God is still God."


"Female devil..."

This is the voice of the gay duo.

"I, Yoo Inna, have lived up to now and have always kept my word."

"Except for breaking my own rules with a man, I have never broken my promise. If I let you call me, I will be alone, and I will never regret it. Besides, the man I mentioned was raised by me since I was a child. I will not accommodate him." I think I broke my promise.”

Looking at Li Tao who jumped out of the car and walked slowly, Liu Renna's eyes were full of doting.

After Tian Zhikuan's eyes flickered for a while, he poked Deng Lei with his arm, and the two stood up with each other's support.

"Well, I'm talking about fair confrontation, not fighting. Have you seen the beach ahead? Have you ever heard of beach volleyball? Do you dare to fight us 2v2?"

ps: Because the grades are not very good, I am embarrassed to find an editor if some chapters are blocked. It takes about three days for me to unblock a chapter. It only takes two or three hours, and I don't predict that I have to write tens of thousands of words to finish the book and the story.

(End of this chapter)

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