Chapter 180 Beach Volleyball (End)

Li Manzi had already grabbed his arm and was ready to bite, Li Tao just woke up like a dream, and dared to feel that this sister was jealous again.

His fingers hooked the tip of her small nose to prevent Li Manzi from biting down on her small white teeth.

Li Tao sorted out his thoughts and explained: "I'm observing her catching the ball to see if there is any weakness in that process, so that when the ball reaches me later, I can deal with it."


Li Manzi puffed her cheeks, with her little hands on her hips, still staring at him dangerously, and didn't say a word.

"It's true, my eyes have been on the ball and I haven't looked at her." Li Tao was terrified by her resentful eyes, so he could only explain further.

When Li Manzi heard this, her little face became even more slumped, and white mist rose from her small head like a steamed dumpling just out of the oven, and her tone was like catching|raping|raping a wife in bed: "Sure enough. You know how to watch football."

"I'm talking about serious balls, volleyball."

"Hmph, what about cheating ghosts? Can a volleyball shake? Can it make you dizzy?"

"I swear, I really didn't look at the shaking ball, I was just looking at the trajectory of the volleyball."

"Oh, it looks like a track! It's swaying up and down..."

"Grandma, please forgive me. I'll let that Bowa hear it later, and really think I'll take it."

Li Tao covered Li Manzi's mouth with his hand, for fear that she would make any embarrassing remarks again.

Li Manzi pushed Li Tao's hand away with her lips pouted, and after giving him a blank look, she should have continued to attack Li Tao, who had cheating eyes on this topic, but at this time, words came from the audience one after another, and she was asked to sit down. Can't stop.

"My God, are these two women better than professional volleyball players?"

"It's more than that. A purely national-level athlete may not be able to catch such a fierce ball. This is all world-class."

"Is this the point? The point is that they are too beautiful, their figures are so attractive, and their physical fitness is so good. How can other women live?"

Xiangxue naturally heard similar remarks, but she didn't care about other men in the first place, let alone on the beach, women still have to talk about their bodies.

No matter how good and fair her skin is, no matter how long and moist her thighs are, and no matter how gorgeous Yu Jie's temperament is, she is still poor, and there is really nothing she can do about it.

Li Manzi's heart is not so big anymore, she is stuck next to Li Tao motionless now, it seems that she has possessed Li Tao, but to put it coldly, she has become the background board.

Liu Renna is her only competitor, if she is compared now, then her marriage will not be possible.

Ginger is still old and hot. Li Manzi has been in the mall for so many years, and it is impossible to not have a dim sum machine.

"Hmph, I thought this foreign girl was tall and big, but in the end I knew how to pick soft persimmons~"


Li Tao slapped Li Manzi's ass|butt, and couldn't laugh or cry: "You are a woman who learns words like foreign girl from a man."

"Hmph, Yoo In Na said that."

Li Tao and Li Manzi's flirting made Sharapova finally show ugly eyes.

The frivolous word "babe" is more or less ridiculed, but in Sharapova's view, it is even more discriminatory.

And Li Manzi's last sentence, picking soft persimmons, was full of hatred.

The reason why Sharapova confronted Liu Renna so much was because she had a competitive heart, and Li Manzi's words made her feel ashamed and angry, but also curious.

Could it be that this sexy, outrageous woman is really a volleyball master?

Liu Renna dunked the ball back again, and Sharapova paused for a moment, then jumped up and chose to dunk the ball to Li Manzi!

When the direction of the ball shifted to his side of the court, Li Tao felt it immediately, and took a few steps back, preparing to make a tricky smash to end the game.

But something unexpected happened again.


Li Manzi's muffled hum broke the rationality of many men in the auditorium.

Li Tao was dumbfounded, but Li Manzi got his wish, he finally bumped into her arms.

It was not only Li Tao who was dumbfounded, but also Antonio, Sharapova, and even the referees.


"The team of three women and one man leads the team of three men and one woman 1:0!"

Although Antonio was still in the shock of Rie Manzi's weird goal just now, the referee's team name for easy distinction made him feel miserable.

Why are there three stunning beauties on Li Tao's side, but on his side...

"how is this possible……"

At this moment, Sharapova was clinging to the middle net. Just when all the men..., she watched the volleyball fall to the ground in her sight.

Even Li Tao was surprised. Although he jumped into Li Manzi's arms, Li Tao's eyes were always on the volleyball.

The trajectory of the volleyball was from Li Manzi's contact, and then moved forward weakly, which was the complete opposite of Liu Renna's violent smash.

According to the power that Li Manzi added to the volleyball, Sharapova was sure that it was a ball that fell on the net, so she ran forward and prepared to hit the net for a counterattack.

A strange thing happened, the volleyball did touch the net, but after it touched the net, it did not continue to fall forward and fell into Sharapova’s hands. Instead, it pressed the net and rolled to the left. After a certain distance, he fell from the ground and fell into the sand.

"how did you do that?"

This was asked by Li Tao, he felt that this ball was no worse than the elevator horror of the gay duo.

"Hmm~ I'm amazing~"

Li Manzi was not humble at all, with her waist akimbo, she tilted her head and waited for Li Tao to kiss her cheek.

Li Tao hadn't spoken yet, he was already out of breath because of the suffocating feeling of tingling scalp.


It's all over her head, Liu Renna doesn't care about winning.

"Aunt Liu, listen to me..."

There was continuous black gas coming out of Liu Renna's body, and her voice was like that of the Nine Serenity Cold Pool: "It took ten years to raise you for nothing, and I raised you for other women?"

"No, Aunt Liu, I was watching the game. I didn't intend to stick her in her arms. It was all accidental. I only have eyes for the ball."

Not long ago, Li Tao said the same to Li Manzi.

Liu Renna nodded, but it was a ferocious nod: "Okay, very good
"You must not scare him, female devil, you..."

"how do I?"

Liu Renna licked her lower lip, Senhan said: "Li Manzi, I think you are tired of working, dare to talk to me in this tone?"

"This is not the place outside where you can hire a large number of dead men. I will kill you in the blink of an eye."

Li Manzi pursed her lips aggrievedly, she looked at Li Tao with tears in her eyes, yes, she was scared.

"Uh...Aunt Liu, I swear, what happened just now was definitely an accident, if not, there will be a thunderstorm..."

Before Li Tao finished speaking, Li Manzi quickly covered his mouth.

"do not do that."


Dare to touch her man's mouth, Aunt Liu's eyes widened with anger, ready to kill him.

Li Tao opened Li Manzi's little hand, and quickly swore: "If it wasn't an accident just now, it will rain immediately on this beach, and I will punish myself to be drenched in the rain!"

As long as it is not a poisonous oath, both Li Manzi and Liu Renna can accept it.

However, Yoo In Na soon couldn't accept it.


Accompanied by the sound of thunder, the originally hot sun was actually blocked by thick clouds.

The heavy rain came so unexpectedly.


Liu Renna was furious, her long maroon curled hair stood up and danced wildly, and the sand on the ground was blown up by the wind and wrapped around her body.

Now it has reached the point where it cannot be ended, not to mention the rain, the texture of the beach has changed, and it is obviously impossible to continue playing volleyball.

Antonio's expression was a bit ugly, he lowered his brows and murmured, "How do we hint at him now?"


"Because of the weather, this game was canceled, and as before, the doctor-patient dispute team couple is the best today!"


Sharapova and Li Manzi blurted out almost at the same time.

"Are we the best couple?"

When Liu Renna heard this, the anger just now disappeared in an instant, and she hurriedly trot to Li Tao's side, and pout-fart-fart directly pushed Li Manzi away.

Li Tao's eyelids trembled. According to his estimation, if he didn't say something to make Aunt Liu happy, he would suffer a lot later.

"That's right, the official certification is the best, Aunt Liu, you can't be angry with me."


"I'm sorry for today's best..."

Liu Renna raised her eyebrows, and raised the corner of her mouth, "What's the best thing today?"


Liu Renna's eyes sank, and she pretended to be serious: "Say it."




Li Tao gasped, clutching his wrist and took a few steps back, Li Manzi's unexpected breath was really desperate.

"You are a dog, who told you to bite my man!"

"You coerced him by force! I can't make him succumb to your lewd || coercion!"

"Okay, Li Manzi, I'll make you pee incontinence in public today!"

"You rascal!"

"It's a lot of age, and you can't even control this physiological reaction, and you have the face to speak!"

"That time in the cave, I... fell ill..."

"Is Sao sick?"

Seeing that her immediate superior was being bullied, Xiangxue joined the quarrel as a secretary.

Clutching his hands, Li Tao tiptoed out of the terrifying Shura field.

Suddenly, another thing happened that made Li Tao confused.

Antonio and Sharapova had a fierce verbal conflict, and the two homosexuals sandwiched between them were busy trying to persuade them to fight.

"I didn't catch a ball, and you talk to me in this tone?" Sharapova's voice was an octave higher.

"Oh my God, I use such a gentle tone to remind you not to judge people by their appearance, and not to underestimate anyone casually. This is doing your future good."

"God damn it, Antonio, you are such a villain. After losing the game, you put such stupid words like judging people by their appearance on my head. God will be disgusted by your filth!"


Li Tao, who has been paying attention to this scene from the corner of his eye, shrank his pupils severely when he saw this scene.

Antonio mercilessly slapped Sharapova on the face, leaving a dark handprint on her fair | tender skin.

Antonio's face was gloomy, and his expression was unprecedentedly terrifying: "When you insult a person's belief, you must pay the price of death."

The black handprint of the mafia, which means immortality.

Sharapova couldn't understand the situation at all. She screamed hysterically: "Antonio, you are crazy! You are possessed by a demon!!!"

Antonio stepped forward and grabbed her neck, and at this moment, his back was facing Li Tao.

When Sharapova finished speaking, the corners of his mouth curled up in satisfaction. His goal had been achieved. If Li Tao didn't have any inspiration, he wouldn't be worthy of arm wrestling with the group of terrifying top giants behind him.

Sharapova was about to suffocate, her face was flushed, her blue eyes were bloodshot, she stared at Antonio, wishing she could kill this scum with her eyes.

"What the hell are you playing?"

Li Tao put his hand on the back of Antonio's hand and bit by bit broke off his hand that was pinching Sharapova's neck.

After being thrown away by Li Tao, Antonio put on the white gloves calmly with a faint smile on his face.

"As you can see."

"Can't speak human language?" Li Tao threatened coldly.

Antonio glanced at the chaotic people hiding from the rain on the beach without any trace, a trace of struggle flashed across his face, and finally he just pursed his lips and said, "As you can see."

He paused and continued: "Anyway, I broke up with her, so there's no need to compete for the best couple. Let's go. Being alone is not suitable for this kind of occasion. May God give me a new encounter~"

Antonio didn't even look at Sharapova, and walked towards the steps leaving the beach without looking back.

The raindrops were heavy, hitting the body, and I felt aggrieved.

Antonio licked his lips, and said with some regret: "Unfortunately, if it doesn't rain, I can give him enough hints through the game, and I don't have to lose such a perfect gun, wasting so much energy, one shot failed Boom on..."


Sharapova's eye sockets were red and swollen, and the bean-sized raindrops wet her golden hair in an instant.

Li Tao looked at her calmly and didn't speak. He was still wondering whether Antonio and Sharapova were acting together in a scene.

"You stopped him just now, I owe you, and I will pay you back when I sort out my emotions."

After Sharapova finished speaking, she left without looking back, but even if she was a foreign girl who received an open education, she couldn't escape the shadow of the stimulation that Antonio gave her just now.

Li Tao raised his head, looked at the rain falling from the clouds, and murmured: "Faith... possessed by demons..."

Li Tao's eyebrows trembled, and his voice was uncertain: "Brainwashed?"

"Bao'er, it's raining heavily, let's go back to the hotel and eat lunch first, and take shelter from the rain by the way, it's time to eat at one o'clock now."

Liu Renna came over and took Li Tao's hand, and took him away on her own.

Seeing this, Li Manzi ran to Li Tao's other side in small steps, took his arm and said, "Tell me what you want to eat, sister, and I will buy it for you!"

Xiangxue looked at Li Tao, who was trapped in the Shura field, looking like he was suffering from a splitting headache, and pouted.

She turned around and closed her eyes, hugging the sea lazily, with a serene smile on her face and said: "What a brat who lives in the blessing and doesn't know the blessing."

(End of this chapter)

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