Chapter 181 Hot Pot Shura Field

The voucher issued by the hospital belongs to a hot spring hotel. The voucher not only includes hot springs and accommodation, but also comes with two meals a day.

Hot pot at noon, and seafood buffet at night.

The restaurant where you can enjoy the hot pot is very special, so many people who come here for the first time will walk into the morgue by themselves in a trance, freezing to the bone.

Although it was raining at sea, it was still hot in early September, so the rain made the room even more stuffy.

But the temperature in the hot pot restaurant is really cold. The layout of the hot pot tables is all against the wall, and then two sofas sandwich the table in front and back. One sofa can seat two people, and four people can dine privately and comfortably.

I don’t know where the store’s brainstorm came from. He equipped each table with a hanging air conditioner, which was pasted on the wall. From a distance, it looks like a dense row.

Blowing directly at people's heads, it is not the central air conditioner like the ceiling, but the one that hangs on the wall in the bedroom at home.

The hot pot was gurgling and boiling, and the hot white mist collided with the cold air as soon as it came out, turning into water droplets and falling into the special reservoir.

Li Manzi was sitting on a soft sofa, staring viciously at the men and women at the other table two rows away, with a small face, she didn't know what kind of deep hatred, the chopsticks in her hand stirred the whole piece of tofu into tofu brain .

She murmured in a tone of self-doubt: "Impossible, how can this bad woman have money to eat here?"

According to Liu Renna's job introduction, Li Manzi thought at first that she could only take Li Tao to a food stall.

At that time, Li Manzi hooked her little hands and lured Li Tao to this high-end restaurant, and the two of them fed each other, making that old woman Liu Renna mad.

But contrary to expectations, this hotpot restaurant has reached the highest standard near the beach, so she could only follow Liu Renna in, and then she was bullied and scolded away.

The angry Li Manzi went out and was wronged for a while. After he calmed down, he ran in again and found a seat near Li Tao's table.

"Xue'er, how did Liu Renna earn her money? Did she use unscrupulous means to sell her body?"

Li Manzi had already started to speculate maliciously, but Xiangxue didn't take it seriously, she waved to the front desk, signaling for a waiter to come.

"I remember Liu Renna said that no matter how poor you are, you can't have poor children. As for unscrupulous methods, I think stealing money or threats of violence are in line with her style. Selling-selling-body-bodies, those who have or don't have them, boss, you are yy in your heart Just a moment."

"Uh... woo..." The aggrieved Li Manzi could only suppress his anger by dragging his throat like a puppy.

The waiter came over with the plate: "Hello ma'am, is there anything I can do for you?"

Xiangxue pointed to the air conditioner less than one meter away from the dining table and said, "Where is the remote control of this air conditioner, let me adjust the temperature, it's too cold."

She is different from Li Manzi who can only fall asleep with the air conditioner every night. The air conditioner is full of white mist that is visible to the naked eye, and the whole pressure is on the scalp, so cold that she is shivering.

"Sorry ma'am, the temperature of this air conditioner cannot be adjusted."

"Can't adjust? The air conditioner at our table is broken?"

"It's not like that. This is a feature of our store. All air conditioners are at this temperature."

Xiangxue was a little confused: "Special feature? The air conditioner is too low. I sit on the sofa and raise my arm. Look, you can feel it. It's blowing directly at my head."

The waiter smiled and explained: "This is designed by our boss. Back then he was alone on the snowy mountain and spent a lot of effort cooking a table of hot pot..."

The owner of this hot pot restaurant is also a strange person. He was caught in an avalanche that time, and after surviving, he was shivering from the cold. He killed a fox with his bare hands in the snow. Had wave hotpot.

It was extremely difficult to start a fire in that environment, and he was able to boil water and eat hot pot, which was beyond the mark.

Most likely he is also an evildoer, after all, all the businesses in Luma University are run by students, maybe he is a class-A class leader from a certain college~

Recalling that time, the boss talked about his feelings more than once, like the two heavens of ice and fire, between dead and not dead.

The surface of the skin is already stiff, but once the meat caught in the boiling pot enters the throat, it is wonderful~

Hot inside and cold outside.

In order to provide the shivering environment at that time, he specially installed this kind of air conditioner that blows on people.

"It's probably like this, but don't worry, miss, our store has also planned the temperature reasonably, which will not cause harm to the human body, and if you eat something from the hot pot, you can just enter the lukewarm, lukewarm atmosphere. It's hot and cold."

"What nerve...cough, then I have to keep eating?" Xiangxue gasped.

"Yes, it's a good meal."

Xiangxue pointed at her, so angry that she couldn't say a word, she was going to leave school, she was also a senior white-collar worker with an annual income of nearly [-] million, how could she suffer this in the restaurant.

Li Manzi didn't pay attention to the conflict between Xiangxue and the waiter, she still pouted her mouth, stirred the tofu with chopsticks, and stared at Li Tao without blinking.

"Bad woman, the husband who dominates the wife, dares to give my man something to eat! Humiliate me!"

Although Li Manzi's voice was very small, as her secretary for many years, Xiangxue could clearly perceive it.

These words reminded Xiangxue of something, the reason why she had to suffer in this brain-dead restaurant, wasn't Li Tao the culprit?

Because he was eating here, Li Manzi insisted on sitting in and watching, and she was forced to follow.

"go away."

Xiangxue pushed aside the waiter, and went Li Tao's table!

Then, under Li Manzi's unbelievable gaze, she sat on the sofa with Li Tao!
Li Tao was also dumbfounded, he and Aunt Liu ate face to face, but from the corner of his eye he always paid attention to Li Manzi's master and servant.

He had indeed thought that Li Manzi might not be able to resist sitting down, but he never expected that Xiangxue would... just sit down next to him.

Xiangxue's white | moist lotus root arms were attached to Li Tao's arms, and her cool skin made Li Tao's heart tremble.

"I am cold."

Xiangxue looked sideways at Li Tao, although her voice was still as cool as that of Gao Leng's sister, she was cold and independent, but her eyes were not like that.

Xiangxue's eyes rarely revealed the helpless feeling of needing her boyfriend's protection.

She put her hand on Li Tao's thigh with the palm facing up, which meant that he wanted him to hold her hand.

With Aunt Liu right in front of her, Li Tao panicked, he couldn't understand what happened to Xiangxue.

Liu Renna could not have imagined that Xiangxue was sitting in this position.

But the complicated emotions in Xiangxue's eyes made Li Tao reluctant to play dumb, not to mention there was a table blocking her.

Li Tao swallowed a mouthful of water, pressed his big hand on Xiangxue's palm, and held it tightly between his fingers.

"Why are you running to our side, clinging to my man!" Aunt Liu trembled with anger.

If she wanted to change Li Manzi, she would throw the hot pot straight away, but this was Xiangxue, and although Aunt Liu didn't like it, at least she didn't hate it, because Xiangxue had never shown any liking or... possessiveness towards Li Tao.

She has been standing silently by the side, watching Li Manzi and Liu Renna tear each other around Li Tao.

Aunt Liu's words made Li Tao's hands tremble, but he didn't let go of Xiangxue, instead he tightened his grip.

Li Tao's reaction made Xiangxue's eyes turn red, she drooped her brows and remained silent for a while before pressing the water from her eye sockets back into her eyes again.

The moment she sat down, she actually regretted it and was afraid. Liu Renna would be terrified of anyone if she had the cold-blooded temperament of an executioner.

The main reason was that it was already meal time, and she was also very hungry. The air conditioner was so cold that Xiangxue couldn't eat at all. Hunger made people irritable and made people do irrational things.

She didn't want Li Tao to be difficult, but Li Tao moved her again.

For the first time, she felt that the boyfriend she made had a sense of security.

"It's too cold, more people sit together to keep warm."

Xiangxue suppressed the emotions in her heart, but she still couldn't restrain her voice from trembling.

Liu Renna mistook Xiangxue for being frightened by herself, but in fact she was overwhelmed.

"I thought Mrs. Li would anger Mrs. Liu by sitting in this position, so I decided to sit here." Xiangxue added.

"Then it's over if I sit next to him."

After Liu Renna finished speaking, she got up and was about to drive Xiangxue away, but suddenly another voice appeared.

"No, I can't sit with him, and neither can you!"

Li Manzi finally came, and I have to say that Xiangxue's behavior inspired her so much, she would let Liu Renna kill her at worst, anyway, she didn't want to be so useless and watch Liu Renna show her affection.

"Fat|Ball|Niu, I warn you to stand up and get out of the way, or else!"

"Kill me if you are so powerful, I won't even get up!"

Seeing that Aunt Liu picked up the fork, Li Tao quickly grabbed her wrist, and said helplessly, "Aunt Liu, eat well, it won't happen, and you sit next to me, I can't see you anymore, you can't eat and you're still crooked Shall I eat my head?"

After thinking about it, Liu Renna made sense, she slowly sat back on the sofa, just about to drive Li Manzi away.

Li Tao picked up a piece of boiled meat and handed it to her lips.

Liu Renna ate it reflexively, watching her being fed by Li Tao, Li Manzi who was sitting beside her was about to cry.

Of course Liu Renna noticed, this Li Manzi was like a puppy who couldn't eat bones, babbling and dragging out a long sound.

This also prompted Aunt Liu's idea of ​​not driving her away. Since Li Manzi came here looking for excitement, she would be anxious to kill Li Manzi.

"Bao'er, I want to eat wide noodles~"

"it is good."

"Bao'er, I want to eat meat~"



The air conditioner was still blowing very cold wind, but Li Tao's left hand was holding Xiangxue all the time, which made her sweet and touched.

Xiangxue had to admit one thing, although she pretended to be indifferent and indifferent to everything, she was also a woman who lacked love in her heart.

Time passed quickly, and it was almost two o'clock in the blink of an eye, and the hot pot was almost finished. Of course...the conflict between Liu Renna and Li Manzi became more acute.

"You shameless fat|ball|cow, he handed me the food in my mouth, you snatched it away like a puppy, I won't say anything, but I bit into that piece of mutton just now, you still don't care With your mouth open, the meat was taken away from my mouth, and my saliva sticks to it, don’t you feel disgusted!”

Li Manzi's face was flushed with embarrassment, and she said without confidence: "I didn't see it, I thought you didn't eat..."

"Bah bah, I'm so disgusted!" Liu Renna kept spitting on the table as if she had eaten a fly.

Seeing this, Li Manzi was not to be outdone, scratched his throat and said, "Ugh~ I'm going to vomit, what disgusting thing did I eat just now~"

These two people were afraid that the other party would show more nausea than themselves, and finally Li Manzi slapped the table: "I can't stand it, I'm going to the bathroom to vomit for 10 minutes, I'm so disgusted!"


Liu Renna slapped the table top, and the table that supported the hot pot almost fell apart under the weight.

"I was so disgusted that I almost vomited out my dinner last night. I have to go to the bathroom to vomit in 10 minutes!"

"10 minutes for me!"

"I'm four 10 minutes!"


The two women "only had eyes for each other" and ran towards the bathroom side by side.

Li Tao finally breathed a sigh of relief when the two live treasures left.

He just picked up food for Aunt Liu, but he didn't eat a few bites.

Now that it's quiet, he can relax and take a few bites.

The chopsticks poke into the pot and roll, want to eat meat~
But Li Tao remembered that something was wrong with Xiangxue, so he asked confusedly: "Xue'er, what's wrong with you, come with me when you encounter anything."

Xiangxue looked at him with flickering eyes, her lips moved a few times, but she didn't say a word.

The last piece of meat was finally picked up by Li Tao, and he picked it up slowly, but he is a male ticket after all, and his girlfriend is by his side, so he politely said: "Eat another piece of meat."

According to what he thought, Xiangxue would talk about losing weight, or that the little fairy had a small appetite.

But Xiangxue put her probe into her mouth.

Li Tao kept smiling, it seemed that he didn't eat a piece of meat after rectifying the hot pot.

Because Li Manzi and Aunt Liu were jealous of each other, in the end he picked up the dishes, and they started arguing as soon as they left the pot.

The meat got into Xiangxue's mouth, she watched Li Tao chew, then suddenly grabbed Li Tao's collar with her index finger, and pulled him to her face little by little.

Xiangxue opened her mouth and kissed her.

Li Tao still asked with some doubts: "What's wrong?"

"I love you."

Xiangxue looked at Li Tao calmly, but the persistence in her eyes was enough to capture the heart of any man.

"I love you too."

Although Li Tao felt that there was something wrong with Xiangxue, maybe she was acting out of emotion. After all, women are always more sentimental than men.

Li Tao's response made Xiangxue's eyes red again, she threw him down without saying a word, pressed him on the sofa and asked for a kiss.

Li Tao was dumbfounded by the kiss, Xiangxue was a little too crazy, and wanted to rub him into her body.

"Besides me, Mr. Li and Liu Renna, don't find another woman, or I'll kill you, okay?"

After finally moving her mouth away, Xiangxue asked another question.

Li Tao wiped away the tears from the corners of her eyes and said, "Okay."

Xiangxue suddenly realized that her love was not very selfless, at least more selfish than she and Li Tao boasted, and it was also a challenge for him to restrain a man with such a prosperous love.

So in order to compensate Li Tao, she kissed harder than ever before
(End of this chapter)

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