Chapter 187 Mother's Sea of ​​Time

Li Tao took the voucher and exchanged it for a magnetic card. The private family hot spring, mixed bathing for men and women, is simply a treasured place for couples.

Many men who already had their girlfriends in their arms walked on the corridor, still casting envious eyes at Li Tao.

They went to trick a woman into taking an adult hot spring, but it took a lot of effort.

That's good for Li Tao, not to mention the three stunning beauties, especially these women, the hunger and thirst in their eyes is really alluring.

An active woman has a touch of ecstasy in her own right.

"Hmph, two beautiful women and one Yujie, they will definitely be able to drain this scumbag in one night." A boy said viciously.

"What did you say?" His female companion asked with some doubts.

"Oh, I said, I can't wait, I will wash your body with my hands later~"

"Hmph, it's just you? Every time you have to go first and spend half of my physical strength to barely be comfortable with me, do you have the nerve to open your mouth and say it?"

The man's face turned green, feeling that he had been humiliated, he carried the woman into a box angrily.

But what this woman said makes sense. It doesn't need to be said that the land and the old cow are more important than the tired one.

Li Tao, in particular, faced three acres of fertile land. The youngest piece of land was Xiangxue's, which hadn't been plowed for 30 years.


Li Tao passed the disk over the card slot, and the door unlocked with a "ding dong".

The smog is lingering, and the warm gas is lingering and entangled on the body, and it is a dense haze in the eyes.

The style is basically the same as that of an open-air Japanese hot spring.

Outside the hot spring pool, there is a special shower, where there are small benches and mirrors, so that one person can sit on the bench while the other kneels behind and wipes his body.

"I don't know why, but I feel that this scene is so sexy."

Xiangxue poked Li Tao's waist with her elbow, her tone full of strangeness.

"You still have the nerve to say that you have to try some nonsense suggestions, thank you for thinking of them."

Li Tao lowered his voice and continued: "You don't feel sorry for me at all, I waited on you in the bathroom at noon, and I will repay my kindness?"

"Do you have the face to mention noon?"

"You are comfortable, how about me?"

"It's fine if you don't wear the clothes for me. My whole upper body is covered with your saliva. You didn't even think about wiping it for me, but you knew how to wipe your mouth, and then slipped away from the bathroom without a word?"

"I ended up just drying it out."

Xiangxue also lowered her voice, but the unstoppable anger was still clearly audible.

"Hanging..." The corner of Li Tao's mouth twitched, no wonder she came out so slowly.

"Short oil, you still hold grudges until now, I said I was wrong, so let's do it, I promise you how I can compensate you, don't let me suffer between them~"

Li Tao rubbed Xiangxue's little pup and said coquettishly, "Sister Xue'er, I know you love me the most, help me mediate~"

Xiangxue licked her lower lip, her eyes flickered as if she was seriously thinking about Li Tao's proposal.

"What do you want, clothes, bags..."

"You can afford it?" Xiangxue raised her eyebrows, her disdain was beyond words.

"I can afford it when I'm out of school during the school holidays. I have money in my bank card."

"Out of school, do you think I'm short of money?"

Xiangxue stared at Li Tao with contemptuous eyes. Secretary to the dignified chairman, in order for her to be stern and selfless, she must be paid enough, and the annual salary must be close to [-] million.

"What's the difference?"

Xiangxue said calmly, "Man."

Li Tao: "..."

"Well, I will try my best to help you, but in the future, you have to wash my underwear by hand, and I will send you a text message, and then you come to the opposite door once, take away the clothes I changed, wash them, and then send them to me. Come back and hang it on the balcony to dry."

The corner of Li Tao's mouth twitched, why did he feel that Xiangxue was also affected by what Liu Renna said just now.

"I really didn't use Aunt Liu's clothes to do bad things." Li Tao said bitterly.

"I don't need you for the coat. I can use the washing machine, but the two close-fitting ones must be hand-washed, and I will hand them over to you later."

Xiangxue completely ignored Li Tao's explanation, and made arrangements for the future on her own.

"You don't have to go every day, do you?"

"If you use it every day, I will change it every day."

As she said that, Xiangxue leaned closer to Li Tao's ear, and said in a weak and sticky voice, "This is the responsibility of a real girlfriend."


Li Tao shoved her away in shame and angrily, and walked towards the changing room like a prawn.

Xiangxue looked at his back and said nonchalantly: "Liu Renna and President Li are taking off their clothes, are you sure to go in now?"

"I'll wait at the door!" Li Tao said angrily.


The door was opened, and Liu Renna and Li Manzi came out at the same time.

They were all naked, with the same posture, with one hand on top and the other covering the bottom.

"Ah, Bao'er, are you peeping at Auntie changing clothes?"

"Nonsense, he's spying on me!"

"What's so nice about a dog?"

"You are not allowed to call me a dog!"

Li Tao: "..."

He looked at Xiangxue as if asking for help, but the other party actually made a movement that almost caused his nose to bleed.

When she saw Li Tao's pleading eyes, Xiangxue hooked her hand to her panties and pulled them out, then quickly let go so that it bounced back to her smooth belly.

The corner of her mouth twitched, as if Xiangxue was waiting for Li Tao's answer.

"Wash!!!" Li Tao said sadly and indignantly.

Xiangxue showed a smug smile, walked between Liu Renna and Li Manzi with her long legs, coughed lightly and said, "I thought about it just now."

"For a man, the allure of a woman must not be just her body. If he only cares about your body, that is a sign of not loving enough."

"If he only cares about a woman's body, then he has no loyalty."

"So in order to measure the status in Li Tao's heart, who is more important, the body must be thrown away."

Liu Renna frowned and said, "How can you compare without your body?"

Xiangxue snapped her fingers, "It's easy, both of you go back and put on your clothes, or bath towels to cover your body."

Li Tao smiled when he heard this, Xiangxue is really his sweet little padded jacket, as long as the two women put on the clothes, they can talk about anything.

"Isn't there a small bench, let him sit there naked, you two go to rub his back one after another, apply foam, and I will give you a time, whoever just waits and does not show his body, let Li Tao react in the shortest time The one with the right one, the more attractive it will be."

Li Tao's eyeballs were about to pop out, he shouted in disbelief: "I'm ugly!"


After the three women finished speaking in unison, they all stared at him with the same green eyes.

Li Tao: "..."

"Grandma, I can take a bath by myself, don't you need help?"

Xiangxue didn't take it seriously and said, "It's not helping, the original intention is not to wash your body, but to determine their charm through your reaction, you will be used as a prop."

Liu Renna and Li Manzi looked at each other and reached a rare consensus.

"Just compare like this, let's see who will get his fire out first!"

Xiangxue nodded and continued: "Rock paper scissors, whoever wins first."

"Scissors Bag ~Hammer~"

"Yeah, I won!" Li Manzi jumped up and down excitedly, the avalanche scene made Liu Renna dizzy after seeing it.

"If you win, you win, and you still throw that thing, what a sao dog!"

"Huh, Xiao Liuzi, you can talk about it now. I guess your pig head hasn't understood the true meaning of the game, right?"

"Hee hee, I can make him go away by myself, and when it's your turn, no matter how much you tease him~"

Li Manzi was complacent, but her words made sense.

Liu Renna put her hips on her hips and thought for a long time before choking out a sentence: "Just you?"

"Hmm~" Li Manzi raised her head confidently.

"What about my opinion? Does anyone ask for my opinion? This ridiculous game is meaningless, no matter what, I'm making a fool of myself!"

Li Tao was so frantic that he was about to cry, but his aggrieved eyes couldn't change the three "vicious-hearted" women in the slightest.

"Xue'er, I'm going to get dressed. When I come back, tell him to take off his clothes and sit on the small bench."

After speaking, Li Manzi couldn't wait to get dressed.

Liu Renna sat there without moving, as if she was thinking about something, Xiangxue could only remind her when she saw this, "Mrs. Liu, you have to get dressed too."

Just as Aunt Liu was about to yell at her, Xiangxue added lightly, "In case Li Tao sees your body through the mirror, it will still be counted on Mr. Li~"

Aunt Liu felt quite reasonable when she heard it. She couldn't be taken advantage of by Li Manzi, so she hurried to get dressed.

Li Manzi and Liu Renna left, and Li Tao and Xiangxue were in the bathroom.

Although Xiangxue was dressed coolly, she covered everything that should be covered tightly. She walked to Li Tao's side and kicked him.

"Look at the pain on your face."

Li Tao said aggrievedly: "Your words don't count."

"Why doesn't it count?"

"I need to take off my clothes..." Li Tao moaned.

"Why didn't I see you shy when I took off my clothes in the bathroom during the day, don't make excuses and take them off quickly."

Xiangxue kept a straight face, looking stern and selfless.

Li Tao took a deep breath, did some mental training for a while, and awkwardly grabbed the waist of his trousers with his hands.

Seeing Li Tao's shy appearance as a big girl getting into the sedan chair, Xiangxue finally couldn't hold back anymore, and laughed "giggling" while clutching her hands.

"I lied to you, don't take it off, just go."

Li Tao was stunned for a moment, then looked at Xiangxue in a dazed manner, as if he suspected that there was something wrong with his hearing.

"Hurry up, otherwise why would I trick them away? You treat me like you, and my words don't count?" Xiangxue raised her big white leg and kicked Li Tao with the back of her foot.

"Cough, I'm so touched, Sister Xue'er, you are my little padded jacket..."

Li Tao pulled Xiangxue's clothes, pulled her into his arms and kissed her for a while, and when he heard the voice from the changing room, he ran outside in a panic.

"Come back in two hours and soak in the hot spring with me." Xiangxue looked at Li Tao's back and said.

"Ah?" Li Tao scratched at the door with some doubts, didn't he just let him go.

"In two hours, Liu Renna and President Li have already gone back to their room to rest. You are not willing to touch them, and you are not willing to torment me?"

Licking her lower lips, Xiangxue took off her clothes and stepped into the hot spring, her voice came softly, "You have to repay me with your body."

Li Tao blinked his eyes. If Xiangxue was alone, he would have no psychological burden.

"Then just wait and wash it~"

Li Tao stopped dawdling, pulled the door open, and ran wildly in the corridor.

Xiangxue murmured contemptuously: "I won't wash it, it depends on whether you use your mouth..."


The most famous on the west coast is Lover's Beach, but besides that, it's not that there are other places.

For example... a sea of ​​time that is not mentioned.

After Li Tao came out of the hot spring hotel, he thought about spending two hours on the beach, and went back after Aunt Liu and Li Manzi rested.

The evening wind blowing close to the sea was humid and cool, so Li Tao found a corner at random, sat on the soft sand and squinted his eyes, wanting to rest quietly for a while.

Unfortunately, there were too many couples on this occasion, just as Li Tao let go of his thoughts, the lingering voices of men and women came to his ears.


Li Tao sighed dully, it was too embarrassing for him to sit here, even though he came first, he had to change places.

Li Tao grabbed a handful of sand, held it parallel to his line of sight, and then slowly opened his fingers to let the sand slide down from between his fingers.

The wind crashed against the falling sand, blowing its doors in a row toward the south.

Li Tao didn't know where he should hide at the moment, anyway, he just followed the wind and stopped and walked. Every time he stopped, if he heard a couple's conversation, he would lift his feet and continue walking.

The direction of the wind was changing intermittently, and Li Tao was also walking on the beach with bare feet in a crooked manner. Before he knew it, he had deviated from the beach.

The sand under the feet is gradually replaced by the cement floor of the road.


The passing car honked its horn at him, and then called Li Tao back from his lethargic state.

"Damn, I've walked out of the west coast, why have I reached the main road..."

Li Tao himself was a little bit dumbfounded, but the feeling just now that his head was going with the wind without thinking about anything was really good.

Standing in the middle of the road, Li Tao was considering taking a few steps back to the west coast, or walking a few steps forward to have a look across the road.

Taking out his phone, Li Tao checked the time. It was already eleven o'clock in the middle of the night, and it was less than half an hour since he left the hotel, so it was really early to go back now.

"Forget it, let's go further. There are so many men and women on the beach. The front should be cleaner."

Li Tao crossed the road, and under the guidance of the street lights, he came to a stop sign.

He was barefoot, so after walking out of the beach, he was still a little hesitant, but to his surprise, after the stop sign, there was a sea of ​​flowers... just the color of the flowers.

Li Tao turned his head and looked at the stop sign. This location should be called "Time Sea".

Li Tao actually felt very vivid, because this sea of ​​flowers gave people a very dizzy feeling.

Li Tao has never seen the type of flower, but it is not pleasing to the eye. It is mainly composed of black and white. To be precise, it is a white flower but covered with black spots.

Especially from a distance, it looks like a big clock with black hands on a white background.

There is no one here. After all, this sea of ​​flowers does not give people any romantic feeling, but it will make people feel confused and induce people to think deeply about problems.

The west coast, where tourists are mainly couples, is naturally not interested in this place. Do you come here to think about getting married, having children, and buying a house in the future?

Li Tao frowned suddenly and muttered to himself: "Have I seen this scene somewhere?"

"It seems to be when I was a child... Mom?"

Mom, what a familiar yet unfamiliar word to Li Tao.

He has been raised by Liu Renna since he was eight years old, and for ten years, he has never seen his mother, not even heard from her.

"It should be the painting in the bedroom."

After a long silence, Li Tao finally remembered.

He squatted on the ground and picked up a strangely shaped flower. The long-lost memory gradually emerged in his mind.

(End of this chapter)

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