Chapter 188 Mother's Sea of ​​Time

mother time sea

"Mom, are you coming back for lunch?"

The little boy followed his mother all the way to the shoe cabinet at the door, pulled the woman's skirt and asked timidly.

"Maybe I won't be able to come back. The family where my mother is a nanny eats late at noon, and it may be two hours after my mother finishes cleaning..."

Seeing the disappointed expression on the little boy's face, the woman's eyes softened and her lips pursed.

After a while, she kissed the little boy's forehead and said softly, "Come back, I'll cook for you at noon."

"Yeah!" The rippling smile on the little boy's face made the mother's mouth curl up involuntarily.

"Be safe at home by yourself, and wait for mom obediently~"

"Well, mom, go to work!"

"Pay attention to safety." The mother repeatedly urged, put on her shoes and walked out of the house.

Looking at the closed door, the little boy was stunned for a while, and murmured: "Mom has a short time at noon, so I can save her time to eat slowly by cooking..."

Li Tao is six years old and was born least a family that doesn't look rich on the surface.

The role of the mother is the nanny of a mansion, while the father is the security guard who works from dawn to dusk.

Although these were all fictitious identities in Aunt Liu's follow-up investigation.

But at least Li Tao was well protected by them.

Xiao Litao walked to the kitchen, he first faced the refrigerator and began to think about the problem.

The ingredients are all in there, but he needs to think carefully about what his mother doesn't like to eat.

After eliminating those things, Xiao Litao slowly opened the single-door refrigerator.

The lower half of this kind of inferior refrigerator is frosted, which is not energy-saving but the starting price is low.

The upper half of the compartment was temporarily out of reach, so Xiao Litao could only pull the lower half of the compartment. He just found a drawer and wanted to pull it out.

Because the cabinet was frosted, Xiao Litao grinned for a long time, but he couldn't take out any layer.

Angrily, he kicked towards the bottom.


There appears to be a spherical object stuffed in the bottom freezer.

Immediately afterwards, a scalp-numbing "rustle" sounded.

It was the sound of liquid collapsing upon contact with void-filled frost.

Xiao Litao didn't pay attention to this, since the bottom was frozen, he had no choice but to give up using frozen meat and the like.

The goal moved to the open upper compartment.

His height is not even as high as the chopping board, and naturally he can't even touch the upper half of the refrigerator. In order to be able to touch the top, the only way he can think of is to place something on it.

Stepping on something like a stool should be enough to get him up to height.

Little Li Tao, who left the kitchen, didn't notice that the drawer on the bottom floor had gradually overflowed with a pulpy red liquid...

Xiao Litao ran to the living room to look for a while, but there was no chair of suitable height.

Normally, their family would sit in front of the coffee table to eat, and the height of the coffee table was about the height of an adult's knee, and the small bench was naturally shorter, not enough for six-year-old Li Tao to touch the chopping board.

Sixty square meters with two bedrooms and one living room, which is the size of the house Li Tao lives in.

When he was very young, he slept with his parents in separate beds, but he would often stick to his parents' room to sleep.

He remembered that his mother had a desk, and the matching chair should be high enough for him to step on to cook.

Xiao Litao excitedly pushed away from his mother's bedroom, the room was smelly.

The bedside table was half a pinched cigarette, the red curtains were all drawn, and the sun at six o'clock in the morning could only sneak into the room through the gaps in the threads, even so, it was still dark and dull.

"Cough cough cough~"

Xiao Litao couldn't help coughing dryly. At that time, he was blaming his father in his heart.

But thinking about it now, there is only half a cigarette, but the air in the bedroom has such a strong smell of smoke, which naturally means that the cigarette has not been smoked for a long time.

The person who smokes can only be the mother...

Xiao Litao also has his "unique" sense of responsibility. He forgot to cook and started cleaning instead.

Pulling back the curtains, opening the windows, and ventilating, Xiao Litao threw the cigarette butts into the trash can again.

After sweeping and picking, the bedroom was indeed quite refreshed. After finishing his work, Xiao Litao sat on the floor, leaning against the end of the bed, resting with a sense of accomplishment.

His eyes wandered around the position of his mother's desk, a rectangular photo frame covered with transparent film was stuffed at the position where the legs of the desk were placed.

The curious little Li Tao crawled over and pulled out the photo frame. There was not much dust, but this was not a photo, but a painting.

At first glance, this painting seems to be looking at the dial of a clock. When you look carefully, it is actually a special shape composed of a sea of ​​flowers.

There was a seal on the lower left corner of the painting, and when Xiao Litao turned the painting over, a letter fell out of it.

A confession letter is called No.1, but it is hard to say who wrote this letter.

Li Tao couldn't remember the content clearly, because the title used at the beginning of the letter was only two words "confession", so he remembered that it was a confession letter.

However... it seems that there are some differences between the painting and the real scene.

Li Tao walked gently around the sea of ​​flowers, and the appearance of that painting also appeared in his mind. He compared them bit by bit, and felt which position of the two was different, which caused him to be so awkward.

"This special sea of ​​flowers is very rare in the world, and it is almost certain that the painting is a painting of this land."

"No... definitely."

Li Tao suddenly remembered the seal in the lower left corner of the painting, and he had seen that seal not long ago.

Bai Shuzhen went to Qiu Shuyu's room to search for things, and what she found should be Zhao Lin's things stored there, and the folder that was dug out from under the bed had a pattern similar to a seal.

That seal is probably dedicated to the teachers of Luma University, and one can even make a bold guess that that seal belongs to the Art Academy, which is famous for its paintings.

Mother has that painting, once again confirming that she really stayed in Luma University..."

Xiao Litao finished reading the painting that day, and stuffed it back intact. At the same time, he actually carried the desk and chairs to the kitchen.

Of course, the meal, which lasted nearly three hours, ended with him setting the kitchen on fire.

Thanks to an agreement with her son in advance, the mother who came home at twelve noon put out the fire in time.

The mother didn't know whether to laugh or cry, knowing that he was kind, she couldn't bear to reprimand him, she just said: "Son, as long as you are safe."

If Li Tao remembered well, the next day, someone from the moving company took the refrigerator away.

The mother said that she bought a new refrigerator in exchange for a new one, and warned him not to mess with the things in the house.


"It turned out to be awkward in the middle..."

Li Tao finally realized the difference between the painting he saw back then and the sea of ​​flowers here now.


At this time, there is a black thing missing in the center of the sea of ​​flowers, just like the center of the clock dial where the pointer is fixed.

So it is easy to see the origin of the name "Sea of ​​Time" in that painting, but the sea of ​​flowers with black spots at this time needs to work hard to make up for it.

Li Tao waded through the sea of ​​black and white flowers, and came to the center of the sea of ​​flowers under the bright moonlight.

Here lies a black gravestone.

It looks like it was man-made, and the footprints on it are faintly visible.

When that painting was born, obviously the tombstone was still there, and the sea of ​​time was still intact, but at this moment, the tombstone fell down, just like a clock that lost the position of its fixed hands, and everything became untraceable.


Li Taonu blushed, and finally lifted the tombstone.

"The tomb of my mentor...?"

There are only four white characters on the pitch-black tombstone. It is difficult to get more clues.

"The sea of ​​time... the sea of ​​time... is it really just because the distribution of the sea of ​​flowers looks like a clock?"

Li Tao was full of doubts, but there seemed to be few people who could answer his question at this time, and the other party must have stayed in Luma University for a long time.

A simple four-year university is definitely not enough, Xiangxue, Qin Yueru, Qiu Lan and others were all eliminated.

That is the school staff.

Xianglian or Dean Chen of the Academy of Art?

After thinking for a while, Li Tao sent a text message to Xiang Lian, after all, it was past eleven o'clock in the middle of the night.

Li Tao: "Are you asleep?"

Xianglian: "zZ ~"

Li Tao: "???"

Xianglian: "Sleeping."

In the dark room, a quilt was placed on the woman's head, her small head poked out and her eyes were fixed on the phone.

Xiang Lian blushed and murmured: "Their young people use zz as a code word for sleeping..."

Xiang Lian still thought that she was "pregnant". Although she hadn't seen Li Tao in the past two days, she was thinking about him.

But Li Tao discussed it carefully, she was her student, after all, although she didn't teach Li Tao, she was his counselor.

Moreover, she was 12 years older than Li Tao, "pregnant with his seed", Xianglian felt that she should care about him a little bit, and it was better to have a common language.

Of course, this act of self-deception was called by her bluntly that she likes the baby in her womb to feel the warmth of the family.

Because Li Tao didn't take the initiative to contact her for two days, Xiang Lian studied the young man's way of speaking by accident.

Li Tao also realized what zZ meant, and he shook his head dumbfounded.

Li Tao: "Can you still type while asleep?"

Xianglian: "Yes."

Li Tao: "Can I ask you something?"

Xianglian: "Dah baa."

The corner of Li Tao's mouth twitched, is this the way a 31-year-old woman speaks?
He couldn't communicate by text, so he changed to voice chat.

When Xianglian was thinking about whether she was a little too unkind, a pop-up popped up on the screen whether to accept the video call.

"Want to video with me?"

Xiang Lian looked up at the clock, it was almost twelve o'clock at night, Li Tao suddenly wanted to make a video call with her, did he want to see her?
I heard that young people now spend money on female anchors to broadcast video chats, does Li Tao want to watch her show?

Xiang Lian is very entangled, please call and show him, it's a bit unfair, Li Tao is not only a student of her college, but also her sister Xiang Xue's boyfriend.

But don't show it to him, she feels that she is not authentic, after all, in order to fulfill her wish entrusted to her father, Li Tao lent her the seed.

Gritting her teeth, Xianglian jumped up from the bed, she turned on the light, and then rummaged through the closet.

The senior leftover woman doesn't have any revealing clothes. She searched for a long time before she came across a set of brown hollowed-out suspender skirts.

After changing in a hurry, she connected to the video.

It was only then that Li Tao noticed that what he had sent was a video request.

"Sorry, I want to make a voice call."

Under the moonlight, Xiang Lian, who has been alone for 30 years, is taken aback by the slightly embarrassed look of the boy.

Seeing that the other party didn't speak, Li Tao thought she was still angry. After all, Li Tao used her as a wine jar to quench her thirst.

"Uh... I have something I want to ask you, because maybe only those who have stayed in the campus for a long time will understand..." Li Tao bit his lip, his eyes wandered wildly among the flowers.

Xiang Lian pursed her lips tightly, damn it, the moonlight seemed to have added a filter to Li Tao, and now she seemed to be in love with a big boy.

"what's up?"

"It's this sea of ​​flowers, do you know it?"

"Huahai..." Xianglian murmured, and suddenly her old face turned red.

Is this Li Tao's romantic confession?

Send her a sea of ​​flowers through video?
"Well, it's pretty, very beautiful." Xianglian said coyly.

It's not easy for an old leftover woman to have her heart fluttering. Li Tao still doesn't know what trouble he has caused.


Li Tao couldn't hear clearly, so he had to ask again.

"No... nothing..." Xianglian was too embarrassed to say any more.

"I was walking alone tonight, and then I happened to walk in. According to the street sign, it seems to be called Time Sea." Li Tao explained.

"The sea of ​​time... the sea of ​​time..."

Xianglian thought about it, and involuntarily lay down on the bed sheet with her chin resting on her hands.

The front camera of the mobile phone captured the two falling on the bed sheet very trickily...

Li Tao's eyelids twitched. Could it be that he can see this beautiful place without paying?
"Oh, I see, Time Sea, the west coast, right?"

"Yes, on the West Coast."

Xiang Lian nodded, pondered for a moment and said: "The Sea of ​​Time, it was built just a year or two ago when I was in school. At first it was not a sea of ​​flowers, but it was planted later."

Li Tao secretly thought: This wave is asking the right person.

Li Tao was five years old when he saw that painting, and now he, that is, 13 years ago, has this sea of ​​flowers.

The 31-year-old Xiang Lian happened to be between 13 and [-] years older than Li Tao (I don't know the exact month).

"Then this land was originally a wasteland?"

"No, if I remember correctly, there should be a deserted laboratory down there."

"Lab? What's that lab for?"

Seeing that Li Tao was so curious, Xiang Lian also wanted to make him happy, but after searching her brain for a long time, she didn't have any impression: "I don't know, because the laboratory is directly under the doctoral department. , I only know a lot about the undergraduate department.”

"Doctoral students..."

Li Tao's eyes gradually became hollow, and he recalled in his mind the first room in the school hospital where he and Aunt Liu were, and found traces of his mother staying there.

And in the photo that Aunt Liu investigated, the clothes her mother was wearing seemed to be doctoral supervisors...

"By the way, I do know about the sea of ​​time, and I can tell you about this area."

Li Tao was suddenly in such a low mood, Xiang Lian had no reason to feel uncomfortable, she took the initiative to tell stories to attract his attention, just like a mother coaxing a child.

(End of this chapter)

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