Chapter 189 The Grieving Xiang Family Sisters

"When I entered the school, I heard different teachers express emotion to a person many times in different classes."

"That was an old professor in the medical school, who had a very high status and was well respected, and she just died on the eve of my admission."

Xiang Lian glanced at Li Tao in the video, and found that he was listening to her speech very seriously, and his attentive and serious appearance made Xiang Lian unable to help becoming serious.

"And this professor, the research institute in charge, is located under the land under your feet."

"I'm not sure about the cause of death. It seems to be a scientific research accident? In short, I heard that she didn't die of old age, but after her death, the research institute was abandoned."

When Xiang Lian said this, she couldn't help feeling emotional: "The tree fell and the monkeys scattered. After the professor died, everyone in the research institute went their separate ways. I heard that this professor regards it as a lifelong long-cherished project, and it's almost at the door. , or no end.”

Li Tao pursed his lips in thought, and asked after a while, "Then this flower grows wild?"

"No, although the people in this research institute are all gone, there will still be people who miss this old professor after all. I heard that it is her female assistant. I don't know the special seeds that have never been obtained. In this land Spilled."

"By the way, did you see the tombstone? It was set up by the female assistant for her teacher more than ten years ago."

Li Tao seemed to grasp something vaguely, but he didn't have a precise clue.

"Then what kind of flower is this?"

"I don't know. If I remember well, this should be a brand-new artificially designed plant. Maybe it's the product of this research institute. After all, it should be a bit commemorative."

"Can you still enter the research institute below?"

"No, it's blocked."

Xiang Lian gave an affirmative answer, which instead made Li Tao more curious about the secret buried below.

"Counselor, actually..."

"Don't call me a counselor... I feel a bit deviant and immoral..." Xianglian murmured.


"Call me Miss Lian'er."

Xiang Lian still looked calm on the surface, but her hands behind her back almost tore a big hole in the skin of the pillow.

"Uh...Miss Lian'er..."


"Actually, I entered Luma University for a reason..."

"Because of what?"

"my parents……"

Li Tao sat on the ground, looked at the tombstone, and began to tell Xianglian about his parents' disappearance for ten years. Through various clues, he finally discovered the triangle relationship between his mother, Luma University and the mysterious organization.


"So, do you think your mother is the assistant of that female professor?"

As it was about the mother of "baby's father", Xiang Lian couldn't help but start to care about it.

Xiang Lian immediately added: "And there are not many research institutes in the school, and few of them are qualified to manage and open them, so this professor's status is very high, and it's not unusual for her assistant to be a doctoral supervisor."

Hearing this, Li Tao began to fall into thought. He also had this idea, but it was all based on imagination, and he couldn't come up with any evidence.

But at least, that painting proves that my mother has a relationship with Luma University, and even this old research institute.

"I want to visit this research institute..." Li Tao was silent for a long time, but still expressed a somewhat difficult wish.

Xiang Lian bit her lower lip, and leaned lightly on the head of the bed, she felt what she felt in her heart, anyway, Li Tao took the initiative to mention it, and she actually had the urge to satisfy him desperately.

In fact, this research institute is more serious than Li Tao imagined.

It's not that it's difficult to enter because it's deserted, but after it's been abandoned, the school clearly prohibits anyone from attempting to open the research institute, and the entrance should be blocked by the school.

If she goes to help Li Tao, if she reveals her secrets, even though she is a teacher, she will probably be dismissed by Luma University.

"Okay, I'll help you find a way."

After all, Xianglian couldn't refuse him, she got off the bed with her mobile phone in her hand, and went to the living room to drink water with her slippers on.

After chatting with Li Tao for so long, she also felt a little dry.

"Thank you, Miss Lian'er."

"So how can you repay me?"

Xiang Lian held the phone while bending over to pour water from the kettle.

The spring color of the hollow suspender skirt when you bend over makes you feel refreshed.

Rolling her eyes, Xianglian realized that there was no water in the kettle.

"Well, how do you want me to repay you?"

Xianglian walked towards the refrigerator, opened the refrigerator door and found a large carton of 1.5L milk on the upper floor.

"How do you repay me, I think?"

Xiang Lian asked back talking to herself, she came to the coffee table with milk, and poured milk into the glass.

"Yes, as long as you say it, if it's not too much, I will try my best to be satisfied."

"Not too much, but try your best, you have no sincerity at all."

Xiang Lian curled her lips, what she said in this short moment was worth the sum of what she said in the previous week, and she was at a disadvantage when she was chatting with her.

Although she works as a counselor, Xianglian belongs to the kind of serious, stereotyped teacher with outdated concepts. When students talk to her, she just agrees or refuses, including with her colleagues.

In short, she is taciturn to everyone, and the invisible will make others feel alienated. This is also the main reason why she is beautiful and good-looking, but has been single for 31 years.

"Then tell me, I will satisfy you if I can do it." Li Tao smiled wryly.

"I'll drink something, think about it and don't worry."

Xianglian poured more than half a glass of milk, put the carton back in the refrigerator, returned to the coffee table, and brought the milk to her lips.

Li Tao couldn't help swallowing when he saw the rich milk.


As soon as it entered the mouth, the milk spurted out from Xianglian's little mouth.

A white waterfall draws a beautiful arc in the air, and then falls into the white canyon...

"It hurts~"

Xianglian bared her teeth and showed a painful expression.

Li Tao's eyes couldn't be separated from the juicy skin, and he asked hoarsely, "Is the milk too cold?"

"A little bit, I have a toothache, very painful, very sensitive, I didn't expect to be so painful when stimulated by something cold..."

Xiang Lian covered her cheeks in pain, looking at the slightly frowning willow eyebrows, Li Tao felt a little distressed.

"What should I do, drink some hot water?"

"You treat me as my great aunt!" Xianglian gave him an angry look, and started walking towards the bathroom with her mobile phone.

"I know how you repaid me."

Li Tao blinked his eyes and pricked up his ears curiously.

"On Monday, which is the day after tomorrow, you don't have class for three or four in the morning, so accompany me to the dentist."

After Xianglian finished speaking, she turned on the water in the bathtub.

The sound of "crash la la" water made Li Tao's eyelids twitch.

"Well, you should see a doctor if you have a toothache. I'll go with you, but... you are now..."

"You've been staring at the ditch for a long time, didn't you see the liquid I just vomited up, how can I sleep when it's so sticky?"

As Xianglian said, she had already dipped her fair little hands into the bath to test the water temperature.

"Ah, then you can wash it, don't catch a cold, I'll hang up first..."

"Wait, why did you hang up?"

Xiang Lian suddenly turned her face in front of the camera, a little dissatisfied with her small face.

Li Tao touched the tip of his nose, and said awkwardly: "Don't you want to take a bath, we are still making video calls, it's inappropriate."

"It's not that you haven't seen it. In the room of the Master's Day, you pretended not to remember me... now?"

Cold sweat broke out on Li Tao's forehead, of course he remembered that it was time to quench his thirst with wine tasting.

He tore off the red cloth from the wine jar sealed by the red hijab and drank it. The aftertaste is still there, but he has never seen it.

It was all a drunken gaffe, and he didn't open his eyes.

Li Tao didn't hang up the phone, Xiang Lian took it as his acquiescence, and the corners of her mouth couldn't help curling up.

Fiddled with the water in the bathtub in a happy mood. She considered herself a "pregnant woman" so she was very strict with the water temperature.

When the water temperature was about the same, the sound of undressing began to come from the phone.

Li Tao covered his eyes, but his eyes were fixed on the screen through his fingers.

Are these really real sisters? Why is the one of the older sister bigger than the two of the younger sisters combined?
Given another two years for Xiangxue, she would definitely not be able to rise to this level.

Li Tao put down his hands politely after the smooth delicate body submerged in the bath.

Xiang Lian said quietly: "What's the point of deceiving yourself and others, your fingers can pinch my sister's place."

Li Tao said in shame and indignation: "Rough, how can it be so outrageous."

"Hmph, you know it yourself."

Li Tao licked his lips and said nothing, but he suddenly felt that although Xiangxue and Xianglian had completely different personalities, they were both quite sullen, and to put it nicely, they were cute.

"I will talk to you as a counselor now."

Xiang Lian cleared her throat and started nagging, "You have to pay attention to your grades. Do you know how strict Luma University's system is?"

"Students are divided into A, B, C, and D, four grades, and each grade is subdivided into three sections, good, medium, and bad. You see, you are mixed, and you are rated as Ding bad at the beginning of the semester. Do you know how troublesome it will be in the future?"

Li Tao scratched his head and dared not answer, he was not like a counselor at all, but more like a daughter-in-law who scolded her husband for not living up to him.

"Luma University has a monthly exam. Let me show you. Today is September No. 12, and there will be a monthly exam on No. 30. At that time, you have to strive to be promoted to Ding Zhong, right?"

"Uh... What's the consequence of not being promoted... getting fired?" Li Tao was a little worried.


"If you haven't been promoted to your monthly points, how can you raise your child!"

"I didn't hear what you said. The wind suddenly blew up just now, and the tombstone I erected with great difficulty fell down again." Li Tao said helplessly.

"I said... I said... You don't care what I say, anyway, you have to fight!"

"Okay, this side is near the sea, and the rain suddenly blew up, and it was too heavy, so I'll leave first, let's talk when we meet."

"Then you go, don't catch a cold, go back and see if there is brown sugar, make brown sugar tea or ginger tea."

Xianglian also saw the torrential rain over there through the video, and ordered like a wife.


Li Tao agreed and hung up the phone.

Xiang Lian leaned on the bed with her hair in a daze for a while, then suddenly began to hit the quilt with her small fist: "I'm so mad, I'm going to be a father, I'm not motivated at all!"


At this time, there must be a key secret buried under the sea of ​​flowers, but for the current Li Tao, there is nothing he can do to get in touch with it.

Everything has to be considered in the long run.

He ran back to the hot spring hotel in the rain, and it was already one o'clock in the morning when he arrived at the lobby.

The front desk of the hotel listened to the patter of rain outside, and lay there drowsy with his chin in his hands.

The other party didn't pay attention when Li Tao walked in, and at this time, coupled with the intermittent rain outside, the couple also went to bed early to exercise and rest.

The huge corridor was empty, Li Tao rubbed his hands, a complicated smile appeared on his face.

"My sister stoked the fire, and my younger sister came to put it out, it's only right and proper~"

Li Tao bounced to the door of the previous hot spring room.


Li Tao suppressed his voice and meowed towards the crack of the door.


The door was opened directly from the inside, and a woman wrapped in a white bath towel and her hair was coiled up looked at him with a half-smile.

"It's nothing to bark, just like a stealing cat."

Xiangxue could come out so calmly, the two people inside were naturally gone.

Li Tao threw himself on the woman's soft body, closed the door with his heel, and pushed Xiangxue inside.

"Is it raining outside? I think you're all wet?" Xiangxue stroked Li Tao's wet hair and asked softly.

"Well, it's getting bigger, so I'm in a hurry."

Li Tao wanted to take off her bath towel, but Xiangxue pushed her away.

Xiangxue blushed and spat, "Don't be impatient."

"I told Mr. Li that while they were getting dressed, you snatched my car keys and ran away. You should have returned to the residential complex."

Li Tao was taken aback for a moment, and he asked blankly, "What about them?"

"Go home and catch you~"

"Not at the hotel anymore?"

Xiangxue pointed at the tip of Li Tao's nose with her slender index finger and said, "Not even the whole west coast is here, just the two of us tonight."


Li Tao swallowed his saliva, his eyes glowed with a strange green light.

"I'll wash your body. After you take off, sit on the stool first, and I'll make some foam for you."

Xiangxue walked towards the bottle of shower gel with bare feet, pumped out the shower gel, and then began to rub it on her palm.

Li Tao couldn't tell why, anyway, he was too embarrassed to take off in front of Li Manzi and Aunt Liu, but he didn't have such worries in front of Xiangxue, he would have nothing to wear.

"Don't take it off on me, stinky rascal."

Seeing this, Xiangxue, who was rubbing foam, blushed pretty, and lowered her head to rub the foam.

"Hurry up, wash up a bit, let's go to the hot spring." Li Tao urged.

"I know, why are you so anxious." Xiangxue rolled her eyes, and came behind Li Tao with two lumps of foam in her palms.

She naturally knelt on the ground and smeared Li Tao's back.

"Did you wash it yourself?" Li Tao asked.

"I just sat in the pool for a while and didn't use soap or shower gel. Why, do you think I'm dirty?" Xiangxue stopped her hands and asked.

"No, I want to talk to you for a while, and I'll paint you behind." Li Tao explained.

"Don't touch me if you think I'm dirty for a while, and I won't wash it."

Xiangxue pressed even harder, and Li Tao's skin was rubbed red visibly.

"No, how can I have..."

Aunt Liu and Li Manzi are not here, so in this long night, he can put down his guard and indulge in the charm from Sister Yu.


"You are insane, you suddenly turned on a shower, and the water splashed all over me."

Li Tao suddenly stood up from the bench and turned on the shower, scaring Xiangxue to sit down on the ground.

Li Tao glanced at her and said: "I can't take it anymore, wash off the foam, and carry you into the hot spring for business."

Xiangxue blushed, sat on the ground and didn't speak, what a sleepless night...

ps: There were some mistakes when copying the last chapter, it has been revised, the manuscript is too messy, and the new book is also being archived, single heroine, shameless doomsday couple, hope to support this month's post.

(End of this chapter)

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