Chapter 190 Plum Blossom K
At 02:30 in the morning, Li Tao got up from the bed in the hot spring hotel.

Xiangxue was exhausted and fast asleep, her pink face was still red from being tortured by a man, Li Tao tucked in the quilt for her, and walked out of the room with her clothes.


Li Tao yawned a long time at the door, he was exhausted, and he needed Aunt Liu's medicinal wine at this time.

Before doing business with Xiangxue on the hotel bed, Li Tao saw Aunt Liu and Li Manzi's message.

He could only tell Aunt Liu that there was a small accident in the decoration of the flower shop, and he had to be there to deal with it, and he promised to go home before three o'clock at night, so Aunt Liu let him go.

Li Manzi was also fooled by Xiangxue.

Luma University's buses are not only free, but also self-driving and run 24 hours a day, every 15 minutes.

Li Tao saw the car just leaving from afar, so he could only sigh and walk slowly towards the station.

At 02:30, the seaside is still pitch black, but the distant sea level seems to be gray, just a little bit whiter.

Bathed in the sea breeze, Li Tao once again came to the stop sign of this site named Time Sea.

He squatted down in a huff, not feeling dirty, and leaned directly on the support pole of the stop sign.

"It's Sunday now. I don't think I have any classes until dawn. Well, I can catch up on sleep then, hiss~ But Aunt Liu probably doesn't go to work, so I can't sleep well..."

Fortunately, Li Tao reckoned that Aunt Liu was not sleeping yet, and when he came home later, he would put his arms around Aunt Liu and rub her in his arms for a while, and Aunt Liu would definitely sleep well.

"Ding ~"

The phone suddenly came with a message.

Looking at the mobile phone that automatically turned on, Li Tao was in no mood to unlock it. Anyway, his intuition told him that the information in the middle of the night was not a good thing.

"Ding ~"

"Ding ~"

After ringing three times in a row, Li Tao sighed and could only unlock the phone and enter the page to check the message.

"The cycle of karma is bad~retribution~" Li Tao turned off his phone bitterly, covering his face and weeping.

The news was actually sent by Qiu Lan. She said that she would go to the flower shop for inspection in a week, and the flowers she ordered would be delivered to the flower shop tomorrow.

She asked Li Tao to be there on time at ten o'clock in the morning to control the situation.

"Is this sister not sleeping in the middle of the night?"

Li Tao just made up with Aunt Liu that there was something wrong with his own flower shop, and it turned out that it really happened, just like when he was a child, pretending to be sick and not going to school, and finally the nonsense came true.

The bus arrived, and Li Tao was the only one in the empty compartment.

He yawned and sat at the position closest to the exit door. While resting with his eyes closed, Li Tao also set a bell for himself on his mobile phone, so that it would be troublesome if he overslept.


In the apartment, Li Manzi actually went to bed early.

Anyway, Li Tao lied to her that the flower shop was very busy and couldn't go back tonight, and at that time Xiangxue was also pissed off by him, and Xiangxue, who was in need physically, was bribed by Li Tao, and she began to give Li Manzi some psychological training.

To put it simply, Li Manzi thinks that Li Tao won't be able to go back at night, and Liu Renna must not be able to sleep at night, so she will take this opportunity to catch up on sleep, and in the morning she can seductively hook up with Li Tao.

As for Liu Renna, she was wearing blue and white silk pajama pants at this time, and she was lying naked under the bed in other places.

It was Yoo In Na's habit to go to bed without clothes on.

With her little feet sticking out of the quilt, she said in a contemptuous tone: "I am convinced, is it okay? I admire you so much, you little widow, no one vents your anger, and your desires are all piled up in your head, that's why you have so many nasty ideas?"

It was almost three o'clock in the morning, except for Li Tao, Liu Renna would only be willing to talk to this woman.

"I have taught you so many ways to seduce men with all my heart and soul, and I just say you a dirty little widow?"

"I'm bored at most, where's the dirty?"

On the other end of the phone, Qin Keqing's breathing was slanted, and her little nose was twisted by Liu Renna's anger.

"Hmph~ I don't know about Sao." Liu Renna said indifferently.

"Okay, I'm dead, I won't talk to you anymore, idiot!"

"Wait a while! Don't hang up! Otherwise, I won't let Li Tao sleep with you!"

Liu Renna was really afraid that Qin Keqing would hang up as soon as she said it. After all, since she became her dog-headed military adviser, she has grown up and down, completely disregarding her status in the Xuetu gang.

"Hey, you bastard, I have already agreed that he should sleep, and you still threaten me with this?"

"You do not believe?"

There was the sound of grinding teeth on the other end of the phone, and Qin Keqing said viciously for a long time: "If you have any nonsense, hurry up, Liu Renna, don't think I'm easy to bully, let me tell you, although I'm not in Luma University, I still have a way to disgust you .”

"Oh, what do you say?"

Liu Renna hooked her feet playfully, her small face was full of disdain.

"Don't forget, my daughter is going to college there. Her 20-year-old girl has so much bouncy and tender skin. She gave Li Tao for nothing, and I don't believe he doesn't want it!"

"I'll fuck your ancestor, the sky will be struck by lightning, five thunders will strike the top, you are not as good as a pig or a dog!" Liu Renna was so angry that she directly pushed the quilt away with her head.

Stepping on the quilt and pacing back and forth, muttering: "I underestimated you, I really underestimated your conscience, you crazy woman with a heart and a heart!

"My daughter is as clean as me, just like ice cream, without any hairs. Do you know what that is..."

"I don't know, and I don't want to know, anyway, you are not as good as a beast, I really underestimated you~" Liu Renna shook her head, she was refreshed by this widow.

"Stop talking nonsense, let the fart go, don't you say I'm dead?"

"Hey, it's really bad luck for eight lifetimes to be a mother like you at the Yueru stall, uh... this matter is actually not mine, it was my Baoer who asked me to help him investigate..."

Liu Renna told Qin Keqing about the two of them being washed up on an isolated island and then found the dead body, and she also described the strange pattern to Qin Keqing.

About the reef organization, Qin Keqing actually knew more than Liu Renna, it wasn't because Liu Renna didn't care about Li Tao.

It's just that for so many years, she still has to raise children and take care of Li Tao every day, so she entrusts the investigation of Li Tao's parents to Suzakutang.

Qin Keqing, the hall master, naturally understands it very well, not to mention that she is fighting openly and secretly with hidden reefs in the west.

"You shameless mother-in-law, you are so scheming, you even took your swimsuit away with waves, tsk tsk tsk~"

"You pay attention, it's really obscene."

Liu Renna curled her lips, guessing that Li Tao was coming soon, she jumped off the bed and began to look for a coat in the closet.

After all, sleeping still requires a sense of ritual. Although the top must disappear when she wakes up in the morning, there is an essential difference between what she took off and what Li Tao ripped off.

"Cut~ But I have a little impression of the pattern on the soil you mentioned. I saw it here not long ago..."

"Is it traces of the Reef Organization?"

"Well, it's a pity that the hotel was burned down, oh yes, I also figured out the hierarchy inside the reef recently..."

To put it simply, this mysterious organization determines the position based on the size of the playing cards. Each deck has diamonds, hearts, clubs, and spades.

Moreover, those who are really counted as the core figures of the organization are all with an identity of ten or more, that is, J, Q, K, A, and 2, a total of [-] people with four cards of four sizes.

Of course, in a deck of cards, there are kings and kings at the top. The kings and kings in the reef organization seem to have very special functions. Qin Keqing still has no way to define them.

And the muddy ground where Gao Yuying died was a kind of "announcement".

Liu Renna twisted the purple apron in her hand, and whispered, "Plum Blossom K?"

"There is a high probability that it is her. According to legend, Plum Blossom K is very good at disguising herself, and she has a wide range of appearances. From a six or seven-year-old girl to an 80-year-old woman who is dying, there is evidence that she has disguised herself."

After a pause, Qin Keqing continued: "The ghost painting on the mud you mentioned does have a sacrificial meaning. If there is no accident, you may see a "live" Gao Yuying after a while."

Plum Blossom K has a habit. The people she pretends to be are all the people she killed, and she is a lunatic with a sense of ritual.

She will control the owner of the face she needs, let her hold a ceremony in a place where no one else can find, and then let herself rot.

The reason why her disguise is amazing is that after she changed her face, she believed that she was real.

"It makes sense to say that."

Aunt Liu's face reappeared the look of the queen of the underground, that kind of temperament overlooking the common people extremely stimulated the man's desire to conquer.

Qin Keqing pondered for a moment and said: "You can tell Li Tao later that this is an opportunity, if you do what you can, you may have unexpected gains."

"No, didn't you say that you just met her some time ago, why did she appear in Luma University now?"

Liu Renna suddenly realized a very important point, because if Qin Keqing encountered Plum Blossom K a few days ago, it meant that she definitely didn't sneak in while the students started school.

what does this mean?
Luma University is usually closed, and Plum Blossom K can freely come and go to Luma University when the school is usually closed, which obviously shows that this university has an extraordinary relationship with the Reef Organization.

Even a cooperative relationship, after all, Liu Renna and Li Manzi, one relied on force and the other relied on bribery, neither forced the council to let go, but they opened the back door for the people of the Reef Organization...

"Yes, I originally wanted to catch a mole of our gang, so I pretended to go on vacation. The hotel I stayed in seemed to be a hideout of the Reef Organization. Unfortunately, I simply thought it was a mole in the first place, so I didn't bring enough people. .”

"When I went back, the hotel was completely engulfed in fire..."

Qin Keqing's words were full of regret, but Liu Renna could hear the danger in them.

Qin Keqing entered the enemy's stronghold by mistake. If the opponent did not escape, but died, Qin Keqing who was alone would probably be injured.

Liu Renna sighed, and said quietly: "Don't try too hard, take care of your body."

Qin Keqing was silent for a while, and deliberately said in a foolish tone: "Oh, you are afraid that one day I will surpass you in status, and then I will catch Li Tao away with my daughter, and then you will have nothing but dig a hole Bury yourself."

"Get out." Liu Renna just finished cursing, raised her eyebrows, and she heard the doorkeeper's voice from the living room.

"Bao'er is back home, I'm dead, don't tell your daughter anything, if she dares to think about Li Tao, she will die." Liu Renna threatened viciously.

"Tch, you will be afraid in the future. Let me tell you the truth. I have already decided to return to China. You'd better fulfill your promise when I go back after a while, otherwise I will form a team with my daughter."

The corner of Liu Renna's mouth twitched fiercely, this widow is really shameless.

"Aunt Liu, you haven't slept yet, have you?"

Li Tao, who was changing shoes in the living room, heard Liu Renna talking on the phone, and thought she was talking to herself, so he called her.

"Yeah, Bao'er, Auntie is getting dressed~"

Li Tao wiped off his sweat, and didn't know how to answer her sao words, so he just sat on the sofa and rested for a while.

Liu Renna turned her head to take a peek at Li Tao, and asked in a low voice, "What's the use of you coming, he hasn't graduated from his freshman year, so he can't actually fight."

"If you say you are stupid, there are loopholes in any rules, not to mention that his monthly test is nothing more than a psychological test. I have already found a way to hide it."

"Is it the kind that can be completely closed to give birth to a baby?"

Liu Renna clenched her little fists in excitement, and her silver teeth began to tremble.

"Of course, but to prevent your mother-in-law from crossing the river and tearing down the bridge, I will tell you when I enter Luma University."

Qin Keqing: "..."

"There is still a little finishing work, don't worry."

"What's the deal, let Tang Bo do it!"

Without waiting for Liu Renna to speak, Qin Keqing directly hung up the phone.

Liu Renna scratched her head when she got the news, if she wasn't afraid that Li Tao would get annoyed by waiting, she would have to call back and ask Qin Keqing for a solution.

"Bao'er, I'm done getting dressed~"

Aunt Liu came out whimperingly, he didn't know if Li Tao's eyes were dazzled, but he always felt that the desire in Aunt Liu's eyes was more than a hundred times thicker, and the hunger and thirst had burst out of her eyes.

"Uh... Aunt Liu, I really went to the flower shop. It's super busy there. I have to deal with things there at ten o'clock in the morning. If you don't believe me, come with me tomorrow morning, bah, come with me this morning. "

Li Tao has already stood up from the sofa in a panic and walked towards Liu Renna. Every time he lied to Aunt Liu, Li Tao would habitually touch her, otherwise he would lack confidence.

Holding Aunt Liu's little hand, Li Tao's eyes were full of sincerity. Anyway, sooner or later, Aunt Liu had to design the atmosphere of the flower shop, and she happened to be off work on Sunday.

"I have to go at ten o'clock, it's already 03:30~" Aunt Liu looked up at the clock and said.

"I get it at ten o'clock. The journey takes an hour. After that, it takes a long time to wash and eat. I have to get up at eight o'clock." Li Tao said, rubbing Aunt Liu's little finger.

"Ah, go to bed now, do you still take a bath?"

Liu Renna took Li Tao's arm and walked towards the bedroom, but suddenly remembered that he ran away without taking a shower.


Li Tao can't say that he has taken a bath, otherwise he will reveal his secrets.

Liu Renna thought he was too tired, so she pursed her mouth and poked Li Tao's side face: "I don't need to wash when I'm tired.

(End of this chapter)

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