Chapter 191 Morning News
Li Tao didn't get up early, although the alarm clock was set for [-] o'clock in the morning on the mobile phone, but Liu Renna canceled the alarm clock when she woke up.

After she finished washing and cooking, she didn't wake up Li Tao until it was nearly nine o'clock.

After Li Tao washed up, he sat alone at the dining table to cook. Aunt Liu needed to put on makeup, so she stayed in the bedroom.

Turning on the TV with the remote control, Li Tao sipped his breakfast porridge and watched the news.

"Global Financial Focus, at nine o'clock every morning, will meet the audience on time."

"Hi, I'm Li Na, the host."

"Hello, I'm Wang Shuang, the host."

The anchor and hostess read a wave of narration before starting the morning news.

Li Na: "The situation in Europe is chaotic, and it is time for a change of leadership. It is an eventful time."

Wang Shuang: "Just after one o'clock in the morning today, the Blood Slaughter Gang, one of the giants of the oriental underground world that entered Europe the year before last, announced its break with the Caesar Alliance, the local power in Europe, and rejected the adjustment of the European Military Court. Affected by this, the international price of gold Up 20%, oil prices also rose slightly."

Li Na: "According to reliable sources, the Caesars League is funded by mysterious forces, but the other three of the Big Four have denied their involvement."

Wang Shuang: "All in all, the current international market tends to be conservative, and value-preserving hard currencies such as precious metals are favored by various investment players during this period."

Li Na: "At seven o'clock in the morning, Luma University's only campus in the southern hemisphere promulgated a new regulation. Students who graduate from this campus are not allowed to participate in modern warfare in any capacity, let alone make war fortune."

Wang Shuang: "As the number one university in the world, Luma University upholds its social responsibility and is well received by the outside world."


Li Tao put the porridge bowl back on the dining table, raised his head to the ceiling and squinted his eyes.

Why did the gang turn against the local forces? According to the style of the Blood Slaughter Gang in recent years, the expansion of the territory is generally based on incorporation and naturalization.

It started when Yoo In Na retired and became a housewife.

"Then what is the mysterious force..."

Li Tao tapped lightly on the dining table with his fingertips. There was too much information in just a few short pieces of news.

Moreover, the new regulations of Luma University are a bit too abrupt. It feels like they were released in response to the breakup between the Blood Slaughter Gang and Caesar.

"So it's the Reef that's funding the Caesar Alliance?"

Li Tao thought for a while, but couldn't figure it out. He touched the outer wall of the porridge bowl with his hand, and Li Tao shouted to the bedroom:

"Aunt Liu, hurry up and eat, the porridge is getting cold."

"Come on, come on, I don't have any clothes of the right size, why did you start to have the habit of mouthing?"

Liu Renna walked out wearing a close-fitting flesh brown dress with her long hair coiled up.

"The ones in the drawer are all too small. I bought them when I was C, but now they are all D. I just bought a few big ones, and I washed them all. The ones you wore last night made your drool flood again."

Sitting at the dining table, Liu Renna complained depressingly, her white eyes almost made Li Tao feel ashamed.

"Is it tight..." Li Tao scratched his scalp in embarrassment and asked.

"Nonsense, it's a small cup, can it be okay!"

Yoo In Na complained angrily while drinking the porridge.

"Then why don't you wear it now, and I'll buy one with you later?" Li Tao asked bravely.

"Get out!"

"It should be fine, just wear an oversize and put your arm around my shoulder." Li Tao made up his mind, and he shouldn't lose his clothes.

It looked really uncomfortable. Aunt Liu adjusted the shoulder straps four or five times in the time spent with a bowl of porridge.

"Okay, it's hard to breathe."

Saying that, Liu Renna stretched her hand in, and quickly threw the warm little piece on Li Tao's head.

Liu Renna said playfully, "Xiangxiang, I'll leave it to you to play with."

Li Tao: "..."

He wisely ignored this thing and threw his clothes on the sofa. Li Tao stretched and stood up from the chair.

"I went to the garage and drove the car up. Aunt Liu, please tidy up. If you don't see me, wait for me in front of the unit door."

"Well, take an umbrella. Today's forecast says there will be rain in the afternoon."


After school officially started, at least [-]% of the people lived in this building.

Li Tao pressed the elevator, and there were already three people inside.

A middle-aged man asked, "Do you want to go to Dahao's funeral?"

A woman seemed to be a teacher too. She sighed and said, "Go, I guess we won't see Teacher Chu's wife and children again. I heard that after the funeral for Teacher Chu, the two of them will leave Luma University."

The last woman also sighed and said, "Oh, being a teacher is also a high-risk occupation."

The middle-aged man said: "Dahao is too hardworking. He likes to do his best in everything. Projects, scientific research are like this, lesson preparation, and professors are also like this."

The female teacher said: "Mr. Chu is only in his 30s, and he died suddenly on the podium. What a pity."

Another female teacher suddenly said: "Don't say it, think about it carefully, the person in charge of that project didn't end well in the end, it's not my superstition, think about the last teacher Zhao, and then Liu Kun..."

The middle-aged man made a "silence" gesture to her, and glanced at Li Tao with his eyes, indicating that she still had outsiders.


When the elevator arrived at the first floor, Li Tao walked out as if no one was there, and didn't seem to have any reaction to the communication between the three.

Straight out of the unit door, Li Tao walked towards the parking lot below.

Chu Dahao is dead?
It's a bit strange to hold a funeral suddenly. What is the reason for his wife to confirm the death of her husband?
Because if Li Tao remembered well, Chu Dahao should be imprisoned in the medical school now, did the people in the medical school use some method to fool her, or did she and the medical school co-star in a scene?

After driving the car out of the underground parking lot, Aunt Liu was wearing an oversized white T-shirt like Sister Sa's, standing pretty in front of the unit door.

Seeing the car, she walked up to it in small steps.

"The sun is so hot today, my body is sticky after standing for a while."

After Aunt Liu got into the car, she turned on the air conditioner, and sat on the passenger seat, pulling her clothes back and forth to blow the wind.

"Then you just wait inside." Li Tao didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

"I'm afraid you won't see it."

Aunt Liu took out her mobile phone and started to search for hypermarkets on the map. Li Tao glanced at it out of the corner of her eye and said:

"The flower shop is on Qingniao Road, you can locate it and see which clothes shop you pass by, so you can save time by dropping by."

After all, he had to pick up the goods at the flower shop at ten o'clock, and he didn't know what Qiu Lan had bought.

"There is a women's clothing store, but the app shows that the per capita shopping consumption is thousands of dollars, which is too expensive. Let's take a detour. There is a store on Mianyang Road that is cheaper."

Aunt Liu also started to save money. After all, people are poor and short of breath and have few points. This is a reality.

"It's okay, a few thousand is not a big problem." Li Tao said indifferently.

"If you're not in charge, you don't know how expensive firewood, rice, oil and salt are. Where can you get thousands of points to buy clothes?"

Liu Renna was so angry that she poked Li Tao's temple with her little finger.

"I don't work for free in a flower shop. It's [-] to [-] points a month. The store manager has already given me [-] points."

"Ten thousand points?"

Yoo In Na opened her small mouth, but her eyebrows were furrowed.

"Have you started hiding your private money?"

The corner of Li Tao's mouth twitched, and he said helplessly, "Didn't I tell you, where did you hide it?"

Liu Renna tilted her head and stared at Li Tao for a long time, as if she wanted to condemn him with her gaze.

"Give me all the points, you are still young, it is easy to spend money randomly, I will take care of the money for you."

After listening to Liu Renna's words, Li Tao felt that it was like being asked for New Year's money by his parents. He tried to resist: "I am not young, I am an adult, and I can get married according to the regulations of Wan Guo City."

"Anyway, a man can't be rich. If he has money, he will learn to be bad. Quickly turn it over to me."

Fearing that this sentence was what she had in mind, Liu Renna spread her small hands towards Li Taoping and asked for her mobile phone.

"It's in my left trouser pocket, can I give it to you when I get off the car?" Li Tao said helplessly.

"I'll take it myself."

As Aunt Liu said, she climbed onto Li Tao's body and groped for Li Tao's trouser pocket with her small hands.

The red light is on, should I say it or not, Li Tao's brake...


When it was time to get off the car, Aunt Liu's face was blushing, and she didn't know what happened to the two of them in the car, but it seemed that Liu Renna was more attached to Li Tao.

She took Li Tao's arm and walked shyly towards the women's clothing store.

"You can buy whatever you like." Liu Renna suddenly said out of nowhere.

The female shopping guide who came up couldn't help showing an ambiguous smile to Li Tao.

"You choose the clothes you wear, whether I like it or not..." Li Tao said angrily.

"Xiaoyou, the clothes inside, after you put them on, no one will look at them except you, don't you think so?" Liu Renna said nonchalantly.


Li Tao was really speechless, as if it was true.

"Ma'am, you can follow me this way."

After following the female shopping guide for a few turns, Li Tao and Liu Renna came to a very private place.

ugly clothes...

"Look at this piece, all the parts that should be covered are cut off, it's very convenient, you don't even need to sleep..."

"Next!" Li Tao interrupted with his face flushed.

"Ah, then this one is just a tie. When you are in love, look up..."


"This one is pretty good~" Liu Renna said with red eyes.

"No, it's not good at all!" Li Tao gritted his teeth.

The shopping guide was already a little upset, she felt that Li Tao's vision was too high, he should be an advanced player on the bed.

It's time to make a big move.

"Come with me now, look at this one!"

"I'm...fucking!" Li Tao covered his eyes with his hands, he didn't dare to imagine why he wouldn't turn into a beast after Aunt Liu put on this dress.

"Just the second one, just the one with a tie."

Li Tao gave up, and the more he walked in, the more obscene he became.

"The one just now is the treasure of the town store. Please take a look again, sir. With the figure of your spouse, it is really wonderful."

"No, wrap up the second one quickly, or I won't buy one." Li Tao could only threaten the shopping guide.

If he hadn't rushed to the flower shop, he wouldn't have bought any of them, and when Liu Renna wore them when he got home, he would suffer again.

"Okay, okay, wait a moment."

The shopping guide didn't dare to waste any more time, and trotted to place an order.

"Come on, come with me to the locker room to change."

Aunt Liu took Li Tao's hand and wanted to pull him in, but luckily reason overcame desire, and Li Tao insisted on standing outside the curtain.

It's a pity, after Liu Renna changed her clothes, she suddenly opened the curtain and asked him if he looked good.

Went to the corner and wiped the nosebleed with toilet paper, Li Tao threw it into the wastebasket.

"Every day, it really kills people."

"Sir, just scan this QR code."

Li Tao quickly paid up the points, waved her away with his hands, and didn't want to see the culprit who caused him so much suffering.

"Bao'er, I'm done changing."

"Have you put them all on?" Li Tao asked worriedly, after all, there was no more toilet paper.

"Put them all on."

Li Tao walked over and took Aunt Liu's little hand, and walked straight outside.

"It's almost ten o'clock, we have to go quickly."

Cars on the road on weekends were more thoughtful than Li Tao's. Seeing that they were about to be stuck in traffic, Li Tao also became a little impatient.

Aunt Liu poked a circle on Li Tao's chest with her index finger, and said comfortingly, "It's better to be late if you're in business. You spend money. What's wrong with making money earners wait a while?"

Li Tao held Liu Renna's fingers with his backhand and kneaded them. In order to relieve the depression of the traffic jam, Li Tao took the initiative to ask:
"I watched the news this morning. Why did the gang fall out with a faction in Europe?"

"Ou Guo...Qin Keqing did it, I don't know about it."

Like a kitten, Liu Renna knelt on the co-pilot and put her little head in Li Tao's arms.

"The impact seems to be great. The political situation over there is quite chaotic, and such a incident has happened again, which has caused a stress reaction in the market. Will it make the big shots behind you unhappy?"

Liu Renna was silent for a while, then rubbed Li Tao's lower abdomen with her side face: "If you are not happy, then you are not happy, what can they do."

"Aunt Qin exercised this right directly over you. Did you not respond?"

"What kind of reaction do you want?"

"I see that something is wrong with you now."

Li Tao held Aunt Liu's small face with both hands, and lifted her to a position facing him.

"In the past, Aunt Qin caused you trouble, and you directly scolded her ancestral grave to smoke. What's going on recently, do you feel that the relationship with her is very ambiguous?"

" can that be, that stinky bitch, who is having an affair with her!"

Li Tao's eyelids twitched. Hearing Aunt Liu's stammering appearance, he felt that he had hit the mark.

"But she said she'd be back soon."

"Returning home?"

"Yes, go back to Wanguo City, and also enter Luma University."

"She came in too? Why did she come in? What is she doing here?" Li Tao felt that he was in another trouble.

When he was a child, he seemed to have made a request to Qin Keqing, hoping that she would have a few children for him with a plump buttocks, and she agreed swearingly.

"Why are you reacting so violently?"

"I'm just... just curious."

Liu Renna looked at Li Tao suspiciously, of course she couldn't say that she sold him to Qin Keqing to sleep for a day every week.

He could only fool around: "Take care of your daughter, her daughter Qin Yueru has been in poor health since she was a child."

(End of this chapter)

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