Chapter 192 Transfer package?

Coincidentally, Li Tao was stuck in traffic, and the person who delivered the flowers was also stuck in traffic.

Aunt Liu stuck to Li Tao's back like a koala. Just as he touched the doorknob of the flower shop, a van stopped by the side of the road with screeching brakes.

A sweaty boy in his early 20s ran down with a receipt in his hands.

" that Mr. Li Tao?" Li Mo asked out of breath.


It's time to talk about business, Li Tao patted Liu Renna's pout to signal her to come down, but Aunt Liu just buried her face in his hair and ignored his request, and even pouted his hand vigorously to express her dissatisfaction.

Worried that Aunt Liu would slip down by herself, Li Tao lifted up a few times helplessly, then looked directly at Li Mo, and asked calmly, "Isn't it arriving at ten o'clock?"

"I'm really sorry, I'm really sorry. It's the first time I've taken this highway. After the morning rush hour, it's still so congested. I'm half an hour late. I'm really sorry."

Li Mo was sweating profusely and panting heavily, he turned his head and waved to the workers to signal them to unload the goods quickly.

"Wait a minute." Li Tao stopped him suddenly.

Li Mo's face trembled, and Yu Guang couldn't help but glanced at the flowers piled high on the carriage.

"Today is Sunday. What's the morning rush hour? Couples go out to play. If it weren't for the flower shop's crap, I might be able to ask Mrs. Qin today, and I would hit a home run at night..."

"Be serious."


Li Tao pinched Liu Renna's buttocks, she was so ashamed that she immediately became honest, buried her face in Li Tao's back like a little quail, and stopped talking.

But the first half of what Aunt Liu said made sense. People like them who often deliver goods, even if they haven't walked this way, should know the road conditions at Luma University on weekends.

Since he agreed to arrive at ten o'clock, he must have set off a certain time in advance.

"Oh, it's Sunday, I said, hey, I'm sorry, I'm so confused these days."

"Speaking of this, do you believe it yourself?"

"Really, I'm too busy every day." Li Mo wiped the sweat from the tip of his nose.

Li Tao lowered his eyelids and gave Li Mo a cold look.

The receipt in his hand was in the lower right corner of the signature, followed by the handwritten date, accurate to the three words Sunday.

Li Mo's smacking with a snake and a stick and all the loopholes made Li Tao faintly feel that something was wrong, so he walked towards the truck with Aunt Liu on his back.

Because the other party used his peripheral vision to look at the truck many times during the period, Li Tao would inevitably become suspicious of this batch of goods. After all, this man named Li Mo was very guilty the whole time.

"Hey, hey, Mr. Li, you can just sign here, and leave the work of moving the flowers to the workers."

Li Mo was panting, but he still didn't forget to stop Li Tao, but the more he was like this, the more Li Tao felt that the flowers were tricky.

"Don't move the flowers yet, I'll inspect the goods first."

Li Tao pushed Aunt Liu's cheek on his back with his shoulder.

After receiving the instructions, she slapped away the receipt that was blocking Li Tao's face, and grinned at Li Mo like a little tiger.

Li Mo stood aside with an ugly face, Li Tao walked past him without saying a word, and soon came to the back of the carriage.

The workers also became nervous when they saw Li Tao, and they stood in front of Li Tao nervously, not letting him approach.

Li Tao tilted his head and glanced at Li Mo, who licked his lower lip and waved to the workers, signaling them to get out of the way.

After touching the carriage at close range, Li Tao instantly understood what the trick was.

There were two workers in the carriage spraying water on the flowers non-stop. The pungent cheap smell made the air burn when it touched the eyes.

This kind of "potion flower" is basically a dead flower. It will die within a day after being placed in the store. The workers spray the fragrance to create an illusion that the flower is blooming well.

"It's because you're late because you went to switch packages." Li Tao looked at Li Mo expressionlessly and said.

"Anyway, there is nothing to say now, friend, you are not the owner of a flower shop, just sign here, and I will give you points back. I will not treat you badly."

Li Mo crossed his hips and looked down at the shoes. His voice was neither loud nor soft, especially mixed with a kind of indifference, which made Li Tao very upset.

"This kind of rotten goods, where you shipped them, you can send them back."

After Li Tao finished speaking, he walked towards the flower shop with Aunt Liu on his back.

"and many more."

Li Mo finished shouting at Li Tao's back, paused and continued: "Student, I advise you, you should think carefully about this batch of goods, your store manager paid the full amount of freight in advance and took [-]% of the total value as a deposit .”

"If you don't sign for it, the fee will not be refunded. I think no matter how open-minded your store manager is, he will deduct your salary because of pain."

"What's more, I used half of the flowers in this car, and half of them were normal flowers. Even if half of them died, I think you can blame this flower shop for not having an air conditioner."

Li Mo looked at the flower shop that hadn't been renovated yet. It seemed that he had researched it a long time ago, and he had already figured out what to blame if something happened in the future.

Li Tao stopped at the same spot, thinking about it secretly, Qiu Lan paid him 21 credits, which was the last payment, accounting for [-]% of the total value.

In other words, this batch of flowers is worth 30 points, but half of them are defective.

Li Tao couldn't help but get angry, not to mention being so greedy, this guy dared to be so rampant after being exposed, it was a bit annoying.

"Okay, let's take off all the flowers."

Hearing Li Tao's words, Li Mo laughed, no matter which group he is in, he can talk about interests.

"Don't worry brother, I'll give you back the money, which is definitely higher than your three-month salary." Li Mo waved his hand to signal the workers to unload the goods.

Holding the receipt in his hand, he hurriedly came to Li Tao.

"Brother, just sign it."

"Let's get a discount on this flower."


Li Tao's sudden and thoughtless words stunned Li Mo.

"Let's get a [-]% discount. Half of the dead flowers should be [-]% off, and you are half an hour late, and you will get [-]% off. The deposit given to you before will not be refunded."


One moment, Li Mo had a ridiculous smile on his face, but the next moment his face suddenly darkened and he poked Li Tao's nose with his finger and said, "Good guy, why don't you eat the overlord's meal with me?"


"Don't point at me as a man."

Li Mo's hand was flushed red by Liu Renna, but the corner of his mouth twitched and he didn't say anything.

Aunt Liu put her chin on Li Tao's shoulder and stared at Li Mo fiercely.

Her hair fell down and just fell onto Li Tao's side face. He pushed the woman's hair back with his hands, and said lightly: "You won't be afraid of your reputation if you play such a dirty trick, and your business will be ruined." ?”

Li Mo said disapprovingly, "No matter how big Luma University is, it looks like a society, but it has a limited number of people after all."

"Actually, there are not many flower shops. After all, they can only sell a little during the festival, and those who choose flower shops are usually very quiet girls, and most of them don't care too much."

"I'm a member of the Medical College Student Union. With my brand name, do you think that even if you say it, others will believe you or the secretary of the Medical College Student Union, which is the head of the Ninth Hospital?"

Li Tao raised his eyebrows: "Do you know who the manager of this flower shop is?"

"I don't care who she is, and I'll tell you, I don't want the remaining [-]% now. I'll wait for you to deliver it to my door obediently, otherwise you can see if this flower shop can continue to open."

After Li Mo finished speaking, he got into the truck, gave Li Tao a provocative look, and drove away.

Through the rearview mirror, Li Mo watched Li Tao's disappearing figure, and after a while, he slowly took out his cell phone.

"Hey senior sister, I'll do as you said, but I really don't want to play silly Bi. I'm such an upright, extremely smart and good student, so let me play a completely opposite role."

"Oh, I think that among the people I know, the one who fits this image best is you, as long as you act in your true colors, that's enough."

If Li Tao heard this voice, he would be shocked.

"Oh, my sister Lan, you are crossing the river and tearing down the bridge. Such a stupid bully, if you can't even finish your freshman year at Luma University, you will have to die. I am already a junior."

"It's really funny and it's a true role~" Li Mo said in a girly way, pinching his throat.

"Okay, I still have something to do here. When Li Tao goes to the medical school to find you, help me find out if he wants to use me for something."


Suddenly there was a beast-like scream from Qiu Lan's side, followed by the sound of blood sizzling from the skin of the iron chain.

"Sister Lan, I've been your dog's leg for so many years, and it's the first time I realize that you pay so much attention to men. Is there something wrong?"

Li Mo didn't care about the strange noises and screams on the phone. It seemed that he knew exactly what Qiu Lan was doing.

"Basically, if he's not using me for something."

"Oh hoo~ It's amazing, it's amazing, the younger generation is awesome."

Li Mo hung up the phone with a lewd smile on his face, but he and Qiu Lan had completely different channels.

Li Mo thinks that Qiu Lan has taken a fancy to Li Tao, and what Qiu Lan really likes is Su Xuefu, she just wants to learn from Li Tao what Su Xuefu likes about him.

The cramped interrogation room was filled with stench and the smell of disinfectant.

Lying on the ground was a thin man whose skin was covered with bones. Even though he was covered in bruises, he still stared at Qiu Lan with a jackal's gaze.


The door of the interrogation room was opened, and a strange woman walked up to Qiu Lan and whispered for a while.

After the strange woman left, Qiu Lan lifted a silver suitcase from the table, and slowly squatted in front of the man.

"Tell me, during the mock battle, how did Fang Yueji die, how did Ma Qian die, and how did you and Akina Nakamori win the first place?"

"Like I said, Ma Qian was killed by Fang Yueji, and Fang Yueji died by herself. You are just torturing me for that man."

Ah Cha could not suppress the killing intent in his eyes.

In the lotus pond, Qiu Lan stood up for Li Tao, and locked him in this dark interrogation room for countless days and nights.

Now, Ah Cha has given enough conclusive evidence that the case should have been closed long ago, but Qiu Lan has been pressing to continue the trial.

He didn't believe that Qiu Lan really knew that Fang Yueji committed suicide, but believed that Qiu Lan was taking revenge for Li Tao.

"If I had selfish intentions, I wouldn't be able to sit in my current position. I insisted on interrogating you because I'm sure you're lying, but I can reveal that someone is robbing you now."

Qiu Lan's words caught Ah Cha's gaze. He is from an ordinary family. It was Li Tao's quota that Li Tao begged for from Liu Renna to get into Luma. How could anyone scoop him up?
"If you admit now that Fang Yueji was killed by you, I won't open this box."

"If you don't admit it, there are still two hours before you are released, and I will work harder to let you know why people call me a 'villain'."

Ah Cha spat out a mouthful of blood foam, and said flatly, "Then come."


"Bao'er, do you think you are stupid? At least let the workers move the flowers in, and then drive them away. Now we have to be coolies~"

Aunt Liu held a pot of flowers and squatted directly beside the flower shop door.

"You let it go, then I'll move it myself."

"I feel sorry for you~"

"Then you move on?"

"I'm tired~"

Li Tao: "..."

"Kiss, come here and kiss, one mouthful will be enough~" Aunt Liu said, waving her small fist.

"Take a break when you're tired. Let's plan in the flower shop first, where to place the flowers. Aunt Liu just uses your recent psychology research to play some role."

Yoo In Na glanced at the florist, as if wondering if she could really make a difference.

"what happened?"

Aunt Liu shook her head, squatted on the ground and opened her arms towards Li Tao: "Hug~"

Li Tao held Aunt Liu's armpit to lift her up, and Aunt Liu instantly sucked on Li Tao's body like an octopus, and the two walked into the flower shop stickily.

It is said that it is not finished, but it is almost the same.

After the tiles are laid, the paint is also finished. To be precise, it is called water-based paint. It does not contain toxic gases, but it has the same magical effect as paint, and it can be moved in after painting.

The bad thing is some air conditioners, freezers, tables and chairs, and decorations that a flower shop should have.

"Aunt Liu, I think so, I hope the flower shop can create such an atmosphere..."

Li Tao briefly stated his previous thoughts. He hoped that every customer would be willing to buy a flower that is exclusive to her here, and have the desire to confide in it.

This puts high demands on the environment, and it must be quieter and more secure than when they buy flowers home and confide in them.

Liu Renna nodded her head, she looked around the surroundings, a little guilty: "I can adjust the light, and then set up some small psychological hints to guide the guests' thoughts."

"However, after all, I haven't thought about flowers. Its growth habits will affect the environment. Gardening or flower art has to hire someone."

Li Tao rubbed his nose, nodded in agreement, and said, "That's the truth. I think there must be someone in our Art Academy who can do it. I'll look for it when I have time."

"Well, let me see how to set up some psychological hints first."

Looking at Aunt Liu's plump figure from behind, Li Tao felt a little emotional for a moment, serious women are indeed attractive.

"Speaking of seriousness, it seems that you can find someone to talk about art."

For a model worker like Xiangxue, isn't she a graduate of the Art College of Luma University?
Even if she has been stranded for many years and switched careers to become a secretary, I believe her professional ability will not be much worse.

After all, she will always be a very reliable girlfriend at critical moments.

(End of this chapter)

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