Chapter 193 The Thrilling Truth

The mobile phone on the bedside table gradually shifted in the vibration.

A big round white leg was draped over the goose-yellow quilt, but the small head covered in the quilt "snapped" a few times, and there was no tendency to look at the phone.

"The number you dialed is temporarily unanswered, please try again later."

Unfortunately, Li Tao's phone call did not wake up the sleeping Xiangxue.

"Forget it, I guess I didn't get up."

Li Tao rubbed his panda eyes, walked out of the flower shop, and stretched himself facing the dazzling sun.

Luma University is located on an island. Although it is still hot and sunny in mid-September, the gentle breeze is no longer like a heat wave like in the past. On the contrary, it is still cool.


Li Tao rubbed his nose and sneezed out his tears.

Aunt Liu came out with a tissue.

"Do you have a cold?"

"Probably not, I sneezed without feeling stuffy."

Li Tao thought to himself: Maybe someone has talked about it again?
He took a tissue from Yoo Inna and wiped his nose, then walked towards the trash can at the intersection.

When throwing the paper, Li Tao suddenly stood there seriously.

Seeing something was wrong, Liu Renna wiped her hands and followed.

"what happened?"

"How often is this trash can emptied?"

Liu Renna shrugged amusedly and said, "I don't know, you have to ask the sanitation workers."

"It hasn't been cleared for at least three days." After Li Tao murmured, he reached out to insert his hand into the trash can.

Seeing this, Liu Renna quickly slapped his hand away: "What are you doing, this is not only a cold but also a fever, it's so dirty, how can you pick up the trash can."

"It's okay, I'll take out this sunglasses and see if it's that one."

Liu Renna couldn't understand what Li Tao said, but he insisted on doing it, Liu Renna could only look up at the sky with a look of hopelessness: "I will wash your hands for you later, I'm afraid you won't be able to clean it yourself."

"That's right, I threw it there."

Li Tao holds up a pair of sunglasses and looks at them under the sun. There are gray stains of coffee on the stained sunglasses. This is the one that Gao Yuying wore before.

Li Tao threw his sunglasses in this trash can three days ago, that is, on Friday. He had already asked the optician at that time, but they couldn't fix it, so Li Tao bought a similar model and threw the old one away. .

But this street is very clean and tidy, it doesn't look like the trash can is not cleared once every three days.

"Is there anything special about these sunglasses?" Aunt Liu asked curiously.

"Gao Yuying's is the woman who died on the island."

"Oh! I forgot if you didn't mention it."

Liu Renna slapped her thigh, she forgot to tell Li Tao what she asked from Qin Keqing.

"Maybe you will see that Gao Yuying in a few days. I learned from Qin Keqing that the weird pattern left on the mud is the plum blossom K of the reef organization..."

Except for what Qin Keqing said about the hidden truth about crossing the sea, Liu Renna relayed the rest to Li Tao in detail, including Qin Keqing's suggestion that Li Tao follow the plan and follow the vine.

"But why does this Plum Blossom K use the identity of Gao Yuying?" Li Tao showed a puzzled expression.

Liu Renna picked her lips, she couldn't think of a reason: "Isn't it because of Bai Muzhen that you first came into contact with Gao Yuying? Maybe there is something special about it."

Li Tao stared at Aunt Liu's pink lips, and said after a while: "It seems that we are back to the original cause of Bai Muzhen's death, maybe I have to go to the apartment they rented."

"I am coming too!"

Li Tao shook his head and said, "I can go alone, Aunt Liu, you can stay in this flower shop and figure out how to arrange it."

"I don't want-"

"Be obedient, my salary has been paid in advance, and now it's all in your pocket. The flower shop messed up, and our family has no income again."

Li Tao couldn't help thinking that he still had a huge amount of money hidden in his hand, which was the final payment of 10,000+.

Call Qiu Lan later to report the situation, shouldn't he also claim credit and reward himself with some points?

"Ah, I'm so boring by myself~"

Liu Renna scratched her hands, with reluctance written all over her face.

"I'll call Xiangxue later and ask her to..."

"No! I can do it alone!"

Aunt Liu didn't even let him finish his sentence, so she sternly refused. It seemed that the relationship between her and Li Manzi's master and servant became more and more tense.

"Uh...anything is fine, as long as you like it..."

Li Tao pushed Liu Renna back to the flower shop, drank a glass of water inside, and walked out alone at about eleven o'clock.

Walking on the street, he also began to think, he had never asked where Gao Yuying lived before, how should he find it now?
The moment he looked up, Li Tao just saw the sign of the coffee shop, his eyes lit up, and he already knew the way.

Li Tao went straight into the coffee shop, where he overheard the secret conversation between the three sisters last time.

Now Gao Yuying is dead, but to her two sisters, she is missing, so as long as those two girlfriends are not very ruthless.

They will start looking for her, looking for her in various places where Gao Yuying will appear, and leave their contact information.

Walking to the bar, Li Tao asked the front desk if anyone was looking for someone recently, and as expected, Li Tao got Wang Chunman's contact information from here.

According to the front desk, on Saturday morning, Wang Chunman and another woman came to the store to find someone and left their contact information. If Gao Yuying came to the store, call her and let her know.



"Hello, hello, is this Wang Chunman's classmate?"

"Yes, who are you?"

"My name is Li Tao. Uh, I accidentally spilled your best friend's sunglasses on the coffee at the coffee shop."

"Oh, I remembered, do you know where Gao Yuying is now?"

Li Tao stared at the floor and thought for a moment, "I don't know. I called her just to return her sunglasses, but I never got through."

"Then I went to the cafe just now, and the waiter there should have seen me talking to Gao Yuying last time, so he asked me if I had met Gao Yuying, and left me your contact information."

"That's right..." Wang Chunman's voice was also exhausted.

After a moment of silence, she said lightly: "Gao Yuying is missing. She has been missing for three days."

"Missing for three days?" Li Tao pretended to be surprised.

"Yes, He Shanshan and I have been looking for her for three days without any news. We have already reported to the counselor."

"Is there anything I can help you with?"

"Clatter" came the sound of pulling the curtains on the other end of the phone.

"Don't worry, I still have something to do..."

Judging from Wang Chunman's tone, it seemed that she was about to hang up the phone, Li Tao hurriedly said: "I mainly want to return the sunglasses, please give me the address, and I will send the sunglasses there."

"It's not necessary right now. As for the sunglasses, let's wait until we find Gao Yuying."

"After a while, club activities, and various things like the student union will start. I may not be able to spare time. You can tell me your address, and I can send it over."

Wang Chunman was silent for a while and said: "Okay, you can write it down. The address is Zhongnan Street, Building A, Chenqu Community. Just write this mobile phone number. I will pick it up when I have time."

"Okay, then you are busy."


Wang Chunman hung up the phone, Li Tao's eyes flickered for a moment, he found a courier in the same city nearby, filled out the form, and paid for the postage.

Li Tao didn't save any more money, took a taxi and went directly to the Chenqu Community.

This community, even if it is a low-end normal community, is far inferior to the one assigned to her by Aunt Liu's Hospital, but it is by no means a humble dwelling of [-] to [-] square meters per household like Master Yue.

The area of ​​each house is also seventy to eighty square meters, but the environment is poor and the whole is very old.

Wang Chunman didn't give Li Tao the specific floors, she meant that the courier was stored in the post station, and then she went to pick it up.

This woman seemed to be on guard against him, or she didn't want Li Tao to get involved too much.

But the more she is like this, the more Li Tao needs to find out about this matter as soon as possible. Time will bury a lot of evidence, and he can't just follow the trend.

"Student, which building is Building A?" Li Tao stopped a passing boy and asked.

"Have you seen that Xinhua Supermarket, the building behind it is there."

When Li Tao sent the express, he consulted the delivery man, and the item could be delivered on the same day, and because Li Tao added money, the other party promised to deliver it within four hours.

Li Tao can sit back and wait, but he still wants to take a look around first, maybe he will find it by mistake.

The stairs are very narrow, and both sides of the shoulders will rub against the wall when walking.

Moreover, the corridor is very noisy, not because there are people, but because the sound insulation effect of the residents' doors is extremely poor. If you don't go out this weekend, you will watch TV and play with your mobile phone.

Every time he passed a floor, Li Tao would stop for a moment and listen carefully to the sounds in the room.

This building is not high, with only six floors in total. Li Tao quickly walked to the top floor, because he didn't hear any familiar voice on the five floors below.

I heard the sound of pulling the curtains on the phone before, and Wang Chunman should be at home without any accidents.

Li Tao suddenly had an idea, he trotted to the third floor.

Because he heard that there was a couple in the room, watching TV and chatting, but it was definitely not Wang Chunman and He Shanshan.

He knocked lightly on the door, and soon the boy came out.

"Hello, I'm the delivery man of Circulation Express. Is this the home of Ms. Wang Chunman?"

The boy looked confused: "Wang Chunman... I haven't heard of it... The whole building shouldn't be called by that name, right?"

Li Tao was taken aback for a moment, his thoughts changed, and he said apologetically, "Oh, I'm sorry, I got confused, it's Ms. Gao Yuying."

"Oh, Gao Yuying, Xiao Gao, freshman, right? Then you went wrong. The door on the left of the fifth floor is her house. No, you can mistake three and five?"

"Okay, why are you talking so much, don't make trouble, come back and peel me the melon seeds!"

"Where am I looking for trouble, oh~"

When the girl spoke, the boy waved to Li Tao and closed the door dejectedly.

Li Tao bowed his hands gratefully, at least he knew where Gao Yuying lived.

Standing outside Gao Yuying's room, Li Tao was in a tangle, and now it might be inappropriate for him to go in openly.

That Wang Chunman himself was inexplicably wary of him, and he expressed on the phone that he did not want him to appear, but now if Li Tao appeared, some unnecessary conflicts might arise.


Li Tao tore off his own sleeve for a long length, and the strip of cloth scurried around like a nimble little snake in his hands.

"Bang bang bang~"

Li Tao slammed the anti-theft door, and the door was opened soon.

Wang Chunman frowned and looked at the empty corridor. There was no one there. Who knocked on the door?
She walked outside and looked down the stairs, but there was no one at all.

Wrapping cloth strips around the voice-activated lights, Li Tao was hanging in the air, and he also took advantage of this time to roll into the room in an extremely embarrassed posture.

He accidentally kicked the shoe at the door, making a slight noise.

It was too late when Wang Chunman turned around when she heard the abnormal noise, and her vision was still empty.

"I'm only too old to be deaf, right?"

Wang Chunman frowned and laughed at himself, then shook his head: "It seems that I have been too tired these few days, and I was woken up by the man's phone call in the middle of my sleep, and I couldn't fall asleep even with the curtains closed."

Sighing, Wang Chunman walked back to the room, took a sip from the water glass on the coffee table, and then walked towards the bedroom.

The living room was dead silent again. After nearly 10 minutes, the shoe cabinet at the door was slowly pushed open, and Li Tao tiptoed out from inside.

This house should be rented by Gao Yuying and Bai Muzhen.

During the conversation in the coffee shop last time, after Bai Muzhen's death, Gao Yuying didn't dare to sleep in this room, and slept on the sofa in He Shanshan and Wang Chunman's rental house every day.

But now, Bai Muzhen is dead, Gao Yuying has been missing for three days, yet this Wang Chunman dares to continue sleeping here.

This is a bit too weird.

Li Tao took off his shoes gently, walked barefoot on the cold tiles, and walked straight to the bedroom where Wang Chunman was resting.

When passing by the sofa, Li Tao noticed a flesh-colored leather item pulled over the sofa cushion.

But Li Tao didn't rush to check, because the sofa cushion was just facing the bedroom, so he had to make sure Wang Chunman was asleep first.

She didn't close the door and didn't cover her quilt, so she covered her eyes with one arm and lay on it breathing smoothly.

Li Tao stood outside the door observing the layout of the bedroom.

There is a desk with a schoolbag on it, and a photo on the side of the desk.

Bai Muzhen.

Seeing her again, Li Tao's heart was also very sad, his father died protecting the Lord, and she was used to kill Li Tao, he couldn't bear anger, on the contrary, he felt more pity.


With a sigh, saturated with complex emotions, Wang Chunman lay on the bed covering half of his face with one arm, and pinched the pillow with the other arm and squeezed hard.

"I don't want to be like this either, Yu Ying, I'd rather not hear what you said."

Recalling in his mind the secret conversation of the three women in the coffee shop at that time, Li Tao's expression gradually became serious.

It seemed that things were far beyond his imagination.

"You said you take a shower as soon as you take a shower. Why do you run out to adjust the water heater in the middle of the bath? Can you just adjust the water temperature when you go in? Can't you be so careless all the time!"

Wang Chunman hammered the pillow several times, as if full of resentment and unwillingness.

"Even if it comes out, how could it be such a coincidence that I heard Bai Muzhen call me!"


Hearing this sentence, Li Tao's pupils shrank into needles.

He swallowed his saliva, looked at the leather items on the sofa, and murmured silently: "Human skin...mask..."

(End of this chapter)

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