Chapter 194 Bai Muzhen's Recording
For a long time, Gao Yuying's narration about living together with Bai Muzhen has always concerned Li Tao.

That's what she mentioned many times, the relative that Bai Muzhen mentioned was a teacher at Luma University.

Bai Muzhen's mother died when she was born, and her natal family was also from an average family. As for Bai Muzhen's father, Bai Zhi, he was a taciturn middle-aged man in Li Tao's impression.

Except for his daughter, he seems to have no social life, and is alone.

Even Aunt Liu couldn't find a relationship other than Qin Keqing's daughter at Luma University, so where did he get a relative who was a teacher?
Now, it seems that this question has been solved.

The female teacher Gao Yuying saw in the apartment twice, she should be Wang Chunman wearing a human skin mask.

Plum Blossom K is good at changing faces, and Wang Chunman is obviously directly related to the ace killer of this reef organization.

Could Wang Chunman even be the Plum Blossom K?
Li Tao's hand gently grasped the door frame of the bedroom, he was hesitating, should he subdue Wang Chunman to ask for clues now, or take a long line to catch big fish and follow the clues to explore deeper things.

"Jingle bell~"

Suddenly the phone on the bed rang.

Li Tao withdrew his hand silently, staring at Wang Chunman with a flat gaze.

"Hello, who is it?" Wang Chunman asked feebly.

"Why does it sound like you are tired? There are still a lot of business to do next. It's not appropriate for you to be in this state~"

There was an unfamiliar female voice on the other side of the phone, but after hearing this voice, Wang Chunman bounced off the bed directly.

She knelt on the bed sheet in fear, her tone trembling slightly: "No... not tired... I didn't know it was you..."

The other party sneered: "Oh, I won't talk too much nonsense, you just need to remember that from this moment on, every minute and every second, you must remain absolutely vigilant and remember your identity."

"If there is any omission in the plan because of your carelessness, I think I will cut off your face with my own hands and give it to an obedient and serious child."

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I will never relax myself from now on, and I will definitely not let the plan have any omissions!"

Obviously it was just a voice call, but Wang Chunman still silently made a "swear" gesture.

It can be seen that this fear is engraved in the bone.

"I'm calling you for business. The place you're staying in is safe enough, right?"

Wang Chunman looked around hesitantly, and Li Tao naturally withdrew his gaze early on, leaning his back against the wall to eavesdrop on the conversation inside.

"Why don't you talk?" The voice on the other end of the phone was a little dissatisfied.

"Oh, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, it's safe here, there's no one else, I'm living alone in Bai Muzhen and Gao Yuying's apartment."

Wang Chunman wiped the cold sweat from his forehead. The woman on the other end of the phone is not a good person. If Wang Chunman was not in a hidden place and connected her phone at will, he would definitely be scolded again.

"Then you get ready. I just got off the plane and am waiting for someone at the airport. I will enter the school no later than Tuesday. You must prepare Gao Yuying's human skin mask for me."

"Well, it's already frozen in the bottom shelf of the refrigerator. When you arrive, just thaw it."

"By the way, who is investigating the cause of Bai Muzhen's death?"

Wang Chunman jumped off the bed, and the sound of footsteps gradually approached the door frame. When she finally walked out of the bedroom, she looked back at the door, but there was no one there.

She showed a suspicious look, because she had always felt that there was a look at this position just now, but she didn't dare to mention it because of the lunatic on the other end of the phone.

Is it an illusion again?
Wang Chunman took out a small notebook from the drawer of the coffee table, and said in a deep voice, "Yes, the more radical investigation is the gang prince Antonio, and standing behind him is the daughter of the sixth director of Luma."

The voice on the other end of the phone was neither salty nor weak: "It's that woman. This year's Luma University Council's rotating chairman is her father. This woman is obsessed with power. I'm afraid she wants to take advantage of this year to redefine the twelve members of the council. Let his father go up a few ranks."

"How about this, you can show her something and let her know who is involved now, if she lets go of the truth, that's the best, otherwise, I don't mind being the daughter of the director for her~"

Wang Chunman swallowed her saliva, not daring to answer such bold words at all.

"There is still someone checking."

"who is it?"

"A freshman, Li Xudong, a Class A underachiever in Class A of the Academy of Art."

"What identity?"

"To put it simply, she is a member of Li Meiniang, a lady from the Li family of Guimao Liquor. When we entered the school at the beginning of the semester, we freshmen took an extra test in the hospital."

"During that assessment, a director suddenly participated. He ordered a group of monsters from the school's student union to assess the depth of the freshmen, and Li Meiniang and Li Xudong defeated ten student union officers."

"The person who defeated the student union and got the other party's student ID card will get a certain amount of assessment points. Originally, there were ten sets of student ID cards, and both of them were enough to be rated as Grade A students, but on the second day, someone found them in the school hospital. Dead student council members."

"All ten people died. Li Meiniang admitted that she gave these people too much alcohol. These people were poisoned with stomach piercing, so the subsequent punishment also deducted all her points."

"But I think it's her secrets that were seen by those students. After all, only the dead can keep secrets."

Behind the door of another bedroom, Li Tao stood quietly.

Listening to Wang Chunman's narration, Li Tao solved another doubt.

Han Guguan had reminded him many times before that Li Meiniang was not an easy woman, and she was downgraded to Class D because of some insane means during the assessment at the school hospital, but the detailed information was blocked by the school.

Looking at it now, it is the death of ten members of the student union, which is not a glorious thing.

That night when he and Xiangxue were hiding behind the haystack, they happened to hear Li Meiniang having a secret meeting with a man there, and she even slapped him.

If nothing else happened, that man was called Li Xudong.

"I've never heard of this woman, but how dare a mere Li family investigate things at Luma University?"

"I'm looking into it. I have a clue but I can't confirm it. I can assure you that I will give you a detailed answer before you enter Luma University."

"Okay, I'll hang up, you remember to rent a house on the first floor, and I will show up with a woman in a wheelchair."

"Okay, I'll do it now!"

The other party hung up the phone first, Wang Chunman let out a deep breath, and slumped on the sofa as if vented.

"What immoral things did I do in my previous life, and I am involved in these troublesome things in this life..."

With a long sigh, Wang Chunman walked towards the kitchen.

She opened the refrigerator, and the bottom layer of the refrigerator had been sealed with frost.

"Bang bang—"

Wang Chunman kicked the bottom layer a few times, and the scarlet paste gradually flowed out.

Plum Blossom K's human skin mask must be preserved with animal blood and low temperature, so that the fit will be high enough after it is taken out.

"Today's weekend, tomorrow's Monday, that is, the day after tomorrow at the latest, that lunatic will come."

Wang Chunman confirmed that there was nothing wrong with the human skin mask, and closed the refrigerator again.

"It's one more trouble. I have to rent a room on the first floor for her. Is the one in the wheelchair disabled?"

Wang Chunman cursed and went back to the bedroom to find a sunscreen short-sleeved cover, took a mobile phone or something, and quickly walked out of the rental house.

The room fell into a brief silence, and after about 3 minutes, the door was suddenly opened.

Wang Chunman walked around the room expressionlessly, and muttered in his mouth: "It's really evil, am I too sensitive?"

She paused for a moment in the living room, and finally left.

Li Tao, who was lying under Gao Yuying's bed, heaved a sigh of relief. He really wanted to get out of the bedroom just now, but he heard the sound of the key being inserted, so he immediately got under the bed.

After confirming again and again that Wang Chunman had left, he walked out from under the bed.

The voice on the other end of the phone should not be a false voice, but the real voice of the other party. To Li Tao's surprise, the voice is very immature, like a child...

And this room belonged to Gao Yuying, she died innocently, simply because she heard something she shouldn't have heard, and told her best friend who shouldn't have told it.

Li Tao took out the sunglasses he bought at the optical shop not long ago from his pocket, and gently put them on the corner of the desk.

"Don't trust anyone in the next life. Although she feels indebted, she will eventually forget it in the passage of's not worth it."

She was talking about Wang Chunman.

Friendship is reliable most of the time, but it cannot reach the deep level.

Li Tao walked around Gao Yuying's bedroom for a while, but found no more information, so he walked back to Bai Muzhen's bedroom.

He stood in front of the desk, looked at Bai Muzhen's photo and murmured: "What secret do you have, why are so many people looking for you..."

If Bai Muzhen just came to the school to avenge his father's murder of Li Tao, he shouldn't have attracted so many big shots.

Even the majestic and mysterious director of Luma University is involved, which is too puzzling.

Li Tao walked around her bedroom for a long time, and when he was about to give up and leave, a Barbie doll on the top of the desk caught his attention.

The Barbie doll's hand is artificially raised, and the finger is pointing under the bed.

Li Tao's eyes flickered for a moment, he pulled up the sheet, and leaned over to look at the scene under the bed.

Not surprisingly, there was a layer of dust underneath, but there were several traces of cleaning.

It seems that Wang Chunman also noticed this Barbie doll, and looked for the things left by Bai Muzhen according to the direction she pointed.

But she didn't know how Bai Muzhen's father Baizhi got the name.

White fingers... "Break fingers".

When Bai Zhi was born, one of his fingers was deformed, it just stuck up and couldn't be pressed down.

Isn't there a finger-cracking technique in the girl's anti-wolf technique, and the finger of the white finger is born as if it was snapped [-] degrees.

Barbie pointed to the bottom of the bed. If this person was pointing white, it could only be pointing to the ceiling...that is, the chandelier.

Li Tao lightly jumped onto the corner of the table, jumped lightly again, and he saw the whole scene above the chandelier, a small black box hidden there.

Li Tao found a silk scarf, and directly pulled off the small black box.

Picking up the black box from the bed sheet, Li Tao studied it for a while and found that it was a tape recorder.

There is a nine-square digital combination lock on the surface, and the word "birthday" is written with a signature pen in the lower right corner.

Li Tao pondered for a moment, then pressed Bai Muzhen's date of birth.

no response...wrong password...

Li Tao tilted his head and recalled carefully, the date should be correct, he was once asked by Bai Zhi how to prepare a birthday present for his daughter, and Li Tao ordered the birthday cake.

Tried again, the password is still wrong.

Li Tao took a few steps back sadly, then was pressed against the wall, and slowly slid down to sit on the ground.

"Isn't the password your birthday?"

Li Tao closed his eyes and thought for a while, since Barbie took advantage of her father, is it Baizhi's birthday?

Li Tao didn't know about that middle-aged man's birthday, after all, he didn't celebrate his birthday either.

Tapping his fingers on the Jiugong grid, he couldn't help typing his birthday.


The screen of the recorder lights up, and the unlocking is successful!
"Why is it my birthday?" Li Tao stood up unexpectedly, because the bedroom was dull with the curtains drawn, so he walked to the sofa in the living room and sat down.

"Are you wondering why it's your birthday..."

The recorder started playing automatically, and after a moment of silence, Bai Muzhen's voice continued:
"Because this recording is reserved for you, I think no one else in Luma University can know the secret of Barbie's fingers except you. Of course, just to be on the safe side, I also set a password using your birthday."

"By the way, I entered Luma University, do you think I'm here to seek revenge from you?"

Bai Muzhen's voice was full of hesitation: "You don't think so, do you?"

Li Tao's hands were clenched slowly, his lips paled visibly to the naked eye.

"In the few days after my father passed away, you happened to be in a car accident and fell into a coma. I was very confused and didn't know what to do in the days to come..."

"So I started to investigate who was the person who sneaked into the manor and killed my father that day."

"I checked the surveillance, all the way back to the hotel where the killer lived before the assassination."

"In that room, I just ran into a strange man. He was wearing a golden mask, and the position between his eyebrows was like a little king in a poker card. By the way, there was a woman lying in the bathroom at that time. The smell of blood was very strong. I don't know if it was He wasn't killed."

"I happened to hear him mention your name, and he even knew that I was Baizhi's daughter."

"This man is very strong. My intuitive feeling is that he is by no means weaker than Mrs. Liu. Because I was afraid that he would threaten you, I pretended to tell him that I hate killers, but I hate Liu Renna even more."

"Because the target of the killer was Liu Renna, but my father was killed. I wanted to use this reason to stay by his side to find out information. I think he didn't believe me, but he didn't kill me, and he gave me a black hand |Dang Antonio’s contact information.”

"He asked me to use the excuse I told him to repeat to Antonio. Sure enough, he believed it, and got me an admission letter through the back door, and brought me into Luma University."

"I don't know what Antonio wants to use me for, but I know that he and the people behind him want to open a laboratory, and that laboratory seems to be blocked for some reason."

"Of course, I'm not only at his mercy, but also controlled by that masked man. He actually knew a female teacher from Luma University, and this teacher..."


The door opened, and Wang Chunman stood outside the door expressionlessly, looking directly at Li Tao coldly.

(End of this chapter)

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