Princess Fuyao

Chapter 199 I have a way

Chapter 199 I have a way
Fuyao has been paying attention to Yan Fengying, seeing her following Chang Yajun like a tail, and the latter did not show any disgust, knowing that Chang Yajun had been captured by Yan Fengying's crying and begging performance.

"Idiot who remembers eating but not beating, you will cry when you are betrayed again."

No matter how displeased Fuyao was, he couldn't show it. He didn't return home with a sullen face until he said goodbye to Zhao Ming after eating.

Liang Mingrui had already returned home. Seeing his wife like this, he asked with concern, "What's going on? Who messed with you."

Fuyao told the story of Yan Fengying and Chang Yajun.

"Is this worth your anger? If you dare to provoke you, I will crush her to death!" As he spoke, he stretched out his hand, squeezed his index finger and thumb together, and twisted it.

Fu Yao smiled: "It's been so long, I don't want to start my brain, hee hee, yes, don't find something to do, be careful to get dementia when you get old."

Liang Mingrui wondered why she said that, before asking, the little girl Xing'er coughed lightly at the door: "Madam invited the princess!"

The wife is Hao Ruomei, and it turned out that it was a matter of discussing a gift for Mrs. Chang's [-]th birthday.Chang Shengzhuo is also really powerful. It is said that in South China Sea, he went to the village beach in person to find a boy with a clever mind and brought him to the provincial government to teach. Not only the teacher who followed him to the post, but even himself went to the podium to teach these children to read After eight years, the first batch of six people went to the capital to participate in Chunwei, but three of them were on the second list, and three of them were on the third list.The excellent results caused an uproar in the capital for a while. Emperor Jiaming deposed him back then, partly to make an example of others, and partly to beat Guo Chenghai. Now, Guo Shoufu, who has made great contributions, has written a note to ask for his retirement. Emperor Jiaming is not sure how to make up for it. It just happened to come to such a step, in addition to the big rewards, Chang Shengzhuo's official rank also made a big leap, and he won the Hanlin Zhangyuan that he never forgets in one fell swoop.

Suffering also changed Chang Shengzhuo a lot. Although he was in Nanhai, although he was only studying righteousness, he saw that the local children, because of poverty, almost no one studied, and the sage education he admired could not be spread at all, and his heart ached.He not only allowed the selected children to study for free, but also took out his own salary to provide them with food, clothing, pens, ink, paper and inkstone.The difficult life made him think about how to save people's livelihood in his spare time. He wrote down his thoughts and thoughts into essays. After returning to Beijing, he spent another year sorting them out, and finally gave them to his brother-in-law for advice. Excited, leaning on crutches, personally presented it to Emperor Jiaming for reading.

The emperor was old and didn't want to make troubles, so he hoped that his sons could fulfill their ambitions, so he added the title of Chang Shengzhuo Prince Shaobao.

This is a high-ranking official from the first rank. At that time, the imperial court was shocked by it, and many people privately envied him. Chang Shengzhuo lived on his salary and tasted courage for eight years.

The crown prince was ineffective, and the emperor still didn't want to give up, but he was afraid of delaying the other princes, so he asked Chang Shengzhuo to enter the palace six times a month to give lectures to the prince, and personally supervise his son's homework.

The princes all performed the disciple ceremony in front of Chang Shengzhuo. Although the cabinet ministers in the court were all three lords and three orphans, it was still rare for them to be with the prince so frequently. Many people felt that Chang Shengzhuo would definitely be the new head of the emperor in the future. Fu, very fawning on him.

Chang Shengzhuo's status in the imperial court was almost equal to that of Chief Assistant Yang Chenguo.However, he is very low-key, rarely communicates with people on weekdays, and concentrates on learning. In the past few years, the lecture notes for the prince have occasionally flowed out, and they have become classics held by literati.

In the Chang family, only Chang Yajun relied on his father's prestige to plan for his husband-in-law, so that the King of Qin changed from a noble man who was idle on errands to an important minister who could often go in and out of the royal palace.

Although Fuyao didn't have much contact with Chang's family, Hao Ruomei was different. She used to befriend Chang Yajun and often went to Chang's mansion. Later, when Chang Shengzhuo returned to Beijing, she often went to Guo's house, and Hao Zhiqian was also a frequent visitor there. , the men moved around more frequently, and the women also came and went frequently. Mrs. Hao would inevitably entertain Mrs. Chang, so Hao Ruomei was taken back to her natal family to help entertain her.

Although Hao Zhiqian is a direct minister, but he has his own set of skills in dealing with the powerful, otherwise, he would not be able to reach his current position.Fuyao knew that Mrs. Hao wanted her daughter to befriend Mrs. Chang, so she might be able to help Guo Bin in the future.

If there is no spring breeze, how can there be autumn rain?Lay the foundation now without showing any signs of mountain or dew, and then you can easily achieve your wish in the future.

Fuyao doesn't interfere with Hao Ruomei's "madam diplomacy", now, Hao Ruomei wants to give a gift in the name of the Zhongren Palace, she also nodded in agreement: "It's rare for a kind elder like Madam Chang, giving a gift to congratulate her on her birthday is what our juniors should do thing."

"My sister thinks, what gift should I give?"

"Sister, let's figure it out. I don't know Madam Chang much, so I don't know what she likes." Anyway, you are in charge, and you can use the things at home as you like.

Beijing officials are poor, Liang Mingrui relies on a few shops and manors for his income except for salary and rewards, Guo Bin is different, he is poor, rich and armed, and a man who leads soldiers has too many ways to make money. He belongs to the clean and honest. He collected a lot of hush money, but he took it cleverly, called "disciple filial piety", even if something happened in the future, he would be able to push [-] and pick himself out.Therefore, in Prince Zhongren's Mansion these years, the two brothers have made a lot of money, gold, silver, jewelry, antique calligraphy and paintings have filled the storeroom.

Fuyao and Hao Ruomei both have a stable and introverted personality, they don't like to show off on weekdays, and no one knows that their financial resources are considered wealthy in the capital.

Knowing that Fuyao likes to make money, but doesn't take money seriously, Hao Ruomei has long expected her performance, and after hearing her answer, she calmly reported: "I'm going to send two high-quality brocades, a jar of Hong The ginseng medicinal wine prepared by the imperial physician, a red sandalwood table screen with four chrysanthemum carvings, and birthday noodles, birthday peaches, etc., there are only four gifts, which are relatively low-key."

"As long as you look good." Fuyao was noncommittal, the things sounded very ordinary, ginseng medicinal wine, the hundred-year-old ginseng used and the small ginseng of more than ten years, ten years, eight years, the price difference can be heaven and earth, and that table The screen, if it is a famous artist, or an antique handed down by the ancestors, the value is not the same.In the same way, although brocade and brocade brocade are expensive, the price of Kesi is even higher. How can the price of ordinary silk be as high as one-tenth of this?Fuyao knew that Hao Ruomei's actions must be high-quality products, and they would never be underestimated if they were sent to the Chang Mansion.

Mrs. Chang's birthday is still five or six days away. Hao Ruomei really attaches great importance to this matter. Then, do you plan to continue dating Chang Yajun?Fuyao doesn't care about other things, but Chang Yajun is too unreliable, Fuyao warned Hao Ruomei before, stay away from her, I don't know if this one still remembers.

Although Hao Ruomei lived in Chengji Province for several years due to problems with her children, it did not affect her reputation in the circle of noble ladies in the capital. It can be said that everyone recognizes that she is one of the most famous ladies in her 30s. , the most capable one.

Fuyao admits that Hao Ruomei's reputation is not groundless, for example, when Fuyao just thought of Chang Yajun, Hao Ruomei mentioned her.

"Yajun, oh, how should I put it, the more I live, the more I go back, and I want to get the upper hand when I interact with people. Don't you know that in this world, there are people who are beyond others, even the empress in the palace, and she has to act according to the emperor's face. She is just a princess, how can she dare to think about anything."

"That's right, Chang Yajun is too keen on power, and one day he will stumble. By the way, Yan Fengying posted it again in the Prince Ying's mansion today. I think she must have used some power to lure her. I hope this Once, she can open her eyes and won't be counted again."

Hao Ruomei was stunned for a moment, and her expression was no longer calm. After a while, she said leisurely: "Didn't she heal her scar and forget the pain? Why is she so worthless, she tripped over a threshold several times!"

"Yeah, I think so too. I'm afraid that Princess Qin will suffer, not to mention other people." Fuyao was the victim last time. It's hard to say whether she will be spared this time, , can she guarantee that she will not suffer from the fish pond?
Seeing that Hao Ruomei was thinking and achieved the goal of Fuyao, she said goodbye and left.

This time, the emperor was sick for a little longer, a full month before he started to deal with the government affairs.Several officials of the Central Plains Salt Administration, Dali Temple also heard clearly, and concluded that they were passive, slack, sloppy, perfunctory, and dereliction of duty, which led to the flood of illegal salt in the department and the serious loss of court revenue.

Those accounts are calculated by Fuyao. No matter how slack an official is, can private salt flow in in a year or two, accounting for more than [-]% of the total sales?Such a private salt dealer is too powerful.

Fuyao thought to himself, this is not the time when the warlords fought forcibly and the army sold them forcibly, so it is impossible for private salt dealers to be as hard to resist as a scourge?
In addition, one person and two people are slack, and it can be justified. The salt administration in the six provinces and regions around the Central Plains Province are all involved, which is very difficult to think about.

Seeing that Fuyao heard these gossips, his eyebrows were tangled into a "Chuan", Liang Mingrui felt very unbearable, he stretched out his hand and rubbed his wife's face: "Don't you always say that it's easy to get old like this? Why don't you take good care of it. "

"Hehe!" Fuyao was amused, "I just feel strange."

"I just need to understand it in my heart. Alas, in the past few years, I am afraid that it has become more and more difficult to be an official. Marshal He wants to retire."

"You already know what the problem is?"

"Well, Mr. Hong's side is just a formality. How dare Dali Temple intervene in these matters? The emperor knows it very well, otherwise, he wouldn't be so angry."

"It should be broken, but it will be chaotic. The emperor can't bear to punish his son, and the life of a courtier is too sad."

It was not unreasonable for Fuyao to say this, Liang Mingrui heard it, and fell silent for a while, put his arm on her shoulder, hugged her slightly and said: "I have a solution, don't worry."

(End of this chapter)

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