Princess Fuyao

Chapter 200

200 - The messenger

"I'm not worried, I can do it!"

His wife is planning to go hand in hand with him to bear the coming storm together. Liang Mingrui was moved and couldn't help lowering his head, and gently rubbed his chin against the top of Fuyao's head: "I know you have a way, just enough is enough, don't get tired gone."


Chang Yajun is really crazy. Some time ago, he was able to remain neutral among the princes. In the past few days, he suddenly became close to the princess.For Madam Chang's birthday, the Crown Princess rewarded many rare treasures, but no one dared to say anything. After all, Chang Shengzhuo's position as the prince's master was placed there. After Madam Chang's birthday, Chang Yajun went to thank her on behalf of her mother. It's incredible.

Mrs. Chang is in good health, why don't I thank you?Even if she doesn't go, the person who will replace her is also a daughter-in-law, not a married little girl.

Chang Yajun and the Crown Princess, you come and go, and it didn't take long for you to feel better like honey.

Feeling the strange atmosphere in the imperial court, Hao Ruomei also calmed down. The invitation from outside can be pushed as soon as possible. Anyway, winter is coming, and I occasionally feel cold, or my daughter or son is not feeling well. The two women in the palace stayed behind closed doors and recuperated at home.

If I don't go out, it doesn't mean that others won't come. First, Chang Yajun came to pay a visit to Hao Ruomei.At the same time, he also gave Fuyao a few small gifts - all toys for little girls.

It is rumored outside that Fuyao loves his youngest daughter Zhuyun very much, and Chang Yajun is doing what she likes.

It wasn't an expensive gift, Fuyao couldn't refuse it, but she didn't return the gift, Hao Ruomei saw it and knew that she didn't want to deal with Chang Yajun, so she mended a few pieces of cloth by herself to make things clear.

Chang Yajun naturally saw that she was not welcome, one shied away and was uncomfortable without showing her face, the other was perfunctory, and returned the gift hastily, but she came prepared, how could she return empty-handed?

"I haven't seen what Princess Zhongren is like, so I don't feel at ease anyway. Sister Hao, take me to have a look."

Hao Ruomei said in a very embarrassing way: "Since the princess gave birth to Yun'er, her body has not been as good as before. In the past few years, when it's cold, she doesn't come out very often, and she doesn't see outsiders. I will convey your kindness. As for going to her place , let’s avoid it.”

"After all, you conveyed that going with me is two different things. I made a mistake back then, and felt ashamed to see others. I never said a word of apology. I came here today with all my courage. I also hope that Sister Hao can make it happen." thing."

If Hao Ruomei refuses, she can't say it again, she can only ask her mother to pass the message to Fuyao.

Fuyao was playing with her daughter and youngest son in the snow. Normally, she would send a servant girl to spread the word, but today it was Hao Ruomei's most capable mother Qin who came here. Fuyao knew that something was wrong, so she stopped and let The nurse took the two children away, and then she wiped off her sweat and asked, "Is Chang Yajun very difficult?"

Qin's mother was still beating her heart just now, she was afraid that the princess would blame her lady for not doing her best, but when she heard her asking such a question, she must have guessed the situation over there, she couldn't help but secretly breathed a sigh of relief, she saw her bend over quickly, and gave Fu Yao another blessing , and then said: "Yes, Madam has repeatedly said that you cannot see guests, but Princess Qin is not forgiving, and even said that she is apologizing for what happened back then."

"Hmph! I don't see what can be done!" Although King Qin's status seems to be a little bit higher than Liang Mingrui, only the husband and wife know that the emperor does not let King Qin know the real secret. Facing Chang Yajun, Fuyao first has psychological advantage.

"Tell her that I'm in retreat and can't see guests."

Chang Yajun heard Qin's mother's words, but still refused to give up: "When will Princess Zhongren leave the customs? If there is an imperial edict, will she dare not accept it?"

"If the imperial decree comes down, there will naturally be a prince to salute instead. The emperor is generous and will never take the lives of his subjects for this matter."

Hao Ruomei gave Chang Yajun a hard nail and finally drove her away.

But the matter didn't end there. The Crown Princess sent an invitation to Fuyao, asking her to attend the annual Winter Solstice Banquet in the East Palace.

Chang Yajun didn't come here to apologize at all, but was willing to act as the prince's dog's leg.

How dare Fuyao have anything to do with the prince at this time?The salt affairs case in the six provinces of the Central Plains can be seen by a discerning eye as the work of the prince.Having a relationship with the salt industry means a lot of money. How can someone who has no influence in the court get such a fat job?The emperor arranges officials, it is impossible to connect a faction of people into a group, several Yanzhengs who were shot, the spokespersons in the court, belong to several gangs, why did they suddenly unanimously allow someone to do tricks under their noses?If it wasn't for the emperor's decree, it would be the order from the East Palace. The emperor was out of energy and once let the prince handle part of the government affairs on his behalf. Unexpectedly, the prince was so short-sighted that he openly tampered with the transfer of salt from the central south and sold it in the central plains. He thought the emperor Just like myself, I don't know what's going on with my family. Who would have thought that the emperor would have noticed it in just two years and cleared up the matter.

When the emperor saw that his successor was so ignorant, how could he not get seriously ill from anger?If it wasn't for the empress who waited on her left and right with her clothes untidy and pleading, the emperor would have decreed that the prince would be abolished long ago.

But the emperor knew in his heart that this son would definitely not be able to inherit the great line.

The prince also noticed the change in his father's mind. Now, he still wants to make a last-ditch struggle.

If he wins King Qin and King Zhongren, the emperor will be forced to be the Supreme Emperor, and he will be passed on in advance.

If Fuyao goes to the East Palace this time, if he does not agree, the Crown Princess will definitely take extraordinary measures to force her.

This is a Hongmen banquet!

It's not that Fuyao is incapable of dealing with the prince and his wife, but the emperor's mind is not clear, how can he, who is a courtier himself, dare to presume the holy will and do things that are harmful to the state?
Fuyao can only refuse!

Although this will definitely anger the crown prince, it's good to fight to the death, right?
Fuyao wanted someone to send news to King Cheng, and tell the emperor through him.

Maybe she thought too much and felt that Liang Mingrui was not suitable to be the messenger.What he can report to King Cheng is that he has an accurate source of news, and it must be news of a fatal threat to the country and the court.

But now, without any evidence, how can you say that the grand concubine's banquet was held by the princess?Besides, what if King Cheng came to tell Fuyao to go undercover and go deep into the tiger's den?It's not that Fuyao wanted to be wise and protect himself, the emperor cared about the relationship between father and son, and was always reluctant to abolish the prince, how dare a courtier oppose the prince?

The crown prince is also a king, and to oppose the prince is to oppose the emperor. This is the fastest, most resolute, and most unreasonable piece of law in the Yong Dynasty.

The first helper Fuyao thought of was Zhao Ming, and she immediately denied this plan.Zhao Ming is a concubine, and without the support of the queen mother, she can live comfortably and comfortably because the couple has always been outside the political vortex in the capital. If he brings her into this quagmire, it would be a bit unjust.Although Zhao Ming has improved a lot compared to before, being brave and ruthless is still not his strong point.

No one would have thought that Yang Mingxia would come to visit Fuyao at this time.

Yang Mingxia has been married to Prince Cheng's Mansion for so many years, no one dares to underestimate her when she is away from home, but she is not satisfied with such a life.The day when the father-in-law passed away was when they moved out of Prince Cheng's mansion. At that time, they would be reduced to ordinary clans. The current rich clothes, jade food, power and influence will all be a thing of the past.

At the beginning, Yang Mingxia was very indifferent, and didn't pay much attention to these things. She was Chang Yajun, who kept showing off in front of people. Although she didn't dare to laugh at Yang Mingxia, the meaning was obvious - one day, you will bow your head and salute when you see me of.

The partners who played together in the past really reached the point where they had to kowtow and salute when they met. Where should she put her face?
Mingxia told her husband what she meant, but Zhao Bifeng could only sigh: "Father always thinks that I haven't grown up yet, and I'm afraid that I will make a mistake and spoil the great matter of Uncle Huang. How many times have I told him, but ..., you can't let me say that I want to be an official when I go to meet the saint, right?"

"Why not? The emperor now needs someone he can trust the most."

"The emperor doesn't even believe my cousins, they are all his own sons, can you trust my nephew?"

Yang Mingxia couldn't help feeling discouraged, so there was no way out?At this moment, she heard about the princess concubine's invitation to Fuyao.

Don't look at the Yang family's father, who has been an official in the Qingshui Yamen like the Ministry of Rites, but his political sensitivity is also very high. Yang Mingxia intuitively felt that there was a conspiracy here, and when he went home and told his father, Yang Zhengshan immediately asked his daughter to come to Fuyao. Help find an errand for Zhao Bifeng.

To talk about this matter, King Cheng said, what kind of official Zhao Bifeng wants to be?However, this most honorable prince in the dynasty is very indifferent to power, and he loves children very much. He will not let his sons come out to do things. Except for the eldest son, he must bear due responsibilities. Somewhat responsible, the other children in Prince Cheng's Mansion are all in a non-human manner.Anyway, they are raised by the clan, so they don't have to worry about food and drink.

Zhao Bifeng also asked his father for an errand, but was rejected.

Hearing that Yang Mingxia came to the mansion, Fuyao's enthusiasm can be described as a greeting: "Oh, I just want to ask you for help. It's like saying that Cao Cao came from Cao Cao."

"What can I help you with? Those who have no position and no authority, just assume the title of a close clan clan."

"Don't say that, if Mr. Zhao wants to gain some authority, it's not just a matter of one sentence?"

"Unfortunately, no one can help me say this!"

As soon as Yang Mingxia's words came out, Fuyao understood immediately, and she answered understandingly: "It's not easy? If you don't dislike my husband and wife's small position and limited resources, King Zhongren is willing to be the one who spreads the word."

Seeing Fuyao being so forthright, Yang Mingxia was in a happy mood. Although she was ready for an equivalent exchange today, the other party didn't negotiate the price and just expressed friendship. What else could she say?
(End of this chapter)

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