Princess Fuyao

Chapter 201 I Know You Can Do It

Chapter 201 I Know You Can Do It

"Sister, what do you think my third master should do?"

"This depends on the third master's disposition. If he is more relaxed, he can find a job with a high position and few things. If he wants to do something, then there are plenty of people who need him."

"There are many people in this world. What is really lacking? Are you in a hurry to have him?"

"Sister, don't you understand? There are many positions around the emperor, and they are very short of people. Competence is not enough, the key is loyalty, unconditional loyalty to the emperor, and no selfish distractions."

"If you want to be capable, the third master may not be able to do it. If you are loyal, he is absolutely fine!"

"If you have a younger sister, things will be easier to handle. King Zhongren will help you with a chance."

"Then thank you, Sister Ji."

"Don't say thank you, I still have something urgent to ask for your help." Seeing the exaggerated surprise on Yang Mingxia's face, Fuyao knew how much she had heard, so he didn't hide it, and told the princess to invite him to the banquet. , said it again.

"Tell me, will my father-in-law help you?"

"If the third master is willing to help me, it's okay. This matter is a bit risky. Once it succeeds, the third master will not need me to pass the message. The emperor will naturally reuse it."

When Yang Mingxia thought about it, she immediately understood what Fuyao meant. She wanted Zhao Bifeng to show off.She considered it again and again, and finally said: "I still can't make up my mind, I have to go back and ask him."

"As long as my sister is willing to help, Fuyao's life will be saved."

"I will definitely try my best."

With things in mind, Yang Mingxia didn't intend to talk to Fuyao, and wanted to leave in a hurry.Fuyao waved and asked the little maid to bring out a box of food.

"This is a small snack made by my chef. It is most suitable for people with weak spleen and stomach. You can take it home and have a taste."

"Then thank you, Sister Ji!" Yang Mingxia's two sons, who have bad tempers and stomachs, were not polite when they heard the words. They happily took the food box and gave it to the personal maid who avoided suspicion just now!

Yang Mingxia is smart and tactful outside, very active and alert when getting along with people, but impatient and impatient at home, which of course has something to do with Zhao Bifeng's gentle temperament and love her very much.

After listening to Mingxia's words, Zhao Bifeng thought about it and said, "The crown prince probably wouldn't do such tricks between you women. Besides, even if it's true, would Uncle Huang believe it?"

"But it's always an opportunity! If we miss it, we don't know how long we'll have to wait."

"But to overthrow the crown prince, the future new king may not be grateful, and maybe he will be jealous. Let's forget about such thankless things."

"Wrong! What we did was for the sake of the Great Yong Dynasty and the safety of the Holy One. We are loyal to the emperor. When the new emperor ascends the throne, he also values ​​such people. It is impossible for him to have so many people. He replaced all the ministers of the court. Those who support him, but also those who are loyal to the court, are those who are loyal to the court. Because at that time, the court is his."

Mingxia is a smart person, since she wanted to push her husband up, it was because she saw that her husband was capable.Sure enough, Zhao Bifeng thought it over and said: "What you said is very reasonable, let me see how this thing works."

"What other ideas do you have?" Mingxia wondered.

"I used to plan to find a way to follow the second prince. I thought he was a capable assistant and good minister. We can also get such comments at that time. Isn't the matter settled?"

"That's a good idea, why didn't you start earlier?"

"There is no opportunity." Zhao Bifeng spread his hands.

"Then it's better not to talk about it." Mingxia rolled her husband's eyes and said, "Tell me, can you enter the palace or not?"

"Don't worry about it, I'm sure to handle the matter beautifully, not only saving your friend, but also making Uncle Huang look at me with admiration."

Mingxia was very happy, and she winked: "I knew you could do it!"

Zhao Bifeng left his wife and went to his mother's first stop.Princess Cheng has a pure heart and is righteous. The servants and relatives in the mansion will not be rewarded for their meritorious service. Therefore, the whole mansion will be full of vigor and vitality.

Simplicity, on the other hand, means that it cannot deal with complexity, but it is easier to coax!
"Your father has been thinking a lot recently. I have persuaded him many times, but he still can't let go. I don't know why, and my mother is very worried." Princess Cheng said.

"Father enters the palace more times than before? I used to pay my respects to my father, and I always got some teachings. Now, I can't see him face to face. My son is very frightened." Zhao Bifeng's lies came as soon as he opened his mouth, It's a good thing he loves Yang Mingxia, otherwise, that competitive woman would not be the most pitiful person in the world?
"Yes, the emperor's health is not good, so your father should contribute more to the court."

"My son understands! My son is also willing to contribute to the uncle of the emperor. Mother, you also tell your father and king that although I am not very capable, one more person will give me more strength. I will also contribute my whole life to our Zhao family's country. .”

"Mother and concubine know that you brothers are all good." In the eyes of the mother, the son is the best, let alone the relatively simple Princess Cheng?
"Mother, father and uncle, are you discussing the matter of the prince?"

The ecstasy soup was almost poured, Zhao Bifeng suddenly went straight to the point, Princess Cheng couldn't resist, and immediately told the truth: "Hey! Tell me what's going on, the prince is really confused, who will own the world in the future?" ? Is it necessary for him to collect that little money?"

"Yes, mother, this is not stealing yourself!" Zhao Bifeng knew that he was talking about Yandao, "Mother, concubine, the prince really has no eyesight, and he can't weigh the weight. The sixth prince and the seventh prince are so pressing. He is in a hurry. He feels that in order to win over talents, gold, silver and treasures are naturally needed. In order to satisfy some people's desires, he has to take this move. Don't you know that a true man of insight, with his ambition in the country, as long as If they understand their desire to serve the country and satisfy their desire to serve the country, they will go forward bravely and sacrifice their lives at all costs. The hearts of those who are bought with money are empty, and only those who come here with sincerity can compare their hearts with their hearts. , are people with lofty ideals who truly support themselves.”

Princess Cheng suddenly found that her son had grown up, matured in thinking and experienced in doing things, and she couldn't help but feel very relieved: But when she thought about state affairs, she could only sigh: "This prince, alas, has made your uncle embarrassing, so let him be abolished now." , Which one should come up, it is too difficult to decide. This is not a family life, good or bad, it is only a matter of dozens of people, this is the world!"

Seeing what he wanted out of his mother's mouth, Zhao Bifeng immediately changed the subject. He needed his mother to praise him in front of his father to give him points, but he couldn't let her find out that he was playing tricks.

"Mother, Mingxia brought back some food from Prince Zhongren's Mansion, and she brought it here for you, but you didn't keep it. No, I brought it again for my mother to taste. They all thought that the master of Fu County only knew how to dance guns. Great, I didn't expect Xiaotian to manage it very well, look at this little snack, it's very well made, and it smells delicious."

Princess Cheng glanced at it casually, some sesame seeds were sprinkled on the greasy dumpling, she didn't know what kind of dessert it was, so she grinned reluctantly, the emperor would reward her every now and then, there were so many varieties of desserts in the palace, she didn't eat anything Pass?Will you be rare for the snacks of Prince Zhongren's Mansion?No matter how good it is, it is better than being in the palace.

However, the son had already served a piece on a plate, and Princess Cheng reluctantly picked it up with her hands and put it in her mouth.

A cool and sweet taste filled the cheeks with a faint fragrance of corn, and the dim sum was soft and crispy, with a sweet fragrance of honey juice.

"Well, it's really good." Princess Cheng felt strange, "Where is there corn at this time? Well, there is another fragrance, what is it?"

"It's the smell of astragalus. In traditional Chinese medicine, the astragalus that grows in the north is not only not bitter, but also fragrant. The Lord of Fu County didn't know how to deal with it. He even used it as seasoning. Not only is the snack delicious, but it can also nourish Qi and strengthen the body." .”

"So good? Let your daughter-in-law ask for the prescription, and our family often makes some."

"Hey! Mom, I'll tell Mingxia right now."

"You go and get busy, I'll take a break too." Princess Cheng waved her hand to let her son leave.

It's not that the emperor doesn't want to abolish the prince, it's just that he hasn't figured out who will succeed him.Zhao Bifeng was thinking as he walked, now that several princes are in dispute, each has its own strengths, which one should he help?
Even if Uncle Huang can't make up his mind, it's better not to offend him, but how to show this head just right?Don't show your head now, and when all the dust settles, it will be too late.

Zhao Bifeng was thinking deeply when his cousin-in-law Chen Gang asked him to go out to play.

"I have something to do!"

"What serious business can you have? Let's go, let's go!"

Chen Gang is the husband of his uncle's eldest cousin, and works as a battalion officer in the garrison camp in the capital. The garrison camp is divided into ten battalions, and each battalion has a thousand people.

In fact, this is not the case. In the capital, 1000 people can do great things. The first officer, the second officer, and the third officer of the garrison battalion are all in command, and these battalion officers are all served by Xungui himself. Those who are not trusted by the emperor should not even try to get involved here.

Zhao Bifeng didn't want to mess with people like his cousin-in-law, who knows if they belong to a certain prince?Helplessly, Chen Gang sank heavily, put his arms around his shoulders, pushed and pulled him, and took him out.At home, he didn't want to quarrel with his brother-in-law, otherwise, he would have lost his temper. When he got to the ground, his cousin-in-law dragged him into the most luxurious Hongling Pavilion in the capital.The women here are multi-talented in poetry, calligraphy and painting, but most of them do not sell themselves. He is not afraid that Mingxia will be jealous, but he can open the private room on the third floor, bypass the screen, and see the smiling people, he is not only surprised...

Five days passed in a blink of an eye, the princess was afraid that Fuyao would not go to the appointment, so she specially sent a carriage to pick her up that day.When Fuyao saw the lean coachman with deep eyes and swift demeanor, he knew that he was not an ordinary person—a warrior, and his kung fu was not ordinary.

This is a trap, Fuyao can't do it if he doesn't jump today!
Forget it, the one who should come can't escape, she, Ji Fuyao, has never seen such swords, lights and swords, a prince's mansion, still want to trap her?

(End of this chapter)

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