I can work indefinitely

Chapter 132 I'm 1 Excited, I Forgot

Chapter 132 When I got excited, I forgot

"Uncle, it will be very painful to transfer a lot of knowledge in a short period of time!"

"Just now, I read related books, and after summarizing, I deduced the detailed rules for the management of metallurgical factories!"

"If you say it with your mouth, you won't be able to learn it in a year. If you don't understand it, the factory is in a hurry to produce, and you will definitely not be able to wait. So I made my own claim and used the technique of enlightenment to imprint the management rules of the metallurgical factory directly in your memory. " Chen Tianzhen looked at the fearful expressions of the two, and began to explain.

Xu Kaicheng and Luo Bin breathed a sigh of relief at the same time, and looked at Chen Tianzhen with lingering fear.

However, through Chen Tianzhen's explanation, the two also understood Chen Tianzhen's "good intentions".

Chen Tianzhen didn't mean to be unfavorable to them, but for their benefit!

"It turns out that Chen Tianzhen didn't want to teach me a lesson, but to transfer the knowledge directly into my memory!" After some explanations, the two finally came to their senses.

"Pain is the sequelae of acquiring a lot of knowledge in a short period of time."

After calming down, they found that the management rules of the metallurgical factory in their memory were extremely perfect, and every detail of the management was recorded in response to various situations. It was countless times more advanced and scientific than the current management system of the metallurgical factory!
If it is written into a book, there will be no tens of millions of words, so it is absolutely not clear!

Under the proof of the two, the two of them completely believed what Chen Tianzhen said.

Immediately afterwards, Xu Kaicheng remembered Chen Tianzhen's words, "Just now, I read related books, and after summarizing, I deduced the detailed rules for the management of metallurgical plants!"

According to the literal meaning, Chen Tianzhen has never been in contact with related books before, nor has relevant experience. "Detailed Rules" was thought up by Chen Tianzhen.

Is that human being?
Xu Kaicheng only felt that he had lived on a dog all these years, and his decades of experience were not as good as Chen Tianzhen's 10 minutes of thinking!
Immediately, Xu Kaicheng's eyes were extremely shocked, and his heart was even more shocked to the extreme, "Smart enough to let people live! This is completely not to let others live!"

Fortunately for Xu Kaicheng, he was brought into the dream kingdom of God by Chen Tianzhen, knowing that Chen Tian is really a strange person with supernatural powers, and he can't be seen with the eyes of ordinary people, so he quickly accepted it.

But Luo Bin has always been an ordinary person, let alone experienced it, even he has never heard of such a situation.

The technique of enlightenment!

Transfer knowledge directly to your mind!
This is simply the means of immortals in myths and legends!
If you are not a god, how could you do such a miraculous thing!
Luo Bin was so shocked that his eyes widened, and his face was full of disbelief.

Immediately afterwards, he remembered that he had bad-mouthed Chen Tianzhen in his heart, and a strong sense of panic surged in his heart, and he gave Chen Tianzhen a very terrified look, for fear that Chen Tianzhen would know.

"Director Luo, what are the management rules of the metallurgical factory?" Seeing that the two had almost recovered, Chen Tianzhen said with a smile.

"Immortal... No, Mr. Chen, the management rules of the metallurgical factory are hundreds of times stronger than our current management method! This is an epoch-making product." Luo Bin said without hesitation, with a face full of panic.

While answering, Luo Bin felt extremely ashamed. At the beginning, he felt that Chen Tian was really playing tricks and was an idiot.

After the management rules appeared in his memory, he realized that the real idiot was himself!
Compared with the management rules of the metallurgical factory that Chen Tianzhen summed up, with some knowledge and experience, he doesn't understand!
"Uncle, I wonder if you are satisfied with the management rules?" Chen Tianzhen turned his head and looked at Xu Kaicheng.

"Satisfied, very satisfied!" Xu Kaicheng was shocked by the management rules, and the scientificity and operability surpassed the level of the world!

The management rules of the metallurgical factory are like the factory management manual. Anyone who gets the management rules can manage the factory in an orderly manner.

"It's good to be satisfied."

"Xiao Yao, come here, I have developed a new exercise, which is especially suitable for you!" Chen Tianzhen waved to Xiao Yao with a smile.

In the derivation space, he has derived countless exercises, one of which is called Caifeng Burning Heaven Art, which can gather five supernatural power runes at the first level, compared with the Ten Forms of Fierce Soldiers, which can only be cultivated with three runes. Countless times stronger.

"Buddha light!"

"Teaching!" Chen Tianzhen lowered his palm, and all the details of the Caifeng Burning Heaven Kungfu's first and second-order cultivation methods were transmitted to Xiao Yao's mind in an instant.

The whole process was relieved by the Buddha's light, and Xiao Yao didn't feel any pain. Instead, under the blessing of the Buddha's light, he had a relaxed expression on his face.

"Caifeng Burning Heaven Kungfu can not look old?!" Xiao Yao opened his eyes, his eyes were filled with shock, and his face was full of ecstasy.

Although she hasn't practiced it yet, among the knowledge Chen Tianzhen passed on to her is the introduction of the power of the Caifeng Burning Heaven Kungfu after it is completed. Compared with the ten forms of fierce soldiers, the power is ten times stronger than the ten forms of fierce soldiers.

What's more, after practicing Caifeng Burning Heaven Kungfu, one can increase one's own potential, extend one's lifespan, reach the second level, and keep youthful and youthful forever.

Of course, while obtaining these benefits, the difficulty of practicing Caifeng Burning Heaven Kungfu is also much higher than that of the Ten Forms of Fierce Soldiers!
The resources consumed by cultivation are not comparable to the Ten Forms of Fierce Soldiers.

"That's right, Caifeng Burning Heaven Kungfu is at the second level of great accomplishment, and it can keep you young forever, and your appearance is not old." Chen Tianzhen nodded affirmatively.

"Wait a minute, Chen Tianzhen, did you impart knowledge to this little girl just now?" Seeing Xiao Yao's relaxed expression, Xu Kaicheng raised his eyebrows and couldn't help asking.

Didn't it mean that the technique of enlightenment will cause extreme pain?
Why is Xiao Yao not only not in pain, but also enjoying it!

This is obviously unreasonable!

"That's right!" Chen Tianzhen nodded affirmatively!
"Why does she look so happy, but we are in pain?" Xu Kaicheng frowned, and asked Chen Tianzhen.

"Because I blessed Xiao Yao with Buddha's light, so she won't feel pain."

"The reason why you are in pain is because I was thinking about something at the time, and I was interrupted by you waking me up, and you were urging me so urgently, I was so excited, I forgot about it!" Sorry in there.



It's too obvious, it's intentional!

Xu Kaicheng's face turned black, and his heart felt as uncomfortable as eating a fly. He opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but he didn't say anything in the end. He didn't forget it, it was obviously intentional!
However, even if he knew that Chen Tian really did it on purpose, so what could Xu Kaicheng do.

It was his fault first!

Chen Tianzhen said he was reading a book, he felt that Chen Tianzhen was playing!
When Chen Tianzhen was drawing conclusions, he felt that Chen Tianzhen was going crazy.

After Chen Tianzhen finished summarizing, when he opened his eyes and was thinking, he felt that Chen Tianzhen was simply a mental patient.

In the end, he was still angry, with an ugly face, and urged Chen Tianzhen in a bad tone.

The core point of all this is that he felt that Chen Tianzhen's actions made him lose face in front of Luo Bin!

He likes to end this pointless and embarrassing meeting early.

In fact, in the final analysis, it was his dog's eyes that saw people as inferior, and he didn't believe that Chen Tian really had such abilities, everything was caused by this idea.

"Chen Tianzhen, this is the second time I've made the same mistake. It's only three things. In the future, no matter what you do, whether you understand it or not, I will unreservedly agree and support you!" Xu Kaicheng said sincerely with a serious expression on his face. I apologize, my eyes are full of guilt.

At this moment, Luo Bin was extremely terrified. He felt that Chen Tianzhen must have found out that he was speaking ill in his heart, so he deliberately punished him in this way.

(End of this chapter)

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