I can work indefinitely

Chapter 133 Preparations for nuclear leveling space cracks completed

Chapter 133 Preparations for nuclear leveling space cracks completed
"All combat units, have the preparations for the nuclear explosion space crack plan been completed?" Mu Yuantu raised his hand and looked at the time in the combat command center of the Ministry of War. It was only one hour away, which was 12 noon. This time was the scheduled bombing The time of space rift.

"Mu Shangshu, the five hydrogen bombs are ready for launch! Finished!"

Mu Yuantu's nuclear explosion space crack plan is to launch a hydrogen bomb bombardment first. If a hydrogen bomb cannot crack the space, a second-level action plan will be launched, and four hydrogen bomb bombardments will be launched at the same time.

"Mu Shangshu, the military satellite has arrived at the designated location, and the high-altitude images have been synchronized to the command center! Finished!"

On a huge screen in the combat command center, a real-time picture of the deserted desert was displayed. In the middle of the picture, there was a strange place like an ancient battlefield.

This was originally a small lake, an important source of water in the deserted desert, but at this moment, black air billowed in, and the small lake was covered by black air, making it impossible to see what it looked like.

The investigation by the Ministry of Military Affairs found that after any creature comes into contact with black air, it will undergo a mutation.

A desert scorpion the size of a fist quickly grows to the size of a chariot after being polluted by black air.

After the desert rattlesnake came into contact with the black air, it became like a train.

After the desert jerboa was polluted by black air, it grew taller than a human.

In addition to the huge body, all creatures that come into contact with the black air will become extremely ferocious and manic. They are manic and kill all living creatures around them. The flesh and blood of the killed creatures are all swallowed by them.

It has only appeared for half a month, and around the black air, there are all large and small skeletons!
This strange place was named the Magic Pit by the Ministry of War!

"Mu Shangshu, all sixteen reconnaissance drones are in place, and the reconnaissance images have been synchronized to the command center in real time. Finished!"

On the huge screen, there are sixteen small split-screen images, and each image corresponds to a reconnaissance drone. Through these sixteen images, one can observe the magic pit in all directions.

At this moment, in these sixteen pictures, apart from the black air, there are many bones, and only a few mutated animals with blood-red eyes are wandering around. As long as they find a living thing, they will rush to fight until the flesh and blood of one side is devoured. Only the feeling will give up.

"Mu Shangshu, within [-] kilometers of the Great Desert, everyone has evacuated! The preparations have been completed. It's over!" The last voice came from the troops stationed around the Great Desert.

"it is good!"

"All combat units, activate the first-level combat readiness alert and stand by! Wait for the mission instructions!" Mu Yuantu gave the order with a smile on his face.

Then he turned around and gave instructions to the excited Wu Zhengchu, "Wu Zhengchu, now go invite Chen Tianzhen to the combat command center! Watch the plan to bomb the space crack!"

"Okay, I'm going to invite Master Chen over here!" Wu Zhengchu was extremely excited. In this emergency, the use of hydrogen bombs on the mainland is an unprecedented event for the Ministry of War.

Chen Tianzhen has always been extremely powerful, his killing is strange, the Buddha's light shines in the world, and the dream space is even more miraculous.

And the Ministry of War, in the face of Weird, has no choice but to retreat steadily!

This made him feel unable to hold his head up in front of Chen Tianzhen.

Now, according to the instructions, the Ministry of War uses the strongest weapon of mankind, the hydrogen bomb to bombard the cracks!

He had to invite Chen Tianzhen to the scene and let Chen Tianzhen take a look with his own eyes. Their military department is by no means a vegetarian.

Wu Zhengchu went to invite Chen Tianzhen, and the other five servants stood beside Mu Yuantu with blushing faces.

Zhang Shilang is in the Ministry of War, in charge of intelligence and information, and he laughed heartily at this moment, "Mu Shangshu, during this time, Master Chen has been extremely strong, wiped out the ancient battlefield, and killed all the mass graves. The method is retreating steadily."

Because Zhang Shilang was in charge of intelligence, he did a lot of analysis on Chen Tianzhen. The more he analyzed, the more aggrieved and dangerous he felt!
The mighty military department of a country is not as good as a single person!

What a fool!How terrible!
The Ministry of War is in charge of war and killing. In any era, it must have the power to suppress everything. But after Chen Tianzhen appeared, the Ministry of War found that not only could they not suppress Weird, even Chen Tianzhen, they couldn't suppress it!
"This time using the strongest weapon, the hydrogen bomb, we not only want to kill all the animals polluted by black gas around the magic pit, but also smash the cracks in space!"

"First, show Master Chen our invincible force! Tell him with strength that our Ministry of War is not just for nothing, and we have the ability to deal with any crisis."

"Secondly, through this hydrogen bomb bombardment, we will be able to master the tactics to deal with the weirdness and space cracks. Using this as a reference, we will attack the weirdness and space cracks all over the country, and completely kill the weirdness!"

"That's right, we must demonstrate invincible strength and national security. We cannot place our hopes on Master Chen alone. As the guardians of the country, we must play a major role in dealing with the strange war!" Another Zhou Shilang agreed very much. Zhang Shilang's point of view.

The discussion became more and more heated, Mu Yuantu's face was serious, and he just listened without expressing any opinions.

The use of hydrogen bombs to bomb the magic pit was an order personally issued by Ji Xingchen and Chen Tianzhen after they met in the dream space, and the task must be successfully completed.

The most fundamental purpose is to blow up the cracks in space and cut off the source of the dark and bloody era in the future!

Showing strength to Chen Tianzhen was just a incidental thing to do.

In order to destroy the goal of space cracks, Mu Yuantu made all the preparations and formulated two plans, one hydrogen bomb first, and four hydrogen bombs if not possible!
As for whether the hydrogen bomb can smash the cracks in space, Mu Yuantu is absolutely confident.

Nothing can resist the power of the hydrogen bomb!
"It's a pity that the radiation pollution produced by the hydrogen bomb explosion is too great to be used as a conventional method. At most, it can only be used to deal with space cracks. For conventional weirdness, we still have to rely on Chen Tianzhen." Mu Yuantu's eyes showed regret.

It is impossible to use hydrogen bombs routinely. If one bomb is dropped, the radiation produced will make no grass grow within [-] kilometers of the explosion point for a hundred years.


The hotel where Chen Tianzhen stayed was actually only about 500 meters away from the Ministry of War. It only took a few minutes for Wu Zhengchu to trot over.

At this time, Chen Tianzhen put all his thoughts on the infinite employment panel, carefully studying the third-level professional skills.

Just looking at the introduction, Chen Tianzhen felt that the tyranny of the third-level skills was revealed!

Amidst the knock on the door, Chen Tianzhen looked back reluctantly and opened the door.

"Master Chen, the nuclear space crack plan has been prepared. It is scheduled to bomb the magic pit at 12:[-] noon today. According to the instructions of the superior, please invite the combat command center of the Ministry of War to watch the ceremony!" Speak to Chen Tianzhen.

"Let's go!" Chen Tianzhen shook his head and said calmly.

He felt that using nuclear weapons to bomb the space crack would not have any effect.

But without actually trying it, the Ministry of War would never believe it!

The purpose of asking him to watch the ceremony, Chen Tianzhen knew very well, was to show him his muscles.

Chen Tianzhen's plain appearance made Wu Zhengchu frowned, and he thought to himself, "Could it be that Master Chen thinks that hydrogen bombs can't destroy space cracks?"

"He definitely doesn't know how terrifying the power of the hydrogen bomb is!"

"After he sees our hydrogen bomb blowing out the cracks in space, Master Chen's expression will definitely be wonderful." Thinking of this, a smile appeared on Wu Zhengchu's face.

He began to imagine Chen Tianzhen's terrified appearance after seeing the power of the hydrogen bomb explosion. Just thinking about it made Wu Zhengchu feel extremely comfortable.

(End of this chapter)

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