I can work indefinitely

Chapter 134 Watching the Nuclear Explosion 1

Chapter 134 Watching the Nuclear Explosion 1
War Command Center.

On the side near the big screen, there are seats for service soldiers, and the orders of the Ministry of War are transmitted to each combat unit through them.

Behind the service soldiers, there was a large platform more than three meters above the ground. There was a huge conference table on the platform. At this time, Ji Xingchen had already sat down at the head of the conference table.

Mu Yuantu reported the preparations for the general plan to Ji Xingchen one by one.

At this time, under Wu Zhengchu's guidance, Chen Tianzhen walked into the military command center from the outside.

Seeing Chen Tianzhen appear, Ji Xingchen smiled, and patted the seat beside him, "Little Tianzhen, come here quickly! Sit here!"

Immediately, everyone looked at Chen Tianzhen with different eyes, full of shock.

Because the seat designated by Ji Xingchen for Chen Tianzhen is also the main seat, on an equal footing with himself.

Chen Tianzhen's position has surpassed that of Mu Yuantu.

In this way, Ji Xingchen told everyone in a disguised form that Chen Tianzhen was on the same level as him.

"Grandpa Ji, why are you here?" Chen Tianzhen strode to Ji Xingchen's side, calmly, and pulled the chair back a step, half a body behind Ji Xingchen, the position was on the same level as Mu Yuantu, Chen Tianzhen Then I sat down.

"You kid, you still do this in front of me." Ji Xingchen smiled all over his face, with admiration in his eyes.

If other teenagers had Chen Tianzhen's abilities, they would probably be so arrogant that they would not even pay attention to him, Ji Xingchen, but Chen Tianzhen didn't do this, he was very modest and gave him enough face.

"Using hydrogen bombs to bombard the cracks in the space! Such a big thing, I must come and see it."

"I heard what you said last time. You think hydrogen bombs can't destroy space cracks. I called you here to show you the power of the strongest weapon of mankind. Don't think that you are the only one who is powerful. In fact, we are also very powerful. " Ji Xingchen didn't hide anything, with a smile in his eyes, he expressed his thoughts openly and humorously.

"We can't let you Xiaotian be alone in front of the beauty, we have to show that we are not."

"Haha!" Ji Xingchen's words made everyone laugh.

Their faces were flushed, and their hearts were extremely proud.

Because they felt that this time, they would definitely be able to feel proud in front of Chen Tianzhen.

Chen Tianzhen was indeed very strong, even the ghost kings who were piercing into the sky were wiped out with one move, but when facing the crack in space, Chen Tianzhen was helpless.

They have absolute confidence that the use of hydrogen bombs this time, whether it is space cracks or weirdness, will be wiped out in an instant.

Chen Tianzhen also laughed. In fact, he also hoped that the hydrogen bomb would shatter the cracks in space and destroy the source of all disasters.

However, Chen Tian really knew that this was just fantasy and extravagant hope.

"Yuan Tu, let's start!" He raised his hand and glanced at the time. It was already eleven fifty, and Ji Xingchen's face suddenly became serious.

"Yes!" Mu Yuantu stood up and saluted solemnly.

"All combat units, report the preparations immediately?" Mu Yuantu blushed and gave the order.

"Mu Shangshu, the hydrogen bomb launch port has been opened, ready to ignite, over."

"Drone in place, over."

"The reconnaissance satellite is in place, over."

"Screen synchronization is in place, complete."

A loud voice sounded in the combat command center.

"Commander, all combat units are ready, please give instructions!" Mu Yuantu turned around and saluted Ji Xingchen. His voice was loud and clear, with fanaticism in his eyes.

The launch of the hydrogen bomb bombing is the first time in history that it has actually been put into combat since the successful development of the hydrogen bomb.

Excitement is inevitable!

"Proceed as planned!" Compared to Mu Yuantu's excitement, Ji Xingchen was much calmer, glanced at the big screen, and said in an extremely powerful voice.

"Yes!" After receiving the order, Mu Yuantu saluted again.

"According to the predetermined plan, launch the hydrogen bomb!" Following Mu Yuantu's instructions, on the big screen, the first rocket flew into the sky with a warhead.

At the edge of the screen, the flight data of this hydrogen bomb is displayed, and a line of time is continuously decreasing, which means the countdown to the explosion of the hydrogen bomb.

3: 07!

Everyone in the military department stared at the big screen with extremely nervous eyes.

"Xiao Tianzhen, after I came out of the dream space, I couldn't get in anymore? What's going on? Could it be something wrong with your spell?" Ji Xingchen glanced at the remaining time, then turned his head and talked with Chen Tianzhen. Pull up the homework.

The dream space is the key to training warriors to practice the ten styles of fierce soldiers after the two discuss it!
If there is a problem with the dream space, the plan to train 360 million warriors to practice cannot be implemented.

This is a major event that affects the national strategy. Ji Xingchen seems to be making a homely question, but in fact he attaches great importance to it.

There are only three space cracks that have been discovered, and they can be bombed with hydrogen bombs!

But on the land of Longguo, there are more than 9 weird places that have been discovered, and it is impossible to bomb them all with hydrogen bombs!

Let alone whether there are so many hydrogen bombs, even if there are, after more than 9 bombings, the extremely intense radiation will definitely turn all the land in the Dragon Kingdom into a desperate situation where human beings cannot survive.

Therefore, we must rely on Chen Tianzhen's strength to eliminate the strange, and only by letting all 360 million soldiers learn and master the ten ways of fierce soldiers, and the plan to eliminate the strange, can we succeed immediately!

"Grandpa Ji, don't worry, there is nothing wrong with the dream space! When the dream space opens again, I will definitely surprise you!" Chen Tianzhen had a confident smile on his face.

"That way I can rest assured!" Ji Xingchen nodded.

Suddenly, a thought flashed in his mind, his eyes were as bright as stars, and he looked at Chen Tianzhen, "Xiao Chen Tianzhen, have you made any new progress in this supernatural power?"

Chen Tianzhen's dream space, he has entered it before, and Chen Tianzhen also introduced it in detail, which can surprise him, it must be a major change and a major breakthrough.

"Well, the long-distance communication problem will be solved after the dream space is reopened." Chen Tianzhen said with a smile on his face.

"Okay! That's great!" Even Ji Xingchen couldn't help but get excited at this moment.

The problem of long-distance communication seems to be a small problem, but after the power failure, this problem is a big problem!

Poor communication for a long time will inevitably lead to an extremely serious consequence, that is confusion and division!
Among the future pictures that Chen Tianzhen passed on to him, there is a picture of Changkong City establishing its own family.

Once there is chaos, the deaths and injuries caused by the chaos will be even more terrifying, even at least a hundred times more than those killed by Wei Wei.

To solve this problem, the core issue is unimpeded information and absolute superiority in force.

With these two conditions, no one dares to mess up!
Now, the problem of unobstructed information, Chen Tianzhen said, has been solved!But Chen Tianzhen didn't say clearly when the dream space will reopen.

"Little Chen Tianzhen, when can your dream space be reopened?" After thinking about the key, Ji Xingchen spoke directly, looking at Chen Tianzhen with burning eyes.

"Grandpa Ji, at eight o'clock tomorrow morning, the dream space will be reopened." Through skill deduction, the dream kingdom opened up again is naturally different from the one that Chen Tianzhen opened up at will.

The basic runes of the seven evil spirits in the deduction space, the talent on paper in the space in the stomach, and the third-level skills obtained after the occupation is promoted to the third level. After skill deduction, many of them are organically integrated into the dream kingdom system this time.

In addition, there is one more important issue that needs to be dealt with before the Kingdom of Dreamland is opened!
Chen Tianzhen will never do it rashly if he doesn't clean up the beginning and end, so as not to become someone else's wedding dress.

At this moment, the announcer's voice resounded throughout the command center.

"The hydrogen bomb is about to reach its intended target."

(End of this chapter)

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