I can work indefinitely

Chapter 137 The testimonials on the shelves, please subscribe

Chapter 137 The testimonials on the shelves, please subscribe
Coming soon!Open VIP at 12 noon today!The author's character is particularly strong, and he never delays updates, so please rest assured to subscribe!
First of all, I have to thank Tian Qi, the editor-in-charge, for her (his) continuous support and cultivation, and the book "I Can Unlimited Jobs" can reach this point.

Secondly, I must thank my wife for her strong support. I published the book on December 12th, which is her birthday. Since she married me, she has not had a good life. I was joking with her at the time, and I wrote Books make money, buy you things you like but are reluctant to buy, and then there is this book.

Finally, I must thank the readers!For the author, the most important and fundamental thing is you. Every click, every ticket, every comment, and every tip is the strength for the continuation of this book.

I read the author's background every day. I found that many readers insisted on voting for this book every day, and many readers spent money to reward this book. Niudou here solemnly thank you!Thank you for your support, thousands of words can not express my gratitude!

You come with me, I hope you can continue to accompany me, Niudou will not let you down!

This is the first year you know me, and I hope ten years from now, we'll still be bragging and spanking friends.


Say one thousand, say ten thousand!
Whether a book can survive depends on the grades and paid subscriptions. If the grades are good, the bullfight will naturally be full of motivation and write like crazy!
Therefore, Niudou has to say, book friends, please subscribe!Kneel for support!

Finally, let's talk about the update issue.

On the first day of release, five chapters and [-] words were added!

Usually, [-] words are updated every day...

Counting from 0, one chapter will be added for every one hundred subscriptions.

For every 1000 weekly recommendations, a new chapter will be added.

For every 1000 additional monthly tickets, two chapters will be added.

Every time you get [-] points as a reward, a new chapter will be added.


Finally, broadcast the book friend group: 932382558, if you like this book, join in to chat and fart.

(End of this chapter)

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