I can work indefinitely

Chapter 138 The Means of Display, Creation of the Void

Chapter 138 The Means of Display, Creation of the Void (First Order)

Not far from the alloy factory of Modu Permanent Alloy Group, there is a big rocky mountain with lush trees covering an area of ​​more than [-] mu.

At the foot of the mountain is a small platform with an area of ​​about five acres.

Except for a thin layer of soil on the surface, most of this mountain is made of hard granite. It is steep and steep, and it is extremely difficult to develop, so it has not been developed.

At this moment, Chen Tianzhen brought Ji Xingchen and his party to the platform at the foot of the mountain.

Xiao Yao, Xu Kaicheng, Luo Bin, and Xu Xiaojin waited here early according to Chen Tianzhen's arrangement. Not far from them, there are still a lot of materials such as steel, coal, and clean water. Even superheavy alloys have prepared a lot .

"Master Chen, what are you bringing us here to see?" Mu Yuantu looked around. Apart from the steep rocky mountain, there was only the steel material that had just been dumped on the platform. As for the new things Chen Tianzhen said, there was nothing He didn't see it, his eyes were full of doubts.

Chen Tianzhen had a smile on his face, "Mu Shangshu, don't worry!"

While speaking, he took the lead and strode to the edge of a steep cliff not far away, looking at Xu Kaicheng, "Uncle, have all the people on the mountain been cleared?"

"It's all cleared!" Xu Kaicheng replied affirmatively, looking at Chen Tianzhen with extreme reverence in his eyes!

No.1 in the Dragon Kingdom, Minister of the Ministry of War and six servants, please come here, Chen Tianzhen's energy once again refreshed Xu Kaicheng's cognition.

Facing Ji Xingchen, Xu Kaicheng was trembling when speaking, but Chen Tianzhen remained calm, talking and laughing with Ji Xingchen without any timidity.

This kind of state, Xu Kaicheng thought to himself, he would not be able to achieve it in ten lifetimes.

"Cheng Long Kuai son-in-law! Min'er really found a Cheng Long Kuai son-in-law for my Xu family!" Xu Kaicheng's face was very nervous, but his heart was full of joy.

"Grandpa Ji, I'll show you a magic trick!" Chen Tianzhen said as he slammed his hand on the cliff.

"Fixed phone model!" The builder's first-level skill was used by Chen Tianzhen, and an invisible energy gushed out from Chen Tianzhen's hand, sweeping across the mountain in an instant.

Chen Tianzhen's consciousness entered the construction space at the moment the skill was activated, and the phantom of the mountain was displayed in the construction space.

"Material absorption!" Select the same height as they are currently standing on the plane, and consume 100 mental power instantly.

Then, under everyone's noses, the entire mountain disappeared without a trace in an instant, as if there had never been a mountain here.

Dashan and some of the materials he ordered Xu Kaicheng to bring were sucked into the construction space.

"Model filling!" Chen Tianzhen had already fixed the architectural model of the metallurgical factory in the construction space. At this moment, he pointed at the architectural model, and the materials such as mountains, steel, and trees that he had just inhaled immediately became suitable materials to fill. go in.

In the construction space, there is a virtual shadow of a metallurgical factory covering an area of ​​more than 6000 mu. With the continuous filling of materials, it is quickly solidified and completed in a blink of an eye.

"Building Token!" Without the slightest hesitation, Chen Tian really thought, and he used the second-level skill of a builder. The metallurgical factory with an area of ​​more than 6000 acres shrank rapidly, and instantly turned into a white building token the size of a palm. .

On the front of the token, there is a flying "Jian" character, and on the reverse side of the token is the epitome of a miniature metallurgical factory.

"This skill is really easy to use!" Even with modern construction machinery, it is absolutely impossible to build such a large factory building within a year or two.

You can use the skills of the builder, as long as the previous design is done, a huge building complex can be built in a second!

Moreover, after the metallurgical factory is turned into a building token by the power of skills, anyone can take it with a drop of blood and activate it at a suitable location to conjure a fully functional factory out of thin air.

The simplest use of this skill at this stage is to create a large number of battle fortresses!
Turn a large number of battle fortresses into building tokens, and the soldiers will bring them around the cracks in the space, form a circle and stimulate them, and a closed city wall can be built in an instant.

In addition, after breaking through the third level of occupation, the constructor has a third level skill, building strengthening!

The effect of this skill is so strong that it breaks through the sky!
Simply put, unlimited enhancements can be made to the buildings produced by the construction space.

That's right, it's unlimited strengthening. As long as there are suitable materials and powerful formations, theoretically, even an ordinary thatched cottage can be strengthened to be comparable to the Heavenly Palace.


Outside, after the mountains disappeared, the ground composed of blue-black stones was abnormally flat, forming a huge square with an area of ​​[-] mu.

The urban area that was originally blocked by the mountains is now revealed, with high-rise buildings clearly visible.

Everyone's eyes widened in disbelief!
After discovering that the mountain really disappeared, everyone looked at Chen Tianzhen with extremely shocked eyes!

magic?Go to hell!
This is obviously the method of the gods, and the magic is almost the same!

"This is the great magical power of moving mountains and filling seas in mythology! I didn't expect that Xiao Tianzhen could do it too!" Ji Xingchen's voice was extremely shocking, and at the same time full of endless yearning, fairy tricks, who wouldn't want it?

"Master Chen, I guess it's a god coming to the world!" Except for Wu Zhengchu, the other five servants present had only watched the strange video of Chen Tianzhen's purification. Where had they seen such a big scene before, and they were extremely shocked. In Chen Tianzhen's eyes, there was already a look of awe.

"I'll go!" Xu Xiaojin was horrified, took a step back, and sat down on the ground. This kind of method was directly beyond Xu Xiaojin's cognition.

"Xiao Tianzhen, your supernatural powers are indeed powerful, but will it help you in the future?" Ji Xingchen calmed down first, and frowned after thinking for a moment.

Even if all the mountains on the land of Longguo are removed, so what, will it help the future?

Can it fight against Tianshengmen?

"Grandpa Ji, don't worry!" With a smile on his face, Chen Tianzhen shook his hand, and the building token appeared in his hand.

"What is this?" Ji Xingchen looked at Chen Tianzhen suspiciously.

"This is a building token! It's hard to explain the specific effect in words. You'll know it after you see its effect." After Chen Tianzhen finished speaking, he inserted the building token in his hand into the ground, like inserting tofu, Inserted into solid granite.

As long as you hold the construction token in your hand, the usage of the construction token will naturally appear in your mind, which is somewhat similar to playing construction strategies. When you look at the ground, you can see the phantom of the metallurgical factory. Adjust the position to determine the actual deployment location.

"Stand back, everyone! Pay attention, what happens later may be a little scary."

"Activate!" Coming to Ji Xingchen's side, Chen Tianzhen smiled and directly activated the power of the building token.

Like a creation in the void, a huge factory covering an area of ​​[-] acres, created out of nothing, appeared in front of everyone in an instant, and the distance between them and them was only three meters away.

In such a sudden scene, except for Ji Xingchen, who Chen Tianzhen reached out to support in advance, everyone else was so frightened that their bodies went limp, and they fell to the ground involuntarily.

"My God!" Everyone's faces were so frightened by this scene that there was no trace of blood, and everyone's eyes were full of extreme fear.

No matter who it is, if a huge building suddenly appears out of thin air in front of them, they will be frightened to the bone. Even if Chen Tianzhen reminded him in advance that he had been vaccinated, it would not be of any use!
Because this has surpassed everyone's cognition, no one can imagine that this scene will happen!
"Grandpa Ji, I have a supernatural power called construction space. In the construction space, architectural drawings can be solidified into architectural models, and materials can be filled into the architectural models to complete the construction of any building in an instant."

"After the building is successful, the building will be turned into a token. After the blood is recognized as the owner, the building token can be activated to restore the building in reality."

"The architectural model can be used unlimited times! As long as there are enough materials, the same building can be built countless times in an instant!"

"The most important point is that I can teach others to use this supernatural power!" Chen Tianzhen explained unhurriedly. As a teacher, after the third level, you can acquire new skills and accept apprentices!

This skill can only be described in two words, terrifying!
Apprentice lv1: After activating the skill, you can designate a specific intelligent creature to be your disciple. The disciple can inherit one of your professions. You can share any number of skills of this profession with the disciple. When your disciple uses the shared skill, the effect is only It can reach [-]%, the experience gained from using the skills belongs to you, and the strength increase obtained by the disciple through skill training, you can get [-]% of the disciple's increased strength!

Note: Your disciple, life and death depend on your thoughts!

Following Chen Tianzhen's explanation, Ji Xingchen's eyes became brighter and brighter!

Especially when Chen Tianzhen said in the last sentence that he could teach others how to use it, Ji Xingchen's eyes became extremely hot!
Ji Xingchen turned his head suddenly, his eyes were extremely hot, he stared at Chen Tianzhen firmly, even his breathing became short of breath, "Xiao Tianzhen, are you serious?"

He thought more than Chen Tianzhen. Countless thoughts flashed through his mind in an instant, Battle Fortress, Great Wall of Steel, Sanctuary for All, Alien Mineral Refining Factory, High Altitude Farm...

As long as he has the magical power of building space, he can realize all kinds of ideas in the dark and bloody era in an instant.

The others came back to their senses, and when they heard Chen Tianzhen's words, they all fixed their eyes on Chen Tianzhen, and there was no other emotion in their eyes except shock.

(End of this chapter)

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