I can work indefinitely

Chapter 139 Hand Rubbing Chariot, Horror Performance

Chapter 139 Hand Rubbing Chariot, Horror Performance (Subscribe)

Facing Ji Xingchen's eager inquiry, Chen Tianzhen nodded affirmatively, "Grandpa Ji, it's true!"

When Chen Tianzhen saw the introduction of skill apprentices, he had already made up his mind that he must spread the non-core professions and skills. Of course, it is absolutely impossible for Chen Tianzhen to pass on the core professions and skills, such as the dream master profession. of.

After using apprenticeship skills and inheriting occupations and skills, not only can human potential be increased, but also a lot of experience points can be continuously harvested, killing two birds with one stone, why not do it.

"Grandpa Ji, this is not urgent. I have another method that I want to show you! This method can also be passed on!" Under Ji Xingchen's fiery eyes, Chen Tian really took it easy He opened his mouth, he had already demonstrated the power of the constructor profession, and what he was going to demonstrate next was the power of the foundry.

Hearing that Chen Tianzhen had another method, which could be inherited, Ji Xingchen became even more excited.

The others were also very excited, but at the same time they were excited, their eyes were vigilant, and their hearts were extremely nervous.

To be honest, they were frightened by Chen Tianzhen's method just now!They were afraid that Chen Tianzhen would make another surprise attack. After all, they were all famous people. If they fell again, they felt that they couldn't afford to lose this person.

"Grandpa Ji, after the power fails, we face the biggest difficulties. One is the problem of long-distance communication, and the other is the problem of travel tools." They will lose their effectiveness at the same time, even if they are de-electrified, they will lose their effectiveness because there is no suitable fuel.

After all, in the process of oil extraction and processing, electricity is an inaccessible factor.

Without points, fuels such as gasoline, diesel, and aviation kerosene will become a thing of the past!
There is only one kind of power machinery that can still run stably under such circumstances, and that is the ancient steam engine!
"So, I designed some interesting things!" Chen Tianzhen smiled as he strode towards the place where the steel materials on the platform were piled up.

"Equipment casting!" The design of the new chariot had long been finalized in Chen Tianzhen's mind. He stood in front of the steel, pointed at the material with his hand, and immediately activated the skill.

A phantom of a chariot with a wild shape, a dump bucket on the back, and a hideous-looking chariot appeared in front of Chen Tianzhen.

The steel materials on the ground flew up by themselves, and directly turned into individual parts in mid-air. Thousands of parts were assembled in mid-air in an orderly manner, and fell on the phantom of the chariot.

Just like the picture in a sci-fi movie, amidst a crackling sound, the hideous chariot with a bright silver color, a length of more than ten meters, and a height of four meters, appeared in front of everyone with extreme arrogance.

After experiencing the shock of building a giant factory out of thin air, everyone's psychological endurance has been significantly improved.

Although the eyes were full of extreme shock, no one had the gaffe scene just now.

"Creating a chariot in an instant is even more sci-fi than a sci-fi movie!" Mu Yuantu admired Chen Tianzhen from the bottom of his heart.

"This chariot is powered by a steam engine! It uses any combustible material as its raw material! Even a few branches picked up by the roadside can drive it and run for several kilometers." Chen Tianzhen patted the chariot Silver hood.

After this sentence was said, everyone's eyes lit up, and a few branches could run for several kilometers. If other people said this, no one at the scene would believe it, but this was said by Chen Tianzhen, they No one doubts!
"The maximum horsepower of the steam engine is 350 horsepower, and the maximum speed limit is [-] kilometers per hour!" Chen Tianzhen continued to introduce, this chariot can be driven by ordinary people, but if you want to exert its extreme performance, you have no skills People can't control it at all.

Everyone's eyes stared straight away. The people in the Ministry of War are experts in this field. What is the concept of [-] horsepower? It is three times higher than the horsepower of the tanks in active service!
The limit value of the maximum speed has broken through the sky, 350 kilometers!What kind of chariot is this? It almost catches up with the plane!

"Such a small steam engine can reach this speed? Impossible!" Immediately afterwards, they discovered that the data was very wrong, and suspicion appeared in everyone's eyes, because the value that Chen Tianzhen said was higher than the value that appeared directly in the metallurgical factory. In front of them, it is even more mysterious.

Even if it can reach a speed of 350 kilometers, who dares to drive so fast, if the speed is less than 500 meters, the car will crash and people will die!

"This chariot can be used on land and amphibious! Its protection is extremely high. Even the most fragile tires are mixed with super-heavy alloys, which can withstand the saturated bombardment of rockets!" Chen Tianzhen can naturally see the suspicion of everyone in the Ministry of War. I took it for granted, and continued to introduce it.

The ability to have such a strong performance is naturally due to the ancient skills. After the equipment casting is upgraded to the MAX level, the performance of the cast equipment will be increased by ten times, and the consumption is only one-tenth of the design. It is precisely because of the blessing of this skill that this chariot It has such powerful performance.

While talking, Chen Tianzhen poured a bucket of clean water into the steam boiler, poured about [-] kilograms of ordinary coal into the fuel storage room of the boiler, turned around and came to the driving seat, and stepped on the Start the pedal!
Under the linkage action of the mechanical device, the coal in the fuel storage room is instantly crushed, and then falls into the combustion chamber of the steam boiler, where the steel friction in the combustion chamber produces a trace of sparks.

"Boom!" A roar like an explosion came out!
Under the activation of the steam, all parts of the chariot began to operate in an orderly manner.

"One hundred kilograms of coal fuel, according to the design, should be able to support the chariot to travel [-] kilometers!" Chen Tianzhen once again said a figure that made everyone feel unbelievable!
"This is absolutely impossible. Even if there is no loss of energy in the process of energy conversion and transfer, the energy after burning a hundred kilograms of coal cannot support the chariot to run such a long distance. Even if the energy of coal can be [-]% converted, I guess I can only run about [-] kilometers!" Wu Zhengchu muttered in his heart, he is a professional in this area, and it is impossible to make mistakes.

But Chen Tianzhen said these words, so he was a little uncertain!

Because in Chen Tianzhen's place, the word "impossible" never existed!Therefore, even if he was very suspicious of the authenticity of the value, he didn't say a word.

"After the chariot starts, it takes one minute to heat up the boiler!" Chen Tianzhen patted the steering wheel, glanced at the rapidly rising pressure gauge on the dashboard, and smiled.

"Mu Shangshu, do you want to come and experience the speed of the chariot with me?" Chen Tianzhen sent out the invitation directly with an excited smile on his face.

"Okay!" Mu Yuantu agreed without thinking. Since Chen Tianzhen showed this chariot, there is a great possibility that the Ministry of War will equip the soldiers with this type of chariot.

If you experience it in advance, you can get the most realistic somatosensory data, which is what Mu Yuantu can't wait for.

In fact, when he listened to Chen Tianzhen's introduction, he also felt that the data of Chen Tianzhen's chariot was not right, the relevant value was too high, a bit outrageously high.

His thoughts are the same as Wu Zhengchu's, talk less and read more, and never say a word without actual experiments.

After all, this chariot was designed by Chen Tianzhen, and the value was introduced by Chen Tianzhen. In Chen Tianzhen's place, anything beyond common sense can appear.

Get on the chariot, do a real experiment, and you will have a conclusion immediately about the specific performance.

Mu Yuantu opened the car door, and when he was about to get in the car, he thought for a while, then he turned to the six servants and said, "You guys, let's experience it together!"

Although it is an experimental tank, Mu Yuantu is not worried about accidents at all. With Chen Tianzhen's strength, he can save them no matter what happens.

"This kid, he definitely saw that Mu Yuantu and the others didn't believe him, so he asked them to go up together." Ji Xingchen shook his head with a smile on his face.

Although he doesn't understand the chariot's data, he sees one thing very clearly. Chen Tianzhen doesn't need to lie in front of him. He said that one must be one, and that the chariot can drive up to 350 kilometers per hour, and he can definitely do it.

Just like in the command center of the Ministry of War, it was said that the hydrogen bomb could not be effective against space cracks, and the final result was just as Chen Tianzhen said.

When Chen Tianzhen introduced the performance of the chariot, everyone in the military department didn't say a word, but Ji Xingchen could see the suspicion in their hearts, let alone Chen Tianzhen!
"Mu Shangshu and the others have offended this small-minded person, this time it will probably be miserable!"

(End of this chapter)

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