I can work indefinitely

Chapter 140 Master Chen, Help

Chapter 140 Master Chen, Help (Subscribe)

Several people sat down in the car, Mu Yuantu habitually wanted to buckle up the seat belt, looked left and right, but found no trace of the seat belt.

"Mu Shangshu, this is a chariot, why do I need a seat belt!" Chen Tianzhen pressed a button on the dashboard while speaking.

Mu Yuantu's face changed suddenly. At this moment, he suddenly remembered what Chen Tianzhen said, the top speed of the chariot could reach 350 kilometers per hour!
Suddenly, a chill came directly from the tailbone, and Mu Yuantu said loudly, "Master Chen, I have an emergency to report, please let me go down first."

At this moment, amidst the sharp siren sound, the steel roof was divided into three parts and stood upright!Suddenly, three huge skylights formed on the roof.

At the same time, except for Chen Tianzhen, everyone's seats began to rise. When the seats reached the limit position, the front, middle and rear rows were arranged in a stepped manner, and the seats in the first row were [-]% lower than the roof. cm, the second row of seats is more flush with the roof, and the third row of seats exceeds the roof by [-] cm.

In front of each row of seats, there is a stainless steel platform that can be used to place weapons and ammunition.

In front of the platform, the upright stainless steel plate blocks everyone's body behind. A shooting port is located in the center of the steel plate. The design is very reasonable, it will not affect the defense, but also has the attack window, and will not affect the rear row. The attack, shooting vision is also very good.

"Mu Shangshu, why didn't you say it earlier, it's too late now!" Chen Tianzhen stepped on it suddenly, the extremely sharp siren sounded, the steam engine roared, and the chariot rushed forward.

Under the action of inertia, Mu Yuantu's body was pressed back hard on the seat, the extremely strong force almost made his bones shatter on the spot.

In just one second, the speed of the chariot reached one hundred kilometers per hour!

An explosion-like roar came from the steam engine, and the speed of the chariot increased again, like an arrow flying from the string, the speed directly reached [-] kilometers per hour!
Like a wild horse running wild, the chariot turned a corner and rushed directly into the newly built metallurgical factory area.

Because the speed was too fast, the centrifugal force generated by the turning was too huge, and because Mu Yuantu and the others were on the roof of the car, the extremely strong centrifugal force directly lifted them from their seats, suspended them in the air, and flew out of the car.

The height of the chariot is four meters, which is higher than a floor. In addition to the speed of the chariot at the moment, it has reached [-] kilometers per hour. If you really fall, even if you don't die, you will definitely be injured. up!

"Ah..." There was a terrified scream, and everyone's face turned pale instantly, with extreme horror in their eyes, and they danced, trying to find a place to grab.

"Master Chen, help!" Mu Yuantu yelled, with an unconcealable fear in his voice, his calf was pushed back, and he clung to the seat tightly, but was pulled away from the seat bit by bit by the strong centrifugal force When he got up, half of his upper body was already floating in the air.

"Don't worry! It will be ready soon!" Chen Tianzhen tapped on the center console casually, and a button was pressed.

In an instant, two things similar to pliers popped up from the left and right sides of the seats of Mu Yuantu and the others. The two pliers approached the center from both sides of the seat, and then stuck, tying everyone's waist like a seat belt. Up, under mechanical control, the seat belt retracted, pulling several people down from mid-air, and firmly fixed them on the seats.

At this moment, except for Chen Tianzhen, everyone in the car was gasping for breath, their faces were extremely pale, and their eyes were filled with fear.

Chen Tianzhen slammed his foot down again, the chariot let out a roar, and directly reached the highest speed, 350 kilometers per hour!

Everything around was receding rapidly, and the whole picture could not be seen clearly at all. The distant scenery was approaching rapidly, and the extremely strong airflow made it difficult for the seven people on the roof to breathe.

Everyone grabbed the seat belts tightly with both hands, with terrified expressions on their faces.

One minute later, the chariot returned to the platform again and stopped firmly.

Mu Yuantu and the others, with pale faces and extreme horror in their eyes, walked down from the chariot tremblingly all over the body. Everyone looked at the chariot as if they saw a bloodthirsty beast. With unmistakable fear.

"Xiao Tianzhen, you! You are so naughty!" Ji Xingchen shook his head with a smile when he saw this scene.

"Grandpa Ji, in fact, this chariot is not just fast! Its attack power is also impressive!" Sitting in the cab, Chen Tianzhen stretched out his hand to press the red button on the center console.

In front of the chariot, like the leaves of a fan, two blades made of super-heavy alloys stick out with a cold light. The center of the blades is connected to the connecting rod protruding from the bottom of the vehicle. One of the connecting rods provides power for the rotation of the blades. bearings.

call out!
Under Chen Tianzhen's operation, the two protruding blades spun quickly!
"Hiss..." All the people present looked at this scene with horrified faces, and they all gasped. The two rotating blades crossed up and down, covering the front five meters of the chariot.

The extremely fast spinning blade made everyone feel chills, and their hair stood on their heads!

What kind of chariot is this? It's a battlefield meat grinder!

Anyone who is touched will instantly become a meat paste!
The Minister of the Ministry of War, there were two other pukes on the side of the chariot. After seeing this scene, they were scared out of their wits and jumped up like a rabbit, with extreme fear on their faces. Run in the direction of Ji Xingchen.

"I'll show you the power of the rotating blade!" Chen Tianzhen started the chariot and drove towards a big tree not far away.

As the chariot rushed forward, the big tree was instantly shattered and turned into a pile of wood residue!The chariot did not stop, slowed down and drove forward, and the wood residue was directly sucked into the fuel storage room by the suction cup at the bottom of the car!The function of the rotating blade is not only a battlefield meat grinder, but also a chariot fuel maker.

"Grandpa Ji, what do you think of the chariot I designed?" After driving the chariot back, Chen Tianzhen stepped out of the driver's cab with a confident smile on his face.

"A murderous weapon in the world! If it were used in ancient times, a chariot could gallop across the world! No one can beat it!" Ji Xingchen was full of admiration, and his admiration for Chen Tianzhen's ability could not be further enhanced.

Without magical powers, even the design of modern weapons surpasses the level of the entire world!

Ji Xingchen had never heard of any company that produced such powerful chariots.

"Unfortunately, our enemies are not human at all. Although this chariot is powerful, it can only be used for transportation." Ji Xingchen had regret in his eyes. Ordinary weapons could not harm Weird. The chariot designed by Chen Tianzhen , and can only be used as a troop carrier.

"Grandpa Ji, you really made a mistake this time!"

"After getting started with the ten styles of fierce soldiers, condense a fierce soldier rune. With the blessing of the fierce soldier rune, ordinary weapons can also kill strange stars."

"As long as there are warriors who have cultivated the tenth form of the fierce soldier, the fierce soldier rune can be blessed on the rotating blade through the interface left in the cab, and the chariot can kill Weird." When designing the chariot, Chen Tianzhen had already Take this issue into consideration.

"Okay, that's great!" Ji Xingchen's eyes were full of shocking brilliance, and his face showed a look of great joy. Chen Tianzhen said that he would take him to see the good things, but he really didn't lie to him.

The architectural supernatural powers and manufacturing supernatural powers that can be inherited, plus this well-designed chariot, each of them is the light of hope for mankind!
After hearing Chen Tianzhen's words, Mu Yuantu and the others were extremely excited, "It's amazing, Master Chen is really amazing!"

"Xiao Tianzhen, the chariot is indeed very powerful, but the most powerful one is you!"

"Before, we asked you to watch the nuclear explosion. To put it bluntly, we wanted you to see it in person. You can't destroy the crack in my space. We have the ability to destroy it. We intended to make face in front of you, but our heart is impure!" At this time, Ji Xingchen said apologetically, "At the time, I thought you were lying to me."

"Unfortunately, it turns out that you are right! We were wrong!"

"You don't care about the past, not only didn't blame us, but prepared these things for us, little naive, I, Ji Xingchen, feel ashamed!" Ji Xingchen figured out the way to get along with Chen Tianzhen. Change your heart.

Following Ji Xingchen's words, everyone in the military department felt ashamed!Especially Mu Yuantu, I feel ashamed!Blushing!

"Grandpa Ji, it doesn't have to be like this!" Chen Tianzhen waved his hand with a bright smile on his face.

"Okay, let's not talk about this. We are talking about inheritance. Tell me, the magical power of building a house in an instant, and the magical power of rubbing a chariot with your hands. How to get the inheritance? What conditions are needed?" Whether it is a metallurgical factory The chariot is not the core of this time, the metallurgical factory and the chariot are just means for Chen Tianzhen to show off his supernatural powers.

The good things Chen Tianzhen said obviously refer to the two supernatural powers that can be passed on.

(End of this chapter)

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