I can work indefinitely

Chapter 141 Sun Juncai, Li Tianci

Chapter 141 Sun Juncai, Li Tianci

What Ji Xingchen asked was related to the inheritance of supernatural powers. Everyone pricked up their ears and listened carefully, for fear that they might miss a word due to negligence.

Chen Tianzhen built a metallurgical factory in an instant, and pointed at the method of appearing a hideous chariot out of thin air. To everyone present, that was a miracle!

They are all powerful means that they can't even dream of.

No matter Mu Yuantu or other servants, they all want to obtain this miraculous ability!
Once Chen Tianzhen has obtained these abilities, he will be different immediately, at least he will become half a fairy, and he will definitely be promoted and reused, and his position will be extremely stable.

"It's very simple to obtain my supernatural power inheritance!" Chen Tianzhen had already thought about how to deal with it, and he talked eloquently. Obtaining his abilities is really simple, as long as he uses the apprenticeship skills to the other party, transfers the occupation and skills After assigning it, the other party will naturally use his skills, just like instinctive talent and supernatural powers, there is no need for learning process at all.

"There is only one condition! That is the Ten Forms of Fierce Soldiers. You must get started and condense magical runes!" In fact, even ordinary people, Chen Tianzhen can accept apprentices and inherit occupations and skills.

But using professional skills will consume energy!

The spirit of ordinary people only has 1 point!
If the skills are passed on to ordinary people, they can only use the first-level skills, and after using them once, the sequelae of mental exhaustion will be more uncomfortable than death.

It will take another day to recover!

He passed on his skills, one is to increase the background of human beings, fight against weirdness, and prepare for the coming of the Heavenly Sacred Gate, and the other is to let the apprentices use the skills and let him collect experience points.

For building a metallurgical factory, Chen Tianzhen gained more than 3000 experience points, and for casting a chariot, Chen Tianzhen gained more than 5000 experience points.

If there are enough apprentices and the apprentices are diligent enough, his experience value can increase rapidly.

Therefore, passing on occupations and skills to ordinary people will not achieve his goal at all. Only people who have started to practice have enough energy to use skills!
"Is that so?" Ji Xingchen frowned suddenly. Now in the entire military department, only Lielong and Yuan Shouming have mastered the ten forms of fierce soldiers. If they are screened according to the conditions provided by Chen Tianzhen, only Lielong and Yuan Shouming The fate meets the conditions proposed by Chen Tianzhen.

"Grandpa Ji, in fact, you don't have to worry about this matter. I will give you ten places, build five, and cast five. When you find a suitable candidate, just come to me!" Chen Tianzhen can naturally see Ji Xingchen's attitude. Confused, he opened his mouth with a smile on his face.

Ten quotas are naturally far from enough to complete his plan to collect experience points, but there can't be too many free things!Chen Tianzhen naturally understands the principle of enmity and enmity.

If you want more quotas, yes, you can exchange them with what Chen Tianzhen needs!

"How about this, I will use two quotas first, the inheritance of hunting dragons to build supernatural powers, and Yuan Shouming's inheritance of casting supernatural powers, I will let them come to you, and the other eight quotas, after I find suitable people, I will notify you." Ji Ji Xingchen pondered for a while before speaking solemnly.

The longer the time, the more variables there are, and if you can use a quota, it is a quota!
Mu Yuantu and the others looked at Ji Xingchen eagerly. They were extremely expecting that Ji Xingchen would assign the quota to them, but after Ji Xingchen said this, he never mentioned the quota allocation.

"Grandpa Ji, Yuan Shouming and Hunting Dragon, I was going to pass on some of their skills, this time I won't take up the quota! Ten places, when you find a suitable candidate, just let me know." Chen Tianzhen nodded ,solemn commitment.

Yuan Shouming has the talent of backtracking, and he inherited his vision map of the universe and stars in Changkong City. Even if he was his apprentice, Lieutenant Dragon and him are more acquaintances. Even if Ji Xingchen didn't mention it, Chen Tianzhen was going to use his skills on them Accept apprentices and pass on some of their skills.

It is impossible for Ji Xingchen not to know the relationship between the two of them and Chen Tianzhen, but directly let the two of them accept the inheritance, whether it is intentional or unintentional, it can show that he is a person who does great things.

"Okay! Thank you very much!" Ji Xingchen had a satisfied smile on his face.

"Xiao Tianzhen, I have been busy recently. The strategy you proposed is being implemented. There are a lot of things that need to be communicated and coordinated. I will go back to work first!" He raised his hand and glanced at the time, with a trace of fatigue on his face. , food, without him coming forward to communicate, it would be impossible to implement it.

"Grandpa Ji, go get busy first! I'm here, and I still have some things to deal with! I won't go back with you." Chen Tianzhen nodded and sent Ji Xingchen to the car.

At this time, Mu Yuantu rubbed his hands, and came to Chen Tianzhen with a smile on his face, "Master Chen, it's dangerous to keep the chariot here, why don't I drive it back and put it in the military department for safety."

While talking, Mu Yuantu kept looking at the silver chariot, his eyes full of longing.

Now that the quota was gone and Ji Xingchen didn't mention the chariot, Mu Yuantu's thoughts naturally turned to the chariot.

"Okay, I'll see you off!" Chen Tianzhen smiled all over his face. If he wanted to, as long as he had the materials, he could easily create a chariot with the activation of the skills, so he didn't care.

"Master Chen, thank you! Excuse me, but how should I drive this chariot?" Mu Yuantu smiled all over his face. He was sitting in the co-pilot seat. As soon as he sat down, Chen Tianzhen adjusted the seat and raised it to the roof. Chen Tianzhen How to operate the chariot, he has no idea.

This chariot is simply a murder weapon in the world, and the rotating blade is extremely fierce. If an accident occurs due to careless operation, Mu Yuantu will not be able to explain it, so he can only ask cheekily.

Chen Tianzhen taught a skill directly, and passed on the chariot usage method, skills, and Chen Tianzhen's experience of driving the chariot to Mu Yuantu.

"Thank you, Master Chen!" Mu Yuantu thanked with excitement on his face. The chariot made by Chen Tianzhen is ferocious and domineering, its shape is arrogant, and its combat power is terrifying. It satisfies all the imaginations of men about chariots. He can easily control this human weapon, so he is naturally very excited.

But the excitement was the excitement, but he didn't dare to forget the business, approached Chen Tianzhen, and said in a low voice, "Master Chen, the Ministry of Finance is deploying private capital to purchase medicines, food, steel, coal, etc. in large quantities from all over the world." necessities of life."

"Tobe Tian Renkai's servant, after learning about the grievances between you, Sun Juncai and Li Tianci, I specially invited them to meet at night."

"The time is six o'clock this evening, and the location is room 888 of Kunyuan Hotel."

Mu Yuantu had already investigated the grievances between Chen Tianzhen, Sun Juncai, and Li Tianci, but there were always two internal voices, and it was impossible to reach a consensus.

One way of saying is to directly capture the two of them and give them to Chen Tianzhen for disposal!Another way of saying is that Chen Tianzhen is as strong as a god and devil, and Sun Juncai and Li Tianci are like ants. They will personally come to revenge Chen Tianzhen, and the Ministry of War will make Chen Tianzhen feel bad.

With Chen Tianzhen's strength, it's no joke to feel disgusted, the consequences are extremely terrifying!
Therefore, in the face of this problem, the Ministry of Military Affairs conducted many researches, and the think tanks analyzed Chen Tianzhen's character countless times in order to solve this problem perfectly.

Just now, in the car that came, the opinions on handling were officially unified!It is to create conditions for Chen Tianzhen, and nothing else will be done!
After obtaining Ji Xingchen's consent, Mu Yuantu said these words to Chen Tianzhen.

"Thank you!" A cold light flashed in Chen Tianzhen's eyes. When he was in Changkong City, Chen Tianzhen had already spared Sun Juncai's life, but when Sun Juncai returned to the capital, he immediately began to use small means to ban Xiao Yao's live account. , adjusted the data, cleared all the more than 5000 million live broadcast rewards that belonged to Chen Tianzhen.

As for Li Tianci, he had evil thoughts towards Xu Min and even hired a killer to assassinate him!
When he was in Changkong City, if Li Tianci hadn't happened to avoid it by chance and ran fast enough, Chen Tianzhen would have sent him to the west long ago.

"Master Chen, you're welcome!" Hearing Chen Tianzhen's thanks, Mu Yuantu's face glowed, he bid farewell to Chen Tianzhen, and rushed into the chariot with great excitement.

The chariot started successfully, and Mu Yuantu blushed because of his excitement. He shouted to the attendants, "You guys, drive the chariot back to the Ministry of War with me! By the way, experience the performance of the chariot!"

Wu Zhengchu and the others were about to get in the car. After hearing Mu Yuantu's words, everyone's faces turned pale, and panic appeared in their eyes!
Before, under Chen Tianzhen's driving, they also went to experience the performance on the chariot. On the spot, they were almost scared out of their wits.

Now, Mu Yuantu even invited them to ride in the chariot on the grounds of feeling the performance of the chariot!
"What are you dawdling for! Come up quickly, this is an order!" Seeing the people dawdling, Mu Yuantu yelled dissatisfiedly, and stepped on them like a beast. around.

Wu Zhengchu and the others, their faces were extremely ugly, and their bodies were weakening, but they had no choice but to tremble slightly and climb onto the chariot!
Just as they sat down, Mu Yuantu slapped the center console, and everyone buckled up their seat belts.

Immediately afterwards, the thing that terrified Wu Zhengchu and others happened again, because they discovered that their seats had started to rise again!

"Mu Shangshu, what are you doing? Put down the seat quickly!" Everyone shouted in horror, didn't they come to feel the performance of the chariot?
"It's better to be alone than to be happy together. Just now, Master Chen has taught me how to control this guy. Don't worry, there will be no danger! Everyone, sit tight! Feel it!" Mu Yuan Tu's voice was extremely excited, with a roar, he stepped on his foot suddenly, and the chariot rushed out amidst the huge roaring sound like an arrow flying off the string.

That speed is at least 180 kilometers per hour!

The others were already very nervous, but after hearing Mu Yuantu's words, cold sweat broke out, and they were so frightened that they were scared out of their wits!

Mu Yuantu is a complete novice without any experience!Is a novice driver who just hit the road!

The current height of the six people is four meters. If there is any mistake in Mu Yuantu's operation, at such a fast speed, there is basically no possibility for the six of them to survive!
"Ah... Mu Shangshu! Slow down!" The roar of the six people who were terrified to the extreme, gradually faded away with the roar of the steam engine.

(End of this chapter)

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